A gentleman is said to be righteous, and a villain is said to be benefited.

Fu Qingzhu first blamed him for his righteousness, but when he saw that it was not working, he immediately changed his perspective and said with a smile: "Although the law of heaven is reincarnation, who's turn and who's turn is not, everyone has to rely on his own ability!"

"At the end of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Jiao's Thirty-six Fangs all rose up, and their influence spread across the eight states of Qing, Xu, You, Ji, Jing, Yang, Yan, and Henan. However, Guangzong eventually died of illness."

"At the end of the Tang Dynasty, Huang Chao defeated Gao Pian of the Ming army, occupied the two capitals, established laws and regulations, and established the Puppet Qi, but in the end he died."

"It rises vigorously, and its demise is sudden. This is also the will of God, how can ordinary people understand it?"

"Although King Shun is powerful today, he cannot defeat the officers and soldiers externally, and cannot subdue the thieves internally. Sooner or later, Xiao Qiang will be in trouble. Isn't it like the likes of Zhang Jiao and Huang Chao?"

"Boy, you're talking nonsense, but you can't do it right!" Nan Qizhong laughed when he heard this, and couldn't help but taunted.

As soon as Nan Qizhong said these words, Fu Qingzhu finally confirmed his previous guess. It turned out that this "submissive thief" had really conquered the gentry under his rule.

How can this be?

In just a few short months, they even cleaned up the farmland. How could these people be so determined?

Fu Qingzhu had a bad expectation in his mind, but he said with a smile: "I never thought that the dignified Nan family would be willing to be the running dog of the 'thieves and bandits'!"

"How dare you insult me ​​like this? Could it be that you don't plan to leave Nanfu today!" Nan Juye couldn't help but became furious after hearing this, and stepped forward to threaten.

"If I can persuade you to change your mind and serve your Majesty, what's the harm if Fu is buried here?" Unexpectedly, Fu Qingzhu smiled slightly, showing no fear.

"Okay, what a young man!" Nan Qizhong couldn't help stroking his hands and laughing when he heard this, "But young man, you want to bury my Nan family, but I'm afraid there is no place for you in my Nan family cemetery."

Some words just need to be pointed out. We are all smart people and there is no need to speak so straightforwardly.

Fu Qingzhu's words were testing Nan's bottom line, and Nan Qizhong's answer was Nan's answer.

It seems like a joke, but in fact Nan Qizhong's words directly indicate the bottom line of cooperation between Nanshi and the rebels.

"This" Fu Qingzhu was stunned when he heard this, and then he also reacted.

Today, the Nan family still has two talents, Nan Juyi and Nan Juren, serving in the Ming Dynasty. The "Shun Thief" will not pursue this matter. Presumably, there must be some kind of cooperation agreement between the two.

This kind of agreement is the best choice Nan made after weighing the pros and cons.

If I insist on forcing the Nan family to choose between the two, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive in the end.

This is the so-called "what you can't get on the battlefield, you can't get at the negotiation table."

The Ming court has fought like shit these past few battles, so much so that now there is not much value for cooperation in the eyes of local wealthy families.

No, no, things can't go on like this!

Thinking of this, Fu Qingzhu couldn't help but sneered: "I don't know if there is a place for me in Nan's cemetery, but if there is a place for 'King Shun', I can't say for sure!"

"Oh? How do you say this?" Nan Qizhong was not angry when he heard this, and couldn't help asking with a smile.

The most important thing for the Nan family now is neutrality. As long as both sides do not go too far, when the world is stable, what is lost today will be made up for tomorrow, so Nan Qizhong is not panic at all.

"'Submissive thieves' are violent but without power, lewd and lustful." Fu Qingzhu said, "The people he employs are those who are close to the thieves and bandits, surrender to the generals and despise the nobles. The thieves chief Li Zicheng and others have been dissatisfied with him for a long time. .”

"Now we have led an army of 100,000 men to attack the fortified city of Taiyuan, unable to advance even an inch. Therefore, people are in panic and are thinking too much about their retreat."

"To tell you the truth, I was in Yulin a few days ago and hooked up with this person. The two parties agreed that we would turn against each other in ten days."

"The intruder general Li Zicheng has 50,000 elite soldiers under his command. They are all a great army that has fought a hundred battles. He sent his troops south to attack his lair."

"When the time comes, the 'Shun Thief' will not be able to match his head and tail, and his defeat will be known. Isn't the Nan family still planning to be buried with him?"

"Father?" Nan Juye couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, and turned to look at Nan Qizhong.

"Empty talk, waste of words!" Unexpectedly, Nan Qizhong shook his head and ordered: "See off the guests!"

"Da Si Nong?" Fu Qingzhu was shocked. He never expected that Nan Qizhong would react like this.

Da Sinong is another name for the Minister of Household Affairs. Nanqi Zhongzhishi had served as the Minister of Household Affairs in Nanjing before.

Fu Qingzhu called him this, but he was actually reminding Nan Qizhong of his status.

"Child, teach you to be good!" Unexpectedly, Nan Qizhong stood up and said with a faint smile, "Now that you have come, let's make peace with it. If you have time, it will be good for you to walk more and see more in Shaanxi!" "

"As for raising troops, there is no need to say more. Not to mention whether General Li will rebel or not, I am afraid that the city of Xi'an may not be so easy to win."

"'King Shun' has two sworn brothers under his command, who are like Guan and Zhang, the most loyal. His eldest brother Chen Changzhen is not as brave as Guan Sheng without his pride; his second brother Xiao Qinhu is not as brave as Huanhou without his violence. With these two people in So, what’s the point of this?”

"There are also two people, Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi, who are planning for it. One will take charge of Henan and the other will take charge of Shaanxi. They will govern the people, collect taxes, and transport food and wages for a long-term plan."

"Even if there is an occasional small setback, it is not enough to hurt the muscles and bones. Why do you need to waste words?"

"Ten thousand steps back, even if the world changes and the country is easy to change, my Nan family has a school field and a family tradition. It may not be possible to make a comeback in the future, so why should we be afraid?"

Fu Qingzhu was cold for a long time after hearing this, and then realized that he had made a mistake. He did not expect that the established Jinshi family had such a deep heritage.

It turns out that in the process of "cleaning up the farmland", the rebels deprived the Nan family of a lot of property.

However, Zhang Shun had always been kind. Considering the population, he still left enough farmland for the Nan family to make a living.

The second is that the Nan family’s land for sacrifice is still there. "Continuous human sacrifice" is an ancient political correctness, so even if it is "the crime of confiscating the family and exterminating the clan", sacrificing property cannot be "official".

The Nan family has a profound cultural background and has long-term considerations. It has long moved the clan school here. All expenses have been set as a rule and will be allocated from here.

Therefore, even if the family declines, it will not be unable to recover and lose its foundation. This is the way to survive for a scholarly family that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

In Zhang Shun's famous work "A Dream of Red Mansions" in his previous life, Qin Keqing once made similar suggestions to Wang Xifeng, but unfortunately Wang Xifeng did not listen, which led to the final defeat of the Jia family.

It's just that although Fu Dingchen came from a good background and came from a family of officials, after all, he didn't have enough background and didn't understand the key points, so he lost his mind.

bet? nonexistent!

For a Jinshi family like the Nan family, its strength mainly includes three parts: land and residence, clan education and fame.

As long as the family remains intact and the family tradition continues, even if the family suffers setbacks and loses its land, home, and fame, it will eventually recover.

Therefore, no matter how bright Fu Qingzhu's tongue was, Nan Qizhong remained unmoved at all.

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