Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1283 Death Time

It is said that Fu Qingzhu failed to lobby the Nan clan in Weinan, so he went to other places and lobbied everywhere, but all failed.

Unable to help but inadvertently inquire about the traces of "another group of people", the two sides joined forces and met at Gaoling.

"Uncle Wen, Zijian, Jushi!" Fu Qingzhu couldn't help shouting when he saw a group of old friends wearing various short and brown clothes.

"Qingzhu!" When everyone saw Fu Qingzhu, they couldn't help but responded excitedly.

This "Uncle Wen" is called Xue Zongzhou, "Zijian" is called Wang Rujin, and "Ju Shi" is called Bai Youcai. They are all disciples of Shanxi Tixue Yuan Jixian at Sanli Academy.

In addition to these three people, there were nearly a hundred people including Lu Chuandi, Wang Yugui, Zhou Peishen, Cao Liangzhi, Li Kai, Liu Mei, Hu Laigong, Fan Yi, Jing Guangguo, Han Zhuang, Cui Sida and others.

At the beginning, Fu Qingzhu and these people "divided their troops into two groups". The former concentrated on lobbying the "intruder" Li Zicheng, while the latter dispersed the rebel army to various prefectures and counties to lobby the heroes and gentry.

The four of them greeted each other for a while, and Xue Zongzhou was the first to speak: "I don't know why Qingzhu is here. Could it be that the 'intruder' has turned against him?"

"This matter. There is no conclusion yet on this matter, but based on my assessment, I should be 70-80% sure!" Fu Qingzhu hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but respond.

"Absolutely 70 or 80% sure?" Wang Rujin couldn't help but frown.

Fu Qingzhu knew that these two people were quite dissatisfied, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "At that time, I had already said that I was a 'robber', so he sent military advisor Gu Junen to persuade General Zuo Guangxian to surrender."

"Zuo Guang has been an enemy of the 'Shun thieves' several times before. He was tenacious and surrendered as a last resort. I think he is a loyal man who is 'in Cao's camp and his heart is in Han'."

"I never thought that this guy would be the loyal dog of the 'thief'. He killed Gu Junen on the spot and led an army to surround the 'thief' camp."

"At that time, the 'intruder' was unprepared and did not dare to direct his attack, so he acted in vain."

"I was worried that the matter would go unsolved, so I came forward and exposed my situation. At that time, another general Lu Thief was surrendered. He couldn't make a decision for a while, so he imprisoned me and prepared to make further arguments."

"The thief only thought that I was a weak scholar and was not prepared. That night, I secretly killed the guard and escaped at night."

"Confused, you are so confused!" Before Fu Qingzhu finished speaking, Xue Zongzhou became heartbroken.

"If you want to achieve great things, why should you regret your own death? If Xiang Ruo died on the Qingzhu Festival at that time, the thieves would be suspicious of him. Is there any room for maneuver?"

"Uh? I'd like to be taught a lesson!" Xue Zongzhou's remarks seemed to be strong words, but in fact they were considered an "evil move".

Fu Qingzhu thought about it carefully. In fact, if he actually committed suicide and died, maybe this would be the case.

"Actually, I don't blame you for this. This trick is also a method I just realized in the past few days!" However, Xue Zongzhou was not Kang Youwei, and he had no intention of "asking for the same heir."

Seeing that Fu Qingzhu looked ashamed, he couldn't help but explain: "Actually, no one has made much progress these days."

"The people we are talking about are either being ambiguous, or they want to turn us away to the 'thieves'. Occasionally, one or two loyal people will rise up and revolt, but they will also embarrass the big task."

"So, I thought that in this case, why don't I throw myself into a trap and 'expose' them all, so that my journey in this world will not be in vain!"

"Okay, this is a very good plan!" Fu Qingzhu couldn't help stroking his hands after hearing this.

"Since I am already living an ignoble existence in Yulin, why not let someone take the lead this time!"

"Qingzhu, what are you talking about?" Xue Zongzhou couldn't help but sneered when he heard this, "This matter was proposed by a certain person, so naturally it will be taken up by a certain force."

"If it were someone else's fake hand, how would I be able to see the ancient sages and sages?"

As soon as Xue Zongyi said his words, Fu Qingzhu, Wang Rujin and Bai Youcai could not help but stand in awe and rushed to die.

Unexpectedly, Xue Zong was annoyed by Zhou Zheng, and waved his big hand and said: "Now that the enemy is facing us, and the country is in danger of overthrowing, how can we ignore the small righteousness and forget the great righteousness?"

"From what I can see, Guanzhong is rich and prosperous, and the gentry and heroes are unwilling to die. In the land of Yansui alone, there has been severe drought for many years, and the people are in dire straits."

"First, the Tartars threatened the outside world, and then there were the likes of 'breaking in and offering up thieves' inside. The people's customs are fierce and fierce, and they value justice and despise death. If you don't go out and tell the story, and follow the example of 'breaking in and offering up thieves', the common people will be able to succeed." It’s a big deal!”

After hearing this, Fu Qingzhu felt more and more admired. He couldn't help but step forward and said: "Your talent is ten times better than mine. You should live to achieve great things."

"You are a dull boy. You cannot carve rotten wood. You will only live in this world and will not benefit the country. Now I am willing to die to achieve a great cause. I also ask Uncle Wen not to fight."

Hearing this, Xue Zongzhou looked Fu Qingzhu up and down, shook his head and said, "Sir, you entrust me with Guanzhong and Qingzhu with Yulin."

"Today, the matter in Yulin is almost possible, but the matter in Guanzhong has no clue. As a disciple of Mr. Xue, how can he return to Taiyuan?"

Xue Zongzhou's tongue was as bright as a flower, and he persuaded everyone with great difficulty.

Fu Qingzhu, Wang Rujin and Bai Youcai had no choice but to gather other students to drink Zhuangxing wine to see them off.

Xue Zongzhou said goodbye to everyone, crossed the Wei River, and rushed all the way to Xi'an City.

In fact, it is not that easy to be a "dead space", and the scale is the most difficult to grasp.

If you are caught, you will be beaten hard and reluctantly confess your "accomplice", which will naturally be satisfying.

However, if you encounter a fool and chop yourself into pieces with a knife and take it to collect the reward, you will naturally lose your wealth and life for no reason, and your death will be worthless.

Xue Zong Zhou thought about it and thought to himself: "This 'submissive thief' has so won the hearts of the gentry and heroes, and it is absolutely necessary for the cooperation of a traitor."

"Guanzhong Academy has a long-standing reputation and is the number one academy in Shaanxi. Without the help of the 'Guanzhong Master', the 'Successful Thief' would definitely not be so successful."

Thinking of this, Xue Zongzhou wrote a letter of greetings and took it to Guanxi Academy.

When Xue Zongzhou arrived at Guanxi Academy, Zhu Wanling was on the high platform, talking loudly, and the seats below were full of disciples and bustling.

Xue Zongzhou listened for a moment and suddenly burst into tears.

It didn't matter that he was crying. As expected, he interrupted Zhu Wanling's lecture.

Zhu Wanling was unhappy and couldn't help shouting: "Where did you come from, how dare you come here to run wild? Come and get rid of me to correct the trend!"

Immediately, three or five big men from Guanxi came to the front and wanted to drag Xue Zongzhou out.

Xue Zongzhou was not afraid of rejoicing and actually laughed loudly again.

"What's wrong with you? Could it be that you've gone crazy, why are you crying and laughing at the same time?" Zhu Wanling didn't say anything, but the others couldn't help but ask.

"What I'm crying about is: not only is the emperor in ruins, but also the people are in ruins." Xue Zongzhou couldn't help shouting, "What I'm laughing about is: there was an emperor of Zhou at that time, why are they talking about Wei Qi!"

"This guy is so brave!" Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and couldn't help but turn their heads to see Guanxi Master Zhu Wanling.

It turns out that the previous line by Xue Zongzhou comes from the Yuan Dynasty song "The Secret of a Boudoir", which describes the lyrics of the Jin Kingdom after they moved their capital to Kaifeng to avoid the Mongols.

The latter sentence is a famous sentence used by contemporary celebrity Feng Menglong to mock the ancient sages of Confucianism in "An Introduction to Ancient and Modern Tan".

These two sentences may seem unintentional, but they are actually very targeted.

It was Xue Zongzhou who specifically used it to ridicule Zhu Wanling, the Confucius of Guanxi, for sitting back and watching the "submissive thieves" rampant and ignoring them. Instead, he used the name of Confucius to bluff and deceive here.

When Zhu Wanling heard this, he couldn't help but cursed secretly. When he saw this guy crying and laughing, he thought it was not a good thing, so he kept silent, never thinking that someone who did something good would involve himself.

He couldn't help but laugh and said: "You are really a fool. Let me ask you, those who eat the king's salary should share the king's worries. Then those who eat the people's fat, who should share the worries?"

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