Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1284 The situation changes

The people are the most valuable, the country is the second most important, and the king is the most important. - Mencius.

Not to mention how Shanxi's disciples of Yuan Jixian argued with each other, Xue Zongzhou tried to debate scriptures with Zhu Wanling, the "Guanzhong Confucius", but unexpectedly, he was overtaken by Zhu Wanling's momentum.

Although Confucianism has two sages, Confucius and Mencius, it is not a conservative generation.

In the past, there were Gongyang School and Dong Zhongshu's theory of heaven-human induction, and later there were Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism and Yangming Xinxue.

This "Master of Guanxi" Zhu Wanling thought he was invincible and had no intention of debating scriptures with Xue Zongzhou.

In the end, Xue Zongzhou insisted on forcing him to speak, but when Zhu Wanling opened his mouth, he found that he seemed to be very "reasonable" and couldn't help but be overjoyed.


It turns out that although Zhu Wanling was also a great scholar from the "Guan School" in Shaanxi, he would eventually live in the shadow of his teacher Feng Congwu.

It was only after listening to Zhang Shun's "evil theory" that "the strategy to control sand is to consolidate the sand, and the strategy to govern the people is to consolidate the people", he vaguely understood that "the people are the most important, the country is the second, and the king is the most important." "light" argument.

Nowadays, the more he thinks about it, the better he gets, and the more he argues, the clearer he gets, and he vaguely intends to establish a sect. How can Zhu Wanling not be overjoyed?

Xue Zongzhou was not a fool. He had a few random words with this guy, and suddenly saw that this guy's eyes were like lightning and his words were eloquent. He couldn't suppress his excitement. How could he not know that he had some insights?

He couldn't help being shocked, and thought to himself: "People always say that Guan Xue is weak and Shaanxi has few writers. If this person is allowed to master it today and create a new 'crooked theory' and spread it to future generations, it will be a big disaster!"

Therefore, Xue Zongzhou couldn't help but shouted: "That thief, Wu, only defends the 'submissive thief', completely ignoring loyalty, filial piety and righteousness. In fact, death is not a pity. Now I will kill this thief for the world to warn future generations!"

After a moment, he broke away and rushed towards "Guanxi Master" Zhu Wanling.

Zhu Wanling was unprepared. He was immersed in the joy of establishing a sect and was almost approached by him.

After being pinned down by his left and right disciples, Zhu Wanling glanced at Xue Zongzhou with regret, and couldn't help but sigh: "What a thief, such a swindler, he actually ruined our orthodoxy, he deserves to be punished for his crime!"

Guanzhong's literary style was not as strong as martial arts. Many disciples did not understand what was going on, but after hearing the master's words, they would beat this person on the spot.

"That's it, that's it!" Unexpectedly, Zhu Wanling waved his hand to stop the disciples.

"This is God's will. We must not blame him. This person is a rebellious minister and a traitor. He should be handed over to Yousi for disposal!"

Now that King Shun was going on an expedition, Xi'an Mansion was extremely vigilant. Therefore, after Zhu Wanling reported to the army, more than ten soldiers came not long after and took Xue Zong Wuhuada away.

The "major treason case" was naturally no small matter, and not long after, Shanxi Inspector Wang Qiaonian personally interrogated this person.

The wind rustles and the water becomes cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone!

Xue Zongzhou chanted a sentence secretly, and then walked into the court with a sense of justice and death.

"Are you Xue Zongzhou?" A vigorous old man sitting in the hall shouted sternly.

"That's right, I am Xue Zongzhou. If you want to kill or behead me, please do as you please..." Xue Zongzhou responded loudly.

"He spoke rudely and was hostile to the rebels. He took a five-foot-long stick and was imprisoned for three months as a warning to others!" Wang Qiaonian didn't ask any questions and just wrote the sentence with a brush.

No, you won’t even try me. Are you worthy of the official hat on your head?

Xue Zongzhou was shocked. He never expected that Wang Qiaonian, the thief, would be the gourd monk who judged the gourd case and closed the case on the spot.

"Faint official, you stupid official, you didn't even try for your huge crime. You really got this official title in vain!" Xue Zongzhou couldn't help but became anxious and cursed quickly.

If it is for your own benefit, then naturally the lighter the crime, the better, and it is best to be acquitted.

But if it is for the sake of the world, if this matter just goes away, wouldn't my trip be in vain?

How pitiful is it that I memorized the names of more than 30 "rebellious parties" and made up the specific details, but in the end I didn't even open my mouth?

I don’t accept it, I don’t accept it!

"Roaring in court, insulting my officer, the crime will be increased by one level, plus... two more sticks!" Wang Qiaonian originally wanted to add ten more sticks, but seeing that he was a scholar, he changed his mind because he was afraid that he would be beaten to death with one stick. mouth.

It turns out that after Zhang Shun came to power, he opened up a wide range of opinions and did not easily punish crimes with words.

Xue Zongzhou didn't know the truth or the truth, so he ended up making a joke.

He originally thought that after the rebels captured him, he would be severely punished and his accomplices would be found out. However, he never expected that Shaanxi Inspector Wang Qiaonian directly sentenced him to prison without asking any questions.

"I'm wronged, wronged!" Xue Zongzhou couldn't help sweating on his forehead and shouted repeatedly, "I came all the way from Shanxi, don't you want to interrogate me carefully?"

"No, next one!" Wang Qiaonian coldly rejected Xue Zongzhou's suggestion and had already thrown him into jail.

It turns out that although the rebel army has established preliminary rule in Shaanxi, it still lacks manpower.

As the inspector of Shaanxi Province, Wang Qiaonian had to do many things by himself.

He is busy with various cases all day long, so how can he have the time to argue with him here?

Not to mention how Xue Zongzhou ended up, but after Song Xiance arrived in Yulin, he was impressed by Li Zicheng and put aside his personal grudges for the time being. So the Northern Route Army's expedition was put on the agenda.

Zuo Shuai Zhang Sanbai led Lin Chengcheng, Guan Fumin and other 15,000 people out of Suidewu Fort, broke through Mengmen Pass, crossed the Yellow River and entered Yongning Prefecture.

The right commander Zuo Guangxian led Bai Guangen, his son Zuo Xu and others and 15,000 people out of Jiazhou Shenmu, broke through Mengjiayu, crossed the Yellow River and besieged Xingxian County in Kelanzhou.

The coach Li Zicheng personally led five generals, Hui Dengxiang, Zhang Fatty, Li Guo, Liu Zongmin and Li Daliang, out of Fugu, crossed the Yellow River and occupied the meander, rejecting the partial pass in the north and surrounding Baode in the south.

The situation in Shanxi suddenly changed. The rebel offensive, which had been gradually contained by left governor Zhu Xieyuan, was once again in full swing, rolling over Shanxi like a mountain.

Then all the elite soldiers from the three towns in Shanxi Province of Xuanda were transferred to Taiyuan to contain the main force of the rebel army. How could they free up their hands?

Linxian, Shilou, Ningxiang, Xingxian, Lanxian and other places were soon lost. They were connected with Zhang Fengyi's tribe in the south and Renliang's tribe in Jingle County in the east, leaving Ke alone. Lan, Baode and Piantouguan are the horns of each other, trying to support each other.

The Ming Dynasty ordered Kelan to take charge of Bao Dexinglan and other departments to prepare troops and participate in politics. Lu Youzhu could not resist, so he quickly sent an envoy three hundred miles away to ask for help from Taiyuan's left governor Zhu Xieyuan and others.

Not wanting to die, Li Shukong's cavalry wandered around Xin, Dai, Jingle and other places, intercepting and killing officers and soldiers coming and going.

Not only was the envoy that Lu Youzhu signed was intercepted and killed many times, but the news also fell into the hands of the rebels.

When the letter was delivered to Zhang Shun, a big stone in Zhang Shun's heart finally fell to the ground.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "Okay, what a good Li Zicheng, it is indeed worth all my efforts."

"News also came from Pingyang a few days ago. Yu Chongxiao's tribe has successively attacked Kaizhou, Anyi and other places, and the rebel army has completely taken control of Yanchi. But Yu Chongxiao's tribe went to Jiangzhou for repairs, and Cao Wenzhao and two generals, Cao Dingjiao and Wang Guangen, went to Qinzhou , and teamed up with Li Xin, the left commander of the Southern Route Army, to completely eliminate Shanxi Governor Yang Wenyue."

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