Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1286 Famous Song

"Zhang Shun's robber sister-in-law?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but said, "Let me watch the show!"

"I don't dare, I don't dare!" The actor below, dressed in colorful clothes, suddenly turned pale with fright and waved his hands hurriedly.

"Shun... If King Shun wants to know the plot, you can take a look at this book. But this song is not composed by a villain. Please spare your life, King Shun!"

For a moment, I saw several actors sitting down kowtowing as if they were pounding garlic, which immediately made Zhang Shun feel that this play was not a good one.

"Okay, then I'll take a look at it!" Zhang Shun sneered, stretched out his hand to grab the notebook and took a look.

I saw the lyrics in the book: "Xiaosheng's family lives in Suide City, his surname is Zhang Mingshun, and the first name is reversed. Lu Fengxian was my previous life."

"There are two sworn brothers. The elder is King Mi Zhi and Li Chuang. The second is Luo Thief, whose family is in Yan'an City."

"Now we three brothers have realized that we share blessings, share hardships, share responsibility, live and die together, and have names."

"I heard that my brother kidnapped a woman whose real name is Xing. She looks like a flower, like a jade, like a jade..."

"Haha!" Zhang Shun looked at it all the way and almost made himself happy.

It turns out that the general plot of this play is as follows: There are three naturally rebellious people, namely the "Crossing Thief", "Cao Thief" and "Shun Thief".

The three of them followed the example of Liu Guan and Zhang Taoyuan in forming a sworn brotherhood, vowing to live and die together. They never thought that their eldest brother would be a "robber" and kidnap the beautiful Xing family and take her as his wife.

The "submissive thief" became interested in the sex, and was afraid of ruining the brotherhood and causing ridicule, so he secretly showed his favor to Mr. Xing.

After going back and forth, Mr. Xing was confused by him and had an affair with him.

Unexpectedly, the second brother "Cao Thief" discovered this and went to catch the traitor.

The third brother "Shun Thief" pretended to repent and cried bitterly. Taking advantage of "Cao Thief"'s weakness, he stabbed him to death.

At this moment, the eldest brother "Intruder" arrived, and a fire was about to break out.

When "Cao Thief" was about to die, he quickly persuaded "Intruder" that "women are like clothes and brothers are like brothers and sisters. Don't destroy the loyalty of brothers."

"Intruder" thought for a long time, and finally reluctantly gave up his wife Xing to "Shun thief", and then picked up the body of "Cao thief" and parted ways with her.

Zhang Shun couldn't laugh or cry at first, and then his hair stood on end.

It is indeed a literati’s pen and a murderer’s knife!

This play has nine falsehoods and one truth, and there are quite a few whimsical elements in it, which may seem unworthy of mentioning, but in fact they perfectly fit the Ming Dynasty's curiosity, astringent feelings, and love killings.

If ignored, "Zhang Shun killed his brother and stole his sister-in-law" will become famous all over the country in a few years.

It doesn’t matter what the truth is, what matters is what ordinary people believe.

In the early Ming Dynasty, many stories about Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di were rumored to have both nose and eyes, such as the annihilation of ten tribes and the "transfer camp to stay". It is not that historical facts are better than historical facts, and it is indisputable.

And for Zhang Shun, it's not just a matter of losing his reputation.

If this opera spreads, not only will his own prestige be affected, but the delicate relationship between him and Li Zicheng will definitely be seriously damaged.

what to do? what to do?

"King Shun, please kill this person quickly, lest the three of them become tigers and ruin King Shun's reputation!" Sun Chuanting quickly stepped forward to admonish him.

In fact, Sun Chuanting was obviously more concerned about Zhang Shun's reputation than the possibility of damaging the relationship between Zhang Shun and Li Zicheng.

As a monarch, playing with women is not a big deal, but playing with the women of sworn brothers and subordinates is a big deal.

Nowadays, the world has not yet been unified, so it is a big deal to eliminate the desire of people in the world to submit. That is why Sun Chuanting made such a proposal.

"It's just the words of a foolish villager. How can it lead to such unnecessary killing?" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun half-squinted his eyes and smiled.

"King Shun..." Sun Chuanting also said that Zhang Shun didn't understand the power of it and needed to be persuaded.

Unexpectedly, I heard Zhang Shun continue: "In my opinion, this drama has quite a few quirks."

"It's fine if it only insults me and General Li, but how can a girl in the boudoir deserve to be arranged like this?"

“It’s time to clear up the source and restore his innocence!”

"Then what King Shun means..." Sun Chuanting looked confused and thought to himself: I have heard about the grievances between you and Li Zicheng from far away in the Ming court. Is there something hidden in it?

Sure enough, I only heard Zhang Shun say: "This is the plot of the story."

"It turns out that the lady of our family, Nan, was only twenty-eight years old. She came from an official family and was waiting to be married in a boudoir. Unfortunately, she suffered a disaster and fell into the hands of thieves."

"The big thief coveted Nan's beauty and wanted to forcefully marry her as Mrs. Yazhai. Unexpectedly, the two thieves had the same idea, and there was a dispute between the two parties. Nan took the opportunity to sow discord to keep his innocence."

"Just when the Nan family was struggling to support themselves, the first and second thieves suddenly changed their temperaments. Instead, they rectified military discipline and released the captive men and women."

"Nan's heart was strange. After eavesdropping in private, he found out that the chief thief and the second thief were accompanied by the 'Leader of the 36th Battalion of the Rebel Army'. He is the most heroic man and specializes in restraining all thieves from breaking the law."

"The Nan family waited for several days, and finally waited until the 'Thirty-sixth Battalion Leader' came to inspect. The big thief and the second thief used deceit to make the leader very happy."

"Unexpectedly, the Nan family suddenly jumped out and reported the two thieves. After the alliance leader reviewed the case, he killed the two thieves who robbed the women, punished the big thief who was preparing to rape the Nan family, and then sent people to escort the Nan family to each other. go home."

"Unexpectedly, the Nan family thought that she was abducted by thieves, could not live up to her integrity, was an insult to the family, and would not let her enter the house at all."

"So, the world was so big that the Nan family was homeless, and thinking of the life-saving grace of the 'Thirty-sixth Battalion Leader', they pledged themselves to each other, and it became a good story!"

"This piece of music is divided into six chapters, namely: yearning for spring, suffering, alienation, eavesdropping, complaining, and making promises, all from Nan's perspective."

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Sun Chuanting was stunned when he heard this. He couldn't help but raised his palms and said with great joy, "I didn't expect King Shun to have such a miraculous talent."

It turns out that since the mid-Ming Dynasty, opera gradually entered the stage and became a highly sought-after item among literati.

All wealthy families purchased female servants and children, raised livestock and domestic classes, wrote music and lyrics themselves, performed and rehearsed, and became a famous name.

Its basic characteristics are that one is "writing a biography for the boudoir", writing about love and affection, such as "The Romance of the West Chamber", "The Peony Pavilion", etc.

One is to distinguish between right and wrong, loyal and traitorous, in order to rectify the world. Such as "Huansha Ji", "Bingshan Ji", etc.

The previous Ming Dynasty's "Zhang Shun's Stealing Wife" was not only crude and poor, but also included many lewd and robbish plots. It was only suitable for private performances after late at night, so it was not considered to be of high quality.

Zhang Shun's new work unfolds from the perspective of the heroine Nan, reflecting the suffering of ordinary people in the late Ming Dynasty, revealing the social reality of "officials are like thieves, and thieves are like officials", and finally uses the "Thirty-Six Battalion Leader" Clean up the filth with your hands and restore a bright future to society.

Not only is the theme similar to late Ming Dynasty opera, but it also has two songs in one voice. It also combines a love story with loyalty and treachery, right and wrong, and there are signs of a big hit at first glance.

"It's just that since then, the original name has been inconsistent with the name. I wonder what the name is now?" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but laugh again.

As soon as this play came out, everyone would only appreciate the virtues of "King Shun, the leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion". Who cares about the notion of stealing a wife or not?

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun shook his head and said with a smile: "There is no need to change it. The original name is pretentious and shocking, which is just right for the fire!"

Do you know what clickbait is? This is called clickbait!

Although the Ming Dynasty gradually became more popular, songs that taught lewdness and thieves could never reach the level of elegance.

Ming Dynasty opera was mainly performed by family groups. If we entertain guests in this way, wouldn't it be an insult to the family tradition?

Therefore, this opera is suitable for confusing the real with the fake, and replacing the vulgar with elegance.

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