Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1287 Asking for help

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad, it's really good!" While Zhang Shun was working hard to revise the script, director Gao Qiqian was watching the original version of "Zhang Shun's Stealing Wife" with a hearty laugh.

"Although our family is a middle-aged man, if we think about it in a different place, I'm afraid we will be furious!"

"As for the 'intruder', if some men are bloody, they should have rebelled against him."

Zhu Xieyuan, the left governor, Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of Xuanfu, and Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, all heard these words and saw that the "dead eunuch" no longer forced everyone to leave the city to fight. Breathed a sigh of relief.

"What the director said is true. We only need to stay for a little while and we can enjoy the results. Isn't it wonderful!" Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but agree.

Everyone knows why Emperor Zhu Youjian of the Ming Dynasty sent Director Gao Qiqian here.

In addition to serving as a supervisor, the main purpose is to urge the generals to launch an attack as soon as possible so that they can be freed up to deal with threats from other directions as soon as possible.

Therefore, they worked hard to put together this plan with a simple purpose: to persuade the director Gao Qiqian not to force the Ming army to attack the "Shun Thieves" camp.

How could everyone not be happy when they saw that Gao Qiqian finally opened his mouth?

But just as Zhang Fengyi finished speaking, he saw a soldier lying at the door and looking in, looking uneasy.

He quickly turned his head and pretended not to see it.

Unexpectedly, the director raised his eyes and asked, "Who is outside the door, and where are they sneaking around?"

The soldier was startled when he heard this. He quickly ran in and knelt on the ground and said, "Grandpa, I'm sorry. It's just because of an urgent military situation that I had no choice but to stretch my head to see what was going on."

Zhu Xieyuan, Zhang Fengyi and others were stunned when they heard this, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Sure enough, Gao Qi Qian heard the words and said with a smile: "I don't know what it is, but it doesn't matter!"

When the soldier heard this, his eyes suddenly wandered and he didn't know what to do.

Zhu Xieyuan saw that if he stretched out his head, it would be a knife, and if he retracted his head, it would be a knife. He couldn't help but said angrily: "Look at what I do, and I will say whatever I want. Who dares to stop you from saying anything?"

"Yes, yes, sir!" The soldier was startled and even more at a loss what to do.

He hurriedly kowtowed a few more times and stammered: "Just now news came from Fenzhou Mansion that Fenzhou Mansion was surrounded by 'traitors'. The Fenzhou Magistrate and King Qingcheng jointly submitted a letter requesting the Superintendent to send a large army for support. "

Nima, Zhu Xieyuan, Zhang Fengyi, Ye Tinggui and others suddenly turned pale when they heard this and almost cursed their mothers.

With great difficulty, everyone persuaded Gao Qiqian not to push too hard and to postpone sending troops, but something like this happened again.

The full name of King Qingcheng is King Qingcheng of Jin Dynasty. He is the fourth son of Zhu Fan, the first king of Jin Dynasty.

At the beginning of Yongle, Luzhou was granted the title. In the tenth year of Yongle, he moved to Fenzhou with meritorious service. Since then, it has been passed down from generation to generation and has been passed down to ten generations. In total, the seniority is higher than the two generations of the current saints.

Although the situation of the rebel army has been booming in recent years, I don’t know how many princes and princes of Ming Dynasty have been killed. He is not many, but he is not many.

Although Zhu Youjian wanted to pursue the responsibility for "losing the clan", he had no choice but to give up because the situation was dangerous and talents were rare.

However, Zhu Xieyuan, Zhang Fengyi, Ye Tinggui and others did not dare to sit idly by and do nothing to avoid being settled in the future.

"Master Zhu, what do you think?" Director Gao Qiqian felt a toothache when he heard this.

Although he is not as capable as Zhu Xieyuan, Zhang Fengyi and Ye Tinggui, he has participated in the battle with real swords and guns, so he naturally understands the situation.

It's just that as a eunuch, Gao Qiqian had all his power derived from imperial power, and he couldn't make the decision himself.

Originally, he listened to the opinions of Zhu Xieyuan, Zhang Fengyi and others and planned to wait a few days before making further calculations, but he never thought of such a thing.

No matter how I look at it, I am also in a dilemma!

Zhu Xieyuan smiled bitterly. If he even said half a word "no" at this time, he would definitely be responsible for the fall of the Qingcheng Palace of the Jin Dynasty.

"Zhang Junmen, I wonder who under you can take on this important task?" He couldn't help turning his head and asked Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda.

Zhang Fengyi was stunned when he heard this. He never expected that the ball would hit him after being kicked around.

"This is such a serious matter, it's better for me to let the official handle it in person." After much thinking, Zhang Fengyi finally came up with a "non-stick pan" method.

If you want to attack with force, I will fight with force; if you want to rescue King Qingcheng, I will fight with force!

Don’t you want to save me?

Well, I will take away the more than 10,000 reinforcements under my command and see what you do!

Zhu Xieyuan was stunned when he heard this. He never thought that Xuanda Governor Zhang Fengyi had such quick wit, and he didn't react for a moment.

"Haha, the key point in the current situation is only Taiyuan." Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Although Fenzhou is urgent, it is not a big deal."

"For this matter, we only need to send a partial general. He can stay and stay, but he can't leave. As long as we can save His Highness King Qingcheng, it will be a great achievement. Why bother with Zhang Junmen?"

"I wonder who the Superintendent thinks would be better to handle this matter?" Zhang Fengyi smiled coldly and couldn't help but ask.

Come on, the ball has been kicked back.

Zhu Xieyuan turned his head to look at this and that, only to see that everyone was either turning their heads to look elsewhere, or looking down at their toes, with no intention of answering the conversation.

Well, this pot has to be ignored.

Zhu Xieyuan had no choice but to cough dryly and suggested: "When the director entered the city today, the general Tang Tong was courageous and brave, and he was praised by the director. He is worthy of the great responsibility. Why don't we send him there?"

"Our family is just a middle-aged man who knows nothing about military affairs. We just rely on the supervisor to arrange everything!" Gao Qiqian couldn't help but laugh.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Xieyuan looked at Zhang Fengyi, Ye Tinggui, Wang Shiren and Li Guoliang with a sarcastic face.

"We have no objections. The supervisor alone makes the decision!" A group of people responded in unison.

"Okay, okay, you are so united!" Zhu Xieyuan mocked and ordered, "Then let General Tang Tong lead a battalion to Fenzhou!"

It turns out that although Tang Tong "made his fortune through hundreds of battles", he actually had no background in the court.

On the surface, Zhu Xieyuan was entrusted with an "important task", but in fact it was a big trap.

The Art of War says: Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle.

Now that the enemy's situation was unknown, Zhu Xieyuan rashly ordered him to attack and abandon him without objection.

It's just that Tang Tongren said nothing, so naturally he could only act according to orders.

Not to mention how Tang Tong acted, but Zhang Sanbai, the left commander of the Northern Route Army of the Rebel Army, left Suide Wubao County, crossed the Yellow River, and arrived in Fenzhou Prefecture.

The Ming army defenders were caught off guard and lost Linxian, Ningxiang, Shilou and other places, and besieged Yongning Prefecture City.

Originally, the rebels had to wait for the "Qingtian Grand Cannon" to cross the river and bombard the city. Unexpectedly, they learned from Lin Chengcheng, who was attacking Shilou, that General Zhaode Zhang Fengyi was in Xizhou.

Zhang Sanbai had an idea and ordered the officials and people to continue the siege of Ningxiang. He wrote a letter inviting Zhang Fengyi to besiege Fenzhou Fucheng.

Zhang Fengyi was indeed the most special person around Zhang Shun. She had already led her "white pole soldiers" to defeat Taiping, Xiangning, Jizhou, Daning, Xizhou and other places.

When she received Zhang Sanbai's letter, she was convinced.

So Luo Shangwen left a battalion of 3,000 men alone to garrison Xizhou, and led 7,000 "white pole soldiers" across the mountains and ridges to meet outside in Yongning.

However, he then turned westward, crossed the Luliang Mountains, and drove directly outside Fenzhou City.

The magistrate of Fenzhou, the commander of the Fenzhou Guards, and King Qingcheng of the Jin vassal stationed in Fenzhou could not help but turn pale with shock, and then they asked Zhu Xieyuan for help.

It's just that these people just urged, but they didn't know that Zhang Sanbai and Zhang Fengyi did not have heavy siege artillery. In fact, if the Ming army persisted in defending, they would be helpless.

It's a pity that these three people didn't know how to fight. They just panicked and exposed their flaws.

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