Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 129 Zezhou City (Part 1)

When Zhang Shun rushed to Zezhou City, Zhang Shenyan, who was staying in Zezhou, came to the house with a familiar yet unfamiliar guest. This person was Han Tingxian, the military advisor of "Purple Golden Liang"! I am familiar because I have met Zhang Shun several times with this scholar scum; I am unfamiliar because they have never interacted with each other before.

Zhang Shenyan didn't know what kind of medicine this guy was selling, so he pretended to ask: "Who are you? Why are you here looking for me, an old man?"

"Sir Zhang is joking. You were once a third-rank official and the right minister of the Ministry of Justice of the country! Now you are only fifty years old, how can you call him old?" Han Tingxian was so flattering that he actually imitated Zhang Shun and called Zhang Shenyan "Sir".

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there was corruption and collusion in the officialdom, and shameless people often called their superiors "sir". In ancient times, "adults" were the fathers of future generations. Everyone said that Zhang Shun was shameless, but in fact, compared with such scholars, he was a little less interesting.

If ordinary officials heard Han Tingxian address him like this, they might have some favorable impressions of him. However, Zhang Shenyan had already been called "Old Master" and "Old Master" by Zhang Shunyi, and his hair was about to stand up. Hearing Han Tingxian address him like this again I immediately felt very bad about him. He immediately commented in his heart: "Optimus Prime" and his like are extremely shameless!

This cautious statement is also interesting. Although he is loyal but not pedantic. Although he was born in Shanxi, his thoughts were quite similar to those of the Confucian "heretic" Li Zhi. He opposed false Taoism, advocated true temperament, and opposed traditional thoughts such as "preserving natural principles and destroying human desires" and emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce. It's just that his ideas are more moderate and not as radical as Li Zhi's, who preached them everywhere.

Therefore, people are most disgusted and disgusted by the sycophants who distort the "human desires" in their hearts. What's more, he is a person who has no shame and has taken refuge in the "thieves" to help him do evil!

Han Tingxian didn't know it, so he kept persuading: "Sir, I am a very important minister of the imperial court. Although you are in trouble now, why don't you want to serve the country, but instead help Zhou to commit evil?"

"You little bastard! You dare to teach me a lesson?" Zhang Shenyan was furious after hearing this. He is not a good-tempered person to begin with. He dared to impeach even Feng Quan, the leader of the eunuch party, let alone a small " "Rogue bandits"!

The so-called "small burial utensils" are one of the most vicious words used to curse people in Yangcheng. It is extremely harmful to not mention people as being buried with utensils, but also to belittle them in small words. Han Tingxian is originally from Shaanxi, so he shouldn't be able to understand the local curse words.

However, the fastest way for this person to learn a dialect is to curse. Since Han Tingxian came to Shanxi, he has done a lot of immoral things that have been criticized by others. The more he was scolded, the more he learned some of them. He didn't know what Zhang Shenyan meant, so he couldn't help but get angry, thinking: "I didn't expect this bad old man to be a loyal bandit. It seems that we need to eradicate him together later!" Then he threatened: "You old man, donkey Damn it! Don’t give in, sooner or later I want you to look good!”

When Zhang Shenyan heard this, he was so shameless that he dared to talk back? He reached out and grabbed the tea cup on the table and threw it, hitting Han Tingxian's head. With a snap, it was smashed into pieces. Han Tingxian only felt a pain in his head. When he reached out and touched it, it was all covered in blood! I couldn't help but get angry. Although he is a scholar, he has done so many "businesses" with "Purple Gold Liang", and his hands are somewhat stained with blood. He has a ferocious aura and wants to kill this donkey ball old man.

As the saying goes: "Fists are afraid of young men, and sticks are afraid of old men." Zhang Shenyan had never been exposed to stick techniques when he was young. How could he beat the young Han Tingxian? After only two exchanges, Han Tingxian received two punches. Zhang Shenyan secretly complained, and just when he was saying, "My life is at stake," he suddenly heard a knock on the door. He looked up and saw a big man squeezing into the room.

This big man is none other than Zhang Shun's bodyguard, Wukong. It turned out that Zhang Shun thought that the attack on Dayang Town was successful, but he was just worried that something would go wrong in Zezhou City and its foundation would be lost, so he did not bring his personal bodyguard with him.

Wukong was entrusted by Zhang Shun to check on Zhang Shenyan from time to time, but unexpectedly someone came to make trouble. He reached out and grabbed the man's hair, grabbed him, and slapped him twice in the face with his bow left and right.

Han Tingxian was so good at "punching Nanshan Nursing Home" that he was suddenly lifted up and stunned by two slaps. He was about to curse when he finally opened his eyes and saw that it was Zhang Shun's number one general. He was so frightened that he peed his pants.

It turned out that this guy was following the "Purple Golden Liang", but he was well informed. He had known that Zhang Shun had a fierce general known as the "Monkey King" under his command, who was invincible on the battlefield. At this moment, he didn't dare to show his teeth, so he had to squeeze out an ugly smile and shout: "Grandpa, spare my life! The villain got into trouble for a moment and had a conflict with the boss. I hope the strong man will respect you!"

I, Wukong, am not a murderous demon king, so why should I be accommodating? So, Wukong threw him out and yelled "Go away"! The guy grunted twice outside the door, got up, and limped away as if he was relieved.

When Zhang Shenyan saw that it was Wukong, he quickly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "Thank you brave man for saving me, otherwise I will die today!"

"It's okay!" Wukong said nonchalantly, "My master asked me to watch you, as long as you don't die or run away! You're welcome."

Zhang Shenyan was speechless for a while after hearing this. He is really a fool. It is said that "Optimus Prime" deceived him before he joined the gang and recognized his master. Thinking of this, Zhang Shenyan suddenly had an idea and thought: "This gangster deceived such a fool, how can I not deceive him? If he can, With this man’s power, not only can he eliminate the bandit leader ‘Optimus Prime’, but also who can stop the bandits in the world?”

So, Zhang Shenyan quickly coaxed: "Good disciple, I am your master's father."

"What!" Wukong glared angrily after hearing this, which frightened Zhang Shenyan until his legs weakened. The monkey said angrily, "So you are the water bandit Liu Hong? Tell me how you raped the daughter of Yin Kaishan!"

"Ah?" Zhang Shenyan was shocked when he heard this, and then he remembered that this guy was a madman, but his ideas were different. How could he dare to respond? Fortunately, he calmed down, remembered the plot of "Journey to the West", and quickly changed his words, "I am not the water bandit Liu Hong, I am the number one scholar Chen Guangrui!"

When Wukong heard that this guy was the water bandit Liu Hong, he was quite happy. When he read "Journey to the West", this key part was missing. This monkey has been thinking about it for many years, and now that he meets me, he wants to ask him for advice.

After asking for a long time, it turned out that this person was not Liu Hong, but Chen Guangrui, the champion of the suffering master. Wukong suddenly lost interest, patted Zhang Shenyan sympathetically and said, "So it's you who wore that hat!"

Thanks to fans Mr. Yudian and Po Shui for the reward, thank you for your support!

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