Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 130 Zezhou City (Part 2)

Zhang Shenyan failed to win over Wukong and even got a "hat". Not to mention how depressed he felt, he couldn't help but sigh: "There are no loyal ministers and righteous people in the world?"

He shouted this, but was accidentally heard by a person passing by. The man raised his head and glanced at Zhang Shenyan, then pretended to be nonchalant, looked around secretly, and when no one noticed, he secretly knocked on Zhang Shenyan's door.

Seeing this, Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but feel happy, and quickly opened the door and let the man in. This person was none other than Xu Ziyuan, who was scolded by Zhang Shenyan that day. It turned out that this guy was good at drawing, so Zhang Shun simply left him in Zezhou City and made himself a simple map of Zezhou and its surroundings.

When Xu Ziyuan saw Zhang Shenyan, he nodded and bowed, and shouted: "Hello, Mr. Zhang, are you still strong? If you have any orders, just send someone to give me a message, and I will definitely handle it for you."

When Zhang Shenyan saw this guy, he had some doubts in his heart, so he asked sharply: "Do you have any loyalty at all?"

"I, Xu Ziyuan, can judge my loyalty by the sun and the moon. If I make false promises, the sky will strike with thunder!" Xu Ziyuan knew that he joined the gang late and had to express his loyalty immediately.

"Then are you loyal to the Ming Dynasty or to the bandits?" Zhang Shenyan has been an official for many years. He was afraid that this guy would give him a riddle, so he immediately broke the casserole and asked the truth.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm on the same page as you!" Xu Ziyuan was so shrewd, thinking to himself: You and your son are two foxes, one big and one small. Who knows what you two want to do. I have to hold my ground and don't let this big fox tease me.

When Zhang Shenyan heard this, he didn't believe it, so he asked, "Really?"

"It's true!" Xu Ziyuan assured, "If it's true, I, Xu Ziyuan, will endure the humiliation and bear the burden and will definitely be loyal!"

Xu Ziyuan thought to himself: "My lord, you and your son can talk about anything, but don't involve me. Now that your father is causing trouble again, I will endure the humiliation and bear the burden and accompany your old father. You must remember me." Great!"

How did Zhang Shenyan know that this guy was such a tough guy? Knowing that he still had the imperial court in his heart, he decided to come anyway. He quickly made arrangements: "I see that the Zezhou City army has gone, and something unexpected will happen at any time. You should prepare some close friends and be ready to listen to my orders at any time!"

When Xu Ziyuan heard this, he thought to himself: My lord, my father is old, but he is cautious in doing things. It just so happened that I had nothing to do, so I called some of my old men to prevent the young people from causing trouble. Thinking of this, Xu Ziyuan hurriedly patted his chest and promised: "Although I, Xu Ziyuan, am only a civil servant, I still have several loyal brothers. As long as Mr. Zhang gives an order, we will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

When Zhang Shenyan saw that this man was steadfast in his oath and believed him, he made some arrangements before letting him go.

Then Xu Ziyuan was completely confused, how could he dare to stay for a long time? He quickly said goodbye to Zhang Shenyan and trotted all the way to Zhang Shun's residence. Zhang Shun was not here at this time, only Li Sanniang was cutting the silk given to her by Zhang Shun, preparing to make a beautiful dress.

When she saw Xu Ziyuan running over, she wondered: "Your master is not here, what are you doing here?"

"Mother!" Xu Ziyuan said flatteringly, "Nai Weng has arranged something for me. I am afraid that it is not safe, so I will tell you!"

"Aweng?" Li Sanniang was confused for a moment, "Aweng is still at home, when did he come here?"

Xu Ziyuan was speechless upon hearing this, and quickly pointed in the direction of Zhang Shenyan, reminding him: "My lord's father!"

Li Sanniang was even more confused now. Zhang Shun's father had died a long time ago. She had helped a lot and attended the funeral. How could he be resurrected from the dead again? Fortunately, she also had her own cleverness, so she pretended not to know and asked, "What is it? Tell me."

When Xu Ziyuan heard that someone was willing to make the decision for him, he was not afraid that Zhang Shenyan would regret it later and quickly told Li Sanniang the whole story. Li Sanniang thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure out what was going on, so she simply arranged: "If nothing happens, just play with him! However, remember not to attack one of your own casually!"

After receiving the order, Xu Ziyuan immediately felt confident and left happily. Only halfway down the aisle did I think of something: who are the "ones"? Damn it, it’s not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Not to mention how depressed Xu Ziyuan was, when Li Sanniang got the news, she also felt that something was wrong. But Chen Jindou was quite unfriendly to her, and Zhao Yutou had no men in his hands. What should we do about this matter?

After much deliberation, I still have to find Chen Jindou. Li Sanniang had a fierce temper and was not afraid of anything, so she went to look for Chen Jindou. Chen Jindou's own abilities were limited and he was under the supervision of hundreds of people. He was not angry when he saw Li Sanniang. After all, they were all members of the "Zhao Party" and just a concubine. What were they afraid of?

Then he asked angrily: "What are you doing here? You've already followed my master, and you're still in public all day long. How can you behave like this?"

Li Sanniang didn't care, she just waved the dragon-coiling stick in her hand and said with a smile: "I knocked on Jiang He a few days ago, and he couldn't wait any longer and followed your master to hide out. I want to choose a few more strong martial artists." Warrior, if you have nothing to do, stretch your muscles!"

Chen Jindou was also frightened when he mentioned this matter. It turns out that after Jiang He first joined the group, he often found others to spar with due to the large number of soldiers under his command, which annoyed everyone, but for the sake of important matters for his lord, it was not easy to fall out.

It's just that this guy likes to use a sword and shield. The guy can't really split the shield for him, nor can he bypass the shield and hit him, so he doesn't want to spar with him. But this guy is a militant and keeps shouting all day long. No one really accepts it, so he just makes remarks like "cowardly and cowardly".

As a result, Li Sanniang happened to hear it that day. Li Sanniang was always a strong master, so she couldn't help but feel that this guy was embarrassing Zhang Shun and wanted to teach him a lesson. Jiang He happened to be drunk that day and when he saw someone willing to fight, he happily agreed regardless of whether he was a man or a woman.

He originally thought that Li Sanniang was just a village girl with a flail for beating wheat. What kind of martial arts skills did she know? As a result, during the fight, Li Sanniang hit her on the head.

It turns out that the flail is the most powerful weapon against swords and shields: if you can't get close, the flail attack distance is farther than you, and you can only be beaten passively; if you are ready to get close, you only need to swing the flail, and the wooden club on the head will just go around the shield. Hit the body behind the shield.

Then Jiang He suffered this loss. He took a step back and was chased and beaten by Li Sanniang. When he took a step closer, he was hit with a stick by Li Sanniang. Even though he was wearing armor, he still screamed in pain. The most hateful thing was that once he was not prepared and was hit on the back of the head with a stick by Li Sanniang. He was beaten so hard that he fainted and fell to the ground. He no longer had the shame to challenge others. In the end, he was nicknamed "girly smile"

Therefore, Chen Jindou was also afraid of her and did not dare to disobey her.

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