Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 131 Zezhou City (Part 2)

There are undercurrents surging in the city of Zezhou. Han Tingxian is connecting with the big houses in the city everywhere. Others don't know about it, so how can the pragmatic Taoist not know about it? The two of them were under the command of "Purple Gold Liang" and had quite a lot of discord in the past. If Han Tingxian caused trouble, Qixu Taoist knew that he would definitely not let him go.

It's just that he is alone now, without the support of Zhang Shun and "Purple Gold Liang", and he is helpless for a while. He thought about it for a long time and felt that this matter would eventually fall on Zhang Shun. Even though this guy is usually inconspicuous, he is indeed very capable when something happens, especially compared to the idiot "Zijin Liang". The old Taoist priest recalled Zhang Shun's development and growth, and he couldn't help but secretly sighed: He is really a man of destiny!

Thinking of this, Taoist Qixu left his residence and went to where Zhang Shun's subordinates were. Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked to the door, he was stopped by two doormen, asking him what he was going to do! Qixu Taoist didn't know that this was Han Tingxian's spy, so he shouted at them: "'Nine Dragons' invited me to meet him a few days ago, how dare you stop me!"

When the two of them heard that it was the "Nine Dragons" with the most powerful troops in the city, they immediately apologized and said with a smile: "We have misunderstood, how dare we? It's just that the military advisor Han Tingxian said that the city is treacherous and changeable, so we should be more cautious, if there is any I'm sorry, please forgive me!"

The Qixu Taoist pretended to be cool, snorted coldly, and walked away. The two people were so frightened that they each wiped the cold sweat from their heads. The two people on the left and right were military advisors, and they really couldn't afford to offend them.

The Qixu Taoist wandered around the street and did not dare to enter Zhang Shun's camp directly. On the one hand, there were too many people in Zhang Shun's camp who knew him, so he was afraid of being discovered; on the other hand, he was afraid that Han Tingxian would send people to follow him, and he would be caught out.

The Qixu Taoist wandered around, and finally met Zhang Shun's people. This person was none other than Ma Yingniang, who was shopping with several female guards. As the saying goes, everyone has a love for beauty. A few days ago, Ma Yingniang was so angry that her lungs were about to explode when she learned that Zhang Shun had "deceived" her high-quality Lu silk to be given to that local girl Li Sanniang. In the past few days, she had vowed to get some better Lu silk and make some clothes for herself, and she would not give up until she could compete with Li Sanniang.

Zhang Shun happened to be out of the city for the past two days. In her free time, Ma Yingniang took a few female guards to the streets to "select" fabrics. Even though her men were all women, after Chen Changzhen's guidance, Ma Yingniang equipped them all with shields and "pistols", and they were all top-notch masters. .

The usage of this "pistol" is quite similar to that of later Western stabbing swords, which does not require high strength. After simple and repeated training, these women can outperform men in single combat. Even if it was a chaotic battle without armor, Zhang Shun's elite might not be able to beat them by three points. Of course, if they were fighting in a battle formation, they would still be far behind.

In the past few days, when Ma Yingniang was "selecting" fabrics, she often encountered "disciples" teasing her. As a result, Ma Yingniang winked, and these people exchanged three or two moves with Ma Yingniang's female guards, and then they were stabbed with several bloody holes. , So far, the men in the city no longer dare to approach the women's camp.

When Ma Yingniang was wondering where to find the best silk, she never expected to be stopped by someone. "Girl, I see your hall is turning black, I'm afraid there will be a bloody disaster!"

Ma Yingniang was furious when she heard this. Who dare to tease me? When she looked back, she was stunned. This person is none other than Taoist Master Ma, who has been dead for a long time.

"You, you, you!" Ma Yingniang was stuttering when she spoke, and asked, "How did you get here if you weren't you?"

"On a whim, I did some fortune-telling and found out that my old friend is here, so I came here to meet you!" Taoist Qixu, also known as Taoist Ma, waved his whisk and replied with a smile, "The rain is about to come in the city, I hope the girl will be there in time." You can inform the person in charge or Chen Jindou!"

"Are you a human or a ghost?" Although Ma Yingniang was not afraid of anything, she was a girl after all, and she was a little scared of ghosts and gods.

"What does it matter whether he is a human or a ghost? The true emperor needs gods. Gods with iron mouth can decide the affairs of the world, and you can choose the good or the bad!" When Taoist Qi Xu saw that the letter had been brought, he sang a song and laughed away.

Come on, Ma Yingniang doesn't care what mysteries are up to this wise old man, it's probably not a trivial matter, so she hurried back with the female camp. When I arrived at the camp, I met Chen Jindou and quickly told him what happened today. When Chen Jindou heard this, his claws became numb. He was originally a charlatan, and he could barely manage the supply camp for Zhang Shun. But when an emergency happened, he didn't know what to do for a while.

At any rate, Ma Yingniang had seen the situation when Zhang Shun and his two sworn brothers entered the "Purple Gold Liang" camp together, so she gave some advice: "When the general left the city, he ordered you to make the decision. How could you be so out of touch? Do you still remember when Ma Daozhang, Are Zhao Yutou and Chen Jingzhi jointly in charge of the government?"

When Chen Jindou heard this, he suddenly became enlightened and praised quickly, "Ying Niang is really a hero among women. If my lord gets you as his wife, there is no need to worry about the uncertainty of the world!"

Ma Yingniang smiled reservedly and said nothing. Chen Jindou ignored her and quickly sent someone to summon Zhao Yutou and Xu Ziyuan. Because Chen Jingzhi followed Zhang Shun out of the city, Chen Jindou thought about it and only the three of them could make the decision in the city.

The other two people were not leading troops. After receiving the notification from Chen Jindou and arriving there, they were shocked when they heard this. The lord took away all the main soldiers under his command, leaving only Li Shian's artillery battalion with some combat effectiveness, which was transferred out by the lord. At this time, there were only four to five hundred people and horses in the city. How to resist the riot?

At this time, Xu Ziyuan saw that everyone was concentrating on their own and did not even think of inviting "Mr. Zhang". He couldn't help being surprised, and quickly whispered: "We are all ministers, how can we make the decision on such a big matter by ourselves? Why not invite the lord's father, Zhang Shilang, to join us?" To sum it up?”

When Chen Jindou and Zhao Yutou heard this, they looked at each other and thought: "How can I get this minister to be a fake 'father'? But then again, this man has a high position and has an official reputation. If he Participating in the riot will have disastrous consequences! It would be safer to take the opportunity to control this person."

Although these two people had been fighting each other for a long time, they actually had a clear understanding of each other. They couldn't help but laugh: "What Brother Xu said is that Minister Zhang has a high prestige, which is perfect for intimidating young people!" After saying this, the two people directly ordered someone to arrest Zhang. Shen Yan and Wukong, who was guarding him, brought him over.

Xu Ziyuan was not happy when he saw that the two of them had listened to his advice. These two old men are overbearing and make decisions without their own consent. It's really abominable!

This Xu Ziyuan was young and had joined the gang not long ago. These two people have always relied on their elders and regarded themselves as veterans under Zhang Shun. How could they have time to care about his mood in an emergency? The other people discussed one thing and then ordered it to be dealt with. They completely regarded Xu Ziyuan as if it were nothing and arranged the matter in a clear and orderly manner in a matter of seconds.

The two looked at each other and smiled. When the right path was completed, they suddenly heard the shouts of fighting in the city, and their expressions changed drastically!

Thanks to fans "Little Cabbage Feeding the Elephant", "Li Family 2 Strong", "Po Shui", "Eagle Takes Off 12345678", "Book Friends 150817012257387" and "Landscape Meets 4020" for their rewards! In particular, Xiaobaicai Feeding the Elephant, Po Shui and Shanshui Encounter have been rewarded more than 4020 times. The author is deeply grateful! thanks for your support!

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