Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 132 Chaos in the City (Part 1)

Because Shen Yan was trapped by Zhang Shun, information was not flowing smoothly, and she was completely kept in the dark. He was also happy that he had won over Xu Ziyuan, and was wondering when he would be able to use this hidden weapon. He didn't know that there was already an undercurrent surging in the city.

After being held hostage for so long, he finally found a breakthrough point and felt happy. After eating half a bowl of rice porridge for dinner, his stomach felt a little bloated, and he didn't want to go to bed so early. I was about to walk around in the yard when I heard a burst of fighting and shouting in the city. I couldn't help but be shocked!

Only then did he remember Han Tingxian's guy who came to visit him in the morning, and he couldn't help but realize: Could it be that this guy wanted to cause trouble in the city when he visited him? But he is the number one military officer under "Purple Golden Liang". Does he care about the court, or does he want to provoke a conflict between "Purple Golden Liang" and "Optimus Prime"?

Zhang Shenyan's mind was quite sharp, but he had too little information to tell what was going on. Just as he was wondering whether this was a blessing or a curse, he heard the sound of someone violently hitting his door. Only two "thumps" and "thumps" were heard, and the simple courtyard door was kicked open.

More than ten masked men swarmed in, armed with knives and guns, and charged towards the house. Zhang Shenyan was shocked when he saw this and thought to himself: I have no grudges against these people, so why did I encounter such trouble? It's a pity that something bad happened to me and I ended up dead here!

It turns out that the leader is none other than Han Tingxian, who was taken care of by Wukong in the morning. This guy was originally a small-minded person, but this time he suffered a big loss from Zhang Shenyan. How could he not be annoyed or resentful? Taking advantage of this opportunity, he led some of the city's big businessmen and more than a dozen of his cronies to kill Zhang Shenyan and avenge the morning's humiliation.

Han Tingxian was about to lead people into the house, but before he could rush to the door, he saw a huge figure falling from the roof of the house. Han Tingxian looked up and saw that it was Wukong, the bald monk who slapped him twice in the morning.

Wukong was already nine feet tall and had a waist that was ten inches tall. Under the lighting in the room, his face was dark and unclear, and he looked like a demon from hell. He waved the thirty-six-pound golden hoop in his hand twice, then struck the ground with a pestle. Only a loud noise was heard, and the monk took the opportunity to shout: "He Fang Xiaoxiao, come here to die!"

Han Tingxian had suffered enough losses in the morning, and suddenly became timid. He shouted like a sheep or a tiger: "Make him for me! It's hard to defeat four people with both hands. He is only one person, and he can defeat so many of us." It’s impossible to be human!”

After listening to Han Tingxian's order, all the people under Han Tingxian rushed forward, but were swept away by Wukong's iron rod and fell back screaming. Everyone fell to the ground, either holding their arms or legs, and they were all disabled.

When Han Tingxian saw how ferocious this man was, he quickly ordered a retreat. Wukong hadn't warmed up yet. When he saw his enemy escaping, he tried to catch up, but Zhang Shenyan called him back. Zhang Shenyan was afraid that without Wukong, if the thieves came again, he would die without a burial place. Wukong gave him a helpless look. In his last life, his master was such a sissy. How could he become a sissy in this life, but his master became a sissy?

Zhang Shenyan didn't know that he was despised by this idiot, but for the sake of national affairs, he had to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, so he was speechless.

Let's talk about it in two parts, let's say that Li Sanniang chose a dozen strong men, but she didn't know what they were for, so she simply asked them to wear armor and hold weapons to stand guard for her. But in the evening, none of these people had eaten. She had no choice but to steam a large pot of mixed flour pancakes, fry two more vegetables, and cook a large pot of porridge to treat everyone to dinner.

These ten or so people were originally strong people, and their appetites were staggering. They actually ate them all for her in one go, and they were not even half-full. Li Sanniang was so tired that she lost her temper and cursed: "Everyone is a big-bellied man. You can do it yourself. I won't serve you anymore. After all, I am still the mistress of your family. How can you still eat with peace of mind?"

These men were shameless to begin with, but they were afraid of Li Sanniang's ability to deal with Jiang He, so they didn't dare to talk back. They just laughed and said, "I don't dare bother my mistress to do anything. As long as we have enough to take care of, we can do it ourselves!"

Li Sanniang felt a little embarrassed when she heard this, waved her hands and said: "That's all, I still dislike you for dirtying my pot. Ji Dan, come here and help me wash the half bag of rice. You Is he Ji Dan’s father? Oh, then I’m offended. I’ll call you Ji Cheng! Help me burn the pot! Others, don’t be idle and chop some firewood for me.”

Under Li Sanniang's command, a dozen or so people struggled for a while before finishing dinner. At this time, it was getting late. The dozen or so people began to look troubled, thinking: This mistress is a good person, but she can't let us keep vigil, right? I don’t know what this wealthy family means.

In fact, Li Sanniang was also a little worried at this time. This person had already been borrowed, but she was not sure what was wrong with her. Just when she was frowning, she suddenly heard the sound of fighting outside, and she suddenly felt happy: It's finally here!

She immediately shouted: "You have all eaten and drank enough, and everything is ready for me. Who dares to cause trouble? Kill him!"

Several of the people she selected were from Mengjin. These words sounded very familiar to her, and they couldn't help but shout: "Zhong, kill this turtle grandson!"

As soon as Li Sanniang saw that their morale was ready, she took the dragon-coiling stick and personally led them into battle. A dozen or so of them looked at each other and said, "Mom, you can't go!" If something goes wrong, how do we report it to the Lord?

"An explanation? What kind of explanation!" Li Sanniang said angrily, "The only explanation is to kill his turtle grandson!"

"But you're not wearing armor, how are you going to get out? What if something goes wrong?" Everyone refused to let her go out.

Li Sanniang thought about it and realized that Zhang Shun had put on the silk armor before leaving, leaving a pair of bright iron armor in the room. So, Li Sanniang went back to the house and put it on. Although it was a little too big, fortunately, Li Sanniang was tall, so it was okay to wear it.

At this time, everyone was speechless and had no choice but to agree that Li Sanniang would follow him and others into the battle. However, in order to prevent Li Sanniang from making mistakes, the guys tried their best to protect Li Sanniang and rushed out of the house together.

This shelter was originally the place where Han Tingxian ordered the main attack. As soon as everyone left the door, they were frightened when they saw the darkness outside and enemies coming. But Li Sanniang was not afraid and said with a smile: "Even though there are many of them, don't be afraid! When fighting, just catch their leader and beat them!"

After saying that, he actually rushed forward in person, shocking both the enemy and us. Ji Cheng knew that Zhang Shun had saved his family, and was afraid that Li Sanniang would be wronged, so he quickly followed him with his son Ji Dan. When the others saw that someone was following them, they couldn't leave, so they had no choice but to grit their teeth and rush over.

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