Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1291 Trench Warfare

When the sun rose the next day, a winding trench, like a cold and poisonous snake, slowly crawled out of the Ming army camp and stared at the rebel camp.

"Sure enough, King Shun knew what was going to happen. Zhu Xieyuan really dug a trench to avoid my cannon!" Sun Chuanting frowned and couldn't help but speak first.

"It doesn't matter, he used the trench to avoid the cannon, then I will use the cannon to break the trench!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but sneered.

Sure enough, there are smart people in the world. Although Zhu Xieyuan is seventy or eighty years old, he has also figured out a way to deal with the rebel artillery.

It's just that although Zhu Xieyuan is a good person among people, he doesn't know that Zhang Shun has already accumulated the wisdom of more than ten generations in his mind. How can he alone fight against it?

Following Zhang Shun's order, Wei Zhiyou also led his men out of the camp and began digging trenches like the Ming army.

In order to prevent digging deviations, Zhang Shun personally stood on the observation tower to direct and correct.

In this way, both sides moved forward together, and it only took half a day. The difference between the ends of the trenches on both sides was only a few miles.

Later, Zhang Shun ordered thirty or fifty bird gunmen, archers, and thirty or fifty sword and ax spearmen to escort five "Flying Guns" forward.

"Your Highness, what do you mean?" Sun Chuanting and others couldn't help but asked in shock.

"Although our army's 'Flying Biao Gun' has strong firepower, it cannot see the enemy's movement. How can it hit it?"

Zhang Shun smiled when he heard this and ordered: "Get the watch rod and measure the distance and position!"

"I see, how could I have forgotten this!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but slap his forehead and suddenly realized.

It turns out that using a meter rod to measure distance is a local artillery measurement method in China, but the steps are more cumbersome. Later, gunners discovered that artillery can maintain a certain accuracy without using this method, so it was gradually used less in the military.

The basic principle is the "heavy difference technique", which uses the Pythagorean theorem of the right triangle to measure the same point twice in a row and then calculate the distance and height of the target.

The calculation method comes from the "Chongdifference" volume of Liu Hui's "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" in the Three Kingdoms period. It was later expanded into the "Island Arithmetic Classic" by the Tang Dynasty mathematician Li Chunfeng, and eventually became the basic formula in the field of traditional Chinese mathematics. .

Not long after, a clear female voice reported: "Your Highness, the enemy is six minutes due north by east, and is 350 steps away!"

"King Shun, what are you doing?" Sun Chuanting and others were a little confused. This watch pole can measure distances, but how can it also measure orientation?

"This is the maid next to me who serves as a secretary." Zhang Shun pointed to the soldier in cotton armor in front of him and smiled. "This woman is as smart as a man. She received a lot of instruction from me before, so she is good at arithmetic and geometry."

"The distance measurement method uses the heavy difference technique, and the angle measurement method uses the Sinan and Dizhi."

"The ruler I use is imitated from a sundial. Each circle should be ninety-six minutes, and the calculation is based on true north..."

Regardless of how Zhang Shun explained it to the rebel generals, the rebel soldiers waved flags on the observation tower and used flag language to inform the front-line gunners.

"Six minutes due north and east, distance is 350 steps!" The observer learned the data and quickly informed the gunner.

The gunner obtained the data, quickly took out the Sinan, measured the true north direction, and then asked the gunner to adjust the muzzle direction, angle and charge.

"The No. 1 gun is ready to fire, and the other guns are in position!" Following the gunner's order, only one gunshot was heard, and then a "explosive bomb" suddenly flew out. I don't know where it flew to. I listened for a long time. There was a loud bang.

The gunners in the rebel trenches could not clearly see the situation, but the surveyors on the observation deck had already understood clearly.

Not long after, Zhang Shunhui reported: "The No. 1 gun has deviated fifteen steps to the left. It is recommended that the muzzle be adjusted half a minute to the right and the muzzle lowered by half a minute!"

As the lookouts on the rebel observation towers and the gunners in the trenches continued to make corrections, the "explosive bombs" fired by Fei Biaogun were getting closer and closer to the enemy's trenches.

"Fight, fight, fight!" The soldiers of the Ming army digging trenches did not know that the threat was in front of them. Instead, the gunners who heard the rebels' cries couldn't help but taunted.

"Our supervisor's move is foolproof. No matter how ferocious the traitor's artillery is, it can't turn..."



Before the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty could finish their mocking words, they never expected that a round cannonball would suddenly hit it, and then it suddenly exploded, releasing countless fragments and cannonballs.

The space inside the trench was narrow, and the soldiers who were digging were close to each other, and seven or eight people were killed at once.

"Quick, run, the thieves have magic tricks!" The remaining soldiers were so frightened that they couldn't help but throw away the shovels and rattan baskets in their hands, turned around and ran away!

"Behead those who retreat!" A Ming army officer had already blocked everyone's way, stabbed the leader to death with a sword, and shouted loudly.

"How can the thieves hit the officers and soldiers hiding in the trenches if they are deaf and blind?"

"What happened just now was just a fluke, so why panic? Anyone who dares to make lies and mislead the public will be killed without mercy!"

After finally stabilizing the morale of the army, the Ming army dug three or five times. As a result, several more "explosive bombs" flew in, and another one hit the trench.


As the soldiers screamed, the soldiers who were digging the trench could no longer bear it. They turned around and killed the officer who had just blocked them with a shovel, and fled back again.

"What?" When the news spread that the Ming army's trench method had been broken by the rebels, left commander Zhu Xieyuan couldn't believe his ears.

Is this a solution that I came up with after thinking about it for several days and nights, and it was just cracked by someone?

"Superintendent, a few accidents are nothing!" Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Buyi Xuanda, thought for a moment and then remonstrated.

"Our troops are not far from the trench of "Shun Thief". Why order the soldiers to jump up, rush over, and seize the enemy's trench and artillery? Naturally, everything will be worry-free."

"That's right!" Zhu Xieyuan thought for a while and couldn't help but nodded and said, "In this way, I will select more than a hundred elites, wearing strong armor and sharp blades, to charge towards me. Let's see how he responds!"

Following Zhu Xieyuan's order, the Ming army selected an elite sentry and rushed over along the trench.

However, all this had been seen by the rebels on the observation deck. Zhang Shun quickly ordered the "Fei Biao Gun" to wash the ground, the gunmen and archers were ready to shoot, and the spearmen and axemen were ready to fight.

It was also the Ming army's misfortune. As soon as this elite soldier arrived at the end of the trench, he was hit by a round "explosive bomb". Five or seven people were immediately killed on the spot.

"Zhi Niang, kill me!" The Ming army sentry officer couldn't help but was furious. He jumped up quickly and took advantage of the gap between the rebel artillery fire and rushed towards the rebel trench.

"The gunmen and archers are ready. The thieves have nearly thirty cloths before they are ready. The spearmen and ax hands are ready. When the gunmen and archers retreat, they will attack immediately!" Wei Zhiyou calmly gave the order.

Regardless of this battle, there were not many enemies and there were not many rebels. They were just limited by the narrow trench space.

If the rebel army made a mistake, it would be a small matter to lose the trench and fly the blunderbuss, but it would be a big matter to endanger the defense of the camp. Wei Zhiyou could not help but be careless.

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