Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1292 Siege of Lu'an

Just as the Ming army and the rebel army were fighting inextricably outside Taiyuan City, a battle was about to break out in Luzhou Prefecture, Shanxi.

"General Cao, this mountain is called Gypsum Mountain, and this village is called Houmen Village. Pass through this mountain, reach Qinyuan Yuerquan, and then enter the territory of Shangdang!" Wang Guangen of "Huaguansuo" was Cao Wenzhao. He pointed to the scene in front of him, surrounded by mountains and towering green peaks.

"Not only that, this Gypsum Mountain does not mean that gypsum is produced in the mountain, but means 'paste, the liquid of God', because of its many stalactites." Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but smile.

"Hua Guansuo" Wang Guangen suddenly laughed when he heard this.

It turned out that Wang Guangen was a rebel general who started the army with Zhang Xianzhong, but due to bad luck, he was far less famous than Li Zicheng, Luo Rucai, Zhang Xianzhong, Zhang Tianlin and other rebel generals.

Later, after joining the rebel army, he followed Cao Wenzhao. It's just that his reputation and status are not as good as others, so he takes advantage of this opportunity to go on an expedition and intends to make great achievements.

However, Cao Wenzhao was a veteran general and had been "suppressing bandits" in Shanxi for many years. He knew the mountains and terrain very well, so why was he making noise?

"This road is difficult for vehicles and artillery to pass. Only men and horses can pass it!" Cao Wenzhao couldn't help laughing because he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Then since Yang Wenyue can defend Lu'an, it must be because the mountains are high and the city is dangerous, and the artillery cannot be used."

"If you want to make great achievements, but risk your life, you will definitely have some merits!"

When Wang Guangen heard this, he couldn't help but smile, and said: "A gentleman's word?"

"It's hard to chase a horse!" Cao Wenzhao nodded and responded.

If you want to house people, you have to give them enough benefits.

This Wang Guangen was not a direct descendant of Cao Wenzhao. To some extent, he was a "supervisory army" sent by Zhang Shun. Naturally, he had to give him enough face.

One hundred and sixty miles from Lingshi to Qinyuan, it took Cao Wenzhao's troops two days to arrive at Qinyuan City.

Qinyuan City is only two miles around, only one mile away from Qinshui River, and far away from the battlefield of Lu'an. How could you imagine that someone would care about it?

When Cao Dingjiao led the rebels into the city, the magistrate of Qinyuan was having a drink in the back office, but was dragged out and chopped into pieces by the rebels, and Qinyuan went down.

Cao Wenzhao was so alert. Seeing Qinyuan City being so lax, he couldn't help but hatch a plan.

He quickly ordered: "Cao Dingjiao will lead his troops to garrison here, and Wang Guangen will lead his troops to make a surprise attack on Qinzhou day and night. I will lead my troops to follow closely behind and suppress the battle!"

Wang Guangen, the "Huaguansuo", couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, but he didn't know that an opportunity had come.

Qinyuan is two hundred miles away from Qinzhou, so he traveled both ways and arrived outside Qinzhou city in only two days.

How could the Qinzhou Zhizhou and its commanders have expected the rebels to be so fast? The battle lasted only half a day. The Qinzhou commander died in the battle, the Qinzhou Zhizhou committed suicide, and Qinzhou fell.

When the news reached Luzhou Prefecture, the Ming army could not help but be frightened. They never expected that the rebels would cut off their retreat.

It turns out that in the Ming Dynasty, the three prefectures of Zeluqin and Liao Dynasties were the place of Shangdang in history.

This place is the Taiyuan barrier to the south and the Hebei barrier to the east.

Today, the Ming Dynasty has only two important places in the north, one is Taiyuan and the other is Beizhi.

If these two places do not exist, it will be difficult for the capital to survive. If the capital does not exist, the north will not be owned by the Ming Dynasty.

And the place of Shangdang, "one throat and two songs", is the barrier between Taiyuan and Beizhi.

Ze Lu Qin Liao, Zezhou was already in the hands of Li Xin, the left commander of the rebel South Route Army, and now Qinzhou has been lost, leaving only Lu'an Prefecture and Liaozhou.

However, during the Qinzhou period, Lu'an Prefecture and Liaozhou could not communicate with each other at a distance. Naturally, Yang Wenyue, the governor of Shanxi, was trapped in a dead end and could do nothing.

Therefore, when he heard that the rebel army had surrounded Qinyuan and Qinzhou, he couldn't help but lamented: "It's difficult for Lufu, it's difficult for Taiyuan, it's difficult for the capital, and it's difficult for the whole world!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Yang Wenyue finished speaking, soldiers came to report: "Fujun, the deputy military envoy Wang Zhaosheng asked to see you!"

"Quick, please come quickly!" Yang Wenyue couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, and he couldn't help but rush out and ordered quickly.

Yang Wenyue had just walked out of the door when he saw a man walking over supported by two soldiers.

Yang Wenyue hurriedly stepped forward to support him and said: "Zichan is not feeling well. If anything happens, just let the soldiers know. Why bother to come here?"

"Fujun, I've heard about it!" Wang Zhaosheng, deputy envoy of southern Hebei Province, said with a bitter smile.

"When 'Optimus Prime' was in Lu'an Mansion, he failed to subjugate him late in life, which resulted in a catastrophic disaster, which led to today."

"I developed gangrene on my back late in life, and there was no medicine or stone to cure it. I knew I was going to die soon."

"Today I am willing to defend this city for the Fu army. I also ask the Fu army to leave quickly and try to recover in the future!"

"Haha!" Yang Wenyue couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing this, "Although the world is big today, where is the place for Yang?"

"Yesterday we lost Qin, today we lost Jin, and tomorrow we lose Yan again. Although the Ming Dynasty has a vast land, if we don't care about one city or one land, sooner or later not a single inch of land will be owned by the Ming Dynasty."

"I was born as a minister of the Ming Dynasty and died as a ghost of the Ming Dynasty. How can I be succeeded by my son?"

After Yang Wenyue stayed in Lu'an Mansion, Cao Wenzhao and Wang Guangen arrived soon after, and together with left commander Li Xin and Li Fuchen, a total of four battalions surrounded Lu'an Mansion.

Lu'an Mansion is the hometown of Shangdang and governs Huguan City.

The city is 20 miles long, 3 feet high, 2 feet wide, and has four gates.

Among them is the "Imperial City" of Prince Shen's Mansion. On Wednesday, it can be described as a "double-layered city defense system."

Of course, if that's all, Lu'an Mansion is not enough to reject "Master Wang".

It turns out that since the rebels left Lu'an Prefecture, Zezhou and other places that had suffered a lot of disasters, the gentry and officials in these two places learned from the painful experience and began to cast cannons, build forts, and train soldiers in order to protect themselves.

The leader among them is naturally Zhang Shun's old acquaintance Wang Zhaosheng of Jinan Bingdao.

In the battle of Lingchuan, the rebel army took the lead in breaking through Wang Zhaosheng's troops, and Liu Cheng took the opportunity to kill Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi. Zhang Shun became famous, and Wang Zhaosheng was naturally deeply ashamed.

From then on, he devoted himself to training soldiers and forging artillery, in order to avenge others' hatred.

Although the smelting technology of Lu'an Prefecture is not as famous as that of Yangcheng, it is also the location of the famous "Runguo Smelting".

Wang Zhaosheng trained 2,000 soldiers here and forged countless firecrackers, artillery pieces, armors and weapons of various sizes.

As a result, no one expected that due to a strange combination of circumstances, the rebel army grew stronger and Zhang Shun became the king of Qin.

Although this resulted in Wang Zhaosheng never having a chance to take revenge in his life, at the same time, it also cheated Li Xin, the left commander of the Southern Route Army.

It turned out that Li Xin had five battalions under his command, but Ma Jinzhong's battalion left Yuanqu to the west, and Wei Zhiyou's battalion headed north to Yueyang, leaving only three battalions under Li Xin's command.

Among these three battalions, one battalion had to be reserved to garrison Zezhou. As a result, Li Xin could only use two battalions of 6,000 men to face the 5,000 men of Shanxi Governor Yang Wenyue and the Deputy Military Envoy of Southern Hebei Wang Zhaosheng.

The other party couldn't retreat, so Li Xin and others were naturally helpless.

"No artillery?" Cao Wenzhao frowned, looked at the dense artillery on the city, and turned to ask Li Xin.

Li Xin naturally knew what Cao Wenzhao meant, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "King Shun equipped us with a total of thirty Qingtian general cannons, fifteen of which were left in the hands of his nephew to attack Zhengzhou, Kaifeng and other strong cities. "

"Ten gates are left in Commander Hong's hands to deal with enemies in the direction of Daming Mansion. We only have five gates in our hands."

"Five gates?" Cao Wenzhao's voice couldn't help but become louder.

Are you kidding me? In a big city that is two to ten miles away, you only have five siege guns, so how can you fight this battle?

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