Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1293 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

"Fujun, the southwest corner of the city wall has just been destroyed by thieves!" The soldiers could not help but report to Shanxi Governor Yang Wenyuehui with a grimace.

"Fu Jun?" As soon as the soldier finished speaking, Wang Zhaosheng of the Southern Hebei Military Preparation Road couldn't help being frightened, and hurriedly stood up and went out to check the situation.

But unexpectedly, he felt a panic in his heart, his instinct was spinning, and he almost fell to the ground.

Yang Wenyue quickly stepped forward to support Wang Zhaosheng and asked urgently: "Zichan, how do you feel?"

"It's okay without me, state affairs are important!" Wang Zhaosheng took a breath and comforted Yang Wenyue.

Yang Wenyue looked at Wang Zhaosheng's pale face and said a little uneasily: "I don't have to worry about the birth of my son. I just need to rest in peace and recuperate in the hospital. I will take care of everything outside!"

Wang Zhaosheng, the commander of the Southern Hebei Army, wanted to help, but his health did not allow him to do so, so he had to let him go.

But just as Yang Wenyue left, Wang Zhaosheng quickly covered his heart and slumped in his seat.

"Deputy envoy, deputy envoy?" Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

"It doesn't matter, please call the doctor for me!" Wang Zhaosheng dismissed the people quietly, but in fact, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

In ancient times, there were many symptoms of "grene in the back", but in fact it was mostly acute cellulitis in later generations.

This disease is due to widespread, diffuse, purulent inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococci or saprophytic bacteria.

Naturally, this is not a serious illness in future generations. Basically, it can be cured with large doses of antibiotics, supplemented by fever-reducing and pain-relieving drugs.

However, in this era without antibiotics, patients can only rely on patients to fight off this disease.

If the patient cannot resist it, complications such as sepsis and sepsis will occur.

Wang Zhaosheng now suffers from heart palpitations, dizziness and shortness of breath, which are typical complications. If he cannot receive timely treatment, he is only one step away from death.

How did Yang Wenyue know that Wang Zhao, the leader of the Southern Hebei Army Preparation Department, was willing to "go offline" at a critical moment?

He came out of the government office, quickly got on his horse, and hurried to the southwest corner.

He climbed up the city wall and saw that a corner of the originally majestic Lu'an City was missing. He quickly asked, "How is it?"

"It's time to report to Fujun. It's okay for the time being. The thieves just charged in two waves and were beaten down by everyone." A general who looked like a leader hurriedly came forward to report.

"Okay, everyone, do your best, and I will take credit for you later!" Yang Wenyue quickly drew a big cake and asked everyone to "satisfy their hunger" first.

"Fujun, now that the thieves have damaged the city wall, they will definitely continue to attack!" The general hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but suggest.

"Please also ask Fu Jun to mobilize more soldiers and artillery for defense so that the soldiers can repair the city overnight!"

"Let's see, let's mobilize ten artillery pieces and five hundred meters of soldiers. You must keep a tight guard for me!" Yang Wenyue hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Fu Jun?" The man was obviously a bit dissatisfied with the shortage and couldn't help but want to ask for more.

Unexpectedly, Yang Wenyue frowned and shouted: "I have my own thoughts on how to use the troops, so don't say anything more!"

After eating Yang Wenyue's drink, the man knew that it would be difficult to get what he asked for, so he had to retreat.

The staff on the left and right couldn't help but wonder: "Fu Jun, although there are not many officers and soldiers now, there are roughly 5,000 troops. The northwest corner of the city is damaged, why are you so stingy?"

Only then did Yang Wenyue explain: "The 'Shun Thief' is cunning. Since he can storm the southwest corner today, how do you know he won't attack the northeast corner tonight?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then they came to their senses: "You said that the 'Shun Thief' is going to steal the city tonight?"

"Yes, the 'shun thieves' already outnumbered our army. Unexpectedly, they were unable to retreat for a long time, and they actually mobilized two battalions of troops from elsewhere to attack our army. It's obvious that they are determined to win!" Yang Wenyue couldn't help but sneered.

"It's just that the Lingqin Ancient Road is rugged and difficult to navigate, and it's impassable for vehicles. I guess the thieves still have more people and fewer guns today, so why can't I stand it."

"That's why I came up with this trick, to play the trick of 'sounding in the east and attacking in the west'. Don't worry, everyone, let's see what I do to you tonight!"

The Ming army was besieged by the rebels these days and was suppressed for a whole month. Finally, the clouds cleared and the moon came out.

So all the staff couldn't help but laugh and said: "If this is really the case, we will celebrate the victory of the Fu Army together tomorrow morning!"

Yang Wenyue's plan was decided, and he dispatched two thousand soldiers to ambush in the northeast of Lu'an Prefecture that night.

The other four gates in the southeast, northwest and north are each divided into 500 troops and horses for daily defense.

Half of the remaining 1,000 men and horses were allocated to the southwest corner of the city to strengthen the defense, and the last 500 were reserved as surprise troops in case of emergencies.

Everything was prepared, and as expected, the "shun thieves" harassed and attacked the damaged southwestern corner of the city that night, acting as if they were bound to win.

The defenders in the southwestern corner of the city were afraid of being lost, so messengers asking for help came one after another, but they just kept urging.

Yang Wenyue stood still, but said to his left and right: "Those who want to achieve great things must have the determination of 'Taishan Mountain collapses in front of them but their appearance does not change, and elk thrive in the wild but their eyes do not blink'."

After staying up half the night and waiting until Haishi, there was no movement in the northeast of the city!

When it was midnight, there was still no movement!

I waited until it was ugly, but there was still no movement!

At this time, Shanxi Governor Yang Wenyue couldn't sit still. Could it be that I had guessed wrong? How could it be so quiet outside the city?

As a result, when Yang Wenyue was about to order the soldiers to be withdrawn, he only heard the sound of a cannon in the northeast corner of the city, and then there was the sound of fighting.

Done? Yang Wenyue couldn't help being surprised and happy.

Not long after, as expected, soldiers rushed over and reported loudly: "As expected, the Fu army knew what was going to happen. The thieves suddenly launched a fierce attack on the northeast corner of the city."

"The thieves Hongyi's cannons shook the sky, as fierce as thunder, and the city wall was about to fall. Fortunately, our army worked together and our soldiers worked hard, and now we can hold on."

"What is it that can be defended?" Yang Wenyue was shocked when he heard this, "The thief is so ferocious!"

"After the thieves boarded the city wall, they did not rush to seize the city gate. Instead, they wanted to occupy the city wall." The soldier couldn't help but report quickly.

"Our soldiers who were ambushed halfway were useless. They had to come out of their hiding places and fight for the city wall with the 'thieves' repeatedly!"

"This" Yang Wenyue couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

It turns out that although the city of Lu'an Prefecture is large, it only has four gates.

Although the northeastern corner of the city was where the rebels attacked fiercely, there was actually no city gate.

This also led the Ming army to abandon the city wall and bring the rebel soldiers into the city for street fighting if they wanted to ambush the rebels.

Or take the initiative to release a small section of the city wall and wait for the rebels to attack them on their way to seize the city gate.

If the Ming army abandoned the city wall, Yang Wenyue was worried that without the protection of the city wall, he would not be a match for the rebels, so he chose the latter as a way to deal with the rebels.

But he never expected that the rebels had "big plans" and were not in a hurry to seize the city gate. Instead, they focused on seizing the city wall.

"Quickly, bring up the surprise team!" Yang Wenyue couldn't help but ordered quickly.

"It's time to report to Fujun that the strange troops have joined the battle." The soldier couldn't help but report.

What? When Yang Wenyue heard this, his eyesight went dark.

This time I caught a big fish, but I didn’t expect that the fish was too big to eat.

"Transfer those five hundred from the northwest corner of the city!" After thinking for a long time, Yang Wenyue couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said.

"Fu Jun?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and couldn't help but remind them quickly.

"Now that the arrow is on the string, we have to fire it, and we don't have to worry about much." Yang Wenyue couldn't help but said firmly, "As long as the main force of the 'thieves' is defeated and the offense and defense are transformed, naturally there is no need to worry about the defense of the city!"

The city of Lu'an Prefecture spans ten miles, so from the southwest corner of the city to the southeast corner, it is naturally ten miles away.

It took the soldiers of the Ming army another half an hour to arrive at the battlefield in the southeast corner of the city.

"Fu Jun!" The leading general arrived and saw Governor Yang Wenyue commanding on the city wall, so he quickly stepped forward to report.

"Okay, good time!" After the war started, Yang Wenyue rushed here and found that the front line was so tight, he couldn't help but admire his wise and decisiveness.

"Hurry up and take the people up, and take down the three generals to rest first!"

The two sides started fighting at Choumo, and now they have reached Yinzhong. It is estimated that the sky will get brighter in half an hour.

By the time we can clearly see the formations of both sides, this battle will probably come to an end.

However, Yang Wenyue had not yet put his heart into his heart, but he saw a man coming in a hurry, and said: "Fujun, urgent military situation, the southwest corner of the city is under fierce attack by thieves, our army cannot withstand it, please support!"

"What?" Yang Wenyue was shocked when he heard this and said in disbelief, "The thieves are all here, how can I not attack elsewhere if I have the spare strength!"

"Sound to the east and strike to the west, sound to the west and strike to the east!" Just as the staff on the left and right looked at each other, someone suddenly understood and couldn't help but responded.

It turned out that this time after Cao Wenzhao and Wang Guangen's troops arrived, the rebels gained a numerical advantage and simply gave Yang Wenyue a "not able to take care of both ends."

"The size of Huguan City is both an advantage and a disadvantage!" At this moment, Li Xin had already stood in the southwest corner of the damaged city and smiled at Wang Guangen.

"If our army had few soldiers, then nothing would matter. Now that our army has twice as many horses and horses as the Ming army, then naturally we will win no matter how we fight."

"This ten-mile journey from the southwest corner of the city to the northeast corner of the city is completely enough for Yang Wenyue to run back and forth without worrying about the end!"

It turned out that this time, Li Xin and Cao Wenzhao divided their troops and launched attacks one after another.

Yang Wenyue thought that the rebels were both fictitious and real, but actually this time the rebels were real in the southwest, northeast, and south.

Wherever Yang Wenyue reveals his flaws, there will be a breakthrough for the rebels!

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