Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1295 Determination

The fighting outside Taiyuan City is still going on.

Like venomous snakes, the trenches sprang out from their respective "nests" and snaked towards the opponent's "seven inches".

Wave after wave of Ming troops jumped out of the trenches and charged towards the rebel trenches.

The rebels responded unceremoniously. They first used "flying blunderbuss" to slam the enemies in the ditch, and then fired a salvo of fire blunderbuss to kill the enemies. Then spearmen and axemen came together to start a fight with the enemy. Fierce hand-to-hand combat.

Blood, wreckage, broken armor, and broken blades were all intertwined together, forming a bloody Shura field.

And just at the edge of this Shura field, there was a person standing on a high observation deck observing everything.

In the past, when he saw these things, he would feel fear, nausea, pity, and empathy, but now all he is left with is numbness.

"Bai Gu, what do they look like when we stand on this stage and look down?" Zhang Shun, who had been silent for a long time, couldn't help but ask.

"Probably. Probably like a swarm of ants?" Sun Chuanting was a little unsure of Zhang Shun's intentions.

"Yes, just like ants!" Zhang Shun nodded with no emotion in his words.

"Confucius climbed to the East Mountain and became a small Lu, and climbed to the Taishan Mountain and became a small world. If a saint is like this, how much less do we ordinary people?"

When Sun Chuanting heard this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Shun's words sounded okay at first, but after careful consideration, the word "ant" was a bit harsh.

Sure enough, Zhang Shun laughed and said, "This person will easily lose himself if he stands at a high place for a long time."

"We regard the people in the audience as ants, how do we know that we are not one of these ants?"

"What does King Shun mean?" Sun Chuanting seemed to have a clue.

"So I'm afraid. I'm afraid that if I don't have time to finish what I want to do, I will become that 'arrogant ant'." Zhang Shun shook his head and made up his mind.

"So I can only try to be as fast as possible and try to solve the problems that are blocking me before I become arrogant."

"for example?"

"For example, this group of Ming troops in front of us!"

No wonder Zhang Shun was so anxious. It turned out that according to the opportunity set by the rebel army, the Hou Jin army should have joined the battlefield after half a month.

However, no one expected that Hou Jin would react quickly and suddenly appear outside Xuanfu Dushi Fort just before the rebel army was about to encircle Taiyuan.

Dushi Fort is thousands of miles away from Taiyuan. Although it sounds very far away, for the Hou Jin Army with many horses, it only took ten days of forced march.

Once the Hou Jin Army appears outside Taiyuan City, it will mark the complete failure of the rebel army's plan to attack Shanxi.

When the two sides in a war become three parties, Zhang Shun's control of the entire war situation will completely collapse.

Sometimes the key to war is not necessarily the number of beheadings, nor the number of sieges, but the most important thing is to "kill people without killing them."

What does it mean to “cause others but not harm others”?

If we use a popular word, it is the term "rhythm" that Zhang Shun used to play real-time strategy games in his previous life.

The so-called "rhythm" in the game refers to a series of tactical arrangements such as when to pull out towers, when to fight dragons, when to invade wild areas, when to fight in groups, etc.

These arrangements are intertwined and do not allow the other party to breathe.

Once the "rhythm is lost" and the opponent readjusts tactics and strategies, the party that previously gained an advantage is likely to fall into a passive state.

The current situation of the rebels is also very different from Zhang Shun's previous game.

Originally, according to the original strategy of the rebel army, when to take Jiangzhou and Pingyang, when to take Fenzhou and Zelu, when to take Sanguan and Taiyuan, and when to compete for Xuanda, they were all carried out step by step according to the established plan.

As a result, with the intrusion of the Hou Jin Army, everything went into chaos.

what to do? what to do!

Since the "rhythm is lost", I will get it back!

Zhang Shun stood on a high lookout, watching the rebel soldiers and Ming soldiers below constantly going back and forth in the trenches, fighting each other, and he couldn't help but think.

"Your Highness? Your Highness?" Sun Chuanting waited for a long time and saw no movement from Zhang Shun, so he couldn't help but ask.

Although he didn't understand the term "out of rhythm", he also understood that now the plan could not keep up with the changes, and it was time for the rebels to adjust their strategy.

Zhu Xieyuan, the governor of the Ming Dynasty, was not in vain. This time he stationed his camp in the northeast of the rebel camp.

It is surrounded by mountains to the east and Taiyuan to the north. Not only is it far away from Fenhe River, but the terrain is high.

If Zhang Shun wants to replicate the "flooding of seven armies" outside Xi'an this time, it will probably be in vain.

Sun Chuanting thought about it and decided that he could only make a head-on decision.

However, the numbers of both sides are basically the same now, and the Ming army is clinging to the camp. Even if the rebels can defeat the Ming army in a night battle, they cannot completely annihilate the enemy.

Faced with such a difficult situation, what is your approach, King Shun?

Sure enough, Zhang Shun avoided talking about strategy, but instead looked to his left and said, "I wonder how many flying midge cannons there are in the camp?"

"The flying midge cannon still has a hundred rods, and only three to five hundred shells are used. It is usually used for training gunners." Sun Chuanting did not expose it, but answered seriously.

This is a gadget that emerged during the Jiajing period. It has a short range, a small charge, and impressive lethality.

It's not so much an artillery piece as it is a bluff.

Since the introduction of French guns and Western cannons, these things have basically been eliminated.

Nowadays, except for Zhang Shun's whim, which was used to train flying gunners, only the Ming army warehouses, some guard posts, and Ding Zhuang still have them.

If you want to rely on this to defeat the enemy, it is more feasible to rely on Song Xiance's method of summoning thunder from the sky to kill Zhu Xieyuan.

"Three to five hundred? Too little, too little!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun shook his head and said with a smile, "The craftsmen worked all night to make at least five hundred more, which is just enough."

"Ah? Your Highness, do you really plan to use this?" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but be stunned and couldn't believe his ears.

"That's true to a certain extent!" Zhang Shun nodded and smiled confidently.

"It's just that my blooming bomb may be different from his blooming bomb. I hope I won't scare you when the time comes!"

"If King Shun says it's feasible, then it's feasible!" Sun Chuanting also knew that Zhang Shun was an experienced military man and had a deep knowledge of flying midge artillery, so he would definitely not make a mistake.

"What, you're still not convinced?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing.

"Sun Baigu, please let me wait for a while. When the craftsmen make this thing, you will know how powerful it is."

"As for the method of defeating the enemy, it won't be too late to discuss it after the bombs are made tomorrow!"

No, you really have a way to defeat the enemy?

Sun Chuanting looked Zhang Shun up and down in disbelief, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, I'll wait and see!"

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