Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1296 Counterattack

"Spread out, spread out, don't get too close!" A man who looked like an officer yelled at the soldiers while lying in the trench, secretly sticking his head out to look in the direction of the rebels.

The explosive bomb launched by the rebel Fei Biaogun weighed 150 kilograms and contained three kilograms of powder. Once it hit the trench, its lethality was astonishing.

After suffering so much, the Ming army finally learned to behave.

Although there is no scientific theoretical guidance, but driven by instinct, he also learned the two skills of spreading out and lying on the ground.

"Sergeant, do we still want to charge?" A soldier was a little frightened and couldn't help but run over and asked in a low voice.

He had participated in a charge the day before yesterday. After being beaten by the rebels, he was beaten back by spearmen and axemen. He still has lingering fears.

"Military law is ruthless. You want to die without taking advantage of the situation?" The sentry commander cursed, then hesitated and said.

"Don't rush so fast for a while. If you follow others, you'll be unlucky and get shot to death!"

ah? But every time I ran ahead without paying attention.

The soldier pursed his lips and wanted to complain, but before he could open his mouth, he heard a loud shout: "Enemy attack!"

Enemy attack?

For a moment, the Ming army in the trench was a little confused. Where did the enemy attack come from?

It turns out that during this period of time, the Ming army took the initiative to launch the attack, while the rebel army was always on the defensive.

After many attacks, the Ming army seemed to have acquiesced that the rebels would not attack.

As a result, the rebel army suddenly launched an attack, and the Ming army itself was dumbfounded.

"Quick, quick, shoot for me regardless of muskets or bows and arrows!" The sentry officer was obviously anxious and shouted loudly.

"Ah? The muskets, bows and arrows are all at the back!" The soldiers were stunned when they heard this and responded quickly.

It turned out that the rebels had been hiding in the trenches, and the Ming army's muskets and bows and arrows were of no use.

Therefore, before each charge, the Ming army likes to place long-range weapons behind them, then charge while wearing heavy armor and holding swords, axes and spears.

However, this time the Ming army was not ready yet. Instead, the rebels charged over first. The Ming army was caught off guard and fell into chaos.

The sentry officer scolded the soldiers behind him while staring at the charging "bandits".

However, when I saw the "thieves" in front of me clearly, I couldn't help but be surprised.

It turned out that the soldiers at the front of the rebel army were not armed with swords, axes, spears and firecrackers. Instead, each of them was holding a "stick" about three feet long.

Seeing these soldiers charging to about seventy steps, they squatted down one after another, then held the "sticks" in their hands upside down and pointed their heads diagonally in the direction of the Ming army.

However, he took out a cylindrical object from his side bag and placed it on the "head of the mallet".

Flying cannon?

Only then did the sentry realize what was going on, and couldn't help but scream loudly: "Fei Ceng Pao, Fei Ceng Pao, get out of the way!"

But before the other soldiers could take a closer look, a large group of spearmen and axemen had already rushed forward, blocking the view of the rebel gunners.

However, just because you can't see something doesn't mean it won't happen.

Not long after the shouts of the Ming army sentry officer ended, only a few muffled "bang bang" sounds were heard, and dozens of explosive bombs flew up, and then crackled into the Ming army trenches.

Some of the explosive bombs just flew over the heads of the Ming army, and exploded with a "bang", exploding into a white mist, and scattering a lot of white powder like rain.

Some of them just fell to the ground and exploded on the spot, exploding into seven or eight pieces and injuring three to five people.

Some of them misfired when they fell to the ground and basically had no effect.

"Lime, this is lime, this is quicklime!" Just as the sentry officer breathed a sigh of relief, someone suddenly covered his eyes with his hands and screamed.

"Ah? Is this quicklime? How vicious is the thief..."

These soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were all wearing heavy armor. The explosive bullet that exploded into seven or eight fragments just now was not scary to them, but the quicklime that was designed to hurt people's eyes was extremely scary to them.

For a time, the soldiers of Ming Dynasty became more and more confused. Before the sentry officer could reorganize his formation, the rebel "killer team" came over with spears, knives and axes to kill them.

They would poke and chop anyone they saw. If they were wearing heavy armor and could not harm them, they would knock them down with an ax and chop them with a big knife or axe.

The Ming army only had one sentry in this trench, so how could they resist it?

They were immediately killed by the rebels and retreated steadily, losing their trench front position.

At the same time, the same thing was happening in several other trenches.

The elite Ming troops who were originally carefully selected to seize the rebel trenches were unexpectedly attacked by the rebels, and they were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

"What, the trench has been lost!" Zhu Xieyuan, the left commander, received the news, and his first reaction was disbelief.

"Our army has not dug more than a dozen trenches in the past few days, but seven or eight. We sent a sentry to each place, almost seven to eight hundred elites, and they are just gone?"

"No way!" Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of Xuanzhen, who unexpectedly came to report, said with a wry smile.

"Although there were heavy casualties, we managed to get back three to five hundred people!"

Straight bitch, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!

Zhu Xieyuan cursed secretly, glared at Li Guoliang, then turned around and ordered: "Our army's fortifications are complete and the camps are ready. Even if there are occasional small setbacks, they are nothing."

"Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, is responsible for the defense. I want no faults and no merit. As long as I persist until tomorrow morning, it will be a great achievement!"

"Huang De, the commander of the Shenshu Camp, led his cavalry to wander outside the camp to contain the enemy's attack."

"As soon as I find that the enemy has a flaw, rush into his back and give him some color!"

Zhu Xieyuan is indeed a man who has matured with age. He has seen the situation clearly and stabilized the morale of the army with only a few military orders.

After finally making arrangements, everyone followed the order and retreated. Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but murmur to himself: "It's strange, it's strange. This 'shun thief' has always been stubborn in the past. I wonder if he took the wrong medicine today, so why did he suddenly fight back?"

As soon as Zhu Xieyuan finished speaking, someone from the door stretched his head and looked inside.

He couldn't help but frown, and was about to scold. Unexpectedly, the doorman saw him and hurriedly walked in three steps at a time and reported: "Supervisor, Governor Zhang Fengyi of Xuanda and Governor Ye Tinggui of Datong are here to ask for an audience."

"Oh? Invite me quickly!" Zhu Xieyuan quickly straightened his clothes and then ordered.

Not long after, Zhang Fengyi and Ye Tinggui came in as expected. They had met each other and sat down respectively as host and guest.

Zhu Xieyuan was about to speak, but unexpectedly Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuan Dynasty, took the lead and said: "Supervisor, Xuanfu Governor Zhang Weishi has just sent urgent information that the Donglu have invaded in a large scale and have now crossed the Monolith Fort and entered the territory of Xuanfu."

"What?" Zhu Xieyuan's expression changed greatly, and he was silent for a long time, and then he suddenly realized, "That's it!"

The Governor of Xuanda, Zhang Fengyi, and the Governor of Datong, Ye Tinggui, were immediately confused when they heard this. They couldn't help but wonder: "Supervisor, why do you say this?"

"What you two don't know is that the 'shun thieves' have just launched a fierce attack on our army. Almost all the trench channels that our army has worked so hard to dig have been lost." Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Ah? This is happening!" Zhang Fengyi and Ye Tinggui couldn't help but be shocked.

"Don't worry, you two. The governor has just stabilized the situation, and the outcome is still between two sides!" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but laugh.

"It turns out that I didn't know why the 'Shun Thief' suddenly changed his behavior, but this is what happened!"

"I heard before that 'Shun thieves' are as afraid of Eastern captives as tigers, and now it seems that is indeed the case."

Before Zhu Xieyuan finished speaking, Zhang Fengyi and Ye Tinggui couldn't help but laugh like cunning foxes.

The Art of War says: Defeat your bravery with your intelligence, and defeat your intelligence with your emotions.

If you have no desires or demands, we will naturally be at your mercy.

But since you are afraid, don't blame us for taking advantage of it.

"I have a plan!" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but suddenly said, but as soon as he spoke, he realized that the voice was wrong.

It turned out that Zhang Fengyi and Ye Tinggui suddenly agreed with him.

"It's easy to say, easy to say. In that case, why don't the three of us write this plan on the palms of our hands and see if it's the same?" Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but smile.

"That's good!" Zhu Xieyuan and Ye Tinggui couldn't help but nodded.

The three of them then took the pen and ink book in their palms, and then opened it and saw three strategies: "join the captives", "borrow the captives" and "drive the wolves and swallow the tigers".

"Hahaha!" The three of them couldn't help but laugh happily, "This is indeed what heroes think alike!"

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