It is said that Zhu Xieyuan, the left governor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, and Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, and others decided to "borrow prisoners to quell the invaders" and wrote a letter early to send envoys to Xuanfu.

It turns out that Zhu Xieyuan, Zhang Fengyi, Ye Tinggui and others are all human spirits, and they have been fighting with the rebels for a long time. The "shun thieves" fought back and forth with the officers and soldiers with only the men and horses in their hands.

But when Li Zicheng's reinforcements arrive, don't talk about "suppressing thieves" then. I'm afraid it will be lucky not to be "suppressed by thieves".

Therefore, the three of them unanimously planned to introduce a third party to completely muddy the water so that they could easily draw chestnuts from the fire.

Of course, how exactly do you borrow this soldier? Will the other party take over the magpie's nest after borrowing it?

The three of them had already decided on this calculation, and felt that everything was under control, so they let it go.

Let's say that after the rebel company occupied seven or eight longitudinal trenches of the Ming army, their progress was blocked by the Ming army's camp and the trenches outside the camp.

Since the Ming army had suffered losses from thousands of kilograms of Hongyi cannon from the rebel army before, the fort was built quite thickly this time and the rebel army could not break through it for a while.

In this way, the two sides fought fiercely until dark, but they still couldn't decide the winner.

It didn't make sense for the army to change its manpower and fight at night.

Zhu Xie was over seventy years old and had low energy. He kept tossing all night long and couldn't stand it any longer. He had to entrust the war effort to Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda.

Zhang Fengyi was also experienced in military affairs. After taking over, he arranged an airtight arrangement. The rebels attacked several times, but were all repulsed.

Seeing that the east was turning white and the sky was about to light up, Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, suddenly rushed in and asked: "Where is the supervisor?"

Zhang Fengyi was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but wonder: "It's not like you don't know that the supervisor is old and frail and has low energy, so he went to rest first. Why did you come here to look for him again?"

"Something is going badly. We'd better hurry up and call someone to wake him up!" Ye Tinggui couldn't help but beat his chest and stamped his feet after hearing this. "Just now we got soldiers to report that Taiyuan City suddenly caught fire. There must be some trouble!"

"What!" Zhang Fengyi was horrified when he heard this and said in disbelief, "How is it possible? We have clearly sent out scouts, so how could the thief appear outside Taiyuan City?"

It turned out that on the night of the fierce battle between the two sides, Wang Zhongzao, the former commander-in-chief of Shanxi Province, led a battalion in a small boat and sailed up the Fen River under the cover of darkness to the north of Taiyuan City.

At that time, Zhu Xieyuan led the main force of the Ming army to fight fiercely with the rebels on the front line. He was worried that the governor would be constrained by his high altitude, so he sent him back to defend the city on the pretext that Taiyuan city defense was empty.

Na Gao Qi Di also performed his duties conscientiously, so he sent his four eunuchs, Li Guofu, Xu Jinzhong, Sun Weiwu, and Liu Yuanbin, to guard the southeast, northwest, and northwest in case of changes. The man stationed at the northern wall of Taiyuan City was the eunuch Sun Weiwu.

There are two east and west gates in the north of Taiyuan City, called the "Little North Gate" and the "Big North Gate" respectively.

The entrances of the "Big North Gate" and "Little North Gate" are exactly opposite the two forts of "Yongning" and "Yongan".

These two forts were combined into the "Second Anning Fort" in the Ming Dynasty, with a city area of ​​​​1, and there are firecrackers, artillery and other equipment inside.

Anyone who fails to remove these two forts first and prepares to attack Taiyuan City from the north gate will definitely be attacked from the back by the Ming soldiers stationed in these two forts.

Therefore, the eunuch Sun Weiwu who was stationed at the North Gate wall sent his soldiers to guard the "Big North Gate", "Little North Gate" and Yong'an Second Fort, thinking that they were impregnable.

Who would have thought that Zhang Shun would send the surrendered general Wang Zhong to attack alone, with the title of Mei and Ma Lekou, and without lights, he would sneak all the way to the north of Taiyuan City by moonlight.

"General, if you want to take the Big and Small Gates, you must first take the Yong'an Second Fort. And if you want to take the Yong'an Second Fort, you will definitely alert the guards of the Big and Small Gates. What can be done?" Everyone had just sneaked ashore, and a staff officer had already asked uneasily.

"The two gates, the big and the small, and the second fortress of Yong'an, although the system is ingenious, there are still shortcomings!" Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong sneered.

"The Second Fort of Yong'an is divided into two shifts every night; the large and small north gates are always staggered by half an hour to avoid being taken advantage of."

"The soldiers in Taiyuan are lazy by nature and often violate their orders. Therefore, when it is time to change shifts, the next shift will not arrive, and the first shift will have retreated. They are doing their own thing without any vigilance."

"I'll wait and hide for a while. When the time comes, everything will be revealed."

After listening to Wang Zhong's words, everyone lurked by the river and waited until midnight before sending scouts to check.

Sure enough, they saw that although the lights on the Second Fort of Yongning were still on, it was empty and there was no one. Wang Zhong and others then led people to the city gate.

Heading east from the Fen River bank, you pass by the Big North Gate first, and then the Small North Gate.

Although this Wang Zhong was not as talented as the average person, he had been serving as the commander-in-chief of Shanxi for a long time, and he knew the defense and layout of Taiyuan City very well.

He couldn't help but order: "When you hear the sound of cannons later, Wang Yi, you will lead the troops to attack Xiaobei Gate."

"Not far from the small north gate is the Guandi Temple, and to the east of the Guandi Temple is the gunpowder magazine."

"As long as you enter the city, don't worry about anything. Just occupy the gunpowder warehouse. If nothing can be done, you would rather burn it than leave it to Zhu Xieyuan!"

Wang Yi was a member of the Wang Zhong clan and knew how powerful it was. He couldn't help but nodded and said: "Brother, don't worry, if this happens, our Wang family will still be a famous family in Yulin. I know the key, so brother, just worry about attacking the Yamen. "

The two sides had decided on their plan, so each commanded a group of troops to carry artillery and move towards the large and small north gates, while the remaining three groups of troops hid outside the city and moved their cameras.

Sure enough, not long after, it was time for the city gate guards to change their shifts. They collected their military equipment and left the city gate. However, the replacement guard did not arrive for a while.

"That's it!" Wang Zhong thought about it and knew that the Taiyuan City Gate had a lot to do with it. The guards must be more attentive than Yongning Second Fort, and the replacement guards would arrive soon.

So he estimated that the front group was far away, so he issued the order to attack.

"Yes!" After everyone got the order, twenty or thirty people quickly dragged something out.

It was none other than a flying gun commonly used by the rebels.

This flying gun was filled with dozens of kilograms of black powder and a stone bullet weighing fifty kilograms.

After the gunner adjusted the angle of the muzzle, he pointed diagonally at the latch of Taiyuan North Gate, and then lit the fuse.

Immediately, a loud bang sounded, and a huge hole was blasted out of the Taiyuan North Gate.

"As soon as the door bolt is broken, follow me into the city quickly!" Wang Zhong ignored the smoke and quickly stepped forward to take a closer look. He saw that the door bolt of the Great North Gate had been broken into two pieces.

After receiving the order, everyone quickly pushed hard, and with a dull "squeak" sound, the gate of Taiyuan City suddenly opened wide.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!" At this moment, how could such a huge movement be hidden from everyone?

There were three or five soldiers who had just arrived to change shifts and immediately discovered the presence of the rebels.

"Kill!" Wang Zhong shouted when he saw this, and ordered his soldiers to drag the heavy flying blunderbuss towards Wengcheng. He bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow up the city.

Only a scream was heard, and the soldier fell down.

The other soldiers immediately imitated the example. Some were archers and some fired muskets, and they shot down two more people.

The remaining two or three people were so heartbroken that they abandoned their swords and guns and ran away.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Before the Great North Gate was completely opened, another dull cannon shot was heard not far away, but it was Wang Yi who led his soldiers to blow open the gate of the Little North Gate with flying blunderbuss.

It turns out that the method of using a flying gun to blow up the door was Zhang Shun's idea.

In this era, the power of black powder was limited. If it was made into explosive packets or powder barrels, it would not be able to cause damage to the city gates.

Therefore, if you want to destroy the city gate, you can only think of two ways: increasing the dose and restraining the gunpowder.

If it were to restrain gunpowder, which weapon in the hands of the rebels could be more suitable than Fei Biao?

Therefore, this time the rebels stole the city, they specially brought two heavy flying guns, which were specially used to destroy the city gates at close range.

At this time Fei Biao Zhang is no longer Fei Biao Zhang, but a directional blaster.

Not long after, only another loud noise was heard, and even the last gate of the Wengcheng in Taiyuan City was blasted open by the rebels.

The impregnable "Dragon City" Taiyuan has already opened its doors!

Poor Zhu Xieyuan, Zhang Fengyi and Ye Tinggui were waiting on the front line to fight hard, but they didn't know that they were about to be "stolen" by the rebels.

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