Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1299 The arrival of troops

It is said that Azig was ambitious and ignored the persuasion of "Rao Yubeile" Abate and Duke Yanguli, and insisted on going his own way, vowing to make the rebels look good.

So, he led his 30,000 Xiangbai Banner, Zhenglan Banner, Zhenghuang Banner and Mongolian elites all the way to Datong Town.

It's just that the governor of Xuanda, Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Datong, Ye Tinggui, and the general of Datong, Wang Shiren, are fighting fiercely with the rebels outside Taiyuan City. Where can anyone come out to take charge of the overall situation?

But when they saw the "Donglu" army coming, they closed their doors and defended themselves. No one dared to fight anymore.

Azige and others immediately took to the water like a fish in water, and swaggered across the territory of Datong, successively attacking Huai'an, Huairen, Shanyin and other counties, and there were countless people who broke through the fortresses.

Wherever the "Donglu" soldiers went, many houses were burned down, many people were killed and injured, many children's belongings were plundered, and cries were endless on the road.

Originally, Abatai and Yangguli still criticized Azig's decision, but unexpectedly, Shanxi businessmen and Zhu Xieyuan sent envoys to arrive to prepare a report on the military situation of the rebels.

Azige couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this: "'Successful thieves' really don't know how to fight. Soldiers value speed, but not longevity. How can there be a 'long-term violent division' principle?"

"If my army arrives, it will be destroyed!"

Abatai and Yangguli inquired carefully. They also felt that this opportunity was rare, so they couldn't help but nodded and said: "The snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman benefits. The snipe and the clam are the wise and the thieves." "A fisherman is what I call a fisherman in the Qing Dynasty!"

In this way, once Shanyin County was broken, Azige led the army south to the foot of Yanmen Mountain.

Yanmen Mountain, named after the pass, is also called Gouzhu Mountain, Xingling Mountain, and Xixing Mountain Mountain. It is originally a remnant of the Hengshan Mountains. It is connected to Xuanda in the north and Xindai in the south. The enemy from the north entered the Xinding Basin. The only way to threaten Taiyuan.

In Zhang Shun's famous storytelling "Generals of the Yang Family" in his previous life, there is a story about the generals of the Yang family bleeding on the Golden Beach, and the Seven Langs and Eight Tigers returning home alone. Yang Laolinggong retreated to Yanmen Pass and could not enter, and eventually died on the Li Ling Monument outside the pass. plot.

Of course, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, with the two towns of Xuanfu and Datong in hand, it was difficult for the enemy to penetrate deep into the interior. Therefore, the status of Yanmen Pass at this time was far inferior to that of the Northern Song Dynasty when the sixteen states of Yanyun were lost.

However, it was also combined with Piantou Pass and Ningwuguan into the "Inner Three Passes" and set up as "Sanguan Town", also known as Shanxi Town, as a supplement to the two frontal towns of Xuanfu and Datong.

When Azige came to the front of the formation, he looked forward and saw a city, more than three feet high, nestled against the mountains and dangerously close to it, standing in front of Yanmen Mountain.

He couldn't help turning his head and asked: "Is this the Yanmen Pass? In my opinion, it's nothing!"

"Your Majesty, this... this is Guangwu City in front of the pass." The Shanxi merchant spy couldn't help but tremblingly reminded, "Yanmen Pass is still on the mountain."

"Hey!" Azige couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air and said angrily, "What do you mean, why did you lead this king to this great pass? Could it be that he is a spy of Mingren!"

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, this Yanmen Pass is the only way to Taiyuan from outside the pass. There is no way to enter Taiyuan without this!" The spy was startled and quickly defended.

"Oh?" Azige couldn't help turning his head to look at Zhu Xieyuan's messenger after hearing this.

"Your Majesty, calm down, that's true!" The messenger couldn't help but laugh.

"In this case, why don't you order the guard to open the door and let our Qing army enter the pass?" Azige couldn't help but shouted sharply.

"Your Majesty is joking. Those 'Submissive Thieves' are like wolves and tigers. If Your Majesty bothers Governor Zuo even with such trivial matters, then there is no need to enter the pass and fight fiercely with the 'Submissive Thieves'?" The messenger sneered.

"How do you say this?" Azig asked smoothly, but regretted it as soon as he said it.

Sure enough, I heard the envoy laugh and say: "If even Yanmen Pass can't be broken, wouldn't the Qing army's arrival this time mean that the prince's property and life will be in vain?"

"How brave, show me how I break this great barrier!" Azige was furious when he heard this, and ordered with a sneer.

"If you pass on the order, if this barrier is not broken, I swear I will not return it!"

Not to mention that if Azig attacked Yanmen Pass, let's talk about the sudden arrival of the Jin army outside Yanmen Pass, which immediately caused people in the Xin Dynasty to panic and spread rumors.

Li Shukong and others who were wandering here were shocked when they heard the news. How could they dare to neglect it?

He quickly sent envoys to rush forward and quickly conveyed the news of "the sudden arrival of the Donglu army" to Zhang Shun.

"What, Donglu has arrived!" Zhang Shun couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, and looked at Sun Chuanting in disbelief.

Fast, so fast!

Under the series of actions of the Hou Jin Kingdom, Zhang Shun deeply realized for the first time what it means to be "as fast as the wind, as aggressive as fire, as unpredictable as the dark, and as moving as thunder."

"Your Majesty, King Shun!" When Sun Chuanting heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. Apparently, the marching speed of the "Donglu" was also much faster than he expected.

"I belong to the Zhenwu Wei family of Dai Prefecture, and I live close to the border. I have been looked down upon by the northern captives all the year round, so I know a little bit about the enemy's situation."

"In the seventh year, my hometown was in trouble. I once wrote "The enemy must be weak and timid" to demonstrate the importance of using footwork to control cavalry. In the eighth year, before I came back to power, I suffered another military disaster. I sent my servants Wang Chengsi and Sun Jian. Defeat the Jin army and defend our hometown."

"From this we can learn that the troops used by the Eastern captives are similar to those of the Northern captives. Their troops have many soldiers and horses, and they come and go away suddenly. They are the most difficult to defend against."

"In addition, the Eastern Barbarians have many artillery and armors, and their bravery and tenacity are unmatched by the Northern Barbarians, so they should be our formidable enemies."

"Oh?" Zhang Shun calmed down and couldn't help but ordered, "In this case, call Gao Qiqian and your two servants over, I want to know the enemy's situation personally!"

It turns out that on that day, Wang Zhong, the former commander-in-chief of Shanxi Province, stormed into Taiyuan City after conquering the large and small north gates.

There are many Wang Zhongjiu in Taiyuan City, how can they resist with all their lives?

Seeing that the situation was over and the men leading the troops were old friends, they surrendered one after another. Only Gao Qiqian and his subordinate Yongweiying were sold.

Gao Qiqian was also a ruthless man. Seeing that Taiyuan City had been lost, and since Du Chongzhen could not spare him, he simply became ruthless and led the Yongwei Battalion to surrender, and Taiyuan City was taken.

It didn't matter that he surrendered, which immediately put the left governor Zhu Xieyuan, the governor of Xuanda Zhang Fengyi and the governor of Datong Ye Tinggui and others in a dangerous situation.

Not to mention how the war between the two sides was, Zhang Shun did not criticize Gao Qiqian harshly after he defected to the rebel army, but he did not use him seriously, and he was left alone for many days.

Only today, when he heard about the arrival of the "Eastern Lu Army", Zhang Shun suddenly remembered that someone had told him that this guy had been sent to Ningyuan and Jinzhou as a supervisor in the sixth year of Chongzhen. He should know the reality of the "Eastern Lu Army".

"The sinner Gao Qiqian pays homage to His Highness King Shun!" Not long after, Gao Qiqian arrived first. When he saw Zhang Shun, he quickly threw himself to the ground and shouted loudly.

"Get up, I have nothing to do today, I want to talk to you!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but raise his hand.

Gao Qiqian then stood up and sat down on the lower seat in a reserved manner.

Zhang Shun looked carefully and saw that this man was in his late thirties, beardless, and kind-faced. He didn't look like a sinister and cunning villain, but like a good-looking middle-aged uncle.

He couldn't help but feel good about it, and smiled and said: "I heard that you served as a supervisor in Ningyuan and Jinzhou, and you know the enemy's situation quite well. I wonder what about the Guan Ning Army and what about the Donglu Army?"

When Gao Qiqian saw that Zhang Shun was not involved in his affairs, he couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

His previous master was a young man, and his current master is even younger. Now this young man is not easy to take care of!

No matter what he thought, when Zhang Shun asked, he couldn't help but responded quickly: "Guan Ning's soldiers are all like dragons on horseback and tigers on horseback. One is as good as ten. No one in the world dares to stop them!"

"It's just that the chariot has no wheels, the horse has no reins, and there are only elite soldiers and generals. Sooner or later, the general will capture him!"

"How do you say this?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this. It's not like he had never fought against Zu Dabi, Zu Kuan and You Shiwei among the Liao soldiers. How could he be so exaggerated?

"The generals in Liaodong are paid too much, and they are suspicious of their superiors and subordinates, and they are full of contradictions. Most of the people they can use are servants and personal guards, ranging from three to five hundred to more than a thousand. The rest are just people who are just trying to make ends meet. Therefore, if King Shun is Don't be surprised when you meet a servant, their troops are few and you can win by bullying the few with more." Gao Qiqian couldn't help but smile.

"As for Donglu, they are quite similar to King Shun's soldiers, but they are also different."

"The similarities are that they both have strict military laws, they communicate from top to bottom, they have many soldiers and generals, and they like to use heavy artillery."

"Whenever facing a battle, the brave cannot advance alone, and the timid cannot retreat alone. If you use the masses to attack the few, you will be victorious."

"The difference is that Donglu has many riders and has many servants, so he is called Baya La."

"Among them, the white-armored Ba Ya La is the most refined, and the red armor is the second best. The white-armored one is one out of ten, and the red-armored one is four out of ten. Each one has its own length, so don't underestimate it!"

"If you fight with them, you can only win, not lose. Donglu has many horses, and if you lose, you will have nowhere to retreat, but death!"

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