Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1300 Weaving a Web

It is said that on that day, Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, suddenly heard that there was a fire in Taiyuan City and hurriedly came to find the left governor Zhu Xieyuan.

When Zhu Xieyuan got up, he climbed the city wall with Zhang Fengyi and Ye Tinggui and took a look from a distance. They saw a fire on the north side of Taiyuan City, and no one knew what was burning.

"No, maybe the gunpowder magazine is on fire!" Zhu Xieyuan had stayed in Taiyuan City for some time and vaguely remembered the general direction of the gunpowder magazine.

"What should I do?" Ye Tinggui couldn't help being surprised when he heard this and asked quickly.

"Taiyuan City is the foundation of our army, and Director Gao Qiqian is in the city again."

When Zhu Xieyuan and Zhang Fengyi heard this, their hearts moved, and they couldn't help shouting loudly: "Taiyuan has fallen, and the 'Shun Thief' has not yet established a stable foothold. I am just in time to take advantage of it!"

"Where is Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong? Quickly lead my troops and take back Taiyuan City!"

"General Mo Mo, take the order!" Wang Shiren was stunned when he heard this, and said with a troubled face.

What a great city. Director Gao Qiqian led a battalion of men and horses and couldn't defend it. Now if he goes there by himself, how can he possibly capture it?

Facts have proved that Wang Shiren's judgment was very accurate.

After Wang Zhong entered Taiyuan City, the former city guard saw that he was an "old friend" who was returning, so he surrendered without any burden.

Seeing that the situation was over, Gao Qiqian happily betrayed Zhu Youjian.

The resistance in the city has subsided, so Wang Shiren alone can naturally only fortify the city.

Zhu Kuiyuan, Zhang Fengyi, Ye Tinggui and others already knew this well and couldn't help but discuss: "Director Gao Qiqian had two intentions. Just when our army was fighting a bitter battle with the 'shun thieves', he suddenly led the city to surrender to the thieves. As for the defeat of our army."

"Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, was furious when he heard this. He turned around and attacked Taiyuan fiercely. Unfortunately, he could not defeat it."

"However, I am trapped here today, and the reason why I am killed here is not a crime of war."

"Now that the Eastern captives have arrived again, the country is in danger. We must conserve our strength and make them fight with each other, so that I can benefit as a fisherman!"

The three of them decided to take advantage of the night to leave camp and head north, then turned east and fled into Yuxian County.

Zhang Shun originally thought that they would escape to Xindai through Shiling Pass, or escape to Jingle County through Tianmen Pass, and specifically asked Li Shukong to send people to intercept and kill them. However, he never expected that these people would hide in the mountains.

It turns out that Yu County is surrounded by mountains, with mountains crisscrossing the territory.

Baima Mountain runs from east to west, and Guantou Liang runs from north to south, dividing Yu County into two basins in the east and west: Yucheng Basin and Xiyan Basin.

This Zhu Xieyuan led his people to first escape into Xiyan Town, and then divided his troops to occupy the county seat of Yu County. Taking advantage of the dangerous terrain here, he prepared to resist the rebels step by step.

Now that the threat from the Donglu army is imminent, how can Zhang Shun be in the mood to care about him?

He had no choice but to curse secretly, send a team of troops to monitor the movements of the Ming army, and then ignore him.

At this moment, Zhang Shun finally received the battle report from Lu'an Mansion:

"According to Li Xin, the left commander of the South Route Army, and Cao Wenzhao, the general of Zhaowu, the troops were divided into two parts and attacked from the southwest and northeast of the city respectively."

"Yang Wenyue ignored one thing and lost the other, which was taken advantage of by the rebel army. Wang Guangen, the commander-in-chief of our army, took the lead and attacked the southwest corner of the city and launched a desperate fight with the Ming army."

"The two sides fought from early morning to noon, but the Ming army was unable to hold it back and was defeated."

"More than 700 soldiers were killed, and more than 2,500 were captured. The rest fled in all directions. Yang Wenyue, the governor of Shanxi, was shot to death. His body was in two sections, which was terrible to see. There was also Wang Zhaosheng, the soldier of the Southern Hebei Province, who suffered from gangrene in his back. Fester and die.”

"There is no one in Lu'an. King Zhu Changzi of Lu is nowhere to be found. Only Princess Lu is twenty-four years old. She is beautiful and virtuous. She will be sent to King Shun soon."

"Wait, wait, wait, who said I want Princess Lu?" Zhang Shunzheng heard this impassionedly. Unexpectedly, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse. What started as a hearty victory turned into a street gangster robbing a woman. ?

"Ah? You've already come here and you don't want it anymore?" The envoy was confused. What about King Shun's lust as promised?

"No, what do you think I am here?" Zhang Shun was unable to complain, and was about to go all out and angrily burst out into the audience.

Unexpectedly, Sun Chuanting approached and said in a low voice: "King Shun, this Zhu Changzi's status is very important. His father is the fourth son of Mu Zong, and he is the brother of Shenzong."

"In terms of order, after King Fu, I hope King Shun will be careful!"

What does it mean?

This means that if Zhu Youjian's family is killed, then Wanli's son King Fu and his heirs will be the heirs to the throne.

But now that King Fu is in the hands of the rebels, there is a high probability that the successor to the Ming Dynasty throne is the missing Zhu Changzi.

It would be fine if he accidentally died in a gutter. If he really survived, he might not be able to reach the ninth level in the future.

Therefore, for future planning, even if Zhang Shun takes away or kills Princess Lu, she cannot give it to others!

You still depend on me, don’t you?

Zhang Shun had nothing to say, so he had to order: "Let Ennuang stay in the house for now, and we will worry about it later!"

After being interrupted by the envoy, he almost forgot about the main business and couldn't help but continue to ask: "How are the injuries to Li Xin's and Cao Wenzhao's troops now? Can they still fight?"

"The loss is not big. It's just that the commander-in-chief Wang Guangen took a risk and was hit by two arrows. Although it was not a critical injury, it was still a little inconvenient." Seeing that "the horse's leg was flattered," the envoy quickly responded with fear.

"Shangdang has been stabilized. Now it's time to look at us!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile at Sun Chuanting, and then ordered.

"Cao Wenzhao led his troops to the north, leaving Wang Guangen to recuperate in Liaozhou, while he and Cao Dingjiao waited for an opportunity to move in and pacify it!"

"While Li Xin is stationed at Lu'an Prefecture, he should appropriately help Hong Chengchou squeeze the Ming Army's Southern Route Army Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian's troops, and do not initiate a decisive battle for the time being."

Speaking of Liaozhou, Zhang Shun is quite familiar with it.

After the rebel army marched hundreds of miles and captured Liaozhou, Zhang Shun and Li Zicheng crossed the Taihang Mountains, threatened Shunde and Guangping, and fought a battle with Lu Xiangsheng, who was the deputy envoy of the daimyo at the time.

Although things and people have changed now, the situation in the southern war is also very different from before.

As long as Cao Wenzhao and Cao Dingjiao are stationed in Liaozhou again, the Ming army that is confronting Hong Chengchou near Daming Mansion will surely shrink in the right direction.

Since then, the rebel army has formed a stable situation with Taiyuan as the fulcrum and Pingyang Mansion and Shangdang as the support.

In case the battle goes unfavorably, there will be a situation where the Jin army will pierce through the enemy.

"I reported to King Shun that since Lu'an Prefecture has descended, General Cao expected that King Shun would definitely send him north. Therefore, when I set off, I also led the army north. It is estimated that it has reached Liaozhou by now."

"Okay, very good!" Zhang Shun couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this, and said with his hands, "It's true that my parents are the ones who gave birth to me, and it's General Cao who knows me!"

It turned out that he was worried that Cao Wenzhao's troops had a long and mountainous journey and would not be able to deploy before the Hou Jin army arrived. He never expected that Cao Wenzhao had guessed what he was thinking, and he was immediately relieved.

"Your Highness!" As soon as Zhang Shun finished speaking, Sun Chuanting couldn't help but remind him, "It will take several days for the eight battalions of the rebels Zhang Tianlin, Dang Shousu, Zhang Rukui, Chen Jitai, Wang Sheng, Zhang Ding, Lu Xiangguan, and Li Wanqing to arrive. A bandit from the East suddenly arrives, what can be done?"

"Why not transfer Cao Wenzhao to the guard first, and wait until the reinforcements arrive before making further calculations?"

Compared to Zhang Shun's optimistic view, Sun Chuanting, who had witnessed the Jin army's military front with his own eyes, still preferred conservative tactics.

"No, no need!" Zhang Shun shook his head, with a confident smile on his face.

"Although the Donglu army is brave, I still have some concerns, but there is nothing to worry about!"

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