Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1301 First Battle

It was sunny on April 26, the ninth year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty.

Late spring has gone and early summer has arrived, and there is a hint of irritability in the sultry air.

Azig, the king of Duoluoyingwu County in the Qing Dynasty, stepped forward on his horse. Looking at the Taiyuan City waiting for him not far away, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in his heart.

He led the elites of the three banners under his command, passed five passes and killed six generals, traveled thousands of miles, and finally arrived in front of Taiyuan. He never expected that it would be such a situation.

Taiyuan City, which was heavily guarded by the Ming army, had been captured by the "Shun thieves", but the defeated Ming army did not leave. Instead, they retreated to Yuxian County to the east of Taiyuan, eyeing both Shun and Qing sides.

It is well known that triangular structures are the most stable structures in the world.

Zhu Xieyuan led the defeated Ming army to retreat to Yu County. To the "Eastern Lu Army" who were eager to fight, it was far more disgusting than the Ming army losing Taiyuan City.

If when Azig led the Donglu army to arrive, the Ming army was still defending the city and the rebel army was under siege. He was confident that he would defeat the rebel army first and then attack Taiyuan Fort.

But now Taiyuan City is being defended by the rebel army, which is obviously stronger than the Ming army, and the Ming army has retreated into the mountains of Yu County, which is extremely uncomfortable for the Donglu army.

"What does Zhu Xieyuan mean?" Azig couldn't help but pointed to Taiyuan City in the south, and then pointed to the mountains to the east, and asked the Ming army envoy.

"Obviously, Zhu Xieyuan is incompetent, unable to fight, unable to defend, that's why!" The envoy was shocked. He never expected that in just ten days, Zhu Xieyuan could not even defend the strong Taiyuan City.

"Can the inside be coordinated with the outside?" Azig frowned and couldn't help but turn his head to look at the merchant envoy.

"There are more than ten shops in the city, all opened by my own people." The envoy hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "But without the cooperation of the general, I am afraid that my life will be in vain."

"Okay, I understand!" Azig waved his hand impatiently, then turned to Abahai and Yanguli and asked, "What do you two think?"

"Since the 'shun thieves' are guarding the fortified city, why don't we send our troops to attack the Ming army?" "Rao Yubeile" Abahai frowned and couldn't help but suggest.

"That's true!" Azige couldn't help but nodded after hearing this. "The Han people are cowardly and will only defend the isolated city. If I send troops to attack Zhu Xieyuan, I believe that the 'Submissive Thief' will only applaud!"

Since there are three legs, wouldn't the problem be solved if I break one leg?

When Zhu Xieyuan's envoy heard this, he was stunned and couldn't help but loudly accused: "We treat each other sincerely and invite you to come. I never thought that you and other barbarians are shameless and treacherous. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the world? ?”

"A laugh?" Azig's eyes turned cold and he couldn't help laughing, "As long as I can make people cry, I will not be afraid of being laughed at!"

"Abahai listened to the order and immediately led his troops to set up camp for a long-term plan; Yangguli listened to the order and led his troops to launch a tentative attack on the Ming army in Yu County early tomorrow morning."

And when Azige and others arrived outside Taiyuan City, Zhang Shun was standing on the rebel observation deck in the south of Taiyuan City, observing the military appearance of the Jin Army with a "telescope", while the fat and white former Daming Director Gao Qiqian was standing there. next to.

It turned out that after the rebels occupied Taiyuan City and the Ming army retreated, Zhang Shun started preparations for a battle with the Jin army.

Contrary to what most people imagined, after Zhang Shun appeased the common people and gentry in Taiyuan City, he did not personally take charge of Taiyuan. Instead, he left Sun Chuanting and Wang Zhong, a pair of former Ming troops, as the generals to defend the city, and another to lead the fire gun battalion. Xu Quan served as the supervisor.

He himself secretly sneaked out of Taiyuan and personally led the remaining 20,000 troops to station in the camp outside the city.

In the art of military use, the most taboo thing is to defend to the death.

For example, the Ming army defended an isolated city alone, while the Jin army moved freely and horizontally after taking office, which was a taboo for military strategists.

Therefore, after repelling the Ming army, Zhang Shun ordered Sun Chuanting and others to reorganize the Taiyuan city defense, and at the same time deployed a complete defense line outside the city to prevent the Jin army from taking advantage of the cavalry to bypass the city and break into the rear of the rebel army.

Its main strategies are:

One uses the abandoned Ming army camp in the northeast of the rebel camp and the trenches of the two armies to expand, forming a blocking system with the camps of the two armies as the core and seven or eight trenches as the defense line.

It is connected to the banks of the Fen River in the west and the Han Mountain east of Taiyuan to prevent the Jin army from going south.

They also relied on the Fen River to arrange boats for patrolling.

Mobilize Zhang Damhou's cavalry to cross the river and patrol west of the Fen River to guard against the Jin army crossing the river.

In this way, the roads for the Jin army to move to Yuci, Xugou, Jiaocheng and other places were completely closed.

After seeing the arrival of the Jin Army, the rebel army naturally could not remain idle.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but ordered: "Where is Yang Chengzu? Come forward and test the depth of Donglu!"

Yang Chengzu was not as cautious as Zhang Shun. He couldn't help laughing after hearing the order, then got on his horse and shouted loudly: "Brothers, get on the horse! That Donglu has such a great reputation, today I want him to see my Yansui side rider." It’s awesome!”

Following Yang Chengzu's order, the city gate of the rebel camp opened, and three thousand horsemen rushed out like the ground was shaking.

Good guy, it didn't matter when Yang Chengzu came out to fight, Azige was shocked.

"I haven't seen such a bold person in many years!" Azig couldn't help but sneered and ordered.

"Haning, you and I will lead Niu Lu to defeat the enemy!"

This Haning'a was born in the Fucha clan, a clan with the White Banner in Manchuria.

When Nurhachi raised his troops, he led his tribe to attack the city of Saqiku, killed its minister Kamusunikan, and surrendered more than 300 people. Therefore, he was awarded the title of Niulu Ezhen.

From then on, it was a matter of merit. He once served in the Zhengming Dynasty and fought with Yuan Chonghuan at Guangqumen; he also fought in the Dalinghe River, Datong Town, and Pidao. He made many contributions and was promoted to the second-class La Zhangjing.

The so-called "Jia La Zhang Jing" refers to the positions of participating generals and guerrillas in the Ming Dynasty. The first and second ranks are equivalent to participating generals, and the third rank is equivalent to guerrilla generals.

After Nahaning'a heard the order, he quickly ordered the slaves on his left and right to put on chain mail and cotton armor. Then he got on his horse and said, "Haning'a has fulfilled his mission!"

Then he led his Manchu and Mongolian cavalry to greet Yang Chengzu on flying horses.

"Well done!" Yang Chengzu couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw this, and shouted loudly: "The whole army is listening to the order and getting ready to charge!"

The cavalry took the flag as a unit, divided into thirty small teams, and rushed straight towards the Donglu army.

Haning'a seemed to be startled, and quickly ordered: "Shoot it with your bow and arrow first, and don't block its front!"

Following Haning'a's order, the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry also spread out on both sides, readying their bows with arrows, ready to draw the bows and fire arrows at any time.

It's too late, but it's soon.

The two sides quickly approached to more than ten paces, only to hear Haning'a's order, and saw the Donglu cavalry draw their bows and shoot, many of the rebel cavalry were hit by arrows and fell off their horses.

Yang Chengzu took the lead, with his chest covered with arrows. From a distance, he looked like a hedgehog being shot.

However, Yang Chengzu was not afraid, and instead shouted: "Brothers, Donglu's arrows have been used up, now it's my turn to wait for the spear to make a contribution!"

As soon as Yang Chengzu finished speaking, the rebel cavalry slammed into the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry, only to knock the opponent off his back.

How many heroes and warriors have been stabbed to the core by an iron spear.

Nahaning Alai quickly put away his horn bow, drew out his waist knife and opened Yang Chengzu's stabbing spear.

Unexpectedly, Yang Chengzu took advantage of the blow and hit Haning'a on the back with his backhand. His eyes were instantly hit and he was left breathless for a while.

Not to mention how the two men fought, but Zhang Shun stood on the stage and watched carefully for a long time, with mixed feelings of joy and sorrow.

Fortunately, the Hou Jin army did not have three heads and six arms. It would still be injured if cut with a knife and killed with a spear.

What is worrying is that there are many brave men in the Hou Jin army who are not afraid of death, and they can actually use "ten-step shooting in the face", a tactic that requires extremely high morale and courage. It can be said that Zhang Shun has encountered the strongest opponent since he started his army.

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