"Your Highness, fortunately we have fulfilled our mission. Our army killed more than a hundred Tatars, and was awarded the thirty-seventh level of head rank, and thirteen sets of armor!" Yang Chengzu was covered with arrows and could not even bend down to salute.

"Wang Sun, are you okay?" Zhang Shun couldn't help being frightened, and couldn't help but quickly went up to help him up and asked.

Of course he knew that this guy deliberately didn't take off the arrow just to show off his bravery in front of him.

Is it really okay to just be hit by so many arrows at once?

"Grandpa, I'm fine!" As soon as Zhang Shun finished speaking, Yang Chengzu unexpectedly made a witty remark, which immediately made everyone burst into laughter.

It turns out that Yang Chengzu was born in a poor military family in Yansui and never went to school, so he had a name without a word.

Later, when he saw that others had a word, he became arty and asked Zhang Shun for a word.

Zhang Shun followed the meaning of "Chengzu" and gave him the word "Wang Sun".

As a result, as soon as this word came out, a group of unlearned and unskilled people laughed: "Wang Sun, Wang Sun, you are now younger, don't you want to call His Highness King Shun Grandpa?"

"Grandpa is grandpa, His Highness King Shun is my grandpa, and I am your grandpa!" Yang Chengzu glared and simply said "die together."

In the past, these remarks were just a joke in private.

Everyone never expected that this guy would be so perverse and actually tell everyone's private joke.

Sure enough, Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and then he couldn't help laughing and scolding: "I am not that old. I want to be a grandson, but... I don't want to be a grandfather yet!"

After speaking, Zhang Shun personally disarmed him.

Yang Chengzu had received a piece of well-made dark blue cotton armor from outside. Zhang Shun took it off for him and saw that most of the armor was soaked with sweat. Many of the armor pieces had been nailed through. The arrow that passed by was still stained with blood.

Zhang Shun quickly looked at it carefully and saw that the chainmail Yang Chengzu was wearing was also punctured in several places, with blood stains looming in the holes.

He quickly helped him take off his chainmail, leaving only the lining to prevent "armor-removing wind".

Only then did he uncover the damage and take a closer look. He saw three or four wounds punctured by arrows, some of which were still dripping with blood, while others were already scabbed.

"What a powerful arrow!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but frown, and called a nurse to clean Yang Chengzu's wound.

He is no longer the ignorant young man he was back then, and he also understands the lethality of arrows in this era.

The commonly used war bows of the Ming army were generally around three to six strengths, while the bows used on horseback were generally between three and four strengths. It was impossible to have such a large lethality.

"Qing Gong?" Suddenly, Zhang Shun remembered a "big killer" from his previous life.

"What Qing Gong?" Yang Chengzu was confused and said that Zhang Shun didn't understand, so he couldn't help but explain.

"The bow he used was also made from the Kaiyuan bow. It was only used by infantry. It was powerful and heavy, so it could penetrate armor."

"Look at the length and weight of the arrow. It should be between eight and ten strength!"

In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, the method of measuring bows and arrows was based on the force of nine kilograms and fourteen taels.

If the elites of the Later Jin Army are indeed as Yang Chengzu said, they should all be hundred-pound men.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but be horrified: "How...how can there be such elites?"

There are many people who are good at shooting in the rebel army and the Ming army. If they are carefully selected, they may not be able to organize such an elite army.

It's just that the Jin army was able to dispatch so many men and horses so easily, and there must be many of them weighing hundreds of pounds.

"Your Majesty, King Shun!" At this moment, Sun Chuanting couldn't help but step forward and said.

"The so-called Kaiyuan Gong system originated from the old place of Kaiyuan and is now the territory of Donglu!"

"The land is cold and the people are miserable. They make a living by shepherding, fishing, hunting, and farming. The people are strong and powerful, so many are good at opening the Yuan Bow, and the savage Jurchens are especially good at it."

"Since the Jurchen rebellion in Jianzhou, Donglu, there have been many wars with China, and Ding Zhuang has suffered a lot. Therefore, Hong Tao repeatedly attacked the barbarian Jurchens and captured their Ding Zhuang as soldiers."

"The people General Yang encountered today were the wild Jurchens captured by the Donglu, so his bows are strong and his arrows are sharp."

"Ming generals often rely on force and courage to lead the way, so many people die..."

"Wait, wait a minute, let me figure it out." Zhang Shun listened and interrupted quickly.

"First of all, what does the hometown of Kaiyuan mean?"

"The hometown of Kaiyuan is the Kaiyuan Road of the Yuan Dynasty." Sun Chuanting was stunned when he heard this, and then he realized that Zhang Shun had always been ignorant and unskilled, so he couldn't help but explain.

"The "Yuan Yi Tong Zhi" says: Changbai Mountain in the south, the sea of ​​Jingchuan in the north, the hometown of the Three Capitals, the hometown of the Five Kingdoms, and also a city in the Northeast."

What does it mean?

According to the "Yuan Yi Tong Zhi", Kaiyuan Road extends from Changbai Mountain in the south to the Sea of ​​Japan in the north, roughly including the three eastern provinces and the outer northeastern area in later generations.

Therefore, the "Kaiyuan Bow" of the Ming Dynasty is actually the collective name for the bows and arrows of the "Donghu System" originating from the Northeast region.

Bows and arrows of this type were used not only by the Ming army, but also by Jianzhou Jurchens, Haixi Jurchens, Yeren Jurchens, and even the Mongols in the east. In the eyes of the Ming Dynasty, there was nothing special about them.

For Akito, the most troublesome thing is not one or two weapons, but the people who use them.

"What about the savage Jurchen? What do you mean?" Zhang Shun turned into a curious primary school student and couldn't help but continue to ask.

"According to the "Da Ming Huidian": there are three types of Jurchens. Those who live in Haixi and other places are Haixi Jurchens. Those who live in Jianzhou, Maolian and other places are Jianzhou Jurchens. Outside each guardhouse, there are ground, There are stations and strongholds, and officials are established to grant towns, just like the system of three guards. The extreme east is the barbarian Nvzhi, and the barbarian Nvzhi goes far to China (the Central Plains), and tribute is infrequent."

It turns out that at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, due to the destructive rule of the Mongols in the Northeast, the original state structure was completely destroyed, leaving only various tribes with low levels of civilization.

The Ming Dynasty divided them into three categories based on their geographical location and level of civilization: Haixi Jurchens, Jianzhou Jurchens and Savage Jurchens.

Among them, the Jianzhou Jurchens were the "Five Kingdoms" in the Liao and Jin Dynasties, and later developed into the current Donglu headquarters.

The Haixi Jurchen tribe is the Jurchen tribe in Haixi (Songhua River Basin). It later developed into the four Haixi tribes of Hada, Wula, Yehe and Huifa. It was later annexed by the Jianzhou Jurchen tribe of Lao Nu.

The so-called "savage Jurchens" are the fishing and hunting tribes north of the Haixi Jurchens. The most famous of them is what Hou Jin called the "Sauron Tribe".

Although these "savage Jurchens" are less civilized, they have the advantages of being brave and good at fighting and not afraid of death.

Originally, according to the general laws of historical development, although these "barbarian tribes" had strong impact when fighting, due to the backward social development, both weapons, equipment and organizational levels were far lower than those of "civilized society", so they often failed to fight. Become a climate.

However, after these "insignificant" "savage Jurchens" were plundered and enslaved by Hou Jin, they were lured for profit, given strong armor and sharp swords, and then driven into "dead soldiers".

In any battle, "the dead soldiers are in front, and the sharp soldiers are behind. The dead soldiers wear heavy armor, ride two horses, and charge forward. Although the front is dead and the back is forward, no one dares to retreat. If he retreats, the sharp soldiers will kill him from behind. Wait for his impulse We formed a formation, and then the sharp soldiers began to take advantage of it to win."

This kind of team, which combines the dual advantages of the organization of "civilized society" and the impact of "barbarian tribes", once appeared, gained a huge advantage in the war against the Ming army, so that they fought consecutively and won consecutive victories, making them unstoppable.

Zhang Shun listened to Sun Chuanting's story for a long time, and suddenly felt that it was difficult.

"A husband has courage in battle." Not to mention that in this era of "hot and cold" alternations, even in the 19th century, the Zulu people were still able to annihilate thousands of British troops equipped with breech-loaded rifled guns with their determined charge. Not to mention Zhang Shun's army in the "half-cold and half-hot" era.

"Then how did the Ming army deal with Donglu's tactics?" Zhang Shun pondered for a moment, regardless of whether it was reliable or not, he first learned from the Ming army.

"Without him, the firearms and chariots can be controlled with one method!" Sun Chuanting was silent for a long time, and could only shake his head and replied.

When Zhang Shun heard this, he immediately thought, "Mamapi!"

You know why, because Zhang Shun remembered another weapon specifically targeted at tanks - the Hongyi Cannon!

No wonder the Ming army suffered repeated defeats in battles!

Hearing this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but suddenly realized.

It turns out that in addition to driving the "dead soldiers" into battle, Hou Jin also had a large number of Hongyi cannons available.

If you imitate the Ming army's "firearm chariot" tactics, you will either be bombarded by its Hongyi artillery and drive into a formation, or you will be left in a mess in the wind by one of its many riders.

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