Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1304 Onslaught

"The thief is one hundred and eighty steps away, correct your shooting!" Li Shian saw the rear Jin army formation from a distance, visually measured the distance, and then ordered.

Following the order from Li Shi'an, the artillery battalion commander, more than ten missiles flew up sporadically.

Although they were school artillery, due to the huge enemy army formation, most of these artillery shells fell into the Hou Jin army formation.

A few unlucky Houjin soldiers were beaten into several pieces on the spot, causing some commotion in the Houjin army, but they soon became quiet again under the scolding of the officers.

"Rao Yubeile" Abatai was not surprised but overjoyed when he saw this. He turned around and smiled at Shumulu Tantai: "The reputation of 'Shun Thief' is so great. I never thought about it but I don't know how to fight!"

"Why did Lord Baylor say this?" This Tan Tai was none other than Efu Yangguli's younger brother, Zhenghuang Banniu Lu Ezhen.

He knew very well that the Hou Jin army had just been tricked by the "shun thieves" and now it was a time of low morale, so he asked questions knowingly.

"This method of using artillery is to first use the virtual force before the real force, first to calibrate and then to shoot. You must keep 'surprise soldiers' in case of emergency. How can there be any reason to fire them all right away?" Abatai couldn't help but laugh.

"He doesn't know how to fight, so he knows!"

"Good regards, Lord Baylor!" Tan Tai couldn't help but echoed the words, and his morale was slightly boosted by the words.

Who would have thought that as soon as Shumulu Tantai finished speaking, he heard a loud "bang", followed by another deafening blast of artillery, and then a dense mass of artillery appeared in the clear sky.

"Abifulu!" Abatai was startled. He couldn't help but cursed angrily in his native language, and quickly jumped off his horse to prevent himself from being hit by rebel artillery shells.

With the dull sound of rounds of artillery shells falling to the ground and the screams of Houjin soldiers being torn to pieces, Abatai looked up with lingering fear and found that several small formations of Houjin had been hit by rebel artillery shells. Dozens of "strong men" were sacrificed.

Abata couldn't help but look at Tan Tai with a look of shock, and asked: "How come the 'thief' has so many Hongyi cannons?"

It turns out that the rebel battalion-level artillery is mainly composed of two types of short-barreled artillery: the "field gun" that can fire ten kilograms of shells and the "golden cannon" that can fire twenty kilograms of shells.

In the Ming Army and the Later Jin Army, the artillery that can fire shells of the same weight are almost all Hongyi cannons ranging from 2,000 to 7,800 kilograms. Therefore, it is difficult to understand how the rebels can apply extremely heavy artillery in field battles. .

"It doesn't matter. Although this kind of red cannon is powerful, it is very heavy and difficult to load. As long as we send out the 'dead soldiers' to attack, then" Tan Tai looked at the Houjin warriors around him and found that some of them looked panicked and seemed to be afraid of the enemy. I didn't like it, so I quickly suggested.

It turns out that although the Jin soldiers were brave, they still had no heads and six arms.

In the past, when fighting against the Ming army, most of them wore double armor and were difficult to damage with swords, so they were as powerful as a rainbow.

But this courage is based on the enemy's inability to "break through the defense." Once encountering a powerful weapon like the Hongyi Cannon, the fear in his heart will be released again.

"Dead soldiers?" Abate frowned, suddenly hesitant to decide.

Most of these "dead soldiers" were strong slaves plundered by the Later Jin nobles from the savage Jurchens further north.

Not only are these people difficult to replenish, but they also have the nobles' own war horses and various sophisticated weapons and armors, which are one of their most valuable assets.

Although these "wealths" may help them make money, if the loss is too large, not only will they "lose their capital", but their status in the tribe may also be affected, so they are a bit hesitant.

"If you continue to cut off, you will suffer chaos!" Upon seeing this, Tan Tai couldn't help but said again.

"The cannon in red is unparalleled and sharp. It is good for long-range shooting but not good for close combat. If Master Baile hesitates again, I am afraid that we will be killed by the 'Shunthieves'!"

"Okay, let's use the 'Dead Soldiers'!" Abate pondered for a moment, then gritted his teeth and made up his mind, "But this time, you will lead the troops!"

"Uh, general, take your orders!" Tan Tai was stunned when he heard this. He never expected that Abatai would turn his army around at this time.

Since Zhenglan Banner wants to contribute, Zhenghuang Banner should not sit back and enjoy the success!

Tan Tai had no choice but to agree. He was about to mobilize his troops, but he never thought there was another loud noise, and then dozens of artillery shells smashed into the Jin army's formation.

"Abifulu!" Tan Tai couldn't help but cursed fiercely, but he couldn't help but wonder in his heart, "How many artillery pieces does this 'shun thief' bring? How come the shooting intervals are so short?"

It turns out that this is the best plan selected by Zhang Shun through scientific experiments. It has advantages over the empiricism of the Ming Dynasty and the Later Jin Dynasty.

In this era, although the Ming Dynasty and the Later Jin Dynasty successively mastered the important weapon of the country, the Hongyi Cannon, through technological input from the sea and land, both sides fell into the misunderstanding that "the farther the range, the greater the power."

In fact, although the Hongyi cannon's excessively long caliber gave it a longer range advantage than the rebel's short caliber artillery, it paid a greater price in terms of gun body weight, maneuverability, and loading speed.

However, this longer range advantage is also unable to achieve an overwhelming advantage against rebel artillery due to the limited accuracy of the artillery.

With such an increase and decrease, how could the Ming Dynasty and Hou Jin Dynasty defeat the rebels in artillery battles?

Not to mention that this time, in order to ensure the suddenness of the strategy, Azig gave up the heavy and difficult-to-carry Hongyi artillery and shield vehicles, which made the Jin army even worse.

"If you can't destroy the 'Shun Thief' artillery this time, I will go to His Majesty and ask him to punish you!" To be honest, Abatai also felt that something was wrong at this time.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, so he had no choice but to threaten Shumulu Tantai.

"Abifulu!" Tan Tai couldn't help but cursed secretly again, but this time there was nothing he could do.

Although he belongs to the Zhenghuang Banner, he is not under the control of Abatai of the Zhenglan Banner.

But if he makes his master lose face, there is no guarantee that the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" will not deal with him severely.

"Master, are we going to send out 'death soldiers' this time?" Tan Tai was worried about choosing his soldiers. The men around him couldn't stand it anymore, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Zhang Zui, there is no place for you to interrupt here!" Tan Tai couldn't help but frown when he heard this and shouted sternly.

Doesn't he know that this slave said this for his own good?

I know, so what if I know?

A slave is a slave, how can he still teach me how to do things?

Not long after, Tan Tai selected fifty "dead soldiers" from his own cattle list, all equipped with two horses.

Abatai also selected four hundred "dead soldiers" from his own army, all of whom were wearing double armor and holding strong bows and sharp blades.

"Okay, I won't say much more if I don't need to." Tan Tai pointed to the rebel artillery position in the distance and said, "Rush over and you'll be rewarded!"

Then he pointed at the more than 300 elite soldiers behind him and said: "Anyone who retreats will be shot without mercy!"

Thank you for everyone's support. After several days of infusion, the child's condition has obviously become lighter. The author has tried his best to update normally in the past two days to thank everyone for their love.

Finally, I give you an easter egg. Song Xiance, the great national master, said: The forty-fifth image of Tuibei Diagram predicts:

There are visitors coming from the west and stopping at the east.

Wood, fire, metal and water can wash away this great shame.

The song says:

The flames of fortune open up the world, and the golden crow hides in the white ocean.

From now on, he dared not rule the roost, and his military strength was completely sold out.

Jin Sheng sighed and said: This image was seen again in the era of peace and war, when it was on the ocean. From then on, it became more prosperous.

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