Shumulu Tantai immediately stood in front of the formation, looked up at the sky, and saw that the sun was in the middle, and it was noon.

After a lot of effort in closing and rearranging the formation, the soldiers of Houjin, who were wearing thick cotton armor, were already hot and soaked with sweat.

If it doesn't work, if it continues any longer, I'm afraid the soldiers will lose their combat effectiveness!

Tan Tai shook his head and couldn't help but loudly ordered: "Get out of the battle!"

Following Tan Tai's order, a group of formidable "dead soldiers" rode forward on horseback.

Most of these "death soldiers" were covered in two or three layers of armor, with bright light armor on the inside and a layer of thick cotton armor on the outside.

These cotton armors are different from the common cloth-covered armors and cotton armors in the late Ming Dynasty. The basic materials are mainly old cotton, silk, and wadding paper, supplemented by breast protectors, iron chests, and iron beams.

In addition, each of these "dead soldiers" held tissue paper and bamboo cards to protect themselves from bullets.

In short, it is not an exaggeration to describe it in one sentence - "armed to the teeth".

"Charge!" Following Tan Tai's order, Houjin's elite "Death Soldier" began to press towards the rebel position with heavy steps on its crotch mount.

At the same time, a battalion of men and horses broke away from the Houjin formation and followed them.

This is exactly the classic Hou Jin strategy of "dead soldiers in the front, sharp soldiers in the back".

"Dead soldiers, these are dead soldiers!" Just when Hou Jin was about to attack, a general on the observation platform suddenly exclaimed loudly.

"Oh?" Zhang Shun frowned when he heard the sound and looked for the voice. It turned out that the person who exclaimed was none other than Jiang Xiang.

"Why is General Jiang so cowardly? The Donglu must not have three heads and six arms, but why is he so afraid?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask.

Only then did Jiang Xiang realize that he had just made a mistake.

If someone responds improperly, he will be accused of "shaking the morale of the military" and be dragged out and executed.

He hurriedly stepped forward to plead guilty and said: "Your Highness, King Shun, forgive me. I suddenly saw the elite troops of the Eastern Banners. I was afraid that the rebel army would suffer losses, so I warned you."

"These 'death soldiers' are all wearing double armor, or even triple armor. They are impervious to swords, bullets and arrows, and impervious to water and fire. They are the most difficult to defend against."

"If it shakes our formation, the elite soldiers of Donglu will take advantage of it to break the formation. Your Highness must be on guard!"

"Oh? If you wear such heavy armor, how can you charge into battle?" It's not like Zhang Shun has never organized heavy armor soldiers, and he knows that the biggest limitation on heavy armor is the strength and physical strength of the soldiers.

Not everyone in Houjin is a Gundam, so how can he defeat the elite soldiers of the rebel army?

"Your Majesty, King Shun!" Jiang Xiang couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He thought that his life was saved, so he responded quickly.

"There are many horses in the land of Donglu, so their elite soldiers are 'death soldiers'. Each man has two horses to replace walking."

"In any battle, one horse is in front and the other is behind. The horse in front dies and the horse behind continues. That's all!"

"Hiss~" Zhang Shun couldn't help but take a breath after hearing this. This is the advantage of the Northeast fishing and hunting people.

He originally thought that the heavy armored soldiers of the rebel army were luxurious enough to travel with two horses. However, compared with the heavy armored soldiers of the rebel army who rushed into the formation with two horses, it was really a beggar comparing treasures with the Dragon King, which made people laugh at the generosity.

"Two horses charging into battle? This... this is too extravagant!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Then I can destroy it with artillery. I wonder if that's okay?"

"This subordinate really doesn't know!" Jiang Xiang couldn't help lowering his head after hearing this, saying in shame.

The current Jiang Xiang is not the general military officer who will stick to Datong in later generations. His understanding of the Later Jin Army is limited to several symbolic battles, and he does not know what the "dead soldiers" of the Later Jin Dynasty were like.

"This" Zhang Shun frowned for a long time and suddenly asked, "You said that Houjin's 'death soldiers' mostly wore double or triple armor. From what I see, they are nothing more than iron armor on the inside and cotton on the outside. A, I don’t know if it’s true or not?”

"Exactly, if there are very strong people, they can also add chain mail inside to make them invulnerable." Jiang Xiang responded quickly.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh three times after hearing this, "In that case, I want to see how this Donglu elite is invulnerable to fire and water!"

"Go to Taiyuan City immediately and ask Sun Chuanting to send me something. Let's see how I defeat the enemy!"

"This" everyone was shocked and confused when they heard this, and for a while they didn't know what kind of medicine Zhang Shun was selling in the gourd.

However, in view of "King Shun's" record of being invincible in all battles, although everyone and others could not think of any way, they still believed that he would definitely have a way.

Not to mention how the two sides were arguing, let's say that Hou Jin's "dead soldiers" were breaking away from the Hou Jin army's formation, and rushed towards the rebel artillery position with the ground shaking.

Although there were only four to five hundred "dead soldiers" of Houjin, because of one man and two horses, they charged with the momentum of thousands of troops.

"Here we come!" Li Shi'an, the commander of the artillery battalion in front of him, couldn't help but secretly said, and quickly ordered his gunners to level the artillery and get ready.

"Houjin's 'Dead Soldier'?" Li Shi'an couldn't help but sneered, "Since it's named 'Dead Soldier', then don't live anymore!"

"All gunners, please listen to my orders and add more heavy shotgun shells with me. I want to see which one is his armor that is stronger or my cannon!"

"Chief soldier?" The staff around Li Shi'an couldn't help being startled when they heard this, and quickly reminded, "I have just loaded one light shotgun and one heavy shotgun. If I load another shot, it may be too dangerous."

It turns out that after many battles, the rebels found that the shotgun shells used in the past were not very effective against armored targets, so they designed heavier shotshells to prepare for emergencies. Today, they encountered Houjin Elite, and this heavy shotshell was just right. Useful.

Just because of the sharpness of the rebel artillery, the rebels used to fire twice the amount of shells, unlike the Ming army, which liked to load two shotshells and then add a solid shell to seal it.

It's just that this time Hou Jin's "dead soldiers" came so fiercely that Li Shian had to increase the amount of ammunition.

"It doesn't matter!" Li Shi'an shook his head when he heard this and said, "Our army's field artillery and golden cannon are both forged from fine iron, which cannot be compared with cast weapons."

"What's more, the gunpowder is only loaded twice, which is far from enough to cause the risk of explosion."

"It's an order!" After hearing Li Shi'an's words, everyone couldn't help but responded quickly. They waved their flags and notified the artillery positions to add more heavy shot shells.

It turned out that the main position where the Jin army formed after the bombardment was Li Shian's main position. There were as many as forty field guns and golden cannons in total.

Seeing that Hou Jin's "dead soldiers" were approaching, they couldn't help but adjust their muzzles and pointed at the "dead soldiers" in front of them.

At the same time, the east and west sides of the rebel front were crowded again, and two artillery positions were immediately exposed.

Although the number of artillery in these two artillery positions is far less than that of the main position, there are still twenty artillery pieces each, one on the left and one on the right pointing diagonally at the "dead soldiers" running towards the main position of the rebels.

"The only thing the dead soldiers rely on is strong armor, sharp blades, and bravery without fear of death!" Seeing the artillery ready, Zhang Shun, standing on the towering observation deck, couldn't help but smile in victory.

"However, in this era of rampant firearms, no matter how brave the warrior is, he cannot fight against the ferocious firecrackers; no matter how strong the armor is, no matter how strong the armor is, it cannot resist the sharp artillery."

"Under firearms, all living beings are equal; flesh and blood cannot compete."

"Today, let me use the power of science to bury the wishful thinking of these 'barbarians' and announce the arrival of the era of technology and rationality!"

As soon as Zhang Shun finished speaking, Hou Jin's "dead soldiers" finally arrived a hundred steps away from the rebel artillery position, and the deafening sound of joy finally resounded.

The artillery in the main position had already been divided into four columns, spraying out deadly tongues of flame one after another.

The left and right auxiliary positions also released "black and white impermanence" into the "dead soldiers" formation from both sides.

The artillery tactics and crossfire eventually intertwined a deadly fire net, harvesting these brave warriors and horses who were not afraid of death.

Projectiles and blood filled the entire battlefield for a while, and the word "people turned upside down" was far from enough to describe the condition of these "dead soldiers" of Houjin.

If it were an ordinary elite, they would have completely collapsed under the attack of these artillery.

However, they are "dead soldiers".

What is a "dead soldier"? Those who dare to die in battle are called "dead soldiers".

They are not afraid of death. What they are afraid of is that they cannot regain glory and wealth for their tribe and family before death.

"." They screamed loudly. Although their voices had long been covered by the fierce sound of artillery, their brave forward posture showed their strength and ferocity.

Fight, fight, fight to the death!

Living in this era, we are destined to experience a lot. Maybe the war will not break out, but tonight is destined to be a moment remembered by history.

Between countries, there has never been a saying of "taking a step back and enduring the calm for a while." In the 2016 South China Sea confrontation, the United States lost its right to speak in Southeast Asia, but today the two sides are competing for the right to speak in East Asia. The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy, that's all!

As the last sentence of this chapter says, fight, fight, fight to the death!

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