Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1306 Hard Fight

"How dare you, thief!" Shumulu Tantai, who was originally supervising the battle behind the formation, couldn't help but burst into tears when he saw the rebels firing hundreds of artillery fire, mercilessly harvesting the "dead soldiers" in front.

These elite "death soldiers" were all the best slaves they finally captured under the leadership of two generations of Khans, who traveled over mountains and ridges, went through forests and dug holes, and exhausted their efforts. , is a first-class elite soldier.

How could Tan Tai not be annoyed now that he died in vain at the hands of a "submissive thief"?

In fact, Zhang Shun was not the only one. In the original history, the Liaodong Army also slowly figured out this tactic to deal with Hou Jin's dead soldier tactics. Later Ningyuan general Wu Sangui relied on this method to defeat the Hou Jin army.

Not to mention what happened in the previous life, let's talk about Zhang Shun's artillery bombardment in this life. Suddenly Hou Jin's "dead soldiers" stopped ten times and stopped three times. Not only were there more than a hundred casualties, but many horses also fell to death on the road.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Shumulu Tantai felt a surge of blood in his heart, and couldn't help but rush forward.

"The thieves have used up all their artillery. If we don't charge now, we'll wait until later!"

The "dead soldiers" of Houjin, who had experienced the baptism of artillery and suffered a severe morale loss, saw Niu Lu'erzhen personally leading the charge. Their morale was slightly boosted, and they rushed forward again.

Tan Tai had a Niulu with more than 300 elite soldiers under his command. In addition, although there were casualties, there were still more than 300 "dead soldiers". The total of 700 elite soldiers was like a sharp knife, ruthlessly digging into the rebel army. Military formation.

Immediately, the spears were broken, and the three-layer spearman who was used to resist the charge of Hou Jin's "Dead Soldiers" was knocked away by the "Dead Soldiers".

When Tan Tai saw the chaos in the rebel formation, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. He quickly led his cavalry to take advantage of the situation and break the formation.

Unexpectedly, a group of swordsmen and axemen suddenly emerged from behind the rebel spearmen, holding broadswords and axes, cutting off soldiers and horses' legs, and for a time they actually withstood the surprise attack of Hou Jin's elite soldiers.

It turned out that the rebels made full use of the recoil of the artillery in their formation this time.

The smoothbore cannons of this era actually did not have a reset mechanism, so they either had to be fixed on the ground with iron nails like the squatting tiger cannon, or they waited for the cannon to be pushed back more than ten steps by the recoil, and then had the gunner push it back to reset.

However, this time, the rebel artillery position faced the risk of Hou Jin's elite rushing into the formation. They deliberately allowed the artillery to retreat and not reset. Instead, the soldiers guarding the artillery position moved forward, easily completing the exchange of positions between the two sides.

This time it was Wei Zhiyoubu who stepped forward to attack.

Zhang Shun now has eight battalions under his command: Zhang Damou, Wei Zhiyou, Yang Chengzu, Wang Zhong, Zhang Rujing, Xu Quan, Lu Xiangjin and Shen Jingbang. The remaining half of the Yongwei battalion of Jiang Quan's newly surrendered camp and Gao Qiqian are still unavailable.

Among these eight battalions, only the three battalions of Zhang Damou, Wei Zhiyou and Yang Chengzu were the most elite.

Among them, Yang Chengzu and Zhang Damou were cavalry, so Zhang Shun had to send his most trusted Wei Zhiyou to resist the most elite troops of Hou Jin.

What a good Wei Zhiyou, he is indeed brave.

Seeing that Hou Jin's "dead soldiers" were "armed to the teeth", he was not afraid. Instead, he put on armor and went to fight in person.

"Kill!" Wei Zhiyou shouted and shot a "dead soldier" in the chest.

But he didn't expect that the shot was hitting the breastplate he was dealing with. It only threw up a few sparks but could not penetrate.

"Kill!" The other party couldn't help but laugh when he saw this, and chopped Wei Zhiyou's body with his backhand knife.

Although there was an iron armor blocking him, it still hit him so hard that he couldn't help but feel a tightness in his chest and almost couldn't breathe.

What a thief!

Wei Zhiyou couldn't help but secretly thought, and immediately realized that such a strong and elite man was invincible.

He couldn't help shouting loudly: "Let the thief kill the horse, and then make a fuss!"

As soon as Wei Zhiyou gave this military order, the rebel soldiers who had been retreating after being killed by Houjin's "dead soldiers" immediately reacted and couldn't help but slash at the enemy's unprotected crotch mount.

After a while, the Jin soldiers fell off their horses, and many "dead soldiers" wearing heavy armor fell heavily from their horses and were swarmed by the rebel soldiers.

They held down the struggling "dead soldier" with all their hands and feet, took off their helmets, and then chopped them off with big knives and axes.

"What a thief!" Tan Tai was furious when he saw this. He dodged the stabs of the rebel soldiers and shouted loudly, "Let's get off the horse and kill the thief. Let's see who can stop me!"

The coated servants around Tan Tai were the first to obey the order and dismounted, forming a small military formation to protect Tan Tai.

Only then did the other "dead soldiers" react. While fighting off the rebels, they quickly climbed off their horses.

"Not good!" When Wei Zhiyou saw this, he didn't know. If these heavily armored elite soldiers were allowed to dismount and fight, how could these soldiers under his command be their opponents?

He quickly shouted: "Where is the artilleryman? Where is the artilleryman? Come and defeat the enemy with me!"

In this case, the only way to defeat the enemy is to call in artillery.

"No, no, the formation in front is too tight and the artillery can't push in!"

Just when Wei Zhiyou was shouting, he never imagined that due to the powerful impact of Hou Jin's "dead soldiers", the rebel spearmen and axemen had to line up in a tight formation to block the enemy, so the reloaded artillery could not be pushed up to fire.

"Give them all to me." Wei Zhiyou couldn't help but became anxious after hearing this, and shouted loudly.

But he just said half of it and suddenly fell silent.

It is easy to spread out but difficult to close.

Nowadays, both sides are friendly and crowded. If the rebels give in a little, what if they are directly penetrated by Houjin's "dead soldiers"?

This was the first time Wei Zhiyou had encountered such a fierce opponent who was not afraid of death since he started his army, so he had to think more.

"Seeking" face is a minor matter, but military favor is a major matter. Although Wei Zhiyou is now bullying the minority with his own battalion against more than 700 people from Houjin, after much thought, he still had to ask Zhang Shun for help.

However, the moment he opened his mouth, Tan Tai looked at him and understood because of his yelling.

Suddenly, more than a dozen arrows flew and hit him hard.

"Ah!" Wei Zhiyou suddenly screamed and fell from his horse. He was confused for a moment and caused confusion among the rebel soldiers who were fighting hard.

"Ouch!" At the moment Wei Zhiyou fell from his horse, Zhang Shun, who was watching the battle from the observation deck, couldn't help but fisted his fist and let out a sigh.

"Your Highness, please let me go. I will kill the Jianlu so that he will not dare to look south!" Upon seeing this, Wang Jinyi couldn't help but hurriedly asked for help.

The Lord is worried about the labor of his ministers, and the Lord humiliates his ministers to death.

Don't look at the fact that Jin Jingrui and Wei Zhiyou's troops before and after the formation were just a small confrontation. In fact, when the Jin Jin formation has begun to move forward, it is related to the success or failure of this battle. Therefore, Wang Jin Yi said this.

"You?" Zhang Shun looked at Wang Jinyi and then looked into the distance. He couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Today is not the day to take the enemy general's head in the midst of thousands of troops. At the beginning of time."

"I want him to think about today, and his liver and gallbladder will burst; to dream of this moment, he will sit up in shock."

"So this time you stay with me and let Wukong have a chance to kill the enemy."

As soon as Zhang Shun said this, Wukong, who was half sleepwalking, jumped out without waiting for Wang Jinyi's reply and said: "Master, thank you for remembering me, grandson. Today, I will show you how good I am."

After saying that, he jumped down from the observation deck while holding on to the ladder.

"Wait a minute, take the king's personal guards with you, and it won't be too late to kill the enemy!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun saw this and said quickly.

"Your Highness!" Wang Jinyi was shocked when he heard this and quickly looked at him.

Are you kidding me? Haven't you seen how many surrendered soldiers and generals are around you?

Gao Qiqian, Jiang Quan and others all felt a little uncomfortable when they heard this.

"Haha, can't I still trust everyone here?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing, and then shouted to Wukong, "Go back quickly, why are you still standing there?"

Everyone here?

There are Gao Qiqian, Jiang Yu, and of course his "personal bodyguard" Wang Jinyi.

Wang Jinyi felt hot in his heart, and his original unhappiness at being replaced by Wukong disappeared immediately.

He couldn't help but hold the spear in his hand, and his eyes became firm.

Originally, the author was writing novels and didn't like to talk about current affairs, but he was so excited two days ago that he couldn't help but say a few more words. I think some people seem to be a little emotional because they didn't start a fight, so let me just say a few words.

You have been reading my books for a long time, and you may have discovered a pattern. Every time a war reaches a stalemate, both sides will try to break the situation with "off-the-beaten-path tricks". In a smaller sense, this is called "surprise victory", and in a larger sense, it is called "causing people without harming others. In fact, it is just like in a larger aspect. Generally speaking, it is almost the same. It can be said to be "helping others without harming others", or it can also be called "taking the initiative".

So it doesn't matter whether we fight or not. What matters is who has the strategic initiative. It's great to beat a big man to an ermao, but when the fight starts, it's not up to him how it ends. Even if he sells oil normally, he still has to ask his grandfather to sue his grandma. Do you regret it?

Nowadays, many people on the Internet are complaining because we failed to defeat the old witch. This is normal. To them, it would be a matter of great joy for them, no matter which one of the two guys who ate and occupied more, failed.

But for us, we would throw nuclear bombs at each other with a nuclear power only if we are out of our minds. That being said, the author will try his best to focus on updates in the future. Thank you all for your support.

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