"Kill, kill, kill!" A strong man in iron armor, six or seven feet in length, looked like he was made of iron. He waved the iron rod in his hand and was unstoppable wherever he went.

Those "dead soldiers" wearing double armor and triple armor were like three-year-old children in front of him, letting him kill them with a stick.

"Good... what a thief!" Tan Tai felt his liver and gallbladder bursting, and couldn't help shouting, "Ten steps to shoot, ten steps to shoot!"

The bows and arrows used by these soldiers of the Later Jin Dynasty were all clumsy and large-tipped bows, which were called "Qing bows" in later generations. They emphasized a hard bow and heavy arrows. They liked to shoot at close range, and the damage was astonishing. Therefore, they were known as "spear-throwing weapons" in later generations.

Later, in order to deal with the armored men of the Ming army, Hou Jin developed the tactic of close-range shooting with large-tip bows.

The so-called "ten-step shooting", as the name suggests, is a close-range shot at a distance of about ten steps from the enemy.

If the opponent has no face armor, shoot him in the face and throat.

If the opponent has visor, break his armor.

Now the "thief" is a strong man wearing double armor, with an iron face, and no flaw in his body. He also wields an iron rod in his hand, which will hurt him if he rubs it, and kill him if he bangs it. The famous Hou Jin soldiers suffered a big loss.

The Art of War says: "If an army has no choice of front, it will go north."

Don't look at this one person. The rebel army had already used it as a spearhead and used two to three hundred elites as a shaft to forcibly dig into Houjin's "dead soldiers" array.

Heavy infantry fighting is completely different from heavy armored cavalry.

No matter how brave you are personally, fighting with dozens of kilograms of armor on your back will never last long.

Therefore, every ten rounds of fighting, the front row must retreat into the formation to rest, while the rear row of fresh troops must take turns to take over.

Originally, according to "Rao Yubeile" Abatai's plan, then Jin's hundreds of "dead soldiers" were all "selected frontmen". Each of them could wear double-layer heavy armor, fire an eight-power bow, charge into the battle, and die. born.

This time he sent this group of "dead soldiers" into battle. Although it was out of necessity, it was not without some care.

If it were an ordinary person, if he could not withstand the charge of Hou Jin's "dead soldiers" and was occupied by the artillery position, tearing apart the Chinese army's front line, then the "successful thieves" would have resulted in the complete defeat of the entire army.

But he knew everything about it, but how could he have expected that there would be such a warrior among the rebels?

It is unbearable to just hit Houjin's "dead soldiers" who were wearing heavy armor and were not afraid of swords, guns and axes one by one. They killed seven or eight people with the blows. Seeing that they were about to kill through the "dead soldiers" in turn, who could bear it? Intolerable?

As soon as Tan Tai finished speaking, the "dead soldiers" of the late Jin Dynasty, who were already in their thirties and fifties, could not hold themselves back. They took a few steps forward and took aim at the "warriors" of the rebel army who were fighting bravely.

This "warrior" is none other than Zhang Shun's personal guard General Wukong Shiye.

Wukong, who was well fed and drunk, was a monster of physical strength. He was wearing forty kilograms of heavy armor, wielding a thirty-six kilograms of iron rod, shouting "happy" and killing with great energy.

Suddenly he heard the sound of strings, and then countless arrows were inserted into his body.

"Straight mother-in-law, who is plotting against me!" Wukong felt pain all over his body and couldn't help but staggered. He quickly stabilized his body and cursed loudly.

"Hey! He's injured, leave him quickly!" After hearing this scolding, all the dead soldiers were heartbroken. Whoever had the sharpest eyes saw blood splattered under his feet, and they couldn't help but become excited again.

It turns out that Wukong's armor is a thickened cold-forged light armor specially made by the rebels, which can withstand most fire missiles.

According to common sense, even if the Houjin Bali Bow is shot at close range, it can at best break through but not penetrate.

The bad thing is that although the armor of this era was refined, it was still hand-made and the texture was uneven. There would always be dust and slag inclusions in some armor pieces.

Unfortunately, Wukong had a piece of armor on his left leg just like this, and he happened to be shot by an enemy, so his leg and foot were injured.

"Okay, you look down on me, old Sun, right?" Wukong couldn't help but sneered when he saw this, and waited for Hou Jin's dead soldier to step forward.

He broke the neck of a "dead soldier" with his left stick, and his helmet and head flew away together;

The right stick broke the thigh of a "dead soldier", causing him to half kneel there and let out a heart-rending scream.

The "dead soldiers" couldn't help being shocked when they saw this, and they all retreated for more than ten steps.

Some panicked people accidentally tripped and fell to the ground, rolled a few times, then got up in a panic, and then pointed a big knife at the opponent with a panic look on their face.

"Come on!" When Tan Tai saw this, he couldn't help but hold back his fear and stepped forward to kick those fools, and then shouted loudly, "Idiots, can't you even shoot arrows?"

"Ah? Yes, yes, if we can't defeat him, we'll shoot him to death!" After Tan Tai reminded him, all the "dead soldiers" suddenly realized, they picked up their bows and arrows, and shot at Wukong.

"Straight bitches, you don't respect martial ethics!" Wukong suddenly screamed angrily, and was about to step forward to fight, but was hugged to death by the left and right, and was dragged behind the formation.

"We can't go, we can't go. If I leave, our battle line will collapse!" Although Wukong's physical strength has been exhausted, five or six big men can't drag him.

"You can keep the green hills without worrying about having firewood!" Hearing this, Zuo Zuo couldn't help but hurriedly persuaded, "We'll hold on here for the time being. We also ask the general to retreat quickly, heal his wounds, and come back to avenge us."

When the two sides were arguing, Tan Tai on the other side couldn't help but sneered when he heard this: "Since you don't want to leave, then don't leave today."

"Next year we will burn the sacrificial paper together today and save money on incense candles."

Before Tan Tai finished speaking, he heard the rebels shouting from behind: "Give way, give way, the firecrackers are coming, the firecrackers are coming!"

Firegun, what can a firegun do?

However, for safety reasons, Tan Tai could not help but order: "Raise your shield and charge!"

What Tan Tai calls "shield" is actually a tissue paper bamboo sign.

This tissue-paper bamboo plaque is actually quite similar to the rattan plaque used by the rebels, except that the former is made of bamboo as the bone and tissue paper as the flesh. It has been pasted countless times and is specifically used to cover lead bullets.

Although this thing is used to cover lead bullets, it may not be as good as the two layers of old cotton shields added by the rebels. However, after the projectiles are blocked by it, it is extremely difficult to penetrate cotton armor or iron armor.

And at the moment when the rebels dispersed their formation and made way for cannons and artillery, it was also the time when the formation was at its thinnest.

Therefore, Tan Tai had reason to believe that when the rebels gave way to the passage, it was also the best time for the "dead soldiers" to break the formation.

"Charge, kill!" The moment Wukong and others retreated, those "dead soldiers" pounced on them like hungry wolves.

"Kill!" Wukong couldn't help but get excited. He picked up the iron rod in his hand and was about to step forward to kill the enemy. Suddenly he was hugged by another person.

Wukong was about to struggle away, but unexpectedly he heard the man say: "This is King Shun's order, general, please do not disobey it!"

Wukong turned around and saw that it was Wei Zhiyou who was hugging him.

"Are you okay?" Wukong couldn't help but was stunned, and suddenly remembered the previous scene where he was shot over.

"Me? It's not much better." Wei Zhiyou smiled bitterly, waiting to say something else.

But suddenly, seven or eight soldiers squeezed out from behind the formation, holding up the copper fire guns in their hands, just like the water guns used by children, and "puff, puff, puff" towards the charging "dead soldiers" of Houjin. A large amount of unknown liquid was poured down.

"What is this?" Tan Tai was stunned. He subconsciously reached out and took some, put it in front of his nose and smelled it.

Uh, it seems a little fragrant?

"This is oil!" The person who reacted quickly couldn't help but asserted immediately.

"Oil?" Tan Tai didn't understand what was going on, but he saw the water cannon turned into a fire cannon, and fire dragons suddenly spurted out.

"No, hurry up, take off your armor!"

But where is the time?

Originally, the thick cotton armor of Hou Jin's "dead soldiers" was extremely flammable. Now that the rebels had added fuel, how could they escape?

"What kind of magic is this? Why can these 'thieves' breathe out flames!" The fire quickly spread to Niulu Ezhen Shumulu Tantai. He rolled desperately, trying to extinguish the flames, and he was heartbroken. A terrible question came to mind.

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