Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1308 Water Gun

"Where is Tan Tai, where is Tan Tai, where is Shumulu Tan Tai? Let him come to see me!" "Rao Yubeile" Abate looked at the gray-headed "Qing Dynasty" elites in front of him who were burned by the smoke. Suddenly I felt very angry.

Before going into battle, there were 800 elite soldiers, but when they retreated, only 300 defeated soldiers were left. Who could withstand this?

Originally, the Donglu headquarters had a limited population and could not withstand the wear and tear of a long-term war, so they mostly drove out the savage Jurchens and Mongolian Dingzhuang as soldiers.

The Mongolian and Han populations were quite large, so even if there were some damage, it would have little impact on the Donglu.

However, the customs of the savage Jurchens are similar to those of the Donglu, and the level of social development is lower than that of the Donglu society, so they can be absorbed and integrated.

Now, in this battle, one or two hundred Zhenta people were injured and more than three hundred "dead soldiers", which was almost equivalent to the losses caused by fighting a large-scale war. How could Abatay not feel distressed by this?

"This is the master!" After hearing this, everyone was silent for a long time, and then a Bao Yi stood up timidly, pointed at a burned corpse on the ground and said to Abatai.

"What!" Abatai couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, and cursed repeatedly, "Don't talk nonsense, dog slave. If your master hears you cursing him like this, watch your skin carefully!"

"Master Beile, he is right, my master has died for his country!" At this moment, an older Bao Yi came out and cried loudly.

"Really dead?" Abatai couldn't believe his ears. He quickly stepped forward and looked at it carefully for a long time. He saw some traces of Tan Tai's past in it, and then he believed it.

Logically speaking, it would be nothing if a Niu Lu Ezhen died in battle.

Donglu started out as a military force. Although there were no major defeats, countless middle and low-level generals died in battle.

But Shumulu Tan Tai was different. He was not only Zhenghuang Banniu Lu Ezhen, but also the disciple of Efu Yangguli, which gave him an extraordinary status.

"Come here, I want to ask for troops from Prince Yingwu, and I vow to avenge Tan Tai for killing him!" Abatai thought for a long time with a sullen face, and finally made a decision.

"Isn't this inappropriate?" Hearing the words, Zuo Zuo couldn't help but admonished, "Now the Duke is leading his troops to attack the Ming army fiercely. The 'shun thieves' have set up a camp again, and they are the horns of Taiyuan City. It may be difficult to defeat them in an instant."

"If the Ming army takes advantage of me again, I'm afraid the consequences will be disastrous."

"Ming army? Huh!" Abatai said with disdain, "It's nothing more than a bone in the grave!"

"The only ones who can compete with me, the Qing Dynasty, in the world are the 'submissive thieves'. If I sacrifice my knowledge and attack the submissive, they will not dare to come out, so what should I fear?"

Not to mention how the Hou Jin generals calculated, let us say that the two sides fought until it was already late, and each of them ordered their troops to retreat and return to their camps.

The rebel generals Wei Zhiyou and Wukong came back with injuries and came to see Zhang Shun.

"No courtesy, no courtesy!" Zhang Shun quickly helped Wei Zhiyou and Wukong up, and couldn't help but said with a shocked look on his face, "Why are you two so injured?"

Although the wounds of these two people have been treated by nurses, it can still be seen that they have injured their armpits and thighs respectively.

"Oh, don't mention it!" Speaking of this matter, Wei Zhiyou couldn't help but look unhappy.

"The wound I received from the knife was because it couldn't penetrate. I was stabbed backhand by someone! In addition, someone also used a strong bow to focus the fire, and I was injured in seven or eight places. If I hadn't been protected by armor, I might never see Shun again. King!"

"What about Wukong?" Zhang Shun looked at Wei Zhiyou's expression carefully and felt relieved when he saw that although his injury was not serious, it was not life-threatening.

"Straight bitch, what a sharp arrow!" Wukong couldn't help but cursed and pointed at the skirt armor and said, "If I hadn't cut corners on this armor, why would it be like this!"

"Okay, okay, if you weren't wearing this armor, I'm afraid you would have been shot into a hornet's nest!" Wukong's armor was heavier, so there was no serious problem except for his legs. Zhang Shun couldn't help but joked.

"Tsk tsk!" Wukong was not annoyed when he heard this, but smiled, "Thanks to the master's three-flavored fire today, otherwise I, the old grandson, would have to deal with this place."

"If you prepare more, you won't have to worry about thieves tomorrow!"

As soon as Wukong said these words, everyone couldn't help but became excited and started to praise: "King Shun really comes up with clever tricks frequently. In ancient times, Marquis Wu burned the vine-armed soldiers of the Southern Barbarians. Today, King Shun burns the 'dead soldiers' of the Eastern captives. It's quite comparable." !”

"That's quite enough!" Zhang Shun shook his head unhappily.

This time, a battalion of rebels resisted eight or nine hundred of Hou Jin's elite troops. If he hadn't come up with a clever plan, he probably wouldn't have been able to withstand it. How could he be so praised by everyone?

After this battle, two generals, Wei Zhiyou and Wukong, were injured.

If everyone in Houjin is really brave like this, how can they be like this in the world?

"Master, why are you worried?" It was the first time that Wukong saw Zhang Shun in such a heavy mood, so he couldn't help but comfort him, "But there is the 'Three Flavors of True Fire' here. We can burn as many as there are. Are you afraid of being a bird?"

"By the way, Master, what kind of object is that? Can you let me, Sun, be rare?"

"Oh? Okay! Let me open your eyes." I don't know if it was an accident, but Zhang Shun didn't expect that his good disciple had a subtle side.

It turns out that Zhang Shun's gaffe just now will also affect the morale of the rebels to a certain extent.

As a result, Wukong interfered and teased her, completely disrupting the heavy atmosphere.

"Why don't you rise high and dive low? Come on, bring out the water cannon and let everyone open their eyes." He corrected his mistakes when he knew they were wrong. Zhang Shun quickly adjusted his mentality and couldn't help but smile.

"Okay!" Gao Qiqian smiled exaggeratedly upon hearing this, and then asked the soldiers to carry something up for everyone to see.

When everyone took a closer look, it turned out to be a four-wheeled wooden cart with a thick and long wooden stick lying across the cart.

Right in the middle of the wooden stick, there is a copper pipe extending from the car body, and then connected to a hose.

The length of the hose was unknown. It was neatly rolled up into a large plate, and at the end of the hose was connected a brass gun-like object.

Judging from its appearance, it is shiny and oily, and it seems to be a commonly used item.

"What...what is this? Could it be the firecracker just now?" Everyone couldn't help but look at it with curiosity and asked.

"This is not called a fire gun, but a water gun. It was originally an object used to extinguish fires in Taiyuan City." Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing, "Yesterday Jiang Xiang told me that the 'Dead Soldiers' of the Hou Jin Dynasty were difficult to invade by water and fire, so it reminded me of This thing.”

It turns out that this "water cannon" is a fire-fighting equipment produced in the late Ming Dynasty. The general principle is to squeeze the two barrels in the middle box through the horizontal lever on the car.

Since the water levels in the two buckets are different, the pressure creates a siphon effect and the water is sprayed out.

Wang Zheng mentioned this to Zhang Shun as early as when he was in Shaanxi.

It's just that at that time, everything was military first, so Zhang Shun didn't care much about it.

Until a few days ago, the rebel army captured Taiyuan City and accidentally ignited the gunpowder magazine in Taiyuan City.

At that time, everyone thought they were about to suffer. Fortunately, a warehouse official informed the gunpowder warehouse that there was a "water gun" specially used to extinguish fires, and the huge fire was suppressed.

Later, Zhang Shun heard about this incident when he entered Taiyuan City, and went to take a look. Finally he realized the great significance of this object in the field of fire protection, and specially wished Sun Chuanting to build a few more vehicles to put out sudden fires.

However, before Sun Chuanting could implement the military situation like a fire, the Hou Jin soldiers had already arrived outside the city.

Therefore, after Zhang Shun thought of this thing, he asked Sun Chuanting to collect it all over the city and finally collected seven or eight cars with great difficulty.

He was also asked to collect sesame oil, soybean oil, tung oil, cottonseed oil and other liquid oils in the city, and then used the oil as water, sprayed and ignited it, and burned the golden cotton armor, which had a miraculous effect.

"Okay, okay, this is good!" After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but raise their hands and said, "King Shun has obtained this thing, so he can build the captives, smash their bones and scatter the ashes, and there will be no intact corpses after death!"

"Hahahaha!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this, but actually he still lacked confidence in his heart.


It turns out that although these "water cannons" are good, there are only seven or eight of them, and they will not affect the overall situation for the time being. This is just one of them.

Secondly, oil was the most precious in this era. The oil used for "water guns" could only be edible or lamp-burning vegetable oil, and could not be replaced by animal oil.

Since then, if there is insufficient fuel, how can we defeat the enemy?

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