"Drive, drive, drive!" Li Zicheng, the "general in charge", had a cold expression on his face and slapped his horse as fast as he could to move forward.

"Hey, can Li Shuai take a break? My old bones are about to fall apart!" Song Xiance leaned on the horse and couldn't help but support him.

Although he can learn to ride a horse, his riding skills are not as good as others, and his body is not as good as others.

Now after three or four days of walking, my buttocks are almost broken into eight pieces, my thighs are also skinned, and there is a dull pain between my legs.

Song Xiance couldn't help but slandered: "No wonder the Xing family ran away with King Shun. You rode so hard that you lost your horse!"

How did Li Zicheng know that this old Taoist priest was sanctimonious and slandering him?

Hearing the words, he couldn't help but explain: "His Royal Highness King Shun is in danger. If we can arrive earlier, His Highness will be safer. If we arrive earlier, His Highness will be safer."

It turned out that Li Zicheng had a different heart last time and felt that he had failed King Shun. Therefore, after receiving the news that the Qing army was going south, he had already entrusted the large group of troops to the "enemy" Zuo Guangxian and led Biaoying, Fatty Zhang, and Li on his own. After passing through three battalions of men and horses, we went to the rescue on both sides of the road.

Originally, according to the original plan of the rebel army, Li Zicheng was supposed to lead the main force of the Northern Route Army to conquer Pianguan, Ningwu and Yanmen, and then encircle the main force of Xuanda in Taiyuan.

As a result, Fu Qingzhu's alienation plan led to suspicion among the superiors and subordinates. In addition, Lu Youzhu, the deputy military envoy of Kelan Dao, defended Pianguan Town and was unable to leave in his eagerness, thus delaying the execution of the plan.

However, things change when things change. Now the eight towns of Xuanda in Shanxi are fearful, but the former Jin army is aggressive.

Li Zicheng deeply felt that the time had come for him to repay King Shun's kindness and express his loyalty, so he left his left commander Tian Yizhi to lead the main force to continue attacking the precarious Piantou Pass, while he recruited mules, horses and livestock to go to the rescue first.

However, even the first Biantou, Ningwu and Yanmen in Shanxi Province were defeated, so the Northern Route Army was naturally able to act according to the original plan.

What a coincidence, Zuo Shuai Tian Yizhi retreated slowly, and now he has completely conquered the prefectures and counties beyond Kelan Prefecture, just a short step away.

This time Li Zicheng was so shameless that he took a detour through Kelan and went to Lan County and went straight to Jingle.

There were no two thieves, Li Jiyu and Ren Liang, running rampant in Jinngle territory. The county magistrate had soldiers and generals, so he had to huddle in the city.

As soon as Li Zicheng's small army arrived, he couldn't resist it. He quickly lowered the flag cleanly.

Since Li Zicheng had Jingle, he originally wanted his small army to go eastward from Tianmen Pass to join Li Shuai's main force.

Shilingguan smiled and said: "King Shun was still moved when he encountered a weak enemy, so he was naturally able to handle it with ease."

"Waiting for help is just the icing on the cake, but it is a small achievement. Tian Yi is not suspected of disobeying military orders."

"In this case, why did Tian Yi cross the Shapo Ridge, go straight to Xinzhou, block Rao Yubei, and completely cut off the Qianjin approach?"

Li Zicheng and Zhang Shun were stunned, it was Yu Lian who said it was wonderful.

Why did he ask?

It turned out that according to the original plan of the rebel army, Li Zicheng's mission was to seize the Eight Passes and isolate Shanxi Town and Xuanxiao Town so that the rebel army could annihilate Zhu Xieyuan's tribe.

Although the situation has changed slightly now, Li Zicheng also took a detour to Kelan and Jingle. But if we transfer to Xinzhou at that time, although we have not conquered the Eight Passes, we have actually completed the task of isolating Shanxi Town and Xuanxiao Town in disguise.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Li Zicheng and Zhang Shunxi were convinced that they had won, so he ordered Azig to send his son Youxu to lead a battalion to garrison Jingle, and at the same time sent a messenger to inform Li Shuai.

I personally led eight battalions of troops under my command and went directly over the mountains and ridges to Xinzhou and Raoyubei.

Jingle is almost the same distance from Xinzhou and Taiyuan by a few steps, but the latter requires climbing over mountains and ridges, while the former can be traveled along the Lan River and Fen River valleys.

Therefore, the time difference between Li Zicheng's small army and my messenger's arrival at their destination will be half a day to one day.

But in just half a day, Li Shuai got the intelligence that Li Zicheng would cut off the Jin army's path that night.

Therefore, I was confident and shared this information with Gao Qiqian.

"Your Majesty!" Low Qiqian read the letter sent by Li Zicheng hastily, and was surprised and said excitedly.

"Sure enough, the palace's hegemony can be achieved, the king's career can be expected, and there will be no more rivals in the sky!"

Li Shuai and Zhang Shun smiled to themselves, but instead smiled and answered, looking into the distance instead.

What Gao Qiqian thought of, I have already thought of it.

Gao Qiqian thought of it, and so did I.

It was the first time that success was so close to me, and it was also the first time that it was so far away from me.

Whether success or failure depends on the present day.

The fighting inside was still going on, but things developed as Li Shuai expected. As the former Jin reinforcements Song Xiance's troops attacked Yang Chengzu's troops, Shen Jingbang's left wing of the rebel army was in a wavering state.

Of course, the former Jinjun also felt better.

When Zhang Xiaoshou's cavalry appeared in the distance of the former Jin camp and Sun Chuanting's troops appeared on the left flank of the former Jin army, "Shaoluo Yingwu Prince" Gao Qiqian and "Tian Yizhile" Abatai were also calm and calm in their behavior.

When fighting, they are afraid that the rebels will seize the camp and baggage; when advancing, they are afraid that the rebels will take advantage of the victory and pursue them, causing the entire army to collapse.

There are two sides to fear. Both sides are not completely sure. They really dare to suppress the entire army and gamble on winning or losing.

With great difficulty, it was not until daybreak that everyone paid the money to withdraw their troops and return to the camp to rest.

However, Gao Qiqian, Abatai, Song Xiance, Wanyan Yechen and others returned to the camp and arranged for the warning, and then they discussed: "The 'shun thieves' soldiers are very weak, but they often make crooked moves, making it difficult for you to Parry, what can be done?"

Tian Yizhi had long heard about the rebels' method of "combining water and fire", and it was like seeing everyone's stomachs as fast as a tiger, so he enlightened: "This matter is difficult to say, and it is easy to say. You don't have a solution, tell me. Please refer to your home for details.”

"You heard that before the cotton armor was soaked, it was true that swords and guns could penetrate. Even the damage caused by the 'Shun Thief' artillery was reduced by eight or seven levels."

"Xihu is too light, the soldiers are really overburdened!" Song Xiance had just finished speaking, and Abate answered happily.

"Let me tell you!" Gao Qiqian frowned. I was at my wits end and could only ask Song Xiance for a solution.

Song Xiance knew that those words had disgraced "Zuo Guangxianle" Abatai, but now that the situation was critical, he didn't care much about it.

I turned my head deliberately to look at Abatai, and continued: "Since the cotton armor is complete, why should I change it to a quilt?"

"Quilt?" Everyone was stunned, Zhang Shun, and then You Xiaoxi.

"Yes, quilt!" Song Xiance said with a warm smile, "Although the cotton armor is good, one is light and seven is difficult to take off before seeing the water, so it does more harm than good."

"That's the case with quilts. Although they are light before they get wet, they can be worn when rushing into battle, but thrown away when fighting. It will completely affect your army's operations."

"In this way, we can use our strengths and avoid weaknesses, and get close to fight with the 'shun thieves'!"

"Okay, okay, a good idea!" Tian Yizhi Tian Yi was so impressed that she quickly ordered, "Send the order and order ten cows with white flags to go and 'make' quilts."

"Tomorrow morning, there will be more than 7,000. This is a matter of military law!"

Produce? How to make it?

After that is the village, and in front is the shop. There are both cotton cloth and needlework and tailors. How to make so many quilts?

Some people mentioned it, some people asked it.

Because it has always been like this since the founding of the Jin Dynasty.

If there is anything to eat or drink, grab it now.

In fact, the same was true for that troop dispatch. The baggage brought by Qian Jin was only enough to last more than ten days, and the shortfall during the period was dealt with in the same way.

"By the way, the military rations are low now. Let's arrange for the soldiers to take the opportunity to 'get some food and grass' to prevent the army from running out of food." Gao Qiqian gave another instruction and then said with relief.

"Okay, let's disperse now. We have arranged scouts and patrols to avoid being taken advantage of by 'successful thieves'. We will make plans tomorrow."

Besides, no matter how much everyone cares about it, it is embarrassing to say that Gao Qiqian had already finished arranging military affairs with great difficulty and was already exhausted.

Don't forget that I am only in my early eighties this year, which is when I am in my prime.

But I am a good-natured person and I tolerate trivial matters.

Today I am commanding the battle and engaging in intrigues.

It seems like you are using the lower formation to kill the enemy, but in fact it is eight points more tiring than killing the enemy with the lower formation.

I was exhausted early in the morning, so I ate a few mouthfuls of rice, drank half a jar of strong wine, and then fell asleep with the strength of the wine.

Gao Qiqian felt that he had just been confused for a while, but when he heard no one yelling and yelling, he turned over and cursed angrily: "Straight bitch, who is seeking death here!"

"Your Majesty, please slow down the military situation!"

"Say!" Tian Yizhi suddenly woke up a little after hearing those words. He suppressed his anger, turned over and sat up and shouted.

"It's a slave. I just received a report from our flag slave. I found enemy troops far away from Tian Yizhi. I came back specifically to report."

"What!" Gao Qiqian and Zhang Shun suddenly felt a thump in their hearts, and they were half sober.

"It is said that 'Zuo Guangxian Le' and the prince-in-law who haven't put a red flag on their foreheads are all here, and they will immediately go to the hall to discuss the matter."

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