"Are you Wu Weihua?" Mrs. Hong asked condescendingly.

"This is the student, entrusted by the two towns of Xuanda and Da to come to pay homage to His Majesty!" Upon hearing this, Wu Weihua hurriedly bowed flatteringly.

"Weihua, Weihua, what a good name, hehe!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but feel happy when she heard the words, and said, "This Xuanda Town has such a strong tone! I wonder what they did to send you here?"

In fact, Mrs. Hong is not very worried about the two towns of Xuanda.

Although the two towns have a total of 150,000 men and horses, there is insufficient food and wages, and they are seriously underpaid. In fact, the number of usable soldiers is only 20,000 to 30,000.

And now these two to thirty thousand soldiers and horses are heading south to Shanxi to fight against the "Shun bandits".

The men and horses under his command are more than enough to defend the law, but not enough to attack. It has nothing to do with the situation of the world, so it is not a concern.

According to Mrs. Hong's thoughts, the two towns of Xuanda and Dazhou sent people here this time for nothing more than "mutual trade."

Xuanda's "mutual market" tradition roughly began during the Jiajing period.

At that time, Anda Khan invaded Datong on a large scale. The generals Zhang Da and Lin Chun were killed in the battle, and the imperial court appointed Qiu Luan to guard Datong.

As a result, Qiu Luan was afraid of Anda Khan's strength, so he actually bribed Anda Khan to ask him to avoid Datong.

Since then, the two garrison generals Xuan and Da have also learned from his example.

In the fifth year of Chongzhen's reign, Hong Tai led the elite soldiers of the Later Jin Dynasty to pursue Hu Duntu Khan who fled westward, and the army ran out of food.

When this situation was in danger, Shen Qi, the governor of Xuanfu, was worried about Hou Jin's needs and thought of Hou Jin's thoughts. He "rewarded" Hou Jin with cattle and wine, and "gifted" the property originally used to reward Hu Duntu Khan to Hou Jin. Gold to meet their urgent needs.

In view of this, Hong Tai also sent Wu Weihua to Daoxuan and Da two towns this time, preparing to continue "mutual trade" according to the "old calendar".

Unexpectedly, Wu Weihua couldn't help but laugh when he heard this, and said in shock: "Good birds choose trees to roost. Now the Ming Dynasty is in danger, and people are panicked. The two towns of Xuanda and Da are about to re-elect their masters. Do you have any intention?"

"What?" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but get excited when she heard this, she couldn't believe her ears.

These people first sold supplies, teammates, and the country, but this time they are actually planning to sell themselves. Do they really have no shame at all?

No wonder Mrs. Hong was so surprised. It turned out that it was the Azige tribe outside Taiyuan City that sent envoys and rebels to fight for Zhu Xieyuan's Ming army, so Mrs. Hong herself didn't know about it.

He originally thought that the two towns of Xuanda and Dazhou would just close their doors as before, but when he retreated, they would take the opportunity to "trade with each other". He never thought that this would happen.

"If Jun Guo has this intention, I will not be stingy with the reward!" Mrs. Hong, who is such a person, heard the words and immediately realized the importance of this matter.

Now that Hou Jin has entered the pass, he originally planned to fight with the snipe and the clam for the fisherman's profit, and wanted to take advantage of Zhang Shun's opportunity to fight for the world.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun decisively attacked Azige's men and besieged them outside Taiyuan City, which immediately put Hong Tai into an extremely passive situation.

If we don't save it, we will lose 30,000 elites in one breath, which will not only shake the foundation of Houjin, but also make it lose the initiative to compete for the world this time.

If you save them, now that the rebels are prepared, nearly 100,000 troops attack each other, and it is impossible to tell the winner in an instant.

If the outcome cannot be determined in a short period of time, the Houjin Army, which lacks supplies and food and is in enemy territory, will be in a dilemma.

Even if Hong Tai puts himself in his shoes, the "shun thief" will definitely find this flaw in himself. If he insists on guarding the city level, what can he do?

And when Mrs. Hong was in a dilemma, what Wu Weihua said could be said to be a help in times of need. How could he not be overjoyed?

In the second year of Chongzhen's reign, our Hou Jin Dynasty was almost collapsed, so I had no choice but to fight hard. Fortunately, a general secretly communicated with me, and we returned home with a full load.

In the fifth year of Chongzhen's reign, the pursuit of Huduntu exhausted all the food, but Shen Qi promptly provided food and grass.

Now that I am strategically passive, someone else offers the two towns of Xuanda. Isn't it God's will?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but get excited and smiled: "Kong Youde and Monk Geng Zhongming had a bloody feud with me before. Once they come to surrender, they will all become princes."

"If Zhang Weishi, the governor of Datong, can vote for me, why should he grudge the prince?"

"If you help me, I will be treated as a prince. I wonder what Weihua thinks?"

Wu Weihua couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, but still confirmed: "Who is the king, and what is the title?"

"The king is a prince, and the title is a duke!" Hong Tai originally wanted to be vague, but after getting over the shock of just receiving the news, she immediately realized that this matter was extremely beneficial to the "Qing Dynasty".

If the towns of Xuanfu and Datong surrender to themselves, then the Hou Jin Army will have a foothold in the pass.

You can look down on the capital in the east, and you can suppress Shanxi in the south.

When the capital of the Ming Dynasty opens its doors, the Shanxi defense line of the rebel army can only be set up at the Biantou, Ningwu, and Yanmen lines, just like the story of the Northern Song Dynasty.

If this matter can be realized, it will be comparable to the Liao Kingdom's seizure of Yanyun's Sixteen Prefectures, and it will be a legacy for generations of emperors.

Not to mention one prince, even ten princes deserve it!

When Wu Weihua heard this, he was overjoyed. He asked Hong Tai for the identity of the imperial merchant and the exclusive rights of Mongolian merchants for the Pingyao Merchant Group, and then bid farewell to Hong Tai with satisfaction.

Although Mrs. Hong was promised the position of prince, she still felt uneasy.

Not only did he personally deliver them, but he also asked his soldiers to pick out 23 pieces of gold, silver, treasures and furs from the plundered goods, and gave them as gifts to Zhang Weishi, the governor of the Xuan Mansion.

When Wu Weihua left, Prince Narui Dorgon saw Mrs. Hong's worried expression and couldn't help but asked: "My emperor is the supreme emperor of the 95th year, and now he has been given the position of prince by courtesy and virtuous corporal. This matter should be absolutely certain. How can your majesty do it?" Are you worried?"

"Logically speaking, it should be like this!" Mrs. Hong nodded when she heard this, "It's just that the matter is so big that I'm afraid something might happen unexpectedly and cause complications!"

Dorgon was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but bow: "I have something to say, I don't know whether to say it or not."


"Yes, Your Highness. In my opinion, since we raised our troops in Manchuria, we have been prosperous and powerful throughout the world." Dorgon couldn't help but said impassionedly.

"Nowadays, the two towns of Xuanda and Da are a matter of life and death. Why does Your Highness put your hope in others but not trust in our army's military front?"

"Huh?" Mrs. Hong suddenly realized what she said, "What do you mean..."

"I would like to order 30,000 soldiers and horses to follow me. If Zhang Weishi really surrenders to me, we can take the opportunity to garrison troops to avoid recurrence." Dorgon sneered.

"If Zhang Weishi's attitude is still between two sides, I will use my power to threaten him."

"If Zhang Weishi turns to surrender, I will wait for an opportunity to kill his people and seize his city. This will be a safe strategy."

"Okay, what a Prince Rui!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help laughing when she heard this, "I have such a Prince Rui in Manchuria, I can conquer the world!"

While Wu Weihua and Dorgon were heading to Xuanfu one after another, Datong Governor Ye Tinggui, Datong General Soldier Wang Shiren and Xuanfu General Soldier Li Guoliang were rushing back to Datong.

However, they were stopped as soon as they left Shiling Pass and arrived in Xinzhou.

Ye Tinggui, Wang Shiren and Li Guoliang couldn't help but became anxious and shouted quickly: "Now that the three of us have surrendered to King Shun, we are eager to go to the Xuan Mansion to surrender the two towns of Xuan and Da. If we miss something important, it will be a big sin!"

"Hey, is this happening?" The three of them had just finished speaking, but unexpectedly, an old Taoist priest with an immortal style walked out from the side.

The old Taoist couldn't help but laugh and said: "I am Song Xiance, the counselor of King Shun. If that is the case, please tell me in detail, I will have my own plans!"

Seeing that they could not escape, the three of them had no choice but to briefly mention what happened.

Unexpectedly, Song Xiance had just finished listening to most of it, and couldn't help but slap his thigh and said: "It's a big mistake if you're confused!"

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