"The guilty ministers Ye Tinggui (Wang Shiren, Li Guoliang, and Wang Qingzhi) have met His Highness King Shun!" All the generals of the Ming army knelt in a row and worshiped Zhang Shun one after another.

"Hey, get up, all get up, from now on we are all members of our own family, why are you so polite?" Zhang Shun quickly personally helped up the former Datong governor Ye Tinggui, Datong commander-in-chief Wang Shiren, Xuanfu commander-in-chief Li Guoliang and Wang Qingzhi and others.

After everyone stood up, Zhang Shun couldn't help but be stunned.

It turns out that Ye Tinggui has a long waist and abdomen, and is more than eight feet tall. He has a fair face, lop-eared ears, halberd and beard, and a voice like a bell. He has a good appearance. Standing among everyone, he feels like he stands out from the crowd.

What a coincidence. Although the commander-in-chief Wang Shiren and Li Guoliang were strong, they were not taller than ordinary people.

In comparison, it was as if the governor Ye Tinggui was a strong general, while the other two generals were just his assistants.

Fortunately, it was common for civil servants in the Ming Dynasty to wield swords and guns, and generals to splash ink. After Zhang Shun was surprised, he didn't think it was strange.

He couldn't help but pull Ye Tinggui to sit on his left side, and motioned to Wang Shiren, Li Guoliang and others to take their seats.

It's just that Ye Tinggui was slightly taller than Zhang Shun. As a newcomer, he had to hold his chest and shrink his neck to avoid being hated by Zhang Shun, which looked a bit funny.

Zhang Shun didn't know what he was thinking, so he just smiled and said: "I heard that the Ming army's 20,000 troops surrendered, all thanks to your efforts. I would like to thank the world for this."

Ye Tinggui and Wang Qingzhi worked hard for this, and they were quite proud when they heard this.

While Wang Shiren and Li Guoliang were enjoying their success, they were shocked when they heard this.

They didn't know whether Zhang Shun's words were true or negative, so they quickly prostrated themselves on the ground and said they didn't dare.

Now is the time to win over people's hearts. How could Zhang Shun blame him?

He couldn't help but help the two of them stand up again and said: "I am a Chinese and I want to fight for the world, so why do I have anything to do with the barbarians?"

"However, Donglu, Di Yi, Ben Huli changed the old tribe. At the beginning of the country, he received great favor from Ming Dynasty Emperor Chengzu, and then he was able to live in Jianzhou."

"Unexpectedly, as its power grows stronger, it does not want to repay kindness, but instead repays kindness with hatred, causing trouble for China. Isn't it the behavior of an animal?"

"Now that you uphold the righteousness, reject the barbarians and obey the people, you have made great contributions to the world, and you deserve to receive this reward!"

Then Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, and Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of Xuanfu, felt a little relieved and sat down with their heads bent.

Zhang Shun's words seemed of little use, but in fact they defined the nature of these Ming army surrendered generals in a few words.

It turns out that since the Shang and Zhou dynasties, China has had two ideological theories intertwined with each other.

One is the theory of loyalty and the other is the theory of Chinese Diyi.

Needless to say, the former is the cornerstone of Chuanting feudal society.

The latter also became a more popular idea after the mid-Ming Dynasty, because Zhu Yuanzhang "exploded the Tartars and restored China."

However, what happens when the theory of loyalty encounters the differences between Huaxia and Diyi?

This point was not mentioned by the ancient sages and sages, and it was not a big problem for the Ming Dynasty itself.

However, when the Ming Dynasty encountered the rebels and the Donglu, this difference came out.

Although surrendering is against loyalty, it can uphold Chinese righteousness and is pitiable;

Dropping gold would not only violate the righteousness of the monarch and his ministers, but also violate the distinction between Hua and Yi. The crime should not be punished. This was Zhang Shun's final conclusion on the matter.

When everyone heard Zhang Shun's words, a big stone suddenly fell from their hearts, and they couldn't help but feel happy.

Zhang Shun then asked: "I have heard the names of Master Zhu, Zhang Benbing and General Yang for a long time. Why don't I see them today?"

"Uh..." Ye Tinggui was stunned when he heard this, and then responded with a bit of embarrassment, "Master Zhu is old and frail. Yesterday he saw everyone surrendering to King Shun. He was frightened and uneasy, so he disappeared in the camp."

"When the soldier Zhang saw that Master Zhu was dead, he felt uneasy, so he took poison and died. When we found out, their bodies were already cold, and it was difficult for gods to save them."

"We don't dare to be expert, and we are about to ask His Highness for orders. I don't know how to deal with it?"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun heard this and didn't know whether these two people committed suicide or were killed, but after all, it did not affect his plan, so he smiled.

"In this case, although these two people resisted the king's master, they are still loyal people after all. They can just order them to be buried generously."

"King Shun is benevolent and righteous!" Although the generals were a little embarrassed when they heard this, they had to admire Zhang Shun's magnanimity.

Those who surrender to themselves are "upholding righteousness", and those who disobey themselves are "loyal and righteous people". No matter how reasonable they are, if they forgive their sins, they should be the masters of the world.

Thinking of this, Ye Tinggui, the former governor of Datong, couldn't help but smile and said: "The guilty minister is originally a member of the Defu family. If you carefully attach yourself to it, you can be regarded as a fellow countryman of your highness."

"If His Highness can trust the guilty minister, the guilty minister would be willing to write a letter and tell him to surrender to Zhang Weishi, the governor of the Xuan Mansion, in return for Your Highness's kindness in knowing you."

"Oh? Could it be that Qingcai is familiar with this person?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but be happy when he heard this.

Although he has conquered 30,000 elite Ming troops, he has no idea how to attack the two towns of Datong in Xuanfu.

"Not only am I acquainted with this person, I'm afraid His Highness is also somewhat related to this person!" As soon as Zhang Shun finished speaking, Ye Tinggui suddenly laughed shockingly.

"How do you say this?" Zhang Weishi, Zhang Shun thought for a long time and found that he couldn't remember it in his mind.

"That Zhang Weishi is from Taikang in Kaifeng Prefecture. His accent is very close to that of King Shun, so he must be from the same hometown!" Ye Tinggui said with a smile.

"Taikang Renshi? No wonder Qing Cai said such a thing just now!" Zhang Shun nodded after hearing this, and then he understood where Ye Tinggui's confidence came from.

It turns out that the main reasons for officials to make friends in this era were: fellow villagers, fellow students, and teacher-student relationships.

Ye Tinggui, Wang Duo, and Zhang Weishi are all officials from Henan. Among them, Ye Tinggui and Wang Duo were both Jinshi in the second year of Tianqi. They were not only from the same hometown but also ranked in the same ranking, so they had the best relationship.

But Zhang Weishi preceded them both and became a Jinshi in the 44th year of Wanli.

After Ye Tinggui and Wang Duo were selected, they also visited this person specially, so they met him several times.

In the past, even though the two sides were colleagues and fellow villagers, Zhang Weishi would not necessarily betray Ye Tinggui on such a major matter.

But in the current situation, with the rebel army besieging 30,000 Azig troops outside Taiyuan City, the host and guest have changed positions. How could Zhang Weishi not betray his favor?

Thinking of this, Ye Tinggui continued: "Zhang Weishi now holds two posts, and is also the governor of Xuanfu and Changping. His status is very important."

"The guilty minister begs your Highness to promise him the title of King of Liao, so that everything will be safe."

"Oh?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and then he understood.

Nowadays, the two towns of Xuanda and Datong are empty. The original governor of Xuanda, Zhang Fengyi, is dead. Datong governor Ye Tinggui, Datong commander-in-chief Wang Shiren and Xuanfu commander-in-chief Li Guoliang have surrendered.

Among those in charge now, he has the highest status and should be given the title of prince.

It's just that now that the king's title has been promised to him, if nothing happens, it will fall on Ye Tinggui, but now he refuses to give it away. What's the reason?

Zhang Shun frowned secretly, and then realized: This guy is testing himself!

Everyone is a sensible person, and the king's title is second only to the emperor.

If Zhang Shun easily agrees to give out a royal title, wouldn't it mean that the title is in name only and may be related to the dead?

If Zhang Shun refuses to agree, will Ye Tinggui and Zhang Weishi think that they are Xiang Yu who has rounded the edges of the seal?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh and said: "You are as talented and accomplished as him, so why should you let him enjoy the title of king exclusively?"

"In my opinion, the three of you should perform their own duties. First, retrieve Datong for me, and then announce the palace. In this way, the king's title will be equally divided, and nothing will happen. I wonder what Qingcai thinks?"

"Your Highness Mingjian!" Ye Tinggui couldn't help but look at Zhang Shun deeply after hearing this, and couldn't help but bow.

Brilliant, really brilliant.

What a King Shun, "the three of them each perform their own duties" downgraded the importance of Zhang Weishi, the governor of Xuanfu.

The garrison system of the Ming Dynasty was centered on the garrison eunuch, the chief soldier, and the governor. Among them, the governor had the most power, followed by the chief soldier, and the eunuch was the last.

If Zhang Shun sends Datong governor Ye Tinggui and Datong general Wang Shiren back at this time, he will naturally be able to easily capture Datong town.

After Xuanfu Commander-in-Chief Li Guoliang returned, the authority of Xuanfu Governor Zhang Weishi was reduced, and the asking price was naturally reduced accordingly.

With two governors, two county princes, two general soldiers and two dukes, King Shun was really kind-hearted and well-calculated!

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