"How are you, Fujun?" Wang Qingzhi looked at Datong Governor Ye Tinggui eagerly and asked.

No one thought that these two people had already colluded together.

Ye Tinggui was from Yucheng, Guide Prefecture, Henan Province, while Wang Qing's uncle Wang Duo was from Mengjin, Luoyang Prefecture, Henan Province.

One of these two people is a local official, and the other is a central member of the Imperial Academy. Naturally, they have frequent contacts in private.

Therefore, after Wang Qingzhi got into trouble, he had nowhere to stay, so he had no choice but to seek shelter in Shanxi and Datong.

And Ye Tinggui also happened to have some things that were not convenient for him to come forward and needed to be handled by his own people. Over time, the two of them formed a wonderful symbiotic relationship.

"No!" Ye Tinggui shook his head and said, "Zhu Xieyuan is so ignorant and loyal that he wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. It's really ridiculous!"

"What should I do? Should I kill him?" Wang Qingzhi said with his five fingers together like a knife, making a downward cutting motion.

"Are you kidding? Harmony brings wealth, harmony brings wealth!" Ye Tinggui was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help but quickly rejected Wang Qingzhi's proposal.

"Then what does Fu Jun mean?" Wang Qingzhi didn't think he was willing to give up.

This Ye Tinggui was originally the governor of Datong, and there were two people above him, the left governor Zhu Xieyuan and the governor of Xuanda Zhang Fengyi.

Although it is stated that acting governors, governors and governors are divided into superior and inferior classes, there is no distinction between high and low, but the idea of ​​superiority and inferiority has long been ingrained in the bones of the people, and Ye Tinggui cannot change this understanding at all.

In this way, Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, naturally had no chance of being crowned king. He could only rank behind Zhu Xieyuan and Zhang Fengyi and take the position of duke.

It stands to reason that Ye Tinggui is now a third-rank official and deputy censor of the capital, and is in charge of a town's army. He is considered successful and famous, and there is no need to go further.

However, the human heart is like a snake swallowing an elephant. When the once-in-a-lifetime temptation of becoming a king is placed in front of him, how can you tell him not to be tempted?

"Don't you hear that Ban Ding is far away from joining the army?" Ye Tinggui pondered for a moment and couldn't help but smile.

"In the past, Ban Dingyuan sent an envoy to Shanshan, but unexpectedly the Huns envoy also arrived. King Shanshan was hesitant. Ban Dingyuan then attacked and killed the Huns envoy overnight and cut off his escape. King Shanshan had no choice but to surrender to the imperial court."

"Qingzhi understands, Fujun is waiting for my news!" Ye Tinggui was afraid that Wang Qingzhi would not understand the secret, so he deliberately narrated the story in full. So why didn't Wang Qingzhi understand?

So, he quickly said goodbye to Ye Tinggui and went to find Yang Guozhu, the deputy commander-in-chief.

When the matter came to an end, Yang Guozhu hesitated and couldn't help but said: "My son Yang Zhen and my brother Yang Guodong are both officials in the imperial court. Now that they have abandoned the Ming Dynasty and surrendered, I am afraid something unexpected will happen..."

When Wang Qingzhi heard this, he couldn't help but said angrily: "When things come to a close, I never thought of you as my mother-in-law."

"Today's situation is either golden or smooth, and life and death can be decided in an instant. When the world is in great trouble, does Tingshi think he can survive alone?"

In fact, the current situation is that although the Ming army has been defeated in consecutive battles, it still controls most of the world, and its strength cannot be underestimated.

However, the situation in Shanxi is now in danger, the rebel army is in full swing, and now they have defeated Houjin again. They are so popular that for a while, people in Xuanda and Da towns are panicked, and the mood of failure is spreading everywhere.

It's not like Yang Guozhu has never fought against the rebels and the Hou Jin Army. The conclusion that "the Eastern captives are stronger than the Western invaders" has already been engraved in everyone's minds.

However, in the battle outside Taiyuan City two days ago, the rebel army not only defeated the Hou Jin Army, but also completely besieged them outside Taiyuan City. The impact on everyone's perception can be imagined.

However, it is inevitable for ordinary people to overcorrect when they revise their original perceptions at critical moments.

The Donglu soldiers are already so strong, so how strong are the Western invaders who defeated the Donglu soldiers!

Affected by this, Yang Guozhu, regardless of personal feelings or rational judgment, was obviously more inclined to the rebel side.

"You are right, I will follow you this time!" After thinking for a long time, Yang Guozhu gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

With Yang Guozhu's cooperation, Wang Qingzhi soon learned the residence of the "Emissary of Houjin".

At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, headed by Wang Qingzhi and Yang Guozhu, and assisted by more than thirty of Yang Guozhu's cronies, everyone rushed over.

When they arrived at the "Emissary's Camp", everyone shouted loudly and started killing and slashing everyone they saw. They were easy to kill and entered, only to see a scholar struggling to get up who didn't understand what was going on.

Wang Qingzhi quickly jumped over and struck him with his knife.

It's just that his body is weak and his arms are weak, so the knife is not solid.

Yang Guozhu was afraid that he had made a mistake, so he quickly stepped forward and killed Na Si with a knife, and then cut off the head cleanly.

"What's going on? Everyone ran away?" Wang Qingzhi looked at the empty tent and couldn't help but feel chills all over his body.

"How can it be possible? Hou Jin only sent an envoy and a few porters and slaves, but we have already killed them." Yang Guozhu couldn't help but laugh.

He did not dare to kill the "Emissary of Hou Jin", mainly because he was afraid of being punished by his superiors and revenge of Hou Jin, but not because he was worried that the "Emissary of Hou Jin" would resist.

"Qingzhi, look!" While Wang Qingzhi was stunned, some soldiers had already collected the things the envoy was carrying.

Wang Qingzhi took a closer look after hearing this. In addition to a few books and scattered silver coins, there was also an open letter and a box.

Wang Qingzhi took out the letter and looked at it, and saw that it read: "... If your Excellency turns against you and surrenders with courtesy, you will be granted the position of the King of Deshun. If you can maintain neutrality and allow me to come and go, you will be promised three hundred dollars for your head." grains, five thousand taels of silver, two thousand livestock women..."

"Good fellow, this Donglu not only presented a prince as a reward!" He couldn't help but sigh.

"He also took Paoze's head as a bribe. Level 300! How much damage did Donglu suffer this time?"

No wonder Wang Qingzhi was so surprised. It was the most difficult thing to get heads in the battle formation. Even the so-called Ningyuan victory in the Ming Dynasty only resulted in the capture of 269 Houjin heads.

Nowadays, the rebel army only fought against Houjin once, and the opponent suffered heavy losses, so much so that he had to use his own head as a bribe, which is really surprising.

"Qingzhi, look at this!" Just when Wang Qingzhi finished reading the letter, Yang Guozhu opened the box and said in surprise.

When Wang Qingzhi heard this and looked down, he was also startled.

I saw that the box carried by the "Houjin Envoy" was white and black, and there were more than ten heads made of lime.

"Is this a sample?"

"This is a sample!"

Wang Qingzhi and Yang Guozhu couldn't help but look at each other and cheered in their hearts: "This bet is right, this time we will be prosperous!"

"Whoever dares to cause trouble in the camp, come out quickly!" Just when Wang Qingzhi and Yang Guozhu were excited, unexpectedly, the movement just now alerted the soldiers patrolling the camp. Surrounded.

Unexpectedly, this time, Wang Qingzhi and Yang Guozhu showed no fear on their faces, and instead opened the curtain.

Yang Guozhu held high the head of the "Emissary of Hou Jin" and said loudly: "According to the military order of Zuozhu, this general will personally kill the 'Emissary of Hou Jin' to show the deep hatred and sworn hatred between the two countries!"

"Ah? Hohoho~" The soldiers were stunned when they heard this, and couldn't help but cheered.

They didn't understand what nationalism was at this time, but their simple view of good and evil made them not have much favorable impression of the Houjin side who often came to rob and kill.

"Did you see it? Did you hear it? This is what people want..." At this moment, two old people were standing not far away and looking there.

They were Zhu Xieyuan of Zuozhu State and Zhang Fengyi, Governor of Xuanda, who hurried over after hearing the commotion.

Zhu Xieyuan was silent for a long time after hearing this, and couldn't help but ask: "Why? Why can't you just wait?"

"As long as we calm down, the world may not be in peace..."

"They waited too long!" Zhang Fengyi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"They can wait a day, a month, a year, or even sell their sons and daughters to serve the court."

"However, they waited year after year, until their wives and children were separated, until their hair turned gray, but they still did not wait for any improvement in the court."

"It's not that they didn't give the court opportunities, it's that the court itself took these opportunities for granted and wasted them!"

"Today you feel that you have just missed these few months to prove your worth, but they feel that these few months have just proved their worth!"

"If it doesn't work, the entire two towns of Xuanda will not work. The Ming Dynasty will definitely die this time!"

"Seventy years are rare in life!" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing this, "I am lucky enough to live to such an age, how can I continue to serve two masters?"

"I'm old and you're still young, so take my old guy's head in exchange for your fame and wealth!"

"Zhu Zhuguo!" Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this, and actually shook his head.

"Zhang is deeply favored by the emperor. How can he be a villain like that of Qin Muchu!"

"Since you and I are so ambitious, why don't we go on the road together, so as not to be lonely on the road to hell!"

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