Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1318 Thinking of Change

"Ahem. Qingzhi, there are no outsiders here. If you have anything to say, just say it!" Zhu Xieyuan coughed a few times and motioned to Wang Qingzhi to sit down.

"Then you're welcome, junior!" Wang Qingzhi looked at Zhu Xieyuan of Zuozhu State, Zhang Fengyi, Governor of Xuanda, and Ye Tinggui, Governor of Datong, and couldn't help but bowed and sat down.

"Jinshun and Jin are competing for the beautiful country of Ming Dynasty. What do you think, sir?"

"Oh? How can you, a drunkard and a womanizer, think about national affairs?" Before anyone could speak, Datong Governor Ye Tinggui couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at him.

"Ah? Hehe, hehe!" Wang Qingzhi scratched his head in embarrassment after hearing this, and explained, "I'm not good at this, so I want to find a way!"

"Whose way are you looking for?" Zhu Xieyuan frowned and asked a little unhappy.

"Uh... regardless of whose way it is, I'm going to tell you a few truths, and you might as well listen to them." Wang Qingzhi said as he looked to his left.

"If what you say is good, please support the three of you. If what you say is not good, I will turn away and leave without stopping."

"Okay, tell me, we are all ears!" Zhu Xieyuan sneered and said disdainfully.

"In the current situation among the three parties, Shunjin is the strong one and I am the weak one. Is that true?" Wang Qingzhi smiled bitterly and asked rhetorically this time.

"That's true!" Zhang Fengyi, who had been silent for a while, nodded.

"In this way, if I help Jin, Jin will win, and if I help Shun, Shun will win. If the two don't help each other, when the two...the two thieves have decided, the first one will seek our bad luck. I don't know what the three adults think. no?"

"That's what happened!" Zhu Xieyuan nodded and asked, "In that case, what do you think?"

In fact, several of them had discussed these words thoroughly, but due to their own reasons, they had been unable to make a decision.

Since Wang Qingzhi also thinks so, I think he must have some ideas for reference.

"So, for the current plan, it is necessary to choose one party as a friend and one party as the enemy, which is the best strategy!" Wang Qingzhi couldn't help but draw a conclusion after seeing the plan.

"Oh? So Qingzhi thinks it is best to choose who is a friend and who is an enemy?" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but sneered.

It turns out that speaking of it, he is still a lobbyist!

Wang Qingzhi felt bad after hearing Zhu Xieyuan's words. He was afraid that his life would be in jeopardy if he was not careful.

But now that the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and said seriously: "In Qing's foolish opinion, it is natural to regard King Shun as a friend and later Jin as an enemy."

"Oh? What's the point?" The three of them couldn't help but look at each other and smiled.

"To be honest, I just met His Highness King Shun yesterday on behalf of the two towns of Xuanda. His Highness promised one King of Liao, three princes, five marquises, the generals and above will all be earls, and the soldiers will be paid one stone per month. ." Wang Qingzhi couldn't help but say confidently.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Zhu Xieyuan and Zhang Fengyi unconfidently, and added: "If the contributor is not the only one, the King of Liao can also be analyzed as two prefectures: King Zhenshuo and King Zhendai."

"What?" The three of them were horrified when they heard this, and they couldn't help but turn pale and said, "What a great King Shun, he is indeed extraordinary."

"In this case, without further delay, why don't the three of you surrender to King Shun without losing your glory and wealth?" Seeing this, Wang Qingzhi couldn't help but strike while the iron was hot.

"Well, Zhu is already old now. He has been favored by the emperor and is a highly respected minister. How can he bow down for five buckets of rice? This matter will be discussed later. Just go down and have a rest." Zhu Xieyuan hesitated. He spoke.

"Ah?" Wang Qingzhi was a little dumbfounded when he heard this. He couldn't help turning his head and looked at Xuanda Governor Zhang Fengyi and Datong Governor Ye Tinggui. He didn't know what to answer for a while.

"Qingzhi, just go down and rest first." Upon seeing this, Ye Tinggui also advised him, and Wang Qingzhi had no choice but to retreat angrily.

When Wang Qingzhi just left, Zhang Fengyi, who was silent, suddenly asked: "What do you two think?"

"King Shun is generous, but we are the ones who forget their loyalty for the sake of profit?" Ye Tinggui thought for a moment and couldn't help but said.

"It's just that the country is in crisis now. We have 20,000 elite soldiers and are helpless. It's really hateful."

"What Ye Fujun said is true!" Zhu Xieyuan nodded, and then finally made up his mind and said, "The more the Eastern and Western invaders treat me, the more critical the situation becomes."

"In this case, if you can't get chestnuts from the middle fire, won't you lose the name of Zhu Zhuguo?"

"What does Zuo Zhuguo mean?" Zhang Fengyi asked tentatively, his brows twitching.

"I will respond to the Donglu first!" Zhu Xieyuan said with a cold smile, "then I will respond to the Western invaders!"

"Then I will rest and reorganize the city defense and defend Xiyan Town and Yuxian City."

"What does Zuo Zhuguo mean?" When Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, heard Zhu Xieyuan's words, he couldn't help but be frightened.

"Drive the tiger to devour the wolf and reap the benefits!" Zhu Xieyuan's eyes were shining brightly, and his face showed an abnormal flush.

"Ah?" Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, and Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, couldn't help but look at each other.

Not to mention how the three people discussed it, let's talk about it after Wang Qingzhi returned to his residence.

He never expected that he could not settle the matter that he was sure of with one word. He couldn't help but feel anxious and uneasy. He couldn't help but leave the camp and pace back and forth.

"Hey, isn't this Qingzhi? How did you get here?" At this time when Wang Qingzhi was worried, he never expected someone to say hello suddenly.

"Ah? It turns out to be Yang Tingshi!" Wang Qingzhi turned around and saw that the person greeting him turned out to be Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yang Guozhu.

"Oh, forget it!" Wang Qingzhi couldn't help but sigh, "Is there any wine in Brother Yang's camp? We haven't seen each other for a long time, so we should have a drink."

"This," Yang Guozhu, who was originally looking happy, said with hesitation when he heard this, "the Donglu invaders have invaded these days, and the situation is critical. If I take the lead in breaking the alcohol prohibition order, I will commit a small military crime and a state crime." big!"

"Hey, you're still... you're serious about it!" Wang Qingzhi said halfway, and couldn't help but pull him and whisper, "It's too inconvenient here, let's talk about it in another place."

"Okay!" Yang Guozhu nodded and said to himself: Nothing happens, let's see what medicine he sells in the gourd.

The two finally found a secluded place, and Wang Qingzhi said seriously: "I heard before that Tingshi is from Yizhou and has a blood feud with Donglu. I don't know if this is true or not?"

"It's true!" Yang Guozhu felt strange in his heart, but everyone in the army knew what he was doing, so he was not surprised.

He couldn't help but sigh: "My brother Yang Guozhen and his son all died at the hands of the Donglu, and my sister-in-law Zhao also hanged herself because of the fall of Yizhou."

"Now that Yang is homeless, revenge will be a matter of the rest of his life!"

"Alas, it's pitiful, but it's a shame!" Wang Qingzhi couldn't help but shook his head after hearing this, "Originally, I had another plan to make Tingshi get his wish."

"I never thought that the governor, military gate, Fujun and others would hesitate and miss the opportunity. I am afraid that we will die without a burial place!"

"Qing Zhi, do you also know the important affairs of the country?" Yang Guozhu couldn't help but shook his head after hearing this, obviously not thinking that people who indulge in drinking and sex can have any plans.

Unexpectedly, when Wang Qingzhi heard this, he pulled him around and looked around, and then sneered: "Now the Ming Dynasty is ill. He has been losing consecutive battles and it is difficult to defeat Donglu."

"If Tingshi wants to use it to get revenge, I'm afraid he can only end up with hatred."

"What do you mean?" Yang Guozhu couldn't help but look cold when he heard this. He leaned forward and put his right hand on the handle of the knife. His whole body was full of murderous aura, and he seemed to be about to fall out if he disagreed with him.

"It's no fun!" Wang Qingzhi couldn't help but get angry when he saw this, and said firmly, "Wang is a businessman and only knows how to do business."

"Earlier, people asked me to sell equipment and gunpowder. Later, people asked me to sell grain for 100,000 dan. Now, some people ask me to sell Xuanda and Da two towns."

"How brave!" When Yang Guozhu heard this, he couldn't hold himself back, he couldn't help but shouted, and was about to cut this guy in two.

"Listen to me, it won't be too late for Tingshi to kill me again!" Seeing that he couldn't escape, Wang Qingzhi couldn't help but feel worried.

"King Shun offered one king of Liao, three princes, five marquises, all of them were counts, and one stone per month for the soldiers. He wanted to buy the two towns of Xuanda. What does Tingshi think?"

"Huh?" Yang Guozhu was stunned when he heard this and couldn't react for a while.

"General, what's wrong?" At this moment, Yang Guozhu's shout attracted a group of patrolling soldiers.

When the soldiers saw Yang Guozhu pointing his sword at Wang Qingzhi, they felt strange, but they also surrounded him with swords and guns.

"It's none of your business, get out of here!" Yang Guozhu was in a state of confusion. He couldn't help but shout to stop everyone, and then said to Wang Qingzhi, "Come with me!"

"Qingzhi, what do you mean?" Yang Guozhu arrived at the camp, carefully looked around, and then asked.

"It's no fun!" Wang Qingzhi sneered, "As a big shot, if you have to show some face, you may not be able to lose face for a while."

"But it may be hard for us little people. Only with our blood can we wake them up a little bit."

"You know, that's not what I asked!" Yang Guozhu said coldly.

"You know, that's not what I'm talking about!" Wang Qingzhi sneered.

"Although I was in charge of the sale of ordnance and gunpowder, it was definitely not my business alone!"

"Then he sells 100,000 dan of military rations, which is a huge disaster. How can I, a drunkard and a womanizer, be the master?"

"Nowadays, a big deal like selling the two towns of Xuanda and Dazhou is related to the value and lives of millions of people. Do you think I can sell it by myself?"

"We've had enough! We've had enough! We've had enough to eat, we've had no security; we've had enough, and our monthly salary is only four or five dollars, and you still have to deduct money from us; we've had enough, we've had enough to sell iron, and we've had to pay for the Zhu family. A day of hard work.”

"Now, now is the chance."

"As long as you sell your conscience, as long as you sell your loyalty, as long as you sell your wealth and life."

"Our whole family will have enough to eat and warm clothes. We will no longer have to endure hunger, and our wife and daughter will no longer have to be the world-famous 'Datong Aunts'!"

"Tingshi, do you know?"

"I'm so lustful, but no matter how lustful I am, I won't linger in prostitutes every day!"

"What should I do? What do you think I should do?"

"The only way I can help them is to patronize their wives and daughters' business!"

"Do you think I need to seek your opinion on the sale of Xuanda and Da Towns?"

"No, I just want to package it up and sell it so that I can get a good price."

"Whether you agree or disagree, I'm done with the two towns of Xuanda!"

"Also, don't think that just killing me will be the end of it. In addition to me, the tooth man, there is another living being named Wu Weihua who is colluding with the other party!"

Wang Qingzhi pointed to the northeast with a sneer, and finally concluded: "You have cut off this road, there is another way. In short, people's minds have changed, and we can't go on like this anymore!"

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