"Wang Qingzhi?" Zhang Shun looked at the pale young man in front of him and couldn't help but smile.

"I haven't seen you for many years, but you are still so weak."

"After all, I can't compare to His Highness King Shun. I haven't seen him for many years and he still looks the same." When Wang Qingzhi heard this, he didn't show any concern. Instead, he complimented him with a playful smile.

"Haha!" Zhang Shun smiled heartily and asked without comment, "I haven't seen you for a few years. How is your uncle Chixian Taoist's health?"

As the saying goes, you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, and this guy just happened to visit me at this time. I think there must be a reason.

It turns out that this Wang Qingzhi is none other than. He was the nephew of Mengjin's "Crazy Taoist" Wang Duo.

It's just that this person was not good at anything, he indulged in drinking and sex all day long, and offended others, so he could not pursue an economic career, so he went to Datong and made a group of fair-weather friends, and started a dental business.

Previously, Zhang Shun had bought a batch of firearms and 100,000 stones of food and grass from him, which solved his urgent need, so they got to know each other.

Later, Wang Duo's daughter married Lu Weiqi's son, Lu Zhaolin, and the two parties had a close relationship.

"Hey, don't mention him!" Wang Qingzhi looked like he hated iron and said sadly, "My uncle had a prosperous official career before and was promoted to the right concubine."

"I never thought that I would later offend the cabinet ministers Wen Tiren and Wu Zongda, so I had no choice but to ask myself to be transferred to take charge of the Nanjing Hanlin Academy. Last winter, I took my family and more than ten servants to Nanjing to take up the post."

"Oh?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and then he understood the reason.

At this time, Zhang Shun had a deep understanding of the official positions and systems of the Ming Dynasty. Of course, he knew that Wang Duo was not just a noble and unofficial official as he originally thought.

It turns out that since the Ming Dynasty, all officials elected to the Hanlin Academy, despite their low rank and few affairs, looked like idle officials, but in fact they were all "preserver prime ministers".

This Wang Duo had previously been promoted to the rank of concubine, and his status was only lower than that of a bachelor. If nothing unexpected happened, it was a certainty that he would become the prime minister in the future.

As for "asking to be transferred to take charge of the affairs of the Nanjing Hanlin Academy", it sounds like he is avoiding the sharp edges of Wen Tiren and Wu Zongda. In fact, he may have smelled something and took the opportunity to leave the place of dispute.

"Uncle, really, don't you want to see your old friend?" Zhang Shun shook his head and asked in annoyance.

In fact, according to Zhang Shun's strength when he first raised his army, even if Wang Duo came to surrender, he would only open his mouth to eat, and would not be able to do anything.

Zhang Shun made such an expression on purpose, just to take the opportunity to express his intention to recruit Wang Duo.

Times change, things change. Wang Duo, who was basically useless without Wang Duo at the beginning, is quite useful now that the rebel army has developed to this stage.

Unexpectedly, Wang Qingzhi smiled and said, "Although my uncle is a great talent, he doesn't know how to do business. How can I help him?"

"Although I am a dandy, I am a businessman. I have business to discuss with King Shun."

"Oh? I see you are empty-handed and don't know what kind of business you want to do?" Zhang Shun's heart moved and he couldn't help but smile.

"For the first time, I sold artillery and gunpowder that were eliminated from the two towns of Xuanda and Shun." Wang Qingzhi couldn't help but laugh.

"The second time I sold to King Shun the military rations from the two towns of Xuanda."

"We sold weapons and gunpowder and grain in the first two times. This time we have nothing to sell. Why not just sell the two towns of Xuanda and Da directly to King Shun. I wonder how much the price will be?"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and he said without changing his expression, "I wonder how much you want to ask for?"

"There is a Wowotou. People who usually have a lot of fish and meat don't even look at it. They feed it to the dogs and they feel choked." Wang Qingzhi couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"But when there is a famine, the people have nothing to eat, and even gold and silver cannot be exchanged. What does King Shun think?"

What is a negotiation expert? This is called a negotiation expert.

Although Xuanda and Da Town had no bargaining chips to ask for, Wang Qingzhi created a bargaining chip for him.

Don't look at the fancy words he said, but the meaning behind the words is: Although the two towns of Xuanda and Da are not very powerful, if you don't make a bet now, others will.

Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and immediately remembered the story of Wu Sangui in his previous life.

He didn't know what Li Zicheng had promised Wu Sangui, but Wu Sangui eventually led the Qing army into the pass and was named King of Pingxi.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "If the two towns of Xuanda and Da are really able to surrender to me, they can be granted the title of King of Liao, three princes, five marquises, and the generals and above will all be earls, and the soldiers will be paid one stone per month. .”

"By the way, if this matter relies on the efforts of two people, then the king of Liao can be analyzed as the king of Zhenshuo and the king of Zhendai. What does Qingzhi think?"

"Ah?" Wang Qingzhi was obviously a little frightened by Zhang Shun, and couldn't react for a while.

"This... this is really great. If what is said is true, everyone in Xuanda will die for His Highness, even if they die."

No wonder Wang Qingzhi was so excited. The title of King of Liao was the one-character king of the Eight Classics.

The so-called "one-character kings" are generally princes, with the title of the four kings of Jin, Qin, Qi and Chu being the most noble, followed by Zhou, Lu, Zhao, Wei, Liang, Yan, Dai, Han, Song, Wu and Yue .

But in any case, the Liao Kingdom once stood alongside Xixia and the Northern Song Dynasty. With this name, it can be regarded as a name second only to Jin, Qin, Qi, and Chu.

Nowadays, apart from the Ming and Jin clans who have been granted the title of king, only Kong Youde, Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming were granted the title of King Gongshun, King Zhishun and King Huaishun by Hong Tai who had just proclaimed himself emperor.

However, these three royal titles, although they are called princes, are actually no different from other titles, and are not even as pleasant to the ear as the two new princes created by Zhang Shun, King Zhenshuo and King Zhendai.

Not to mention that below the title of king, there are a lot of princes, princes and other titles. They have been awarded from top to bottom. No fool would not choose him.

"Since King Shun is so generous, our family will not speak the same language." Wang Qingzhi rubbed his hands and said.

"There are still two important matters. Please ask King Shun to plan them as soon as possible."

"Oh, I don't know which two places they are?" Zhang Shun awarded so many rewards in one breath, and his heart ached, so he couldn't help but ask quickly after hearing this.

"One is called the Merchant Gang." Wang Qingzhi couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"The land of Shanxi has the advantage of salt and iron. It is connected to the outside of the Great Wall to the north and to the hinterland to the south, so there is a lot of trade."

"Nowadays, those who are famous can be roughly divided into two groups. One is called Pingyang Commercial Gang, and the other is called Pingyao Commercial Gang."

"This Pingyang business gang has Pingyang Mansion as its core, among which the Wei, Wang, Liu, and Yang families are the most prosperous, with tens of millions of assets and countless banks."

"The second is the Pingyao Commercial Gang. Although it is not as good as the Pingyang Commercial Gang, it is also a rising star."

"The land is barren and the food is not enough, so since ancient times many people have gone out to do business to make a living."

"When it comes out, we will divide it into two routes. The east route will take Zhangjiakou, and the west route will take Shahukou, specializing in Tatar business."

“Exporting paint, silk, dried fruits, medicinal materials, and ironware in exchange for cattle, sheep, horses, mules and other livestock, they are also called ‘traveling Mongolian merchants’.”

"The most famous one among them is Jiexiu Fan Yongdou, who is the number one member of the Pingyao Merchant Gang. Your Highness, please be careful!"

"Oh? I understand!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but narrowed his eyes when he heard this and nodded.

Good guy, are these the famous "Eight Imperial Merchants of the Qing Dynasty"?

Although Wang Qing didn't say it clearly, Zhang Shun heard it clearly.

Many people in later generations believed that these people colluded with the Manchus for money, but in fact there may not be another possibility.

These "imperial merchants" were probably business gangs formed by the Manchus, who in turn provided materials and intelligence to the Manchus under the guise of legality.

If this is the case, there is no guarantee that these people will not report the true and false situation in their own territory to the Later Jin Army, and then guide the Later Jin Army into their own territory.

"What about the other place?" Zhang Shun had already stirred up a storm in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm and composed.

"The second day is the Ming Army." Wang Qingzhi looked at Zhang Shun carefully. He couldn't tell the truth for a while, so he couldn't help but point to the Yuxian Road to the east.

"The current situation is like the three kingdoms standing in a tripod. The one who can unite two to defeat one of them will win."

"Now that the Jin army is surrounded and has nothing to do, why not lobby Zhu Xieyuan and others?"

"If Your Highness is willing, please let me go for a while. It will definitely make it difficult for the golden army to fly across and make it difficult for the four hooves to move."

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