"Your Highness." The secretary glanced enviously at Zhang Fengyi, who had just left, and asked vaguely while lowering his head to help Zhang Shun clean up the mess.

"Since the Donglu camp is difficult to break, why not let 'General Qingtian' take action?"

It turned out that in just two days, the offensive and defensive situation of both sides reversed.

Hou Jin, who originally fought back and forth with the rebels, fell into a passive position because Li Zicheng led the troops to seize Xinzhou and Shiling Pass, completely trapping Hou Jin soldiers outside Taiyuan City.

At the same time, Zhang Fengyi and Zhang Sanbai, who had been attacking Fenyang Fucheng for a long time, were worried about Zhang Shun's safety, so they simply divided their troops and headed north. Zhang Fengyi led more than ten thousand white pole soldiers under his command all the way north, and arrived at the rebel camp last night. .

In this way, the rebels not only had an advantage in strategy, but also in terms of military strength.

As a result, Zhang Shun personally rewarded the three armies and killed Zhang Fengyi until the sky was dark, and he couldn't help but feel envious.

However, although the rebels had a considerable advantage and had temporarily prevented the Ming army from interfering, Zhang Shun only sent field artillery, golden artillery and flying Biao gun to participate in the battle.

However, the powerful 10,000-kilogram Hongyi cannon has remained in the camp and has never gone into battle.

Shi Shu deliberately let the rebel army defeat the Hou Jin army so that he could take the opportunity to send away Zhang Fengyi, who was leading the battle, so as not to compete with him for favor. This is why he had the above question.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, you can catch big fish only by letting the line go long!" Zhang Shun chuckled, stretched out his hand and pulled Shi Shu's delicate face, and said teasingly.

"You used to be such a strong and lovely person, but now you have so many thoughts!"

When the servant heard this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at him, curled his lips and said: "The situation is stronger than the people. What can I, a weak woman, do? I can only let the mermaid act."

Let’s not talk about how the two flirted and flirted, let’s talk about Hou Jin’s military camp. The "Prince Yingwu" Azige, "Raoyu Beile" Abatai, Fu Yanguli and Xianghongqi all looked solemn and the atmosphere was depressing.

In the past two days, they suffered several losses in a row, leaving the generals of Houjin who had always been victorious in every battle and forged ahead indomitably. They were helpless and had no choice but to stay behind closed doors.

"What to do, what to do? Can't we just watch these clowns poop and pee on our heads?" Azig couldn't help but asked first.

"Then what should we do?" Abatai retorted, "If we can't beat him, we can't beat him. Even if the King of Heaven comes, we can't beat him. What can we do?"

Good guy, who led us to death, don't you have any idea?

When Azige heard this, he was furious. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the knife, and was about to pull out the waist knife.

As a result, as soon as he pulled out three inches, a big hand reached out to stop it and pushed it back into the scabbard.

"You!" Azig was furious and couldn't help but stare at the visitor.

"Hey, harmony breeds wealth, harmony breeds wealth!" Prince Consort Yang Guli couldn't help but smile, "We are all members of our own family, why are we so angry?"

"Victory and defeat are common matters in military affairs. Now that our army is at a disadvantage and we need to work together to help each other, how can we blame each other?"

"Although we are at a disadvantage today, there is actually nothing we can do..."

"How do you say this?" As soon as Yangu Li raised his head, Azig couldn't help but asked hurriedly.

"If you can beat me, fight me. If you can't beat me, just leave!" Yang Guli couldn't help laughing.

"Although the 'shun thief' has cut off our way back, there are tens of thousands of roads in the world, so how can we cut them off? I have three strategies, high, middle and low. I would like to ask the county prince, Lord Baylor and others to discuss them in detail."

"Say!" Azig couldn't help but perked up and answered.

"The best strategy is that the 'thieves' cut off my return route and must have thought that I was going to run away. If I did the opposite and broke through the 'thieves' defense line to the south and brought the war into the enemy's territory, wouldn't it be a surprise?"

"This... this is too dangerous, we have to do it as a last resort!" Azig, Abatai and Wanyan Yechen frowned upon hearing this and shook their heads.

Are you kidding me? These "Submissive thieves" are different from the Ming army. If a large number of troops are stationed, wouldn't they be asking for death?

"The central strategy is that the 'Shun Thief's' defense on the western front is weak. We can take them by surprise, cross the river to the west, then detour through Ningwuguan, lead them to join the main army, and then compete with them for a day's gain."

"With tens of thousands of troops meandering westward, it's just a day and a night's work. This plan is not very appropriate. It's just a backup strategy." Azig shook his head and objected.

"Then...the next best thing is to join forces with the weak to attack the strong." Yang Guli pondered for a moment, and then he couldn't help but speak again.

"What does it mean to 'join the weak to attack the strong'?" Wanyan Ye Chen had some guesses in his mind and couldn't help but cheer.

"In today's situation, the thieves are strong and we are weak, and the Ming army is also weak." Yang Guli couldn't help but sneered.

"If I can join forces and defeat them, even if we lose, there will still be a way out."

"This..." After hearing this, everyone turned to the west and thought about it for a long time.

"Our army just fought against the Ming army two days ago, and the corpses are still cold. How can we forget this hatred?" Abate couldn't help but frowned.

"Master Baylor is joking. Only living people are qualified to talk about hatred. Dead people can't talk about anything!" Yangu Li couldn't help laughing.

"The question now is not whether we want to talk, but whether Akito wants to talk."

"Although cooperation will benefit both sides, after all, someone must be able to make the decision."

"This...can you let the envoy detained here give you a message?" Azig couldn't help but feel excited after hearing Yangu Li's words.

Of course, his heart is not about "joining the weak to attack the strong", but "false Tao to defeat Guo".

Although he didn't know this idiom, he couldn't stop him from going back on his word.

This time he led the Hou Jin 30,000 main force to go south brazenly. In fact, to some extent, he also got the tacit approval and connivance of Hong Tai and other generals.

Hong Tai led the Hou Jin army to enter the pass in large numbers this time, of course, not only to plunder the population and property.

What's more important is to be prepared to take advantage of the fire and see if you can reap the benefits between Ming and Shun.

Since we want to reap the benefits, we naturally have to bring our troops to the front lines where the two sides are fighting, instead of fighting to the death with the Ming army near the capital.

Allocate 30,000 troops from Azige to explore the reality of both sides, and 30,000 troops led by Prince Zheng Jierharang and Prince Duduo of Yu to contain the Ming army in Jiliao towns. Hongtai was left alone to lead the main force in Gyeonggi to intimidate the Ming monarchs and ministers. Waiting for the opportunity.

However, everything is said to be implicit but not explicit.

Although Prince Azige of the Yingwu Commandery fought bravely and well-organized, he was impatient and eager for success. He violated Tai Hong's restraint and rashly intervened in the war between Ming and Shun.

If he had the upper hand this time and captured Taiyuan City, it would be a miraculous feat that would go down in history.

However, he was defeated.

Losing means falling into passivity.

Whether it is military or political.

Now he urgently needs a credit to alleviate his guilt.

Otherwise, when Hou Jin wins, Azige loses power.

"No, no!" Unexpectedly, Yangu Li heard Azig's idea and couldn't help but stop him quickly.

"When you ask for something from someone, you must be sincere. In my opinion, you should choose a surrendered Confucian scholar and let him carry letters and gifts, promise gold, silk, and a head, and then the matter will be completed!"

"Head?" Azig couldn't help but raise his voice.

"Shh..." Seeing Azig's expression, Yangu Li couldn't help but quickly raised his finger to his lips and said.

"I can't bear to let the child catch the wolf. Even if I catch a sparrow, I still have to lose a handful of rice."

"Does Prince Yingwu still want to talk empty talk and make nothing?"

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