Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1315 Three Strategies

"What, Azig and the 'Shun Thief' got into trouble in Taiyuan?" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but asked in surprise and anger.

"Yes, according to the letter sent by the Ming Army, it is indeed the case. It's just that we don't know whether it is true or not." Dorgon frowned and submitted the letter.

"Shu Zi, you're ruining my life!" Unexpectedly, Hong Tai glanced at her hastily and said angrily.

"Although the 'Shun Thief' and I are not at odds with each other, we have not broken our hearts."

"This guy didn't wait for me to complete the deployment and took the lead in attacking. It was a big mistake."

"As a result, I have suffered another loss and hurt my Manchu warriors. I have made more mistakes than mistakes. It is not a pity to die!"

"That, what that Yingwu Commandery Prince is like, all comes from the mouths of the Ming Army. You can tell what it is like!" Fan Wencheng hesitated after hearing this, and couldn't help but remind him.

That's right, we haven't even said a word about this yet, so you still believe it?

"I know that Azige is brave and foolhardy. Previously, he took it upon himself to attack Taiyuan. I was quite pleased, thinking that he finally had a brain."

"I didn't expect that I thought highly of him, but I still have no brains!"

"This time, if he really defeated the Ming army and the bandit army and captured Taiyuan, he should have asked me for credit and reward."

"It's been a month now, and there's still no good news. I guess I didn't get the advantage, but suffered some losses, so I'm ashamed to talk about it."

"Then...does your majesty...send some reinforcements to avoid being taken advantage of by the 'thieves'?" Fan Wencheng couldn't help but ask tentatively after hearing this.

"No need, I'm afraid there's no one in this world who can eat the 30,000 elite troops of our Qing Dynasty in one go!" Mrs. Hong waved her hand.

"Let him suffer a loss and learn to behave, and he will be honest in the future."

"By the way, send the envoy over immediately and let him capture Xinzhou as the foundation. Only in this way can we advance and attack, retreat and defend, and everything will be foolproof..."

"Report, urgent report from the West Route Army!" Hong Taizheng was analyzing the current situation with great energy, but he saw a messenger hurried in and opened his mouth to report.

"Oh? Submit it!" Hong Tai was interrupted and felt a little unhappy.

However, he always showed his emotions and anger, so no one noticed it for a while.

"I was mistaken!" Before everyone could understand what was going on, they saw Mrs. Hong opening the letter and only taking a glance at it, and their expressions changed drastically.

"Your Highness, what... is happening?" Everyone was shocked and asked hurriedly.

"Look, look, this guy really didn't listen to my orders and insisted on going to Taiyuan. He really suffered a big loss!"

"Ah?" Everyone hurriedly took over the letter and looked at it, only to see it read: "...I was waiting for the army to be stationed outside Taiyuan City, but the 'Shun Thief' took the initiative to provoke me."

"The 'Shun Thief' has a large number of people. I watched from the watchtower. There are about 100,000 people."

"The generals are brave and unafraid of death. They fought hard for several days, but the battle is at a disadvantage. Now I heard that the 'thief' sent everyone to block Shiling Pass. Our army is in a dilemma. Your Highness, please make plans in advance..."

"Ajige was besieged in Taiyuan?" After seeing this, everyone couldn't help but burst into an uproar.

No matter how beautiful Azig's letter was, everyone knew the truth and could tell the truth at a glance.

Since the Jisi period, the Hou Jin Army has entered the pass several times. Although the casualties are not small, the gains are also huge, and there has never been a situation where the Ming Army was "caught".

Therefore, this time they were much bolder. Not only did they want to enter the pass, they also had the desire to covet the world.

But they never expected two things: one was that Chongzhen quickly mobilized Jiliao's elite soldiers to guard the capital, and the other was that the 30,000 Azig troops were blocked outside Taiyuan City.

what to do?

"Save, we must save!" Hong Tai thought for a moment, then made up his mind.

"Although our Manchuria is rich in troops and horses, we don't have enough people. If 30,000 people are eaten in one go, not only will every family wear mourning and every household wear hemp, I'm afraid it will also shake the foundation."

"The key is how to save it. Everyone has to discuss how to save it."

Since Nurhachi raised his troops, the Manchurian headquarters suffered a lot of losses. There were originally 100,000 elite soldiers when they started, but now there are only 60,000 to 70,000 left.

If we add in the Mongolian and Han surrenders, the number of people in the country is less than 400,000.

If 30,000 men were eaten in one go, it would be equivalent to the loss of eleven of the country's strongest men. No one could bear this responsibility.

"Your Highness, the Three Kingdoms are now intertwined and the situation is the most complicated." Fan Wencheng was the first to speak after hearing this.

"In my humble opinion, the best strategy is to divide the army into a group of suspected soldiers to assist King Yingwu. The main force should take advantage of the emptiness of Jiliao to seize important places such as Jinzhou and Shanhaiguan, and then seize Beijing, Xuanda and other places, following the example of the Liao and Song Dynasties. Therefore wisdom.”

The so-called "imitating the old wisdom of the Liao and Song Dynasties" is actually to seize the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun and Youzhou City, and use geography to create a overwhelming trend for the Han Dynasty.

"Save, we must save. I hope you won't let me say it a second time!" After hearing Fan Wencheng's words, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but stare angrily, almost choosing others to devour.

"Yes, I know, I know!" Fan Wencheng was so frightened that he started sweating profusely and kowtowed like he was pounding garlic.

"Get up and continue talking!" Hong Tai ordered with a cold face.

"Cha!" Fan Wencheng said cautiously after receiving the order.

"The strategy is right. Your Highness should lead the main force to fight in person and defeat the 'shun thieves' in one fell swoop. Then the world will be at my mercy!"

"This... this is too dangerous, Your Highness must not do it!" As soon as Fan Wencheng finished speaking, Dorgon couldn't help but hurriedly admonished him.

"No, let him continue!" Hong Tai stopped Dorgon expressionlessly, then looked at Fan Wencheng and said.

Fan Wencheng was too frightened to dare to do anything, for fear of accidentally offending this person, so he could only say tremblingly: "This plan is indeed very dangerous, but the Ming army has too much time to take care of itself, and the Ming leader is indecisive, ambitious and lacking in talent."

"As soon as our army moves, the Ming army will remain as still as a mountain and sit back and watch me fight with the 'shun thieves'."

"He claims to be 'sitting on a mountain and watching tigers fight', but he doesn't know that he is just being slaughtered by others!"

"What's the next step?" After hearing this, Mrs. Hong looked slightly relieved and asked again.

"What's the next strategy?" Fan Wencheng said with a wry smile, "Fuming and Shunye are both big countries, and they cannot be destroyed overnight. Therefore, a multi-pronged approach must be taken and a long-term plan can be the right path."

"Our country is in trouble today, suffering from successive famines. The Ming Dynasty took advantage of the situation to plunder and drive up prices, making livelihood difficult."

"Therefore, if Your Majesty wants to compete with them for the length of a day, first of all, you must open up the two towns of Jiliao and Jiliao so that you can advance, attack, retreat and defend."

"Second, we must seize a rich land to provide food and wages, so as not to risk running out of food."

"Third, we need to send an elite army to help, lest Prince Yingwu be defeated first and your Highness will not be able to rescue him in time."

"Okay, okay!" Hong Tai couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

"Sir, you are wrong. The lower policy should be the upper policy, and the higher policy should be the lower policy. What do you think?"

"Your Majesty is wise!" After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but praise.

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