Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1323 Water Depth

"Urgent report, urgent report! Zuozhu State Zhu Xieyuan, Xuanda Governor Zhang Fengyi, Datong Governor Ye Tinggui, Xuanfu and Changping Governor Zhang Weishi, Datong Commander-in-Chief Wang Shiren, Xuanfu Commander-in-Chief Li Guoliang and Changping Commander-in-Chief Chao Pichang Youling, together with Datong The three towns of Zhenzhen, Xuanfu Zhen and Changping Zhen are full of people and horses, and Fengtian Changyi surrenders to King Shun."

"Ah? Are we just like thieves now? Traitors, traitors, they are all traitors!" As the messengers sent by Ye Tinggui and others held cloths and made noise along the way, everyone was aware of the commotion, and everyone was talking.

However, these discussions had not stopped yet, and another group of knights came galloping towards them.

Each of these knights held gongs and drums, made a noise, and then shouted loudly: "In compliance with the order of King Shun, I confer Zhu Xieyuan of Zuozhu Kingdom as King of Jin, Governor of Xuan Dynasty Zhang Fengyi as King of Liao, Governor Ye Tinggui of Datong as King of Zhenshuo, and Xuanfu also Zhang Weishi, the governor of Changping, is the acting king of the town, and Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of Xuanfu, and Chao Pichang, the commander-in-chief of Changping, are the dukes."

"All the deputy generals and deputy envoys of military equipment are granted the title of marquis, and all the generals and above are granted the title of earl. The soldiers are paid one stone of rice and grain per month. I admire this!"

"Listen, listen, who are these people!" Some people have long said sadly, "These people used to talk loudly about eating the emperor's salary and being loyal to the emperor. Once the thieves come, they will."

Those people were in a heated mood and were quarreling with each other. But in the middle of their yelling, they heard the sentence "Soldiers will be paid monthly, and they will be given rice and grain per stone."

"Hahaha, although Master Zhu, Governor Zhang, Ye Fujun and Zhang Fujun have bad moral character, they are actually excusable!"

"Ah, yes, yes, it's just excusable!"


Are you kidding me? What does Zhu Xieyuan and his group have to do with Qiu Ba like them if they get promoted to high positions?

However, "soldiers are paid monthly and receive one stone of rice and grain." This is a real benefit for almost most of the towns of Xuanda and Dazhou, where most of the young men in their families joined the army.

The Ming Dynasty paid four to five taels of silver per month, but they were deprived of pay, drank the blood of soldiers, and were in arrears with food and wages. The money they received every month was only ten or twenty kilograms of corn. How could it compare with the rebel army's "one stone of rice and grain per month"?

What about loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, about "eating the emperor's salary and being loyal to the emperor"? Just listen to these words, who can take them seriously?

However, not long after this group of cavalry galloped away, another group of cavalry galloped over again.

However, this wave of people did not preach anything more. Instead, they warned: "The Donglu invaded and closed the door. If you have money, give money, and if you are able, give strength. Guard the city and camp to avoid family destruction!"

"Liaodong is bitterly cold, and there is nothing to eat or drink. There is no clothes to cover the body, and there is no food to satisfy the stomach."

"Robbing clothes at sight, plundering people at sight. Men are made slaves, women are made prostitutes, children are made into soup, old men are made into firewood!"

"Be sure to avoid them and don't leave any food or clothing. Wait for a while and the rebel army will arrive. Drive out the Tartars and look at King Shun!"

"Oh, is Goudazi coming again? Run, run!" Everyone was watching the excitement there, but after hearing these words, they suddenly became panicked and ran home one after another.

The two towns of Xuanda and Da are located at the frontier of the border fortress, directly facing the Mongolian Tumote, Chahan'er and other tribes, and are often harassed.

Therefore, except for some states and counties, there are guard posts and fortresses almost everywhere, and everyone has mastered certain military skills.

Once they heard the warning, they naturally packed up the shops and workshops outside the city, hid in the guardhouses and castles, and organized for alert defense.

Good guy, after Song Xiance's troubles, the whole Xuanda and Da towns suddenly became lively.

Xinzhou was only five hundred miles away from Datong, and it only took two or three days for the "news" to reach the ears of Liu Wenzhong, the eunuch guarding Datong.

"What do Zhu Xieyuan, Zhang Fengyi and others want to do!" Liu Wenzhong couldn't help but said in shock and anger after hearing this, "They are all shameless, deeply indebted to the emperor, and openly surrendering to thieves. They really deserve to be killed!"

"Envoy, the top priority is to recruit troops and horses into the defense. Be careful to prevent Datong Yanghe from being obtained by thieves!" Zhu Jiashi, who was guarding the North Hebei Province, quickly stepped forward to admonish.

It turns out that Datong City was used as the residence of the governor, the general army and the guarding eunuchs, and the governor's general army base camp was also stationed nearby.

However, after Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, and Wang Shiren, the general of the army, led the main force southward, Datong City and its surroundings were empty.

Except for the defenders, there were no soldiers or generals, and the situation was quite dangerous.

In Datong City, apart from Liu Wenzhong, the eunuch who was entrusted by the imperial envoy to guard Datong, only Zhu Jiashi, the deputy envoy who was stationed in northern Hebei and in charge of the East and West Road of Datong, could preside over military affairs. How can you keep him calm?

"Yes, yes, yes, what Vice Envoy Zhu said is true. We must mobilize troops immediately and defend Datong to wait for help!" Liu Wenzhong, who was originally panicked, couldn't help but react after hearing this and quickly ordered.

"Order Huairen, Yingzhou, Hunyuanzhou and Zhenhebao to lead the troops to defend immediately, without any mistakes!"

These four places are located around Datong and are important places to defend Datong City. However, the situation is now in danger, and the field elites have been deducted by Zhang Fengyi, Ye Tinggui and Wang Shiren. Liu Wenzhong had no choice but to do this.

"Alas!" Zhu Jiashi, the deputy guarding Jibei Province, couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, and had to retreat after receiving the order.


It turns out that at this time of year, there are enemies everywhere in Datong. Yanghewei in the north is where Governor Xuan is stationed, and the defenders cannot move lightly.

Weizhou in the east covers the redbuds and the second pass, which is related to the safety of the capital. Even if Liu Wenzhong has a few heads, he will not dare to touch the soldiers and horses here.

As for the west, where the pressure is the least, its deputy commander-in-chief Yang Guozhu and staff general Tang Tong have already been mobilized southward by Zhang Fengyi and Ye Tinggui, and there are no extra troops available. Therefore, deputy commander-in-chief Zhu Jiashi has no good solution.

The two of them spent a lot of effort and two days of effort to mobilize all the guards and troops into the city, but they didn't even have time to breathe.

Soldiers had already come to report: "Urgent report, urgent report, Fu Jun and the general town have led three to five hundred troops outside the city. They keep saying they want to return to the city. Will they be released if they don't?"

"What? Do they still have the guts to come?" Liu Wenzhong, the guarding eunuch, was almost angry and couldn't help laughing at the guards on the left and right.

"Let's go out with the Za family to see what kind of medicine they sell in their gourds!"

"Hey, the envoy just sits in the city, closes the door and lets him go, why bother with him?" Zhu Jiashi, the deputy military envoy, was a little afraid of Ye Tinggui in his heart, so he couldn't help but persuade him.

It turns out that even though Ye Tinggui did not perform particularly well in the battle against the rebels due to limited conditions, he was actually a ruthless person.

In the eighth year of Chongzhen's reign, not long after he took office as governor, Datong Town, which had just been ravaged by the Later Jin Dynasty, was once again invaded by Donglu.

Ye Tinggui then led his troops to help Ma Bao and made a surprise attack on Fengzhou Beach. Not only did he defeat the Hou Jin army in one fell swoop, he also annihilated more than 1,200 enemies and captured more than 400 people. His reputation was so great that the Mongolian tribes were as afraid as tigers. .

But Liu Wenzhong, the guarding eunuch, didn't think so. He thought to himself: "Now that Datong City is well-defended and all the troops and horses are in place, what do I have to fear if I sit in the fortified city?"

Thinking of this, he rejected the proposal of Zhu Jiashi, the Deputy Military Envoy, and swaggered up the tower to the Qingyuan Gate tower at the west gate of Datong City. When he looked down, he saw Ye Tinggui and others waiting at the bottom of the city.

He couldn't help but curse: "You plagued slave, the good governor and general soldier of Datong, you don't sit down, but you betray the emperor's favor and join the bandits. How can you come to see the Za family today?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Tinggui and others were shocked when they heard this, and they all shouted: "Why did the envoy say this?"

"We were fighting with the thieves outside Taiyuan City. Unexpectedly, Donglu suddenly appeared behind our army and attacked our army fiercely."

"Our army was unprepared and was attacked from two sides, so it couldn't help but be defeated. Now Zhu Xieyuan of Zuozhu Kingdom has died in the battle, and Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, is missing."

"If hundreds of people like me barely escaped and rushed back to Datong Town to take charge of the overall situation, why would the envoy turn us away? Could it be that you turned out to be a thief?"

"It's nonsense, it's nonsense. There's a lot of rumblings outside now. It's clear that you guys are following the thieves. How dare you beat them up?" Liu Wenzhong couldn't help being furious when he heard this, and he refuted.

"How can you believe the rumors about women and children?" Ye Tinggui couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing this.

"As a wise man, the envoy should understand that the more critical the moment, the more mixed things become."

"In this battle, we have lost the flag and seal again. We are afraid that we will be deceived into opening the city gate. Losing the city is not a big deal, but failing to live up to the emperor's kindness is a big deal!"

"This... have you really never been a thief?" Liu Wenzhong saw their sincere words and heard that Zhu Xieyuan of Zuozhu Kingdom was killed in battle and Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, was missing. This kind of conflicted with the rumors, so he couldn't help but be shaken.

"I am a high-ranking member of the imperial court. I am a shepherd and guardian. I enjoy endless glory and wealth. I am not a poor person who has no food to eat. What kind of rebellion am I doing?" Ye Tinggui couldn't help crying and laughing when he heard this.

"Besides, that 'submissive thief' keeps saying this is a king and that is a duke. He himself is just pretending to be a false king, so how can he confer titles on others?"

"This...that's true!" Liu Wenzhong reacted immediately after hearing this.

"Yes, it stands to reason that the 'Shun Thief' can only call himself a prince, so how can he be named a prince?"

"Okay, here comes Fu Jun. Open the city gate and invite him to enter!"

The guarding eunuch Liu Wenzhong straightened his clothes and said to himself: "I have offended Ye Tinggui a lot this time. Let me greet him in person as an apology!"

As he was thinking about it and walking towards the city, he couldn't help but heard someone shouting: "No, absolutely no!"

Liu Wenzhong was about to step forward to explain, but unexpectedly heard a noise at the city gate. He turned around and saw Ye Tinggui, Wang Shiren and Li Guoliangka slashing several people and then rushing over.

He was about to make a move, but unexpectedly, his heart froze, and half of the snow-white blade emerged from his chest.

Liu Wenzhong tried his best to turn his head and looked around. The person who assassinated him was one of the four guards he transferred.

It's just that he has only met these four people a few times and is not very familiar with them. For a while, he couldn't recognize which guard they were.

"" Liu Wenzhong didn't understand why this happened. He couldn't help but raise his arm and pointed at the guard in front of him, trying to think of something to ask.

"The water in Datong is too deep, you can't control it!" Unexpectedly, the guard sneered, "Governor Ye is much smarter than you, so he was promoted to a higher position, but your reputation is ruined!"

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