Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1324 Zhang Weishi’s Difficulties

"Your Majesty, the Queen is here to see you!" Huamei opened the curtain and said to Wang Qiying, Princess Qin's wife, who was lying on the bed.

"Oh? Please come quickly, oh no, I'd better go and greet you!" After saying this, Wang Qiying was about to get off the bed with a bulging belly, and Huamei was so panicked that she quickly went to help her.

"Hey, sister, why don't you go to bed and rest?" Just when Wang Qiying and Huamei Master and Servant were in a hurry, Li Sanniang came in holding Xiao Ping'an in one hand and slipping a paper bag in the other.

"Ah? The Queen!" Although Wang Qiying couldn't stand this "black woman", but the situation was better than others, she still had to see Li Sanniang.

"Don't go outside!" Li Sanniang gave her a little support and said with a smile, "Although there were some quarrels in the past, they are still our sisters after all."

"Looking at my sister's appearance, she is going to give birth in the next few days. My sister's parents are far away in Yulin now and have never been here to take care of her. If you have anything to do, you must tell me and don't let anything go wrong!"

"Although I don't have any other abilities, I have given birth to children, so I have some experience."

"I have asked Zhuer to arrange four or five stable women and doctors in the past two days. Whenever there is any movement in the stomach, just send Huamei over and give a shout."

"Ah? So, then, thank you sister!" Wang Qiying had always called her "Queen," but she never thought that she would change her tune.

"Sister, you said that if the child was born unexpectedly, what would you do?" After Wang Qiying thanked Li Sanniang, he hesitated again and asked with a worried look.

A child born with his or her feet facing outward is considered extremely dangerous in this era. This means either "preserving the big and the small", or killing two people.

There is no color ultrasound in this era. Who knows what the child in the belly looks like?

People often say: Giving birth to a child is like passing through the gates of hell. Even someone with Wang Qiying's temperament will inevitably feel uneasy.

Li Sanniang couldn't help being shocked when she heard this, she quickly smiled and said: "Sister, don't think nonsense, not to mention there are a few people in the world who are as unlucky as me."

"Even if it's like me, wasn't Little Ping'an born peacefully?"

"That's not the case. It's just that His Highness is not at home now, so I can't help but feel worried." Wang Qiying couldn't help but blush, and hummed softly.

"Hey, you miss Zhang Sheng all the time. What nonsense did you just talk about?" Li Sanniang was angry and funny when she heard this, but when Zhang Shun was mentioned, she couldn't help but worry herself, "Now Zhang Sheng is in Shanxi with the officers and soldiers. We’re fighting, and we don’t know what’s going on?”

"Hey, look at my mouth!" Wang Qiying saw that Li Sanniang, who had come to persuade her, was made worried by her words, so she couldn't help but comfort her.

"However, sister, please keep your heart in mind. His Highness Zhang will definitely be able to turn disaster into good luck."

"Not to mention that during the Wanli and Tianqi years, my grandfather wore nine general seals and served as commander of the town for fifty years. My uncle also served as the chief soldier of the Xuanfu. He has countless former officials and promoted generals."

"Before Your Highness leaves here, my father has prepared letters and sent them to various places, asking for your care."

"No one else dares to say it. In Xuanfu and Datong, more than half of the people sell my Wang's thin noodles. Don't worry, sister."

"Ah, is this happening?" Li Sanniang was immediately surprised when she heard this.

She is a country peasant woman, how can she know the power of veteran martial arts.

It turns out that Wang Qiying's grandfather, Wang Wei, seemed to have little reputation in history, but in fact he was an important minister and general during the Wanli and Tianqi years.

Not only did Wang Wei himself serve as Grand Master of the Zhu Kingdom and guard the border for fifty years, but his brothers Wang Ji, Wang Xuan, and Wang Du were all famous generals.

At that time, there were eight brothers, all of whom were generals. They were known as the "Wang's Eight Tigers" at that time.

His sons Wang Shiguo, Wang Shiqin, Wang Shilu, Wang Shiren, Wang Shixi, Wang Hong, and Wang Pu all served as commander-in-chief, and there were also countless other deputy commander-in-chiefs and staff generals.

With the Wang family's appeal, not to mention Zhang Shun's winning streak, even if there are occasional disadvantages, someone might secretly betray him.

It may not be possible to ask these people to provide help in times of need, but if you let them do a favor, it will naturally be easy to catch.

This is why, as soon as the two towns of Xuanda and Daxi heard that Houjin's Azige tribe had suffered a setback and was surrounded by "King Shun" outside Taiyuan City, some people had already looked for Wang Qingzhi to discuss "submission".

Although Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, may not know about Zhang Shun's relationship, he is already well aware of the undercurrents surging in private.

When it comes to war, it is natural to be willing to admit defeat.

Since the officers and soldiers were still unable to win despite the exhaustive consideration of the left governor Zhu Xieyuan, and there were many people in Datong Town who had their own ideas, he naturally followed the current and went with the flow.

I only pity the guarding eunuch Liu Wenzhong. Although he is a loner and loyal, he deliberately selects garrison soldiers who have not been rewarded by the rebels to defend the city.

Unexpectedly, these guards were faced with the pressure of the soldiers who were tempted by the temptation of "monthly salary, rice and grain, one stone", and secondly, they were entrusted by Wang Shiguo and Wang Shiqin. If they had known that Datong would not be defended, they would have killed this man to submit his name.

Not to mention how Datong Governor Ye Tinggui, Commander-in-Chief Wang Shiren, and Commander-in-Chief Li Guoliang of Xuanfu entered the city, how to reorganize the city defense.

Let us say that Wu Weihua left the Houjin camp and hurried back to Xuanfu City.

As Song Xiance expected, Xuanfu was close to the capital and far away from Taiyuan. Long before the rebel envoys arrived, Wu Weihua met the governor Zhang Weishi and presented him with 17 jewelry gifts.

"Oh? Then Mrs. Hong is so generous?" Zhang Weishi said in surprise after hearing this.

The temptation to become a prince was too great for Zhang Weishi.

Under one person, above ten thousand people, descendants will be prosperous and wealthy for generations to come. This is much more tempting than being a governor or governor.

"Then...what does the army gate mean?" Wu Weihua couldn't help but asked eagerly.

"Let me think about this matter!" Zhang Weishi frowned, feeling a little uneasy after feeling overjoyed.

"Why is this? Does the military sect still have other ideas?" Wu Weihua couldn't help but become anxious when he heard this.

You, the prince, don’t have to do it, but don’t affect me from being the duke!

Zhang Weishi was not annoyed when he heard this. Instead, he smiled bitterly and said: "You and the merchants in the city are determined to surrender, but there is a great god in the city who is not easy to get rid of."

"Which one?" Wu Weihua was stunned when he heard this and asked.

"The imperial envoy guarding the local eunuch Wang Kun in Xuanfu!" Zhang Weishi couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Ah? It's him!" Wu Weihua was shocked when he heard this.

It turns out that when Chongzhen came to the throne, he sent eunuchs to monitor various towns.

Among them, Wang Kun monitored Xuanfu, Liu Wenzhong monitored Datong, and Liu Yunzhong monitored Shanxi.

When Wang Kun took office, he impeached the censor Hu Liangji.

In the fifth year of Chongzhen's reign, Ma Shiying took office as the governor of Xuanfu. In the first month of his official career, he collected thousands of gold from public funds and gave them to the nobles.

As a result, Wang Kun was exposed, and not only was he dismissed from his official position, but he was also sent to guard the border.

In the sixth year of Chongzhen, Wang Kun even impeached the great scholar Zhou Yanru, which caused a lot of discussion in the court.

This guy has been operating in Xuanzhen for seven or eight years now, and even Zhang Weishi, who is the governor of two places, can't do anything to him for a while.

"How about... how about we give him some benefits?" Wu Weihua thought for a long time and came up with an idea that was not an idea.

"You go down first, we can discuss this later!!" Zhang Weishi shook his head and couldn't help but order.

In fact, unlike what Wu Weihua imagined, the water in Datong was actually deeper, but the water in Xuanfu was actually deeper.

Because the former is mainly a military town, while the latter is not only a military town itself, but its Zhangjiakou is also a key port for "mutual trade".

Therefore, today's various forces in Xuanfu City are intertwined and complicated. If you are not careful, it will be the consequence of overturning.

To be honest, Zhang Weishi was satisfied when Hou Jin offered this price.

The position of prince is almost the limit of human ministers.

According to his thoughts, even if King Shun came to open it, he would not be able to offer such a price.

However, Xuanfu is not his Xuanfu alone, and Datong is not his Datong alone.

He must carefully grasp the balance and block the mouths of other forces in order to achieve his goal.

However, the first opponent he faces now is the prestigious guard eunuch Wang Kun.

If you can't get rid of this person, then everything will stop.

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