"With great fanfare?" Zhang Shun looked at the letter in his hand and pondered subconsciously.

"Your Highness, is there something wrong with this?" Xu Ziyuan couldn't help but wonder.

"Why is it wrong? It's right! It's very right!" Zhang Shun shook his head and said, "It's just that the joints are so complicated that I can't understand the changes at the moment."

To be honest, Song Xiance's hand in directly causing the established facts was very clever.

Originally, according to Zhang Shun's plan, 30,000 people from the Azige tribe were besieged as bait, forcing Hongtai to fight a decisive battle with the rebels despite being strategically passive.

However, the biggest flaw in this plan was Zhu Xieyuan's 30,000 Ming army who occupied Yu County.

If these 30,000 Ming troops withdraw from Yu County or join forces with Hou Jin, Zhang Shun's plan will be self-defeating.

Therefore, Zhang Shun promptly ordered to mobilize Cao Wenzhao's troops to occupy Pingding Prefecture in the southeast of Yu County as a precaution.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of Wang Qingzhi at the critical moment completely disrupted Zhang Shun's plan.

Later, Zhu Xieyuan and Zhang Fengyi died, and Ye Tinggui led 30,000 Ming troops including Wang Shiren, Li Guoliang, and Yang Guozhu to surrender. The situation developed in favor of the rebel army, and Zhang Shun took the opportunity to recruit Xuanda to surrender.

However, due to the sudden incident and Zhang Shun's whim, in fact, his plan to recruit and surrender was very rough and immature, and it was very likely to fail.

Fortunately, Song Xiance checked and filled up the gaps, and he was able to capture Datong Town, one of the two towns, neatly.

Of course, at this time, Zhang Shun had not yet received the information that Ye Tinggui had "captured" Datong Town, but based on the current deployment of both sides and the current situation, he could easily conclude that "Xuanfu Town is the key."

However, just when Zhang Shun realized that "Xuanfu Town is the key", he also found himself in an unfavorable situation.

If the rebels followed the original plan and used Datong in the north as a defensive node, and then "ceded" Xuanfu to Hou Jin, then Hong Taihui would have found a foothold in the pass.

In this way, when the rebel army eliminated the Azige tribe outside Taiyuan City, Hou Jin should have already occupied Xuanfu City.

If this situation occurs, it means that the advantage gained by the rebels from besieging Azig tribe will be lost.

On the contrary, because Xuanfu is the gateway to the capital, there may be a situation where the two countries of Jin Dynasty and Ming Dynasty join forces to jointly resist the rebel attack.

"Who is Zhang Weishi? Who is Wang Kun?" Zhang Shun pondered for a long time, undecided, and turned to ask Gao Qiqian, who had been silent for a long time.

"Zhang Weishi is a mediocre person; Wang Kun is another mediocre person!" Gao Qiqian was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but bowed.

"In normal times, Zhang Weishi can be considered talented. He has successively served as the magistrate of Pingyang, the envoy of Shanxi, and the right to participate in politics. However, he is not very proficient in military use and is not fearful."

"Although Wang Kun was regarded as a minister of Humerus by Emperor Ming, he was actually just loyal and willing to serve as the eyes and ears. There is nothing surprising about him!"

"How does it compare to Ye Tinggui?" Zhang Shun frowned and asked again.

"It's not as far away as Ye Tinggui!" Gao Qiqian shook his head and said.

"This" Zhang Shun was dumbfounded when he heard this, and couldn't help but cursed secretly: These two cheaters!

Originally, he hoped that these two people could contain Hong Tai, and when the rebels wiped out the Azige tribe, he would personally lead the army to rescue him.

I never thought that in terms of political talents, these two people were qualified; in terms of peripheral talents, these two people were mediocre.

In this case, it was the lesser of two evils, and the only option was to tearfully take down the Azigh tribe first.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but make a decisive decision: "Let the whole army know that tomorrow or tonight, we will use the 'Qingtian Grand Cannon' to bombard the Houjin camp."

"Early tomorrow morning, we will attack Azig's troops and try to wipe out all their troops in one to three days. There must be no mistakes!"

"Yes." The generals responded subconsciously when they heard the words, and then they realized what Zhang Shun meant.

"King Shun, although the Azige tribe has suffered a small setback now, its strength is still there. Why not wait for a few days until the water and food are exhausted before cutting it down?" Everyone couldn't help but advise.

This was Zhang Shun's original plan. He finally convinced the generals, but he never thought that today he would break his promise.

"Times change, things change!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun said decisively, "Now the fighter plane has appeared, follow my orders, and there must be no mistakes!"

"This" everyone looked at each other in shock when they heard this, but General Zhaode Zhang Fengyi smiled and said, "Since King Shun has given the military order, I will just follow the order."

"Since King Shun raised his army, he has been invincible in every battle and conquered every attack, just like a horse flying in the air. How can we predict it?"

The generals were stunned when they heard this, and immediately took the order.

Not to mention the changes in the rebel camp, Azige, Abatai, Yangguli, Wanyan Yechen and others were besieged outside Taiyuan City by the rebels. Their morale was already low and their hearts were heavy.

"Your Majesty, Lord Beile, and your consort, we really don't have much food to eat now!" Wanyan Ye Chen couldn't help but step forward to ask for instructions.

"Many soldiers have privately begun to kill the mules, horses and livestock accompanying them. If we don't make plans early, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave even if we want to!"

"Plan? What can I plan?" Azige couldn't help but said angrily after hearing this.

"We have conquered all the towns and villages north of Taiyuan. Now I am afraid that even the rats cannot be conquered. This 'shun thief' obviously plans to starve us to death. What can I do?"

It turns out that although the rebels besieged Houjin's Azige tribe outside Taiyuan City, they were not actually besieged to death. Instead, they were roughly trapped in the area south of Shiling Pass, east of Tianmen Pass, west of Yu County, and north of Taiyuan City. .

Due to Zhang Shun's "food war" strategy, the situation in the northern border areas and Liaodong was worsened by Hou Jin's rule, and food shortages became increasingly severe.

Therefore, when the Jin army went south this time, they hoped to plunder more grain, grass and goods, but in fact they did not carry much baggage.

And among these small baggage, and because Azig abandoned part of the bulky baggage in order to take him by surprise, the food and grass in Houjin Camp became increasingly scarce.

Therefore, after the rebel army stabilized the situation, the originally aggressive Hou Jin army faced the big problem of running out of food.

"No, we have to find a way to break out!" Abatai shook his head and made up his mind.

"Your Majesty has your Majesty's difficulties, we can't always count on him!"

"That's true!" The other three couldn't help but nodded after hearing this, agreeing with Abatai's view.

It turned out that they had been standing outside Taiyuan City for the past few days, waiting for Hong Tai to lead the army to rescue them.

But after not seeing any movement for a long time, their hearts inevitably began to waver.

There was something Abata didn't say, and others didn't dare to say it, but everyone knew it.

The Hou Jin Dynasty implemented "aristocratic rule". Although these princes and Baylor nominally obeyed Hong Tai's command, in fact, most of the troops under their command were their own soldiers.

These people have both cooperation and struggle with Mrs. Hong.

In the "Battle of Jisi" that year, the Jin army entered the Pass under the leadership of Hongtai, the Khan of the Jin Kingdom, and conquered Yongping, Luanzhou, Qian'an and other places in the Pass.

Afterwards, he led his army out of the customs, leaving Amin, one of the four beiles, alone with bele Shuo to lead 5,000 people to garrison Yuyongping Mansion and other places.

Sure enough, when the main force of the Ming army arrived, Amin could not defend himself and had to abandon the city.

Mrs. Hong then took the opportunity to enumerate his crimes and imprisoned him, leaving only "six houses in the village, two houses in the garden, twenty slaves, five hundred sheep, and twenty cattle. The rest of the property will be returned to Jierharang."

Although Azig and Abatai believed that their relationship with Hong Tai was extraordinary, who could guess the emperor's thoughts?

Therefore, these two people are inevitably suspicious, fearing that they will become Amin's second best, and they no longer want to sit back and wait for death.

The prince-in-law Yang Guli moved his lips when he heard the words, but in the end he made no sound.

Originally, he wanted to say, "Your Highness is not that kind of person," but when he thought about the fact that Prince Hong's eldest son, Hauge, had shown resentment towards Yue Tuo not long ago and was demoted to Baylor, he was a little unsure.

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, let's do it like this!" Azig couldn't help but finally made up his mind.

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