"Kill, kill!" Ye Chen, Commander-in-Chief of the Red Flag Command, led his "Dead Soldiers" to charge forward aggressively, but as expected, he was doused with cold water by the rebels.

However, this time, these "dead soldiers" of Houjin were no longer as embarrassed as last time.

Instead, they grabbed the heavy quilt covering their bodies and pulled it off, revealing the bright "heavy armor" hidden inside.

"Haha, you didn't expect that, did you?" Hou Jin's "Death Soldier" couldn't help but smile proudly, while pulling out the sword from his waist and rushing toward the rebels.

"Bang, bang, bang!" What greeted them was not panic, but the deafening sound of gunfire.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" As flames and smoke spurted out from the rebel formation, Houjin's "dead soldiers" fell down in response. It was unknown how many casualties there were for a while.

"What's going on? How could this 'heavy armor' be penetrated?" Suddenly a wave of fear enveloped the head of Hou Jin's "dead soldier".

It turns out that although the "dead soldiers" of Houjin are well-equipped, they are not invulnerable yet.

What it relies on is the shield vehicle, which is used to offset the enemy's artillery superiority.

The second is the bamboo card, which is used to weaken the enemy's advantage of fire guns.

The third is war jacket and cotton armor, which are used to further weaken the enemy's weapons.

After being weakened layer by layer, the last line of defense is their well-made heavy armor.

The material of these heavy armors is roughly the same as that of the heavy armors made by the rebels. They are all "clear armors" made of thickened armor pieces that are made through repeated hard work.

These "Mingjia" are enough to resist three-eyed guns, small flannel guns, bird guns, and Lumi guns.

But if you want to withstand the rebels' new blunderbuss that uses one or two heavy lead bullets, that is simply overthinking.

The rebel army first came into contact with Houjin. At that time, Xu Quan's Fire Gun Battalion, which was equipped with a large number of new bird guns, was sent to Taiyuan City to garrison, so it could not be mobilized to participate in the battle.

This time, although Houjin's "death soldiers" were well prepared, they did not expect that the rebels had already done their homework.

The Art of War says: If you count more, you will win, but if you count less, you will not win.

How can the rebels not win if they have intentions but no intentions?

"No, even dead soldiers are dead!" Azig stood in the half-destroyed camp, looked at the battlefield for a long time, and frowned.

"Then what should we do? Do we really have to abandon this place?" When things came to a close, Abatai couldn't help but worry.

"It is not my king's style to sit still and wait for death!" Azig shook his head and said, "After these days of fighting, our army has suffered a lot of damage, but the 'Shun Thief' reinforcements are coming in a steady stream."

"With this increase and decrease, the strength gap between the two sides becomes smaller and smaller."

"If we keep guarding this place, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave even if we want to in a few days!"

"What is the prince's choice?" Abate asked uneasily.

They had already discussed three or four breakout plans before, and the pros and cons had already been clearly analyzed.

"You and Wanyan Yechen stay, while my consort Yang Guli and I lead 20,000 troops straight into the hinterland of the 'Shun Bandits' and turn them upside down. Only then are we satisfied." Azige said coldly.

"This" Abata never expected that Azig would choose this lose-lose plan, and he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"A real man, if you can't eat with five tripods, you should cook your ears with five tripods!" Azig couldn't help but sneered when he saw this. "I want Na Hong to have a good look at my courage."

"I'll give you and Ye Chen 10,000 troops. I only need you to guard the camp for three days. After three days, I'll do whatever you want. Can you do it?"

"This" Abatai looked at the camp that was damaged in many places by the rebels' "heavy red barbarian artillery" last night, and reluctantly responded, "the only option is death."

"Okay, with your words, I can go with peace of mind!" Azig did not blame him when he heard this. Instead, he smiled and got on his horse, then turned to Yangguli and shouted, "Sir, we should On the road!"

Following Azig's order, the elite soldiers from the Houjin camp had already brought out their war horses, and they all dressed up neatly and got on their horses.

There were 20,000 elite soldiers and 30,000 to 40,000 war horses. For a while, people in the Jin Camp roared and the horses neighed, and it was very lively.

"No, Donglu is going to run away!" Just as Hou Jin was reorganizing his troops, the rebel scouts who had heard the news quickly reported to Zhang Shun, who couldn't help but judge immediately.

Zhang Shun had actually expected that Azig's troops were going to run away.

Fight if you can win, defend if you can't, and leave if you can't defend. This rule applies to most wars.

Then Azig, Abate and others are not fools, so how could they not know?

The Jin army had suffered setbacks from the rebels before, but it could still rely on its camp defense.

However, after the local rebels used the "Qingtian Grand General" and the thousands of kilograms of red barbarian cannons, it became obvious that the Jin army could not even defend, so naturally they had no choice but to leave.

The key is how to go and where to go.

To be honest, Zhang Shun was most worried about the Azige tribe heading north.

Once the Shilingguan and Xinzhou defense lines are breached by them, whether the Azige troops merge with Hongtai's main force or move across Xuanda and other places, it will seriously affect Zhang Shun's grand strategy of conquering the two towns of Xuanda.

As for other directions, the rebels have already made preparations.

Don't rely on it not coming, rely on me to be waiting for you; don't rely on it not attacking, rely on me having something that cannot be attacked.

However, although both sides had already made preparations, they both failed to trigger the attack, waiting for the flaws to be revealed.

In this way, the two sides fought fiercely from morning to noon until the sun turned west.

The weather in Shanxi in May already has the summer heat.

The scorching sun was like a big furnace. The soldiers under the early scorching sun were sweating profusely and almost exhausted. ,

The soldiers on both sides felt that their sweat-soaked armor was getting heavier and heavier, making them unable to breathe.

"Kill, kill!" The soldier shouted hoarsely, dealing with it one after another, as if this was the only way to be worthy of the few taels of food.

Just as the two sides began to "work hard," the ground suddenly shook, and then there was a deafening sound of horse hooves.

"Okay, here we come!" Zhang Shun, who was sitting firmly on the observation deck, felt as if there was an earthquake. He couldn't help but jump up and saw a "torrent" rolling in from the Houjin camp and passing by the north side of the battlefield between the two sides.

"What a thief, he's going south!" The two sides were fighting to this point, almost "famous". How could Zhang Shun not know what Azige was thinking.

"I ordered Zhang Damou, Zhang Rujing, Xu Quan, Li Shi'an and others to use the trenches to weaken the Donglu deserters with all their strength."

"I can kill people and kill people, but I can't kill people and hurt horses. I will use any means that can weaken Donglu."

"Invite Governor Zhang Sanbai to the Yijun Lin Yancheng, Guan Fumin, Zhang Tianlin, Dang Shouxu, Zhang Rukui, Chen Jitai, Wang Sheng, Zhang Ding, Lu Xiangguan, and Li Wanqing, a total of eleven battalions, to be fully responsible for the annihilation of the Azigh tribe. There must be no mistakes in pacifying Fenzhou Prefecture!"

"This" everyone was shocked when they heard this. Zhang Shun couldn't come in person for such an important matter, but instead handed it over to Zhang Sanbai?

"Don't worry, I can trust him!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "And I have more important things to do!"

The Azigh tribe went south brazenly, and it seemed impossible to determine where they were going, but in fact their destination was already clear.

If you want to take a detour and go straight north, you have only three options: Pingdingzhou, Liaozhou and Lu'an Prefecture.

Now there is Cao Wenzhao in Pingding Prefecture, Wang Guangen in Liaozhou, and Li Xin in Lu'an Prefecture. It is difficult to pass these three places.

Even if the Azige tribe survives by luck, they will run into the Hong Chengchou tribe stationed in Zhending, Shunde Prefecture and Zhangde Prefecture, so there is nothing to worry about.

If Wang Qingzhi, the "traitor", hadn't reminded him, Zhang Shun might have been a little confused this time.

Now that he knew that Qixian, Pingyao and Jiexiu counties were the hometown of "Traveling Mongolian merchants", he naturally understood what Azige was planning to do.

"Haha, there is collusion between the inside and the outside, and the inside should cooperate with the outside?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but secretly laughed, "Then I will give you an ambush from all sides, and catch the turtle in the urn!"

It turned out that the eight battalions dispatched by Zhang Shun, including Zhang Tianlin, Dang Shousu, Zhang Rukui, Chen Jitai, Wang Sheng, Zhang Ding, Lu Xiangguan, and Li Wanqing, were delayed because after hearing Wang Qingzhi's intelligence, he Order them to return to Fenzhou and wait.

Since ancient times, when using troops, there has been a front line and naturally a rear line.

Those who are good at using troops must deploy multiple lines of defense to delay the enemy.

Previously, Zhang Shun used the "large-depth attack" strategy to deal with the Ming army. However, in turn, the rebels stationed in various places in Shanxi could also use the opportunity to deploy the "large-depth defense" strategy to deal with the Jin army coming from afar.

Whether it is the Ming army or the Jin army, they always think that if Shaanxi and Shanxi are newly attached, as long as they cause trouble in the rear, they will definitely respond to the call.

However, they never expected that Zhang Shun would do anything other than all kinds of dazzling political operations.

He actually raised 300,000 troops in one breath, and had already dispatched his trusted generals to garrison key points in various places, keeping an eye on these places.

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