Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1328 Come to vote

"Ah Shan, Ah Shan, please cut off the queen for me!" Azig glanced back at the rebels who were in pursuit and couldn't help but ordered loudly.

"No, I accept the order!" Ilgunjuro Ashan couldn't help but responded loudly after hearing the words, and then led his trusted disciples and Zhengbai Banner soldiers to greet the rebel pursuers.

Seeing that Ah Shan had temporarily blocked the pursuing rebels, Azig breathed a sigh of relief and quickly ordered: "Go south, go south, don't stop!"

It turns out that from yesterday afternoon to early morning, Azig led Houjin's 20,000 cavalry to break through two trenches and one line of defense of the rebel army.

During this period, there were numerous casualties among the troops, and countless baggage, artillery, and armor were discarded. It was only with great difficulty that they escaped.

However, before Azige could reorganize his troops, Yang Chengzu led a battalion to kill them, only to kill the soldiers of Houjin who were known for their fearlessness of death.

In large-scale wars, individual bravery and ferocity have little effect.

In terms of organized vs. unorganized, even elite soldiers like Hou Jin are still no different from most armies that have collapsed.

As a last resort, Azige, the king of Yingwu County, had to use the courage to cut off the tail of a gecko, and asked the deputy commander of Zhengbai Banner, Irgenjueluo Ashan, to lead his trusted disciples and soldiers of Zhengbai Banner to cut off the rear.

It turns out that Ashan was originally from the Jurchen Irgenjueluo clan and had lived in Muxi for generations, and his father Altash was the chief of a Jurchen tribe.

When Lao Nu rebelled, Altash led several Ashan brothers and tribesmen from seven villages to join Lao Nu. Therefore, he was named the "Erhu" and belonged to the great Beile Daishan.

As a result, due to various reasons, this "true Manchu" Ilgunjuro Ashan actually betrayed the emperor twice and turned to the Ming Dynasty, which made the two Khans Lao Nu and Hong Tai very embarrassed.

Although due to various reasons, he was finally forgiven and promoted to the commander of the Zhengbai Banner, but based on past experiences, Hong Tai, Azige and others were inevitably a little wary of him, so they mostly stayed behind.

After going back and forth, this Empress Ashan also gained experience. Compared with other Hou Jin armies, they were defeated but not in chaos, and they were quite organized.

Sure enough, I saw Na Ashan leading the soldiers of the Zhengbai Banner to greet them. For a moment, it was not clear who would win or lose, and they saw that the rebel pursuers were temporarily stopped.

Azige, the king of Yingwu County, took a deep look at Ah Shan, then rode away and said: "Ah Shan, Ah Shan! Unless I can't help you, I really have no choice!"

Why do you think Azig said this?

It turns out that Ah Shan had a lot to do with him when he surrendered for the second time.

It is said that at that time, the old slave had just died and his body was not yet cold, so all the disciples began to compete for the throne.

In the end, Hong Tai was superior and united with other Beile to force the death of the concubine Abahai, weakening the bond between the three brothers Azig, Dorgon and Duduo, and then succeeded in inheriting the throne of Khan.

However, two years later, when Dodo came of age, Azig ordered Ashan's brother Adahai to go to his uncle Abtai's house to propose marriage, asking him to marry his daughter to Dodo.

In this way, Mrs. Hong originally broke up the alliance of the three Azige brothers by forcing the death of the concubine Abahai.

But because Azig sought the daughter of his uncle Abtai, the four of them once again formed an alliance, posing a serious threat to Hongtai's Khan.

For this reason, Mrs. Hong made a decisive decision. First, she severely punished Azige, the person in charge of the matter, and cut off his identity as the owner of the white flag. Then she found an excuse to kill Adahai, a relative of Ti, as a warning. Follow suit.

Seeing that Mrs. Hong was "not even compatible with her own brothers" and worried about being implicated by his younger brother Adahai, Na Ashan led his younger brother Garaizi Sehe and Adahai's sons Chata, Moluohun and several followers to flee. As a result, they were eventually killed by the envoy He was accidentally killed by the Ming army and gave up.

Not to mention how other people view this matter, but from the perspective of Prince Azige of Yingwu County, it is obvious that he tricked Ashan, so he made such remarks.

Not to mention how Azige blamed himself, he had already disappeared without a trace, leaving Ashan and his men alone to carry Yang Chengzu's troops.

Although this Ashan is called the commander of the Zhengbai Banner, on the one hand, most of his soldiers are in the hands of the leader of the Zhengbai Banner, and on the other hand, he is divided with "Raoyu Beile" Abatai, so he only has three to four thousand people under his command.

Just these three to four thousand men, and because they were dispersed when they broke through the rebel defense line, there were only more than a thousand usable soldiers.

Although Ashan was brave and his soldiers were quite good at fighting, they were still no match for Yang Chengzu who was just waiting for work.

The two sides fought fiercely for many times in succession. After about an hour, Ah Shan gradually became exhausted and was about to be defeated by Yang Chengzu.

Unexpectedly, Ilgunjuro Ashan just threw the sword in his hand to the ground and shouted loudly: "I heard that King Shun is a hero in the world, and he recruits talents in any way."

"Now that the world is uncertain, how can we kill a hero alone?"

Yang Chengzu and the Donglu army fought for a long time. Seeing that victory was imminent, they were about to defeat the enemy in one go. How could they have expected such a change?

After being stunned for a moment, he asked in disbelief: "Are the Tatars across the street going to join my King Shun?"

"Yes!" Ah Shan admitted quickly and neatly, fearing that something might happen again.

"A certain family followed my father to the Kingdom of Later Jin when the old Khan started his army. However, his wife was immoral and relied on nepotism. He did not use loyal ministers and good generals, but only used his own brothers and family members."

"There was a lot of strife during this period, with fathers, sons and brothers killing each other. It is really outrageous to both humans and gods and cannot be tolerated by nature."

"A certain person once brought his brothers and nephews to seek refuge with him, but they were all taken lightly. He had no choice but to go and come back. I'll be patient for the time being."

"I have long heard that King Shun was a virtuous man who was rewarded for his merits and punished for his mistakes. He was the most virtuous. I wish I could not meet him in my lifetime."

"Now that I have heard that King Shun is here, how can I disobey him even though he is going through fire and water?"

"Ah? That's offending!" Yang Chengzu couldn't tell the truth from the false for a while. Seeing that Azige's tribe was unable to catch up, he couldn't help but apologize, and ordered his soldiers to surround Ah Shan, his trusted disciples and his subordinates.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" Unexpectedly, Ah Shan was not angry but happy when he heard this. He pointed to the people around him and introduced to Yang Chengzu.

"This is my nephew Sehe, Chata, and Morokhun. They have all admired the Celestial Kingdom for a long time. Now that they have got their wish, I can't help but feel so lucky!"

After hearing this, Naseh, Chata and Mo Luohun couldn't help but signal to Yang Chengzu, which made Monk Zhanger confused by Yang Chengzu.

When Yang Chengzu returned to the rebel camp with Ashan, his nephews Saihe, Chata, Moluohun and his subordinates, Zhang Shun couldn't help being shocked and said: "Wang Sun, I didn't expect you to accomplish such a great feat..."

Yang Chengzu was a real man. Hearing this, he smiled awkwardly and said: "Your Highness, it was not Yang who made the contribution, but this Ah Shan... General Ah Shan has admired King Shun for a long time, and he actually led more than a thousand of his trusted disciples and Zhenglan Banners under his command to vote. "

"What?" Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this.

In particular, Gao Qiqian and Jiang Xiang, who were all demoted from the Ming army, had long recognized the power of the Hou Jin soldiers.

In the past battles between the Ming army and the Hou Jin army, every time one or two hundred heads were obtained, it was called a great victory. Who would have thought that this time the rebel army not only defeated the Hou Jin army, but also attracted more than a thousand "real Tatars" to surrender. It is really incredible.

"Oh? You are Ah Shan, you are indeed a strong man!" Zhang Shun heard the words and took a closer look, only to see that Ah Shan, who had been in his thirty-fifth and sixth year, was wearing a white shirt, holding a "lightning rod" style helmet in his hand, and looking fierce. .

If it weren't for the "money rat tail" on his head, he would be almost the same as a Ming army general wearing the same style of cotton armor.

"King Shun, you are His Highness King Shun!" When Ashan saw Zhang Shun, he couldn't help but said excitedly, "Quick, quick, you all come here to pay homage to King Shun!"

After seeing several of his nephews and cronies following him as they bowed to him, Ashan excitedly introduced himself: "A certain person is from the Irgenjueluo family of the Muxi Jurchen. Because he was young and ignorant, he followed his father to join the Jianlu family. So much so that he became a slave under the old Khan and the new Khan."

"Now that the old Khan Prince and the puppet king Azig have been defeated, I have abandoned his Gushan Ezhen and led his trusted disciples to seek refuge with King Shun..."

"Gushan Ezhen?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Gao Qiqian.

"Gushan Ezhen!" Unexpectedly, Gao Qiqian was startled, and quickly stepped forward to explain, "He is the commander of the Eight Banners, and his status is second only to the leader of the Eight Banners."

Hey guys, here comes a big fish!

Zhang Shun couldn't help but be overjoyed, and quickly helped Ashan and his nephew up personally, welcomed them into the camp and said, "Today, my king is not happy to defeat Azige's army, but he is happy to have a general!"

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