Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1329: Estrangement

"Ruoyu Beile, surrender quickly! King Shun will be kind and will treat you well. If you resist to the end, there is only one way to die!" The voice of Ergenjueluo Ashan came from afar, and "Raoyu Beile" had already been "Abatai's face turned blue with anger.

His name is "Raoyu Beile", not "Duoyu Beile".

He is the seventh son of the old slave of the Khan of the Jin Dynasty, and his mother-in-law is also from the Irgenjueluo family, but she is not from the same family as the Irgenjueluo family of Ashan, and her status is even lower.

Therefore, when the old slave was still alive, because Abatai was older, he still had a place with the help of his military exploits.

But after Mrs. Hong came to power, in order to stabilize the position of Khan, she deliberately suppressed the original old people and promoted new people such as Azig, Dorgon, Duduo, Jierhalang and Yue Tuo.

For this reason, Abatai was full of complaints and said many times: "Wear armor when fighting, wear bows and arrows when hunting, and sit among the disciples when attending banquets. It is shameful."

After Taishan Hong assumed the title of emperor, he conferred the title of ten princes on Daishan, Jierhalang, Ajige, Dorgon, Duduo, Hauge, Yue Tuo and the "Three Shun Kings" in one go. However, he But Abate only gave him the title "Rao Yubeile". How could he not be angry about this?

We are both the princes and grandsons of Khans, so why can you all be crowned princes, but I can't even become a county prince?

Thinking of this, Abate really feels that he is a superfluous Baylor!

"What a thief, you dare to humiliate me. If you don't kill him, I can't understand the hatred in my heart!" Ah Shan is a powerful figure in Houjin. How could he not know about Abatai's sore feet? With this moment of "persuasion", Abatai, who was already angry, couldn't hold it back and ordered a fierce battle out of the camp.

"Master Beile, Lord Beile, you must not do it, you must not do it!" Ye Chen, commander of the Red Flag Command, Wanyan, heard this and quickly admonished him.

"Well, Ilgunjuro Ashan has always had a disloyal heart, and he also knows the strength and weakness of our army. If Lord Baylor goes to war this time, it will be his plan to provoke the general!"

"A plan to provoke the general?" Abatai calmed down a little after hearing this, and then suppressed his anger and said, "Let's hold on for a while and see what happens to him!"

But he said that Abatai could not hold back, and Ah Shan shouted outside for a long time, but saw no movement, so he had to return to the rebel camp.

When Zhang Shun saw this, he didn't want to criticize him harshly, so he comforted him: "Victory and defeat are common matters for military officers. Generals, don't be discouraged."

Unexpectedly, Na Ashan laughed when he heard this and said, "Your Highness is unaware of something. Abatai is a foolhardy person."

"If you don't want to go out today, you must be dissuaded by Wanyan Yechen, the commander of the red flag."

"If King Shun devises a small plan to confuse his mind, he will be defeated!"

"Oh? What's the plan?" When Zhang Shun heard this, he didn't know that "King Shun made a little plan". In fact, it was Ah Shan who had the idea himself, so he couldn't help but ask.

Ah Shan chuckled. After saying this, Zhang Shun suddenly beamed with joy and quickly ordered: "Okay, in that case, I will order to bombard the camp with artillery!"

Following Zhang Shun's order, the sound of artillery originally stationed outside the Houjin military camp rang loudly again.

"Zhi Niang thief, 'Shun thief' has attacked the city again!" Abatai couldn't help but said anxiously.

This situation of being beaten without being able to fight back was really uncomfortable for Abatai, who was always known for his bravery.

"Master Beile, as long as you stay here for three days, we will have done a great job, so why should we be anxious?" Wanyan Ye Chen couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

Abatai's irritability subsided after hearing this, and he was about to reply.

Unexpectedly, a huge gunshot sounded, and the ground seemed to tremble.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Abate couldn't help but said in shock.

"Master Beile, Master Beile's 'shun thief' has used a large red cannon!" Some soldiers had already rushed in in a panic to report.

"Red cannon?" Abatai couldn't help being stunned when he heard this. He quickly climbed up to the observation deck with Wanyan Yechen and looked outside the camp.

I saw dozens of huge Hongyi cannons outside the camp, which were obviously larger than the Hongyi cannons next to them.

"This... this 'shun thief' is so cunning, and he actually hides so many heavy artillery!" Upon seeing this, Abatai couldn't help but look at Wanyan Ye Chen and said.

When the rebels attacked the camp before, except for the night bombing of the camp the day before yesterday to force Azig to fight, they easily did not use the 10,000-jin Hongyi cannon. From now on, the Jin army knew very little about it.

Now that the weather is just right, Abatai and Wanyan Yechen are watching clearly from the observation deck.

I saw rows of large red cannons densely arranged outside the camp, and I couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"No, I want to leave the camp, I can't sit still and wait for death!" Even a fool can see the current situation. If he stayed in the isolated camp, he would only end up being annihilated. Abatai couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Master Beile, Master Beile, please allow me to stay here for two more days, and it won't be too late to make plans again!" Seeing that Wanyan Ye Chen couldn't dissuade him, he couldn't help but use a delaying strategy.

Azig ordered them to defend for three days. And the "shun thieves" are now encircling them on a large scale. There must be some reason for this.

Although Wanyan Ye Chen didn't know the reason, he still understood the reason why he couldn't let the enemy get what he wanted.

"Keep guard, keep guard, do you have to wait for the 'shun thieves' to surround us before we start to argue?"

However, as soon as Abatai finished speaking, and before Wanyan Yechen could respond to his complaint, he heard a familiar voice: "Excuse me Baylor, I'm here again!"

"Get out!" Abatai shouted angrily after hearing this, "Traitor, you are so shameless!"

"Haha, traitor?" Ah Shan sneered when he heard this, "You think I don't even do good things to you, but abandon you instead?"

"And why were you left here? Do you still remember when you complained in private, but someone filed a black record against you?"

"You want to sow discord?" Abatai narrowed his eyes when he heard this, looking like he wanted to choose others and devour them.

"Sowing dissension?" Ah Shan couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "This is obviously an internal fight between you two!"

"How do you say this?" Abatai frowned when he heard this and thought to himself: Does this guy know some unknown inside story?

"Earlier, you were resentful and dissatisfied that your status was not as good as that of the other little Belles, so you were punished by your father-in-law Yang Guli."

"From this, you will hold a grudge against this person..."

"It's nonsense!" When Abatai heard this, he denied it.

"Oh? How did Yangguli's younger brother Tan Tai die?" Ashan asked with great interest.

"Of course he was burned to death by the evil magic of the 'Shun Thief', as everyone knows!" Abatai couldn't help but sneered when he saw Ah Shan's poor skills.

"Oh? Really? Then why didn't you die and I didn't die? Just waiting for Yangguli to divide his troops to attack the Ming army, but his younger brother died fighting under your command?" Ashan couldn't help asking.

"Ah? I..." Abatai didn't expect these twists and turns, and was stopped by Ashan for a moment.

"Master Baylor?" Not to mention Ah Shan, even Wanyan Ye Chen next to Abatai was a little confused. Could it be that these two people were completely ignoring the overall situation and openly fighting among themselves?

"I'm not, I didn't, don't listen to his words to sow discord!" Only then did Abate realize that this guy was trying to frame him.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter whether I believe it or not. As long as Azig and Yanguli believe it, won't it be over?" Ashan smiled proudly.

"You...what do you mean?" Abate was a little confused.

"What do I mean? You should ask Azig and Yanguli what they mean?" Ashan laughed.

"These two people left you here, but they went to escape for their lives. Why do you think so?"

"That's nonsense. The prince and his consort didn't escape at all. They went to..." Abatai couldn't help but said anxiously.

"What are you going to do?" Ashan asked.

"I won't tell you!" Abatai also knew that he couldn't be deceived into telling the truth at this time.

"If you don't tell me, do you think I don't know?" Ah Shan sneered, "To tell you the truth, after Azig and Yanguli broke through, they went all the way east and left Ping'an Prefecture early to enter Beizhi. They stayed alone. You two fools are going to die here!"

"No, this is impossible!" Abatai and Wanyan Yechen couldn't help but retorted after hearing this.

If this continues, his morale will be destroyed.

"Impossible? How can what I saw with my own eyes be true?" Ah Shan asked angrily.

"Also, haven't you noticed that King Shun's men and horses are not missing? They are all surrounding you and waiting here. Don't you still understand what is the reason for this?"

"This..." Abatai and Wanyan Yechen looked at each other after hearing this, and each saw the confusion in the other's eyes.

Yes, it stands to reason that Azig and Yanguli led 20,000 cavalry into the enemy's hinterland. The "shun thieves" had no time to take care of themselves, so how could they have the leisure to surround themselves?

Could it be...could it be that these two people were avenging their private revenge and sold us two to "shun thieves"?

Otherwise, Cheng could not explain why this "obedient bandit" did not reduce even half of his troops, but instead focused on attacking his own camp.

The child at home has been sick again in the past few days. The author is taking care of both families. I also have a headache, fever and sore throat. I have no choice but to update it reluctantly. Please forgive me.

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