Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1330 Night Attack

"Boom, boom, boom!" The sound of huge artillery resounded through the dark night, making the quiet night equally noisy.

From time to time, three or five artillery shells hit the camp wall or the tents in the camp, and then there was a dull impact and the screams of Houjin's soldiers.

It turned out that after Ashan failed to "persuad surrender" in the morning, the "Shun bandits" became angry and mobilized forty "large red cannons" to bombard them all day long, which had already riddled Houjin's defense facilities with holes.

Originally, Abatai wanted to take advantage of the cover of night to let the soldiers repair the wall, but now he can't do it.

He couldn't help but stand at the entrance of the tent, looking at the flickering firelight outside the camp with a gloomy face, while thinking about what Ashan said during the day.

"Hey, my Lord Beile, why are you still standing at the door of this tent? Come in, come in!" At this moment, the voice of Yan Yechen, who was wearing a red flag, sounded in real time.

"Ah? I just checked the movements of the 'Shun Thief'." Abatai explained while letting Wanyan Ye Chen in.

It turns out that in order to avoid being targeted by the artillery of "shun thieves", fireworks have been banned in Houjin Camp.

Even if it is necessary to use it, it should be wrapped tightly with three layers inside and three outside to avoid being discovered by "successful thieves".

Just now Abata opened the curtain to explore outside, which was actually a relatively dangerous thing.

Previously, Abatai's Chinese army tent had been destroyed by "shun thieves" due to Ah Shan's "betrayal".

Fortunately, Abatai and Wanyan Yechen also had expectations and escaped the disaster.

If this time, because of the will of the light, he was hit by a cannonball and killed by the "obedient thief", it would be an injustice and a tragedy.

The two sides entered the camp and determined their superiority and inferiority. Abatai then asked, "How is it outside?"

"What else can I do? I'll just take the beating passively!" Wanyan Ye Chen said with a bitter smile, "The 'Shun Thief' tried to charge twice just now, but we beat him back. He's fine for the time being."

"Ye Chen, that's what I think." Abatai hesitated before speaking.

"We are grasshoppers on the same rope, so I said some things openly."

"Master Beile, please speak." Wanyan Ye Chen responded calmly.

"We...we can't go on like this, we have to fight back, we have to fight out!" Abata frowned upon seeing this, took back half of his "openness" words, and replaced it with another set of rhetoric.

"Master Baylor, let's..." Why did Wanyan Ye Chen not understand Abatai's thoughts? Seeing him retracting what he shouldn't have said, he felt relieved.

Even though Wanyan Ye Chen is the commander of the Xianghong Banner, in fact he belongs to the Xianghuang Banner, one of the three upper banners.

His master is Hong Tai, the current emperor of the Qing Dynasty. He is a pawn used by Hong Tai to weaken the power of the owner of the red flag.

As a chess piece, he certainly understands his status.

No matter what Abatai thinks, he must not participate in the struggle between these masters.

Otherwise, no matter who wins, his real master "Hong Tai" will not be able to spare him.

As the representative of the Wanyan clan in the "Qing Dynasty", it is obvious that as long as he does not commit suicide, everything will be fine under normal circumstances.

A "Rao Yubeile" Abate is not enough for him to take risks.

Although Abata was annoyed by his slippery hands, he had nothing to do after all.

He finally shook his head and said with a smile: "Although my nephew Yingwu Commandery Prince Azige left, the 'Shun Thief' turned a blind eye and still besieged me here."

“Nowadays, we can’t count on anyone, we can only rely on ourselves.”

Although Abatai's words were reserved, there was no need to worry about whether Wanyan Ye Chen would understand or not.

To put it bluntly, it means that Azig led an army of 20,000 and ran away. We were docked by the one who is still here as a gecko. Don't expect anyone to come to save us. We can only escape on our own.

In fact, Wanyan Yechen still had doubts about Ah Shan's remarks.

However, now that the rebel army is motionless, Azig's original plan of "leading a large army into the belly of the 'Shun thief', attacking it and rescuing it, leading its army south, and then relieving itself from the siege" has completely come to nothing, leaving Wanyan Yechen to have to think more. layer.

Perhaps at first, Azig had no intention of leaving them and running away.

However, if the plan of "attracting thieves" fails, there is no guarantee that he will not "dock his tail" to survive.

"Then what are Lord Baylor going to do?" Wanyan Ye Chen frowned and asked involuntarily.

"I plan to attack the camp tonight and destroy the 'Shunthief' artillery!" Abatai couldn't help but tell him bluntly.

"I'm afraid this will lead to a narrow escape, let's let Ye Chen lead the troops!" After hearing Abate's words, Wanyan Ye Chen couldn't help but recommend himself.

Are you kidding me? A slave is a slave and a master is a master.

If Abatai died in this battle, and Wanyan Ye Chen returned alive, the other princes and Lord Beile would definitely take the opportunity to attack "Your Majesty's" eight ministers and sixteen ministers.

The so-called "eight ministers", that is, Hong Tai set up a minister in charge of political affairs under each banner leader, called Gushan Ezhen, which is the unified post of the capital.

As for the "Sixteen Ministers", Hong Tai established two directors and military and military ministers for each banner under the capital, which were called "Sixteen Ministers".

Although these 3824 ministers are still subordinate to the masters of each banner, their positions have nothing to do with the masters. This is Tai Hong's deliberate strategy to divide the power of the banner masters, so the banner masters are quite dissatisfied.

They were worried that they had no excuse to attack Mrs. Hong. If Wanyan Yechen really handed them a knife, I'm afraid even Mrs. Hong would want to chop him up.

"That's it. That's fine. Please be extremely careful!" Although Abatai was brave, he knew that he would escape death in this attack, so he generously gave this opportunity to Wanyan Yechen.

The two agreed that no matter how the rebels yelled and beat them, they would just hide in the camp and not get out.

I only had to wait for the first watch, second watch, and third watch. It was not until the fourth watch that I heard the bombardment of rebel artillery, which began to become intermittent.

Abatai couldn't hold himself back for a long time and couldn't help but urge: "It can be hit!"

"No, today is the first night of the battle between the two sides. The 'shun thief' has already set up a dragnet, but wait until I leave the camp." Wanyan Yechen shook his head when he heard this.

"Now, we should do the opposite, but it will not be too late to attack again when the 'thieves' ambushes are exhausted."

Abatai couldn't resist him, so he had to suppress his anxiety and continue to wait.

Waiting until the fifth watch, when the rebel artillery fire was exhausted, Abatai was already dizzy from waiting and yawning repeatedly. Then Wanyan Yechen nodded and said: "It's ready to hit!"

Afterwards, they buried pots to make rice, donned armor and armed themselves with weapons. After struggling for about an hour, Wanyan Ye Chen finished dressing up and led two thousand elites to set up camp.

Most of the elite men of the Later Jin Dynasty were hunters in the mountains, and they were quite good at robbing sentries and trying to find camps.

Not long after, Zao Jie killed seven or eight people at the rebel guard post and reached an artillery position of the rebel army.

Wanyan Ye Chen took a look under the moonlight and saw that although the rebel position was dark and not very clear, he could barely see that there was a trench in front of him that enclosed several giant cannons.

Next to the giant cannon, there were several piles of bonfires and tents. There were more than ten sentries sitting beside the bonfire, and countless artillerymen were sleeping in the tent.

"Sure enough, it's a good method and easy to arrange!" The Hou Jin Army was also proficient in artillery, so Wanyan Ye Chen could see the power of this artillery position at a glance.

"Listen to my order in a moment. Tou Niulu will make a loud noise, but feign an attack from the left; Er Niulu will ambush on the right, but when the 'shun thieves' gather to the left, you will attack fiercely. The others will listen to my order and be ready at any time. Attack!" Wanyan Ye Chen couldn't help but arrange the mission quickly.

After receiving the military orders, they went their separate ways.

Not long after, only a whistle was heard, and then the sound of fighting sounded from the left side.

Wanyan Ye Chen suppressed his nervousness and excitement, and waited for a moment, and sure enough, there was another sound of fighting on the right side.

"It's done!" Wanyan Ye Chen couldn't help but smile, "Let's get ready to go to the next position."

There are more than ten artillery positions like the Rebel Army, and each position only has three to five hundred soldiers. He can basically solve the problem by sending two full Niu Lu.

The top priority is to destroy as many of the opponent's artillery pieces as possible before the "shun thieves" can react.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

Just when Wanyan Yechen thought of the word artillery, a blast of artillery resounded through the silent night sky, making people's ears buzz.

"what happened?"

"Oh no, the 'Shun Thief' was already prepared, and we fell into the trap!"

"Fell into a trap?" After seven or eight consecutive artillery blasts, a burst of rapid horse hoofbeats sounded from behind.

It turned out that after Ah Shan described the temperaments of Abatai and Wanyan Yechen to Zhang Shun in detail, he concluded that Wanyan Yechen would attack tonight.

Therefore, Zhang Shun early ordered his soldiers to load their guns and artillery with ammunition, and also mobilized two cavalrymen, Yang Chengzu and Zhang Damou, to support at any time.

Although Wanyan Ye Chen arrived later this time, it did not affect the rebels' "catch" of his "big fish" at all.

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