Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1331 Death of Ye Chen

In this era, night fighting is a very difficult tactic to organize, and it is also a tactic that allows the weak to defeat the strong.

Wanyan Yechen was originally a veteran general of Houjin, and the two thousand soldiers under his command were also carefully selected elites.

If it were normal, even if they were besieged by more than ten thousand troops, they would still be able to form a formation to resist.

As a result, even when they were unexpectedly attacked, they fell into chaos, almost no different from ordinary soldiers.

"You bastards, the face of the Qing Dynasty has been ruined by you. Come back and give it all to me!" Wanyan Yechen yelled loudly while trying to gather the soldiers and regroup.

It's just that the night is as dark as ink, and I can't see my fingers.

He could still manage the servants and guards around him, but no matter how far away they were, his eyesight turned dark and he could only look at the ocean and sigh, unable to do anything.

"Kill!" The rebel cavalry were well prepared. Each team carried more than a dozen red lanterns, making sure they could not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

Anyone who sees someone holding a torch or lantern of other colors will be shot without mercy.

In an instant, the army was defeated like a mountain, and countless elite Donglu soldiers abandoned their helmets and armor and ran towards the camp, leaving Wanyan Ye Chen and his three to five hundred slaves and personal guards to protect them.

"Master, get on your horse and go quickly, I'll hold on here!" Seeing this, the servant Wan Yanbian couldn't help but anxiously led the horse forward and said.

"Wanyan is not bright, Wanyan is not bright, if only you could call me Wanyan Liang!" After meeting this dog slave, Wanyan Ye Chen couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the dark night.

It turned out that this guy's real name was Wanyan Liang, but he personally changed his name to Wanyan Buliang because he violated the taboo of Wanyan Liang, the former patron of the Wanyan family.

The words came true, but tonight the stars were really hidden, the bright moon was too shy to see, and the whole thing was pitch black, just in line with the name of "not bright".

"Master, you are right. From now on, my name will be Wanyan Liang!" The slave felt happy after hearing this and quickly agreed loudly.

"You are such a talented assassin, but you don't know how to take pictures after urinating. You deserve to be called Wanyan Liang!" Wanyan Ye Chen had just finished wearing the riding whip. Hearing this, he couldn't help but become angrier, and he whipped the whip and cursed.

In October of the sixth year of Jin Zhenglong's reign, Wanyan Liang, the leader of the Jin Dynasty, divided his troops into four groups and launched a massive attack on the Song Dynasty, with the intention of unifying the Song Dynasty. However, the battle was unfavorable and was defeated by the Song general Yu Yunwen in Caishiji.

Later, the generals under his command rebelled and were hanged. They were demoted to the title of Prince of Hailing County. Following the old rule of Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty, his posthumous title was Yang.

Instead of changing his name to Wanyan Liang, he might as well just call him Wanyan Buliang!

By the way, Wanyan Ye Chen took the reins from Wanyan Liang or Wanyan Buliang's hands, got on his horse, and was about to leave, but saw only dots of fire on the way back, like the Milky Way falling to the ground, already lying behind.

Wanyan Ye Chen couldn't help but be startled, and turned around to look where he was going. He saw the rebel camp was brightly lit, and the artillery had already been loaded, and they were ready to go.

Looking around again, the red lanterns were separated on both sides, and there was no way to survive.

Wanyan Ye Chen couldn't help but raise his head and roar: "Taizu and the tenth emperor of the Jin Kingdom are above, unworthy descendants. Ye Chen can't restore the glory of the ancestors and goes south to the Central Plains. He can't make achievements and revive his family business. He should die in battle." Here it is!”

Then he gave an order and personally led his slave guards to rush towards the rebel artillery position.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The rebels did not tolerate him at all and directly served him with artillery fire.

After several consecutive shots, Hou Jin's soldiers were stunned and their formation became much sparser.

"Come on, charge on me!" Wanyan Yechen turned his head to look at the cowering soldiers and shouted loudly.

"Master, the enemy's trench is ahead." Wan Yan's voice sounded at the right time.

"Go through fire and water, do whatever you want, and anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy!" Wanyan Yechen became even more angry after hearing this, and couldn't help shouting the order at the top of his voice.

After finally motivating the soldiers, Wanyan Yechen got off his horse, took the lead in jumping out of the ditch, and rushed towards the rebel position.

When everyone saw this, they didn't dare to neglect, so they followed suit one by one.

"Kill, kill me!" Wanyan Ye Chen, who was wearing heavy armor, managed to crawl out of the trench with great effort. Seeing the rebel position just around the corner, he couldn't help shouting excitedly.

However, at this moment, a group of firecrackers walked out in neat steps, holding firecrackers with lit match ropes.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The sound of dense firecrackers resounded again. The Houjin soldiers who originally had the courage to charge were either shot and fell to the ground, or they jumped back into the ditch to avoid the lead bullets.

"Straight bitch, you cowards, come up here." Wanyan Ye Chen was furious when he saw this, he couldn't help turning his head and shouted angrily.

But when he was halfway through speaking, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart. An ordinary lead bullet penetrated the armor on his body and shot into his body.

The lead bullet, deformed by the impact, then tumbled inside his body, forming a spindle-shaped cavity that completely destroyed his muscles and heart.

"Ugh!" Wanyan Yechen felt that all the strength in his body was suddenly drained, and he couldn't stand upright. He fell down like a green onion, head down and feet up.

Since the trench outside was newly dug, there was still a lot of soft soil falling off from above at the bottom of the trench.

What a coincidence, Wanyan Ye Chen's head was stuck in the soft soil, leaving only half of his body and legs twitching outside, as if a big living person had just grown out of the ground, oh no, it was a big dead person.

"No, the master is dead, the master is dead!" Wanyan Buliang couldn't help but screamed when he saw Wanyan Ye Chen was shot and fell into the ditch.

"Dead?" The soldiers were stunned when they heard this and couldn't help but confirm.

"Dead!" Wan Yanbian said.

"Oh?" The soldiers replied meaningfully, and then touched their arms in private.

"Since your master is dead, why don't you die?"

"What do you mean? What do you mean!" Wanyan Buliang became furious and yelled, "He is my master, isn't he also your master?"

"It is now, but it won't be in a while!" The soldiers laughed loudly after hearing this.

"" Wanyan Buliang was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help but threaten, "Don't you care about your family?"

"The master is dead. If we throw ourselves into a trap, we would be disrespecting our family!" After hearing this, everyone smiled coldly, and then stabbed Wan Yan Bu Liang with their knives.

Wherever Wanyan could hide, he was stabbed dozens of times and died on the spot.

Just when Wanyan was about to die, the rebel cavalry had already surrounded him, and the gunmen in front were approaching step by step.

Seeing that the situation was not good, everyone abandoned their swords, guns, bows and arrows, fell to the ground and asked for surrender: "Wanyan Ye Chen is dead, we are willing to surrender."

Following the good example set by Zhengbai Banner Commander Ilgenjueluo Ashan, these people followed suit and did not worry about being disapproved by the rebels.

Sure enough, the cavalry general Yang Chengzu couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, and thought to himself: I am indeed a good general. I just recruited Ashan to surrender, and today I recruited a group of elite Jianlu troops to surrender.


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