Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1333 Death of Abate (Part 1)

Three red Kongming lanterns floated in the dark and quiet night sky, like three bright morning stars.

"It's almost dawn!" Zhang Shun saw it from a distance and couldn't help but mutter to himself. Then he turned around and ordered to the left and right, "According to the original plan, form an array to attack the camp!"

Following his order, the originally silent rebel camp suddenly became lively.

Artillery, war horses, soldiers, and messengers running around among the crowd all began to move in an orderly manner.

Because it was dark at night, the golden drum used for command could still be used normally, but the five-color and five-square flags could not be used, so the rebels had prepared five-color lanterns to replace them.

Among the five colors, black is still indistinguishable at night even if it is made into a lantern, so Zhang ordered his soldiers to change it to purple to make it easier to distinguish.

After making these preparations, although there were still some confusions when mobilizing men and horses, it was generally guaranteed that the rebels would be able to march in formation at night.

In comparison, the Houjin Army, which was ill-prepared, was much more chaotic.

Without the guidance of lanterns prepared in advance, veteran general Abatai could only order his soldiers to light more torches and lanterns, which only illuminated the outside of the camp as if it were daytime.

However, in this way, it creates the effect of "my bright enemy is the dark one".

Upon seeing this, Yang Chengzu ordered his cavalry to conduct harassment and sent an envoy to notify Li Shi'an.

Without waiting to receive Yang Chengzu's notice, Li Shi'an saw a bright light outside the Houjin camp, and ordered the gunners to adjust the firing angle of the 10,000-jin Hongyi cannon attacking the camp.

It happened that there were seven or eight cannons that could cover the position outside Houjin Camp, so the gunners were ordered to load solid iron bullets and fire.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Several loud noises were heard, and several iron bullets hit the place where the Hou Jin army formed their formation.

The Communist Party only killed two unlucky guys and injured three or five others. It did not achieve very good results, but it caused quite a chaos.

"Straight bitches, you are going to send us to death!" Many slaves in clothing could not hold themselves back any longer and complained one after another.

"How brave, chop a few of them for me, as a warning to others!" Abatai saw the chaos outside the camp and ordered with a dark face.

Artillery fire at night is not scary, but the unknown hidden in the night is scary.

Although the outside of Houjin Camp was brightly illuminated, it was still not as bright as daylight. With their sight restricted, the soldiers would inevitably feel anxious and uneasy.

what to do?


At this moment, Abate had no choice but to bite the bullet.

In this way, both sides went back and forth, tossing and turning, and finally the formation was completed, and the sky in the east became white.

Abatai had a sullen face, looking at the uniformly organized formation of rebels on the opposite side. His best luck was shattered, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

It turned out that he believed that night fighting was the most difficult and that the rebel army would win with more soldiers. In fact, the quality of the soldiers was not as good as that of the Jin army.

Therefore, as long as you form your formation in advance under the cover of night, you can take the lead in defeating the rebel army with more strikes and fewer blows, and then you can gain a chance of survival.

However, the reality was completely opposite to what he imagined. The rebel army also formed a large formation under the command of Zhang Shun.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. Now that the matter has come to this, there is nothing more to say, so Abatai has no choice but to give the order to engage in battle.

"Your Highness is wise, the Donglu are indeed too weak to fight, so they have no choice but to fight!" After Gao Qiqian saw the Jin army from a distance, they discharged from the shield mountain and moved forward slowly. There was nothing surprising, so they couldn't help but clapped their hands.

"Things are not that simple!" Zhang Shun stared at the Houjin Army Formation for a long time and shook his head.

"When fighting in formation, the two wings are the most important. Therefore, there are multiple lines of cavalry in order to defeat the enemy."

"Then Hou Jin has always been famous for his cavalry. Now that he is missing, I feel uneasy."

It turns out that although this Jurchen tribe is engaged in fishing and hunting, it is actually a large and sparsely populated area and is close to pastures, so it has multiple armors and fine cavalry.

Among them, Maolian River still produces good horses and is controlled by the Ula tribe of Haixi Jurchen.

Later, the old slaves raised an army and conquered the Jurchens in Haixi, and the Maolian River Horse Farm was controlled by the Jurchens.

With this, Hou Jin formed a powerful cavalry. These men dismounted as heavy armored infantry and mounted as heavy armored knights.

Later Jin Pianzhi established a great reputation by conquering Korea in the east, Ming Dynasty in the south, and Mongolia in the west.

Now is the time when the survival of the Jin army is at stake. There is no reason for Abatai to hide it and not use it. There must be a reason for it.

"King Shun Mingjian!" Gao Qiqian was startled when he heard the words, and immediately reacted.

Later, when the Jin army invaded, they often had two or three horses per person. They came and went like the wind, making it impossible for the Ming army to catch up.

Isn't it strange that the Hou Jin army abandoned their horses and retreated?

"Your Highness?" Gao Qiqian thought for a long time and couldn't figure out the reason, so he couldn't help but ask Zhang Shun tentatively.

"If you don't have him, you just want to throw everything in!" Zhang Shun shook his head confidently and said with a smile, "Let's see how I defeat him head-on, and then we'll make a fuss."

It turned out that at this moment, when the rear golden shield vehicle was gradually approaching, the "field artillery" of the rebel army had also been lined up in front of the formation, and they were "calling names" in the main grid.

Due to the artillery's rate of fire and shooting accuracy, although the rebels destroyed seven or eight shield vehicles in succession, they were still unable to stop the attack of the rear golden shield vehicles.

Afterwards, the artillery retreated, and the fire gunners and "water gunners" stepped forward one after another and launched a second attack on the elite troops of Houjin who were about to abandon their shield vehicles and launch a charge.

After the second blow, the distance between the two sides was already within reach. The fire gunners and water gunners retreated into the camp early, and the white pole soldiers stepped up in time to prevent the impact of Houjin's heavy armor.

Although the Hou Jin Army was not afraid of death and fought hard, the rebel soldiers retreated step by step, but the rebel army retreated undefeated.

Not long after, relying on the advantage of their large numbers, they surrounded the Houjin troops who went out to fight, almost annihilating them outside the Houjin camp.

"Lord Belle!" At this moment, the soldiers on the watchtower in Houjin Camp had already turned pale, and they couldn't help but look at Abatai.

Unexpectedly, Abatai was not worried but overjoyed. He laughed loudly and said: "At this moment, all of you, follow Ben Beile and get on your horse and go out into battle to defeat this beast!"

It turned out that after Azige moved south, there were only more than 10,000 troops in the Houjin military camp.

And among these tens of thousands of troops, another two thousand were "defeated" by Wanyan Ye Chen, and now only eight thousand remain.

With just these eight thousand troops, how could they withstand the twenty to thirty thousand rebels?

After thinking about it, there is only one way to "win in defeat, survive in death".

Therefore, Abatai wants the shield chariot soldiers to attack, and he wants the shield chariot soldiers to be trapped in a tight siege.

Only in this way, when the rebels surrounded the Houjin Shield Chariots, would they reveal the flaw in their backs, allowing the Houjin Cavalry hidden in the camp to take advantage of it.

"Pass my order, gather all the men and horses in my camp, break the cauldron and sink the boat, defeat the 'shun thieves' in one fell swoop, and achieve this unparalleled feat!" Abatai couldn't help but ordered loudly.

If this battle is won, it doesn't matter whether anyone is left in this camp to garrison it.

If this battle is lost, it will be impossible to hold the camp whether there are men left to garrison it.

Rather than spreading our forces like this, we might as well go all-in and follow the example of the Overlord!

Following Abate's order, the soldiers who had been standing in various parts of the camp for defense walked down the camp one after another, took out their horses and walked towards the back of the camp.

And just behind Houjin's camp, there was a fine cavalry of three thousand people hidden.

Each of these people wore double armor, carried arrows and spears, and led three or two war horses, waiting in neat formation.

Among these people are the carefully selected Bai Baiyala, as well as the "dead soldiers" who are not afraid of death, and there are also a group of coated minions kept by Abateen, which basically include all the people under his command. All belongings.

Abate came down from the watchtower, came outside the camp and stared at them for a moment without saying a word. Then he got on his horse and said two words from his mouth: "Let's go!"

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