Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1334 Death of Abate (Part 2)

The "clack-clack" sound of horse hooves, gathered together, is like the sound of war drums on the battlefield, making people feel nervous and exciting.

Abata tightened the arm guard on his forearm and held the spear in his hand. He felt that every cell in his body was excited.

His name is Abatai, and he is the seventh son of the old slave of the Khan of the Kingdom of Jin. He has six cattle records under his control.

Although it is still far behind the fifteen Niu Lu of the three brothers Azig, Dorgon and Duduo, it is better than the two Niu Lu of Efuyanguli and the one Niu Lu of Irgenjuoluo Ashan. , it can be said that he holds great power.

However, he was not satisfied with this.

Niulu is the basic unit of the Eight Banners of Houjin, integrating production, military, justice and administration.

Among them, the owner of Niulu can not only kill and seize the subordinate banners, but also use this to enhance his voice in Houjin.

Since Abatai was originally a concubine and had few subordinates, he was naturally not as high as his concubine Yang Guli, Ashan and others. However, compared with other Heshuo Baylor, he, Rao Yu, was Baylor is completely inadequate.

It turns out that after coming from Lao Nu, the Later Jin Dynasty adopted the Eight Great Heshuo Baylor political system.

These Heshuobele can not only control a banner of people, but also have the right to participate in the decision-making of national affairs, the exercise of judicial power and the distribution of spoils, so Abatai has been coveting this for a long time.

Crisis, crisis, when there is danger, there is opportunity!

This time Azige, the king of Yingwu County, led an army of 30,000 people and advanced rashly, only to suffer this disaster.

If this time, he can defeat the strong with the weak and the many with less, he may not be able to take Niu Lu under his command and replace him with the position of He Shuo Baylor.

Thinking of this, Abatai's heart was boiling with passion, and he had a mentality of giving up on others.

When Abatai led his cavalry around the camp and came to the south side of the camp, he saw the "Shun bandits" all over the mountains and plains forming a tight group, trapping Houjin's four thousand shield chariot soldiers outside the camp. He couldn't help but Surprised and delighted.

He couldn't help but laugh and said: "The 'Shun Thief' knows how to use his troops like a god, how could he expect that I would find a way to win in defeat!"

"All the slaves listen to the order and follow Ben Beile to work hard to defeat the thief. The one who beats the thief one level will receive the upper reward; the one who injures one of the thief will receive the middle reward; the one who moves forward bravely will receive the lower reward."

"Anyone who dares to retreat will be killed without mercy, and everyone will be able to kill them!"

"No!" The cavalry couldn't help but responded to the order, and their morale suddenly rose.

When Hou Jin's four thousand cavalry appeared on the right wing of the rebel army, Zhang Shun and the rebel generals also discovered Hou Jin's movements at the same time.

"Your Highness, it's coming, it's coming!" Gao Qiqian stood on tiptoes and looked around, and couldn't help but remind him quickly.

"Got it!" Zhang Shun nodded, and then ordered: "Assemble Zhang Damou's cavalry to fight, and if you struggle with them for half an hour, it will be considered a success!"

It turns out that the terrain east of the Fenhe River outside Taiyuan City was high in the east and low in the west. The Jin army set up camp with their backs on the mountains and facing the water.

Now that the rebels are attacking from west to east, it is convenient for the Houjin cavalry to use the terrain to charge.

Previously, after Zhang Shunguan, the Jin army went into battle with few troops, so they knew they would have a rear attack, so they divided the cavalry into two battalions, Zhang Damhou's and Yang Chengzu's, on the left and right wings.

Now that the Hou Jin Army appeared on the right wing of the rebel army, it happened to be facing Zhang Damhou's troops, so Zhang Shun sent Zhang Damhou to attack first.

"Feng Yi, I have to ask you to lead the white pole soldiers to protect the right wing of the rebel army to avoid loss." After saying this, Zhang Shun turned to Zhang Fengyi who was standing next to him and ordered.

Although the white-armed soldiers under Zhang Fengyi are not as good as before, they are still the most reliable force in Zhang Shun's hands.

If there is any team in Zhang Shun's hands that can withstand the charge of Hou Jin's elite cavalry, it is the white pole soldiers.

Zhang Fengyi knew that Hou Jin Jing was a good rider, so she just nodded to Zhang Shun and got on the horse.

Now that they are an old married couple, there is no need to say more.

"Where is Li Shi'an?" Zhang Shun stared at Zhang Fengyi's back for a long time before asking.

"The general is here!" Li Shi'an couldn't help but step forward after hearing this.

"You will lead the artillery battalion's field artillery and thirty golden cannons, and line them up in front of the white-pole soldiers to defend the king from the enemy!" Zhang Shun continued to order.

"The final general will definitely fulfill his mission!" Li Shian nodded, knowing that the "Qingtian General Cannon" was too heavy and could not be used in night battles now.

Only field artillery and golden artillery with a large number of mules and horses could be deployed in time, so they quickly took the order.

"Xu Quan, after receiving the order, can dispatch two divisions of gunmen to line up behind the artillery, forming three rows to shoot at the rear Jin cavalry in turn without any mistakes."

"No!" Xu Quan nodded after hearing the words and hurriedly left.

"Is it still too late, Your Highness?" Gao Qiqian frowned upon hearing this, fearing that the rebels would be dispersed by the Houjin Army before they could form their formation in time.

"We have a battalion of Zhang Damou's cavalry here. I bet he won't dare to charge!" Zhang Shun laughed when he heard this.

Just as Zhang Shun expected, Zhang Dashou's cavalry was waiting behind the rebel formation. After hearing the order, he gave the order early and led his cavalry to appear on the right flank of the rebel army.

When Abatai saw this, he couldn't help but was stunned and immediately hesitated.

Now that the rebel infantry is selling their backs to themselves, it is the best opportunity for the Houjin Cavalry to launch a charge.

However, the appearance of the rebel cavalry made Abatai, who was originally thinking about "charge to the death", calm down.

It's great for cavalry to charge infantry from behind, but if cavalry is charged from behind, the fate may be worse than that of infantry.

what to do? what to do?

Abatai was immediately anxious, and for a moment he didn't know how to make a decision.

"Master Beile, if you keep cutting off, you will get messed up!" A Bao Yi couldn't stand it anymore, so he couldn't help but patted his horse and stepped forward to remind him.

"Yes, yes, we can divide the troops into two groups." Abatai suddenly realized after hearing this, and quickly reined in his horse and waved his whip.

"One is blocking the thieves for Ben Beile, and the other is charging forward with Ben Beile!"

It has to be said that Abate's sophistication is that he came up with the current exquisite countermeasures in a matter of seconds.

There are four thousand Hou Jin Jingqi under his command, and now they are divided into two groups, one with two thousand men and horses, which is fully capable of stopping the enemy from charging into the formation.

When Zhang Damou saw the golden flag moving, he wanted to divide his troops. Why didn't he understand Abatai's thoughts?

If it were Yang Chengzu's tribe today, Zhang Dasheng might not be able to respond quickly because of the fierce fighting all night long.

This was not the case for Zhang Damou, who was already in the army. His reputation was as high as "Chuang Xian" when he started the army, so he naturally had two brushes.

Last night, he successfully completed the task of besieging Wan Yan Yechen, defeated his army, captured his commander, and his morale was high. How could he be afraid of him?

Zhang Dameng couldn't help but sneer and said: "Jianlu divided his troops, and we also divided our troops. I can't do anything to measure him!"

Most of Zhang Dasheng's cavalry were elites who accompanied him throughout the four provinces of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan and Huguang.

If we talk about charging into battle, it may not be as good as Yang Chengzu's elite cavalry.

But if we talk about separation, reunion, and separation, how many people in the world can match his reputation as "the sky full of stars"?

The sky is full of stars, the sky is full of stars, it is not the stars that are separated and separated, but his star-filled cavalry.

When Zhang Da received an order, the cavalry under his command immediately split into two halves. Judging from their proficiency, they were even three points better than the latter's golden cavalry.

"Straight bitch, this guy is so slippery!" Abate couldn't help but cursed angrily, and then sent a cavalry group to challenge.

Zhang Damou didn't respond to the fight, and just sent the other half of his cavalry to fight.

When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we pursue them. They just refuse to engage in head-on combat.

Abatai led the other half of the cavalry, and just as he was about to charge at the rebel infantry, Zhang Damou unexpectedly led half of the cavalry to wander behind him. It would be useless for Abatai to fight, or not to fight.

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