Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1335 Death of Abate (Part 2)

Seeing the "stars all over the sky", Zhang Damou scattered his cavalry like stars all over the sky, separating and reuniting, erratic, which immediately put Abate in a dilemma.

"What a thief, are you competing with me for horse power? Ben Beile would like to see how many war horses you can build!" Abate sneered and couldn't help but get angry.

He simply ordered his cavalry to deal with Zhang Dameng's troops and no longer prepared to charge the rebel infantry.

It turns out that this method of riding and traveling depends most on horse power. Strong horse power makes you strong, and weak horse power makes you weak.

Zhang Damou's cavalry had already fought a battle with Wanyan Yechen's tribe last night. Their horse power was damaged, and because the rebels had few horses and had not been replaced, they could not last long.

Abatai was a veteran general with many horses in Liaodong, and his cavalry had one person, two horses or even three horses, so he was confident that he would have the upper hand in the battle.

However, the winner of this battle between the two sides does not lie in this, but in the competition for fighter planes.

If the rebels could form defensive formations in time during the short period of time when the two sides were fighting, Abatay would naturally have no chance to take advantage of him.

If the power of Zhang Da's troops is exhausted and the rebels have not had time to adjust their formation, the consequences will naturally be disastrous.

Not to mention the entanglement between Abatai and Zhang Damou, let us say that Zhaode General Zhang Fengyi received the military order and rushed to the formation early.

Today, Zhang Fengyi is really like "old trees sprout new branches, and dead trees spring again". Her family and career are blossoming, and she has been living in high spirits recently.

Zhang Shun had just asked her to lead the white pole soldiers to form a formation to resist the Jin Jingqi, but Zhang Fengyi was not afraid of the backlash.

It turned out that she knew that she was older than the other girls and that she was "fading with age" and that it would be difficult for her to compete for favors. The only people she relied on were the tens of thousands of soldiers with white poles, so she couldn't help but not be careful.

Now that the situation is critical, Zhang Shun can think of himself first, which somewhat shows that his status is extraordinary.

If he can make another military exploit today, even if he gets old and falls out of favor in the future, he will still have something to rely on.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fengyi looked at the white pole soldiers in the formation and couldn't help shouting: "Jiujiao white pole soldiers, do you still remember the blood feud in Hunhe River in the past?"

Most of Zhang Fengyi's white-armed soldiers were from Sichuan soldiers and chieftains from Shizhu and Youyang. In the Battle of Hunhe River, three thousand white-armed soldiers were killed in a bloody battle. As a result, almost every household in the Sichuan Guard Station and the chieftains of Youyang and Shizhu were covered with linen. Dai Xiao.

Most of the people who died in the war were uncles and brothers of the Baigan soldiers under Zhang Fengyi's command. Naturally, the two sides had a blood feud that was unforgettable.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and couldn't help but loudly responded: "I don't dare to forget it for even a moment!"

"Liaodong is bitter, Liaodong is cold, just because the old slaves rebelled at the border!" Zhang Fengyi heard this and saw that her morale could be used, she couldn't help but burst out in a tragic song, "The children of Shu are five thousand miles away from home, and they have built captives to surround me by the Shichong Hun River."

"Russian war drums are beating again, and the bandits' cavalry are once again setting foot on the camp."

"The dead soldiers of Manchuria are like iron towers, and the Manchurian war horses are made of iron. Made of iron, there is no mercy. The mountains are overturned like the sea is boiling, and the earth is shattering and the mountains are cracking."

"Everything in the world changes color, but I am the only soldier with a white pole."

"Soldiers with white poles and soldiers with rock, they are unwavering in their resolve despite the roar of mountains and tsunami, spreading their blood all over Liaodong."

"All three thousand of my sons are dead, and I will live up to my son's name of loyalty."

Zhang Fengyi finished her song, but she saw that the white-poled soldiers under her command were already excited and wanted to kill the enemy to avenge them.

Then she shouted loudly: "In the past, the soldiers with white poles spilled blood on the battlefield without losing their loyalty. Today, the soldiers with white poles meet their old enemies again. How can they turn a blind eye and let their enemies walk away?"

"Revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge!" As soon as Zhang Fengyi finished speaking, the white-pole soldiers couldn't help but shout loudly.

"Okay, listen to my general's orders. With my white-poled soldiers at the front, I swear not to let Jianlu get even one step closer." Seeing that her morale was at a loss, she calmly ordered.

"The first, second, and third divisions are arrayed on the right wing to protect the main formation. The fourth and fifth divisions serve as surprise troops and can attack at any time with me."

"Commander Luo Shangwen will lead another five divisions of troops to line up behind the formation. If Jianlu rides up, he will occupy them. If Jianlu does not come, he will follow orders. Anyone who disobeys the order will not blame this general for being merciless!"

"I have the order!" The white-pole soldiers were full of momentum. They all responded after hearing the words, and then headed towards their respective positions in an orderly manner.

Zhang Fengyi also followed his 3,000 white pole soldiers to the right wing of the rebel army, standing ready to prevent Abatai's cavalry from charging into the formation.

However, Zhang Fengyi deployed the white pole soldiers very quickly, and Xu Quan's speed of deploying the fire gunmen could not be much slower.

I saw the white pole soldiers forming up on the right flank of the rebel army. Xu Quanzhao led two thousand fire gunners into three columns and lined up quickly on the right side of the white pole soldiers.

"Look forward, turn right!" I saw Xu Quan shouting a familiar chant, and the gunmen under his command quickly aligned the queue, and then turned to the right in unison, forming a three-row firing array. The cloth is ready.

While Fengyi and Xu Quan were forming up in an orderly manner, the artillery battalion commander Li Shian was also beating his mount desperately, dragging the heavy field artillery and golden cannon towards the front of the formation.

The "Flying Iron Cannon" showed its superiority in deployment at critical moments.

If it were the artillerymen of the Ming and Jin Dynasties, those Hongyi cannons of the same caliber would take a day and a half to deploy, so they were generally difficult to use in night battles.

"Zhi Niang thief, how come the 'Shun thief' formed the formation so quickly?" Abatecai and Zhang Damou's cavalry struggled for more than ten rounds. He saw the rebel mounts panting and saw victory right in front of them.

Unexpectedly, in this moment, the rebel army had already deployed white pole soldiers and fire gunners on the right wing facing the threat.

If we delay for a moment longer, I'm afraid the rebel army's "Hongyi Cannon" will also be deployed in front of the formation.

"No, we can't go on like this!" Abatai, who has been through battle for a long time, suddenly realized that the situation was not good.

"Master Beile, what should I do?" Bao Yi beside him was also frightened and asked involuntarily.

"Although the infantry is fast, how can it be faster than my four-legged cavalry?" Abatai couldn't help but sneered when he saw this, "Listen to my order, the whole battalion takes turns to change horses, then get rid of the rogue cavalry, follow me around the right wing, until Run after him!"

The Art of War says: Do not attack a dignified formation without a flag that invites righteousness!

I, Rao Yubeile Abata, am not a fool. How can I possibly rush over to you when you are arrayed in front?

If you prepare for the front, you will be few at the back; if you prepare for the back, you will be few at the front.

If you are prepared for the left, you will be few on the right; if you are prepared for the right, you will be few on the left.

If you are prepared for everything, you will be prepared for everything.

I am a cavalryman. I have the right to choose to attack or not to attack. I also have the right to choose to attack here or attack there.

How can I let a young person like you lead me by the nose?

"Abatai is indeed a veteran!" Just when Abatai adjusted his strategy and prepared to take a detour to attack the back of the rebels, Zhang Shunzhao stood on the observation car and saw clearly.

"It's a pity that he doesn't know that there are choices, but he has to choose!"

"Your Highness, what do you say?" Gao Qiqian looked at the weak formation of Luo Shang's Wenbu and asked strangely.

Although Luo Shangwen's men were also elite soldiers, based on Gao Qiqian's many years of military experience, he judged that they were completely insufficient to withstand Houjin Jingqi's charge.

"Look at that, and that!" Zhang Shun smiled and pointed at Gao Qiqian, "Hit more with less, just to bully others!"

Gao Qiqian looked in the direction of Zhang Shun's finger and saw that Yang Chengzu's cavalry, which was originally located on the left wing of the rebel army, had already mobilized and was heading towards the rear of the rebel army.

However, Li Shi'an's artillery battalion, which had been desperately moving closer to the left wing, now rushed to Luo Shangwen's formation, clearly intending to deploy the artillery in the white pole formation.

"This" Gao Qiqian originally said how smart Zhang Shun used his troops this time, but he didn't expect him to be such a "rogue".

"Bullying the few with more, relying on the strong to bully the weak, is the right way of war!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun seemed to have seen Gao Qiqian's thoughts and couldn't help but explain.

"In the art of military use, when you attack three to seven, you must use surprise; when you attack five or five, you must risk your life; when you attack seven or three, you only need to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, and the layout is watertight, and you are sure of it nine times out of ten. This is the ultimate art of war."

"Well, I'd like to learn from you!" Gao Qiqian was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly remembered that in the Ming Dynasty and Liaodong battles in the past years, he had suffered repeated defeats. Every time he was defeated by a small number of captives, he was missing someone as steady and steady as Zhang Shun. A person who is watertight?

I'm really sorry. I originally thought that Abate would be dead in three chapters, but the author didn't expect that he still refused to die. I'm really sorry, he will definitely die in the next chapter!

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