Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1339 Going to Fenzhou

"Boom, boom, boom!" The artillery on Xiguan City kept flashing with fire, spitting out deadly projectiles, which made the defenders of Fenzhou Fucheng unable to raise their heads.

A guard on Fenzhou City, using half of the broken female wall as cover, secretly stretched out half of his head and took a look down at the city.

But I saw the "submissive thieves" under the city holding torches and lanterns, illuminating the night as if it were day.

Looking from a distance, a group of siege teams were rushing toward Fenzhou City like fire dragons.

Some of them were three or two people pushing a pointed wooden donkey, some seven or eight people were carrying a long ladder, some more than a dozen people were pushing a construction truck, and some thirty or fifty people were pushing it together. Holding a ladder.

All kinds of siege equipment are available.

"How is it?" When the guard saw it, he quickly crept over and asked.

"It's so tough that I can hold on!" The health worker quickly retracted his head when he heard this, and shook his head with a look of fear on his face.

In fact, needless to say, the guard general knew his own family affairs and knew that Fenzhou City could not be defended.

It turns out that although Fenzhou City is located in the hinterland of Shanxi Province, it also controls the mountains and rivers, elbowing Qin and Jin.

During the Warring States period, Qin and Zhao were in stalemate and often competed here; Zhou and Qi fought for victory between He and Fen, and the counties were often attacked by soldiers.

In fact, if it were not for the small number of troops in Shanxi, the Ming army would only need to station one battalion in Fenzhou Fucheng to threaten the north-south passage along the Fen River. Then Zhang Shun would not dare to lead the army northward rashly.

Therefore, after Zhang Shun went north, he ordered Zhang Sanbai, the left commander of the Northern Route Army, to lead more than 10,000 troops to attack Fenzhou Fucheng with all his strength.

It's just that although this Fenzhou capital is not comparable to important towns such as Taiyuan, Datong and Xuanfu, it is still very important.

It turns out that Fenzhou's capital city is quite unique. It is a rare "five-linked city", that is, the main city is defended by four gates in the southeast, northwest, and northwest.

At the same time, because the main city is in the middle and is defended by the four cities, it looks like a blooming lotus, so it is also called the "Lotus City".

Of course, the reason why Fenzhou City was designed with such a structure was not to be innovative, but to strengthen the defensive function of the city.

The four gates of this city protect each other and serve as horns for each other.

If one place is attacked, the other four places will try their best to support it, so it is the most difficult to conquer.

This is also the main reason why Zhang Sanbai and Zhang Fengyi, with a combined force of 20,000 troops, failed to capture the enemy after a long battle.

Until Tang Tong came north, the two sides agreed to attack the rebels from both inside and outside.

Unexpectedly, although the rebels were tight on the front line, they had 20,000 troops on the back line, and they were immediately beaten with blood on their faces.

Not only was Tang Tong severely defeated, Zhang Sanbai also took the opportunity to capture Xiguan, thus breaking the "five connected cities" layout of Fenzhou City.

Although Xiguan City is only three miles away, it is also very important to the main city of Fenzhou City.

If Fenzhou City is compared to the human body, then the main city is the human torso and Siguan City is the limbs.

Now that Fenzhou City has lost Xiguan, it is like a person with a limp. How can it be convenient?

After the "shun thieves" captured Xiguan, they attacked fiercely for three to five days. The defenders on the city had already suffered a lot of damage and their morale was low. How could they withstand the "thieves" who were like wolves and tigers?

"What's going on outside the city?" Just as the officer and the guard were looking at each other, suddenly the voices of the Fenzhou magistrate and the Fenzhou guard commander rang out from the city.

When they heard the sound, they turned around and saw the prefect and the commander, surrounded by people, hiding in the tower asking questions.

"Thieves and thieves are launching a massive attack!" the guard shouted at the top of his lungs.

"What, what did you say?" At that time, the rebel army fired artillery, and the sound of the artillery was so booming that the prefect and the commander could not hear clearly.

"I said, hey, I'd better go over and report!" the guard yelled halfway. Seeing the rebel artillery listening, he couldn't help but change his mind and simply trot over to report the military situation in person.

However, it didn't matter that he ran away. Zhang Sanbai, who was standing in the Xiguan City watchtower opposite, had a clear view.

Zhang Sanbai saw a guard passing by the light of the fire and heading straight to the tower. He couldn't help but said: "Looking at his appearance, he looks like a general."

"Who is worthy of this general going all the way to greet him in person? Could it be that he is a big fish?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanbai's mind suddenly moved and he couldn't help but ask: "How many cannons are still waiting to be fired?"

"There are still three field cannons, three golden cannons, and ten flying guns ready to go!" After hearing this, the left and right people reported quickly.

"Okay, have you seen it?" Zhang Sanbai pointed at the tower opposite and ordered, "Aim all the artillery at this building and hit me hard."

"No!" After receiving the order, the messengers were dispatched to the artillery positions in a hurry.

Not long after, only a blast of cannon was heard, and then there was an explosion from the tower opposite.

It was late at night, and the lights outside were dark. Zhang Sanbai couldn't see clearly. He didn't know what the outcome of the battle would be, so he ordered the siege team to continue the attack.

The rebels have attacked Fenzhou Prefecture many times and have already practiced it well.

The Xiguan City side continued to provide artillery suppression, and the siege team went up and down vertical ladders, bumping into doors and digging into walls. Everything unfolded in an orderly manner.

By the firelight, Zhang Sanbai looked quite satisfied.

He couldn't help but nodded and said to his left and right: "When Lin Cheng's troops climb the city wall and the two sides are fighting inextricably, we can order Li Wanqing, Zhang Tianlin and Guan Fumin to launch an attack together to seize the three passes in the southeast, north, and south."

It turns out that the reason why Zhang Sanbai ordered the night siege this time was actually to deceive others, and the real purpose was to seize the other three gates outside Fenzhou Prefecture.

Once the other gates are captured, the main city of Fenzhou, which was originally guarded by the four gates, will become a dead place besieged by the four gates. Then the fall of the city will be a matter of time.

While Zhang Sanbai was having a sweet dream, he never expected that there would be a sudden noise in the city opposite, and someone suddenly shouted: "The city has fallen, the city has fallen!"

At first, Zhang Sanbai didn't care at all.

At the beginning of the siege, the rebels had not adopted similar methods, and the results were not ideal.

It turns out that Fenzhou City was the residence of the two royal palaces of King Qingcheng and King Yonghe of the Jin vassal of the Ming Dynasty.

Because in the fourth year of Chongzhen's reign, the Shaanxi rebel army crossed the Yellow River eastward and besieged Fenzhou Prefecture, the two Ming princes had long heard of the "prestige of the rebel army."

For this reason, a lot of real money and silver were poured out to reward the soldiers, so many people died in the service.

In addition, the Fenzhou City was high and the city was deep, with five cities connected, so it was difficult for the rebels to conquer it in a short time.

Now, although Zhang Sanbai heard that Hou Jin's soldiers were "fleeing south", because he had more troops under his command, he was still confident that he could capture Fenzhou City first while blocking Hou Jin's soldiers.

However, just when Zhang Sanbai was busy with his thoughts, he never thought of attacking the main city of Fenzhou. The number of moralist soldiers was increasing, and for a while he felt overwhelmed.

"No, is this going to win?" Although Zhang Sanbai is not as experienced as Zhang Shun, as a veteran, he immediately judged the current situation.

He couldn't help but follow the current and quickly ordered: "If you order Lin Chong to work hard at one go, you may not be able to conquer this city."

"Zhang Tianlin, Dang Shousu and Guan Fumin immediately launched a general offensive and captured the three gates in the southeast, north and south of Fenzhou in one go. There must be no mistakes!"

After spending one night like this, on the next morning, Zhang Sanbai strode into the main city of Fenzhou, stepping on the moat that had already been filled in.

The previously indescribable King Qingcheng, King Yonghe and their wives, concubines, and members of the clan were all tied up and kneeling on both sides to welcome the new owner of the city.

"Where are the Fenzhou magistrate and the commander?" Zhang Sanbai walked up to King Qingcheng and King Yonghe. After searching for a long time, there was no sign of the other two, so he couldn't help but ask.

"They're all... all dead!" King Qingcheng, who was older, bravely replied.

"Oh? How did you die?" Zhang Sanbai felt strange and couldn't help but ask.

"Last...last night the two of them went to the tower to check the military situation. No...unexpectedly, a burst of artillery struck, and they were killed on the spot..." King Qingcheng said, shaking like chaff.

"Oh!" Zhang Sanbai suddenly remembered the burst of artillery fired at the tower last night, and nodded in realization.

"Very well, what's your name?"

"I...I'm Zhu Qiupei..." Of course King Qingcheng knew that Zhang Sanbai was not asking him to show off his identity by asking him this question, so he couldn't help but answer honestly.

"Ask for a crotch? Want a wheel?" Zhang Sanbai looked at him strangely and couldn't help but praise, "What a name!"

King Qingcheng and King Yonghe were shocked when they heard this. They kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Now that we are over fifty, we cannot afford to be a general and make such a joke..."

In fact, Zhang Sanbai actually made a joke to scare these royal nobles.

In most cases, he can still uphold Zhang Shun's "benevolence and righteousness" and has no intention of killing.

Just when Zhang Sanbai was about to order these people to be detained temporarily, a soldier hurried over and reported to him in a low voice: "Urgent information, there is a merchant named Fan who colluded with the Donglu and secretly opened the Jiexiu City. The door should be closed inside and outside.”

"Guardian Wang Sheng was caught off guard and was captured by thieves. The city has fallen."

"What?" Zhang Sanbai said that his arrangements were perfect, and he never expected that such an incident would happen.

From this point of view, these people must not be allowed to stay!

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but sneered at King Qingcheng, Yonghe Wang Yigan and others: "Who is kidding you?"

"You dare to resist the heavenly soldiers and you will not be punished. Come here, chop these two princes surnamed Zhu and several princes and grandsons together as a warning to others!"

"Ah? You can't do this, you can't do this!" King Qingcheng and King Yonghe replied that it was Zhang Shun Renyi, and they would definitely be able to get through this time.

Who would have thought that this time an unreasonable one would come up and chop the two of them down.

At this point, the two of them were so frightened that they urinated and urinated, and they shouted: "I have wives, concubines, and princesses at home. They are good-looking, elegant, and virtuous. Please let me go, general. I am willing to dedicate them all to the rebel army and to His Highness King Shun." …”

It was okay if the two people didn't say this. Once they said this, it immediately strengthened Zhang Sanbai's murderous intention.

Zhang Sanbai said in his heart: "My sister was the first to follow King Shun, but now she has been favored by these charming people who don't know where they came from."

"My brother-in-law is a lecherous man. If he chooses a few more people, wouldn't I be asking for trouble?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but sneer and said: "Okay, if you dare to humiliate King Shun with rouge and vulgar powder, and also secretly ridicule his lechery, his heart is to be punished, which is intolerable!"

"Kill quickly, kill quickly!"

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