Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1340 Fan Family

"Xiao Shan, why are you back?" Azige sat in Jiexiu Yamen and asked the young man who sat down and bowed his head.

At this moment, the blood in Jiexiu Yamen has not dried up yet, and is still filled with the strong smell of blood.

However, the young man "Xiao Shan" didn't care at all. Instead, he nodded and bowed: "I heard that the master is coming to my hometown, how can I dare to neglect you?"

"I asked my brother to take care of Zhangjiakou affairs for the time being, and I quickly returned to my ancestral home."

"Good slave!" Azig couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction after hearing this, couldn't help but praise, and then asked,

"By the way, how is the military situation nearby?"

"Xiao Shan" was overjoyed to receive Azige's praise, and quickly reported: "The slaves heard that the 'Shun thieves' were attacking Fenzhou Prefecture, so they mobilized a large army. The nearby Xiaoyi, Pingyao, and Qi Both the county and Lingshi are garrisoned."

"Approximately how many people are there?" Azige was stunned when he heard this. Why was this completely different from the "empty hinterland" he imagined.

"When the 'Shun Bandits' stormed the Fenzhou Prefecture, they claimed to have 20,000 troops. Later, there were many transfers, coming in and out, and they couldn't be all good at the same time. In my humble opinion, it should be about 20,000 men!" "Then "Xiao Shan" responded quickly.

It turns out that "Xiao Shan" is none other than Fan Yongdou, the leader of the eight Shanxi merchants who traded with Houjin.

Contrary to what most people imagine, such a profiteer is not a cunning old man, but a young man in his twenties.

It is true that if you have ambitions, you will not grow old, and if you have no ambitions, you will live a hundred years in vain.

"Twenty thousand people?" Azige frowned when he heard this, and couldn't help turning his head to Yangguli and said, "In this case, we must capture Lingshi and Huozhou as soon as possible and break into Pingyang Mansion."

Although if it is a field battle, even if the "Shun Thief" has 20,000 troops, Azig may not be afraid of him.

But now that he is leading an army deep into the enemy's hinterland, he is naturally worried about being entangled, and then mobilizes an army to suppress it.

When Yang Guli heard this, he couldn't help but nodded in agreement and said, "What the prince said is true!"

"There's just one more thing that needs to be solved by Fan Yishi, otherwise disaster is imminent."

"I don't know what's going on?" Before Azig could speak, Fan Yongdou couldn't help but ask.

"As the saying goes: Before the soldiers and horses move, food and grass go first. Our army came from afar, and abandoned the food and grass and baggage to travel twice as long. Now the army is short of food and grass, what can we do?" Yangguli said with a smile.

"This" Fan Yongdou couldn't help but ponder upon hearing this.

The food and fodder needed by these 20,000 people is naturally not a small amount, otherwise the northern part of Taiyuan would not have been almost completely plundered by the Hou Jin Dynasty, and they had to abandon the camp and go deep into the belly of the rebel army.

Jiexiu County alone, even if it digs three feet of ground, may not be able to support Hou Jin's 20,000 troops.

"Actually, I actually have a way, but it's just too immoral." Fan Yongdou hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but say.

"Is it immoral?" Before Fan Yongdou could finish his words, Azige couldn't help but said sarcastically, "Colluding with foreigners and betraying compatriots. Is there anything more immoral in the world than this?"

"In the way of doing business, the first priority is loyalty, and the second is sincerity." Unexpectedly, Fan Yongdou said seriously, "Loyalty is not about the family, the country, the world, but the food, clothing, parents and ears."

"The Qing Dynasty has treated me very well, and I cannot repay one-tenth of it without being shattered into pieces. How can I be classified?"

"Believers, once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow."

"For example, if I agree to the King of Khan and open the city to welcome the Qing soldiers, how can I change it even if I have to live thousands of miles away, die, and destroy my family?"

When Azige heard this, he was stunned and immediately stood in awe. He quickly apologized to Fan Yongdou and said, "I made a mistake, and I ask Xiao Shan to forgive me!"

Although Prince Azige of Yingwu County is rough and reckless, he is not a fool.

Of course he knew that such a dog slave who eats the inside and outside is rare in the world and hard to find in the world.

How could his "loyalty" be undermined by their verbal quarrel?

When Fan Yongdou saw that his "master" treated him so well, he couldn't help but burst into tears of gratitude. He had already forgotten about the remaining half of his conscience, and hurriedly bowed back and said: "Thousands of mistakes are all the fault of the slave. How dare you ask the master to apologize?"

"The slave's method is quite simple. There are many merchants in Jiexiu County, including the Wang family of Dayin Village, the Ji family of Nanjin Village and the Hou family of Beijia Village. They are no less wealthy than slaves."

"If the prince can get help from him, he will be able to get thousands of troops. Why worry about insufficient food and salary?"

"Okay!" Azig couldn't help but shout when he heard this, and said with his hands, "In this case, I will lead 3,000 people to attack the spirit stone; I will lead 500 people to raise food and grass."

"The others will rest for the night with me, and then go meet the 'thief general' tomorrow morning."

"This is it!" How could Fan Yongdou not know? With Azige's order, the fate of the Wang, Ji, and Hou families who were equally famous as his own could be imagined.

Whether you say he is hypocritical and hypocritical, or you say he is "a treacherous person who appears to be loyal, and a sycophantic person who appears to be trustworthy", seeing that the three families of Wang, Ji, and Hou, who are quite similar to his own in terms of strength, are about to be destroyed, it is inevitable that rabbits will die and foxes will be hurt by things. feel.

Not to mention what happened to Yangu Li, Jiexiu City was already in chaos when Azig issued a military order.

After Mandarhan received the military order, he quickly organized his troops and horses, and selected hundreds of mounts with better physical strength from the war horses. Then, under the leadership of Fan Yongdou, he left Jiexiu City and went straight to the three families of Wang, Ji, and Hou.

"Among the three families of Wang, Ji and Hou, the Wang family is the richest, and their home is twenty miles south of Jiexiu City!" After leaving Jiexiu City, Fan Yongdou quickly asked Mandarhan in Manchu.

"The Ji and Hou families are in the north of the city, with distances ranging from thirty to forty miles respectively. I wonder where we should go first?"

"Slaughter the fat ones first, then the thin ones, go to the Wang family first!" Mandarhan, who did not understand Chinese, replied in Manchu.

"Okay, sir, let's go this way!" Fan Yongdou pointed in the direction quickly, then got on his horse and led the way for the Jin soldiers behind him.

The Mandarhan didn't say anything when he heard this. He just gave an order, and the five hundred golden soldiers under his command got on their horses and ran all the way south.

Just when Mandarhan, Fan Yongdou and others were getting on their horses, someone was violently banging on the gate of the Wang family compound more than 20 miles away.

"You are a bitch, what are you yelling about in the middle of the night?" The disciple cursed dissatisfiedly after hearing this.

"It's urgent. I want to see the master, I want to see the master!" The man heard someone responding and shouted loudly.

"Okay, okay, you know it!" The doorman quickly put on his clothes, opened the door, and welcomed the visitor into the courtyard.

"Sir, the Tatars have invaded Jiexiu City, and even our tea shop has been looted!" The man entered the Wang family compound and cried quickly when he saw Mr. Wang.

It turns out that the Jiexiu Wang family is also extraordinary. Like the three families of Fan, Ji and Hou, they are all "traveling merchants in Mongolia".

However, unlike the Fan family, which switched to gold business, the Wang, Ji, and Hou families specialized in tea business in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

This business started from the Ji family in Nanjintun. During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, their family developed a thousand-mile tea ceremony that started from Wuyi Mountain in Fujian, China, and ended in St. Petersburg, Moscow.

The total length of this 10,000-mile tea route is 14,000 kilometers, and tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of teas are traded every year. It is not something that one family can monopolize.

Therefore, such a big family is far superior to ordinary traditional families in terms of organization and intelligence.

Although Azige and Fan Yongdou planned carefully, they never expected that Wang would get the news in time.

"Oh?" The head of the Wang family couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, and quickly ordered, "Let the little ones get up quickly, close the courtyard door, and get swords, guns and cannons to be on guard!"

It is also strange that when the Shanxi rebels entered the Jin Dynasty, they looted, burned and killed all the way. The Wang family, which had suffered a long time ago, was in a state of panic and everything was in danger.

"Yes, I'll do it right away!" After hearing this, the housekeeper quickly shouted and called for someone to go.

The Wang family's business is so big, so it is naturally extraordinary.

The tea leaves were transported for more than ten thousand miles along the way, and the places they passed were nomadic lands known for their plundering habits, so guard protection was naturally indispensable.

In addition to the bodyguards hired from outside, the Wang family naturally forges weapons in private and has a group of good hands.

As for the Wang Family Courtyard, even though it is called a courtyard, it is actually a castle within a castle.

Not only is the rammed earth courtyard wall two feet high, there is only one gate into the courtyard, and moats are dug on all sides. Even the alleys in the courtyard are designed in a T-shape.

Therefore, even in the face of the ferocious Donglu, Mr. Wang was determined to defend himself.

"By the way, send a few more people to notify the Ji family and the Hou family respectively, and select a few confidants to ride fast horses to ask for help from Lingshi and Xiaoyi's King Shun soldiers!" Mr. Wang warned again.

"Master!" The Wang family housekeeper was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but remind him, "In this case, our Wang family will be tied to King Shun."

When doing business, you should pay attention to personal harmony to make money, and generally do not mix politics easily, otherwise Lu Buwei will learn from the past.

"You don't mix in, but others want to mix in. Not only do you want to mix in, but they also come to kill you and chop you up. Do we have to sit back and wait for death?" Mr. Wang said coldly, "It was Fan Yongdou who broke the rules first!"

It turns out that this Jiexiu Wang family is the Wang family that cast silver winter melons in Zhang Shun's previous TV series "The Qiao Family Courtyard". It cannot be said that they are as rich as the country, but they are also richest.

The reason why Fan Yongdou led Hou Jinbing to these three families was because he coveted their business of selling to the Far West.

Mr. Wang understood clearly that as soon as this incident came out, there was no room for relaxation between the two parties, and naturally they had to fight to the death.

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