Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1342 Marching East

"Ah, ah!" The sky was already dark, but the screams from Fenzhou Fucheng were still endless.

"How's it going? How's the killing going?" Zhang Sanbai had a cold, handsome face with a murderous look on his face.

"The direct lineage of the two kings Qingcheng and Yonghe have been almost killed, leaving only the old, weak, women and children, who can't make a difference..." Hearing this, Lin Chengcheng hurriedly stepped forward to report.

"We can't keep women and children, not even the old and the weak!" Zhang Sanbai sneered when he heard this.

"Zhu has been domineering in Fenzhou City for two to three hundred years, so he has been given an advantage!"

"This... general takes orders!" Lin Chengcheng was stunned when he heard this and quickly lowered his head.

It turns out that the city of Fenzhou Prefecture has been multiplied by the descendants of the two princes Qingcheng and Yonghe. Now, seven out of ten people in the city are actually descendants of the Zhu family.

Now that Zhang Sanbai heard that something happened in Jiexiu City, he was eager to lead his army to fight. He was afraid that Fenzhou City would be attacked again, so he couldn't help but have murderous intentions.

If Zhang Sanbai had his way, he would just kill all the princes and grandsons in the city.

The first is to deter the unruly people, and the second is to permanently eliminate future troubles. This is the right thing to do.

However, according to Zhang Shun's temperament, if he really sat down to massacre the city, I am afraid that even his sister Ma Yingniang would not be able to save him.

After weighing the two sides, Zhang Sanbai had no choice but to order the massacre of Zhu's direct descendants and the elderly people with higher prestige to prevent Zhu from starting another rebellion.

"Zhang Shuai..." Seeing Zhang Sanbai being so bold, Zhang Tianlin couldn't help but remind her, "If His Highness knows about this matter, I'm afraid... there might be something wrong, right?"

"There is nothing wrong!" Zhang Sanbai shook his head when he heard this and said, "I have written the manuscript overnight. I will send someone to Taiyuan to apologize to King Shun."

"Just keep it in your heart, and I will be responsible for all consequences."

"This...if that's the case, Zhang Shuai shouldn't blame me for reporting the truth to King Shun." Zhang Tianlin smiled bitterly upon hearing this and couldn't help but responded.

Although Zhang Shun was a kind and righteous man, he enforced the law very strictly.

Zhang Sanbai's boldness this time certainly impressed Zhang Tianlin and others, but it was absolutely impossible for them to "collude and collude" with him.

Of course Zhang Sanbai knew what they were thinking, but he didn't care.

In this world, there is black and white, and there is benevolence and cruelty.

As the leader of a party, Zhang Shun faces all kinds of enemies with no bottom line. How can he survive alone?

Therefore, if you want him to maintain his image of benevolence and righteousness, someone must do some "dirty work" for him.

Although Zhang Shun never had such thoughts, Zhang Sanbai already knew this.

He couldn't help but secretly said to the direction of Taiyuan: "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, if it is inconvenient for you to do, let me do it; if it is inconvenient for you to kill people, let me kill them."

"You just be the benevolent and righteous King Shun, and I will be my cruel general."

"I just hope you won't be hypocritical and go back to burning bridges."

Not long after, the "old and weak" were also dealt with. Zhang Sanbai personally inspected them one by one before giving the order: "The two battalions of Zhang Tianlin and Lin Chenggong contributed the most force last night. The soldiers were tired and could not move quickly, so they stayed behind in Fenzhou. "

"With Zhang Tianlin as the leader, he will be stationed in the main city, and Lin Yang as his assistant, he will be stationed in Dongguan City. The remaining three passes will be allocated on their own depending on the strength of the troops."

"The rest of the people will immediately turn their horses with me to the east to meet the Donglu soldiers."

Following Zhang Sanbai's order, the rebels near Fenzhou City began to get busy.

In this Eastern Expedition, Zhang Sanbai also had two generals, Lin Chengcheng and Guan Fumin, in addition to his headquarters Biaoying.

Later, in order to deal with the Azige tribe, Zhang Shun handed over to him all the eight battalions of Zhang Tianlin, Dang Shousu, Zhang Rukui, Chen Jitai, Wang Sheng, Zhang Ding, Lu Xiangguan, and Li Wanqing who were going north to support Taiyuan.

Among the eleven battalions of eight plus three groups, Zhang Ding was stationed in Qixian, Dang Shousu was stationed in Pingyao, Wang Sheng was stationed in Jiexiu, Lu Xiangguan was stationed in Lingshi, and the two troops left behind by Chen Jitai and Zhang Damhou were Thousands of soldiers were stationed in Huozhou, and Zhang Rukui's troops were stationed in Xiaoyi.

The remaining four troops, Zhang Tianlin, Lin Chengcheng, Guan Fumin and Li Wanqing, together with Zhang Sanbai, besieged Fenzhou Prefecture.

It is said that Zhang Sanbai left Fenzhou and arrived at Xiaoyi that afternoon.

Xiaoyi County is located in the southwest corner of the Taiyuan Basin and at the eastern foot of the middle section of the Luliang Mountains. It borders Fenyang to the north, Lingshi to the south, and Jiexiu across the river to the east. According to the current situation of both parties, the strategic position is extremely important.

"How's it going? How's the situation?" Seeing that Xiaoyi was still in Zhang Rukui's hands, Zhang Sanbai breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"The Donglu occupied Jiexiu City and took the opportunity to go south to attack Lingshi." Upon hearing this, Zhang Rukui quickly reported.

"However, due to the blockage of Wang Sheng's troops who retreated to Lingshikou, there has been no progress for the time being."

"In addition, in the morning, the Wang family of Dajinzhuang sent an envoy to report that they were besieged by Donglu. The situation is still unknown."

"Wang family?" Zhang Sanbai had never heard of this name and couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"Well, it is said that the four families of Fan, Wang, Ji and Hou are wealthy businessmen in Jiexiu." Zhang Rukui couldn't help but explain, "I guess the Tatars are greedy for wealth, so they attacked and killed them."

"No!" Zhang Sanbai was moved in his heart and couldn't help but shook his head and said, "No matter how greedy the Tatars are, they should not act like this in our territory."

If the rebel army was defeated at the first touch and was vulnerable to a blow, perhaps Azig would be arrogant and not take himself and others seriously.

Now that his tribe was defeated by King Shun outside Taiyuan City and was forced to go south, how could he be so arrogant?

"By the way, is the Fan merchant who opened the city gate one of these four families?" Zhang Sanbai pondered for a moment and couldn't help but ask.

"Zhang Shuai Mingjian, it is this Fan family!" Zhang Rukui responded quickly when he heard this, and then asked for credit,

"By the way, after getting the information about the Donglu going south, the general has already collected all the ships on both sides of the Fen River, and sent people to guard Luowangzhuang, Huojiabao and Qiaotou Village. , beware of the captives from east to west."

"Oh? Well done!" Zhang Sanbai nodded and praised, "I will take credit for you later."

Of course, if this is a credit, it can be considered as barely.

If it is not credit, it is nothing.

It turns out that since the rebels moved north, seventy-eight of the boats traveling in the Fen River have been owned by the rebels.

The remaining 20 to 30% were mostly small boats used for crossing rivers and fishing, and most of them had been requisitioned by the rebels.

Therefore, despite what Rukui said sounds nice, it is actually just pushing the boat along.

Later, Zhang Sanbai called Wang's envoy and inquired carefully to further understand the situation in Jiexiu County.

He then said seriously to the generals: "Now King Shun is leading the army to conquer the front line, and he has entrusted me with the important tasks in the rear."

"In my opinion, we cannot just sit back and watch the Eastern invaders conquer the East and the West, and stand firm."

"I intend to cross the Fen River tonight and threaten Jiexiu City in order to save the three families of Wang, Ji, Hou and Lingshikou. What do you think?"

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