Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1343 Courtyard

"Kill, kill!"

"Bang, bang!"

The sound of fighting and gunfire echoed outside the window. Wang Xie, the head of the Jiexiu Wang family, walked around the house anxiously, and was helpless for a moment.

"Master!" At this moment, the door creaked open. Wang Xie looked up and saw that it was his most trusted butler who came in.

"How's it going? How's it going outside?" Wang Xie calmed down and asked hurriedly.

"The situation is not good!" The old housekeeper shook his head with a heavy face and said, "The main gate has been lost, and the second gate has been blown open by Jianlu. The guards and Ding Zhuang in the village are desperately resisting."

"However, Jianlu is wearing iron armor and is invulnerable to weapons and bullets. It is difficult to hit him."

"I just asked my nephew to get the oil and light the second passage. I can still guard it for a while and a half."

Having said this, the old housekeeper couldn't help but pause, and then said: "According to the old slave's opinion, the master of the house should escape from the tunnel as soon as possible."

"Although our hometown is lost, as long as the head of the family is still there, the family business in Zhangjiakou and the shops and workshops in various places are still there, sooner or later we can make a comeback."

"No, I can't swallow this!" Unexpectedly, Wang Xie interrupted the old housekeeper's suggestion and cursed loudly.

"The stubborn Fan Yongdou and the Tatars do not follow the rules. I will not be at odds with them this time!"

"Master, harmony makes money, harmony makes money!" The old housekeeper couldn't help but remind him after hearing this.

"Master, you are already a lot older, how can you still be the same as when you were young?"

"What do you know?" Wang Xie sneered when he heard this, "If we are robbed of our hometown by Fan Yongdou this time and admit defeat, which 'master' will dare to trust us in the future?"

"Don't look at our family's great business. How much of it belongs to us, and how much belongs to the 'masters'? You must also know in your heart!"

"We are other people's 'misers'. If we can't even keep this money, who would be willing to 'keep money'?"

It turns out that in the Ming Dynasty, although there were wealthy businessmen on the bright side, the interference of noble officials was indispensable behind the scenes.

If there is no backer, even if the family fortune is tens of millions, it cannot be maintained; if there is a backer, even a mediocre person can start from scratch.

Although this Wang family is apparently engaged in his own business, in fact, like several other merchants, he is just a "trustee".

It's just that the three families of Wang, Ji, and Hou are the holders of the Ming Dynasty, and the Fan family is the holder of the Hou Jin, that's all.

For the Wang family, although they can survive losing their hometown in Jiexiu, they cannot explain the losses to the people behind them.

"This..." The old housekeeper was silent for a moment after hearing this, and he couldn't help but said hesitantly, "Actually... Actually, I have a few words in my heart. I don't know whether to say it or not?"

"You shouldn't talk about it!" Wang Xie heard this and quickly interrupted the old housekeeper's temptation.

The two masters and servants have been together for decades. When he opens his mouth, Wang Xie knows what he wants to say.

There were just some things he could think but not say, so Wang Xie didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

The old housekeeper was also smart and stopped talking without saying a word.

"Then...then what should we do now?" The old housekeeper couldn't help but change the subject.

"Let the woman and children go first. I have some relationship with the Zhang family. Let them hide in that wall for a while." Wang Xie couldn't help but make a decision after hearing this.

"If there is no result in three to five days, I'm afraid Zhang Bi won't be able to hold on, so let them hide in the mountains and remain anonymous until the world is at peace."

Wang Xie's plan was very simple. If Donglu was just passing by, he would naturally stay away from the limelight.

If Donglu really gains power, the people behind it probably won't be able to protect their Wang family, and they will naturally have no choice but to go into the mountains with their hair loose.

"Understood, I'll make arrangements right away!" The old housekeeper nodded after hearing this and went to pick out the "seeds".

Seeing that the old housekeeper left and there was no one in the room, Wang Xie couldn't help but sigh and murmured to himself: "His Royal Highness King Shun, whether you have destiny or not will depend on the time you spend in these two days."

Wang Xie sighed for a moment, then pushed the door open and walked out.

Looking at the door, I saw smoke outside. It turned out that it was the smoke caused by setting fire to the yard in order to prevent the Hou Jin soldiers from attacking.

"Wang An, Wang An, where is Wang An?" Wang Xie couldn't help shouting.

"Master, I'm here, what's the matter?" After hearing this, the boy beside Wang Xie quickly passed the message to Wang An, who ran over not long after, as expected.

"How long can we resist?" Wang Xie asked seriously.

"Still... there should be no problem before dark!" That Wang An is the bodyguard of the Wang family, and is currently commanding the bodyguards and Ding Zhuang to guard the manor with blunderbuss, flanges and various magic machine guns.

"That's it!" Wang Xie gritted his teeth and couldn't help but ordered, "I guess there won't be much firewood left for the fire."

"In a moment, you send more than ten people to pile firewood and oil outside the granary, and then move dozens of bags of grain to burn."

"When it's time to burn, tell the Tatars on the other side. Just say what I said, everything can be discussed. Otherwise, if we are really pushed into a hurry, we will give him a life-and-death blow!"

"I will burn this Wang's manor and all the grain, tea, silk and other items on fire so that they can't leave anything behind!"

"Master... you... aren't you afraid that he will jump over the wall in a hurry?" Wang An was frightened when he heard this, and couldn't help but remind him quickly.

"It's already reached this point. I can't hold on to the family fortune passed down by my ancestors. What am I still doing?" Wang Xie couldn't help but sneered when he heard this.

"If I die, I will die here; even if the Wang family's property is burned down, we cannot let others take over it!"

"Yes... I'll do it right away!" Wang An was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't help but leave.

Wang Xie arranged everything properly, and then climbed up to the tallest building in the courtyard step by step with heavy steps.

He stood on the top floor and looked out, only to see fireworks rising into the sky in the courtyard. The burning Hou Jinbing wrapped himself in a wet quilt several times and tried to break in, but he was all burned out.

As a last resort, we had to bring water from a distance to try to put out the fire.

It's just that the fire in the yard is very strong, and it's just a drop in the bucket. How can I put out the fire in a short while?

"It's well burned, it's well burned!" Wang Xie couldn't help shouting twice before looking southward from a distance.

King Shun, King Shun, you want to conquer the world, can't you even deal with these Donglu soldiers?

Yes, after deliberation from last night to today, night after night, Wang Xie had actually made up his mind. If the rebel army could help him fight off the Jin soldiers, he would donate his share of the "people behind it" to the rebel army.

Nowadays, the situation in the world is changing, who can be immune to it?

Originally, Wang Xie planned to sit back and watch the success or failure before deciding whether to find a new backer.

However, now the situation is stronger than the people. The Fan family colluded with Donglu to take action first. If the Wang family cannot find a new backer, they may be wiped out.

After comprehensively comparing the pros and cons of the three companies, Wang Xie discovered that the Rebel Army was the best candidate in his mind.

One story is that King Shun was known for his benevolence and righteousness, and he cherished feathers, so he would not eat his own family alive.

Second, the Wang family's caravan passed by Henan and had a feel for the atmosphere under the rebel rule.

Of course, the most important thing is that the rebels have taken control of Shanxi, and there is a high probability that they will help Wang get rid of his original "owner" in the future.

In this way, an increase and a decrease are just a "new master" for the Wang family and will not cause new losses.

But the only problem at present is, can the generals under King Shun understand the "words" passed by King Jiexiu?

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