Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1349 Double Victory

"Prince, Prince, it's not good, it's not good, Jiexiu City is lost!"

"What?" Azige, the "Prince of Yingwu Commandery of the Qing Dynasty" who was immersed in a sweet dream, jumped up when he heard this, breaking into a cold sweat.

"Didn't I, the king, keep Efu Yanguli, Mandarhan and other four to five thousand people behind? How could I lose Jiexiu City?"

"Hey, who knows this? Now the city is blazing with flames and the sound of killings is everywhere. Some troops have already fled, claiming that 'the barbarians are cruel and kill everyone on sight.' Our defenders have been killed in great numbers. !” The visitor quickly reported the news.

"Nonsense, nonsense, not to mention that Yangu Li has four or five thousand soldiers under his command. Even four or five thousand pigs cannot be killed so fast!" Azige couldn't help but said angrily after hearing this.

"..." Zuo Zuo didn't dare to say anything when he heard this. He just kowtowed, but begged not to be angered by Azig.

"No, reorganize the troops immediately. I want to go back to the city to check!" Needless to say, Azig knew that this matter could not continue like this, and he had to take action.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, the 'Shun Thief's' camp suddenly became brightly lit with fire, and people were shouting and neighing. It was very lively. I don't know what they are going to do!" At this moment, another person suddenly broke in and came in to report.

"What's wrong, it seems that I fell into this thief's trick!" When Azig heard this, he couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

"First use the main force to attract my attention, and then make a surprise attack on Jiexiu City. What a good method!"

"Let's go, gather our troops and get out of here immediately!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. You looked at me, I looked at you, and they looked at each other for a while.

It turned out that everyone felt that although the war broke out in the city, victory or defeat was still between two sides.

In this case, why not defend with the camp while sending a team of troops to help Yangguli stabilize the situation in Jiexiu City?

It's just that everyone didn't expect Azig to know about his own affairs. He knew that the Hou Jin soldiers were coming all the way, and they were already at the end of their efforts.

Nowadays, the southern attack on Lingshi cannot be stopped, and the main force of the "Shun Thieves" in the western battle is invincible. It is already a great danger. Now, something has happened in Jiexiu City. If you are not careful, the whole army will be wiped out.

After thinking about it, Azig felt uneasy and suddenly thought of retreating.

"What, why don't you go quickly!" Azig couldn't help but yelled when he saw that the generals were silent.

While the Hou Jin soldiers were busy packing their things in the camp, a cavalry suddenly galloped outside, beating gongs and drums, and loudly shouted: "Yanguli is dead, why don't you surrender early!"

It only made people panic and run around.

It didn't matter if he was running around or not. The originally solemn camp started to become chaotic. As soon as the camp was in chaos, someone began to make a noise: "Oh no, Jiexiu City is gone, Jiexiu City is gone!"

Not to mention that Jiexiu City is just a county town. It is not only the main camp of the Hou Jin soldiers, but also the clothes and plundered belongings of these Hou Jin soldiers are stored inside and outside.

If Jiexiu City is gone, all these will naturally be gone too, so they can't help but be in a hurry.

Just when they were restless, they heard a cannon fire, and the rebels took the opportunity to come in.

For a time, the sounds of fighting, crying, and noises became chaotic, and a big defeat was about to appear in front of them.

At the same time, the Ehuang Yangguli and Mandarhan people in Jiexiu City were also supporting them with all their strength, resisting the attack of the rebels led by Dang Shousu.

"Set fire, keep setting fire!" Yang Guli shouted loudly, imitating the old wisdom of using fire to guard the Wang family compound, trying to delay some more time.

"Sir, this can't go on like this, think of a solution!" Mandarhan finally enjoyed the despair of the Wang family last night and couldn't help shouting.

"What way? What way!" Yangguli sneered when he heard this, "The county king is stationed more than ten miles outside the city. As long as he sees the fire in the city, he will definitely come to save him. What are you afraid of?"

"Huh? That's right!" Mandarhan slapped his thigh and quickly found a tall building excitedly, climbed up to check the movement of the "reinforcements".

But it didn't matter. He saw a fire in the distance in the direction of Houjin Camp, and didn't know what was going on.

Mandarhan felt as if someone had poured cold water on his head. He couldn't help but shiver. He quickly ran down the tall building, pulled Yangguli and said: "Sister-in-law, brother-in-law, something is not right. Outside the city... the camp outside the city There was a fire, I was afraid...I was afraid that I would be defeated..."

"What?" Yangguli's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. He quickly pushed Mandarhan away and climbed up to the tall building to look in the direction of the Fen River. He felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

In the middle of the night, it stands to reason that you can't see anything from a distance of more than ten miles.

But that piece of fire is like the dazzling sun. How can you not let Yanguli see it so clearly?

"Go, go quickly, we can't stay here any longer!" Yangu Li made a quick decision and quickly ordered.

"But...but where are we going?" Mandarhan couldn't help but said with a sad face.

"The Lingshi cannot be struck in the south, the Fen River cannot be crossed in the west, and the mountains in the east are not conducive to cavalry galloping. For the current plan, the only way is to go to the north!" Yang Guli looked up to the sky and sighed, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Okay, go north, go north!" At the same time that Yanguli, Mandarhan and others decided to flee north, Azig also made the same choice.

This matter is funny to say. The Yangguli people who had been struggling to support used fire instead of defending, but instead caused chaos among the main forces of the Azig tribe.

The chaos in Azig's camp in turn prompted Yanguli and others to decide to abandon the city and flee.

Under such a strange combination of circumstances, the battle that was barely a breath of air suddenly turned into a one-sided rout.

"Kill, kill!" Zhang Sanbai yelled in a hoarse voice, while personally leading people back and forth to kill.

"Zhang Shuai, Zhang Shuai, Donglu can't resist anymore, don't charge so far forward!" Guan Fumin was shocked when he saw Zhang Sanbai leading the charge.

After a battle during the day, the rebels had already realized that their opponents had very good tactical qualities. Reuniting after defeat was a routine operation of Donglu soldiers.

If at the critical moment, someone backfires and the commander-in-chief is lost, things will be ruined.

"Okay, I will now appoint you as the deputy commander. I will lead you and Zhang Rukui's two battalions, and bite him hard and won't let go!" Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but said viciously.

Zhang Sanbai, who grew up in the marketplace, naturally doesn't know what is enough.

In his mind, there are only two concepts: beating up the drowned dog and not sparing others when they are in power.

"Okay, I will definitely live up to Zhang Shuai's great trust!" Guan Fumin took a deep look at Zhang Sanbai and bowed seriously.

Pursuing defeated troops is commonly known as "picking up leaks".

Regardless of the seriousness that Guan Fumin just said, compared to the two armies fighting in formation, beating up a drowned dog is a good thing that can be picked up at a ready price anyway.

Under normal circumstances, if you are not a close confidant of the general, you will never get such a good job!

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