"Master, Pingyao County is ahead!"

"Okay, let's go into the city to repair for a while, and then defend the city!"

"Master, the 'shun thieves' have entered the city..."

"Straight bitch, how could you be born so fast! Let's go, let's go, let's go immediately!"

"Master, there are 'thieves' stationed at Pu Tong Pass ahead!"

"No matter what, the killer will pass, otherwise none of us will be able to leave!"

"Ah, Master, the 'Shun Thief' is coming from behind again. Let's go! Let's go!"

"Master, our soldiers are tired after traveling all the way. Qi County City is ahead of us. Do you want to go into the city to rest?"

"No, the 'thief' is chasing me very urgently, so we can't stop!"

Stopping and going, Azig, the originally high-spirited prince of Yingwu County, "panicked like a bereaved dog and as anxious as a fish that has slipped through the net." Along the way, he fought and fled, fled and fought, and walked for more than a hundred miles before entering. Within Taigu.

Since the rebels had more infantry and Houjin had more cavalry, Guan Fumin and Zhang Rukui pursued them for more than a hundred miles, but finally failed to catch up. This gave Azig and his men a chance to breathe.

At this moment, Fu Yangguli rode his horse forward and said: "Your Majesty, since our army entered the pass, we have been fighting every day and marching at high speed. Now many horses have died and the soldiers are exhausted. The survival of this sincerity is in danger." Autumn!"

"Now that we have been in the territory of the 'Shun Thief' for more than a month, he can't have a moment of peace because of the disturbance. I believe His Majesty must have made arrangements based on this."

"In my opinion, survival is our top priority now."

Isn’t this nonsense? Now you can’t fight or get away. What do you mean?

Azig looked Yangu Li up and down, then suddenly smiled and said, "By the way, what you said makes sense, but I don't know what the plan is going to be?"

When Yang Guli heard this, he was not upset at all. Instead, he said seriously: "Now that the 'shun thieves' are asking for me, we are in a hurry. Why don't we divide our troops into two groups?"

"Oh? Which two ways?"

"Go all the way east to Yuci and Shouyang, enter Pingding Prefecture and exit Guguan; go all the way south, cross Maling Pass and enter Yushe, then go to Liaozhou and exit Huangyu Pass." Yang Guli said solemnly.

"Oh? By the way, you are quite familiar with this path, aren't you?" Azige glanced sideways at him and said with a smile.

"Well, it all depends on brother Fan Fan's guidance." Yangguli suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when he heard Azig's words.

What do you mean?

Fan Yongdou originally came over and wanted to cry to Azig and see if he could send some people to find his wife and daughter. However, when he saw this scene, he shuddered and quickly greeted Azig. I didn't dare to say anything.

"Oh? How about this!" Azig pondered for a moment and couldn't help but ordered, "Then Efu will lead his men to Liaozhou, and I will go to Pingdingzhou. What should I do?"

"Okay, that's very good!" Na Yanguli remained calm when he heard the words. He just teased Fan Yongdou secretly and agreed quickly.

"Prince. What do you mean, Prince?" After finally walking far away, Fan Yongdou was still thinking about his wife and children, so he couldn't help but ask quickly.

"The prince suspects there is a traitor," Yang Guli couldn't help but responded in a low voice when he saw that there was no one in front of him.


"You and me!"

"Ah?" Fan Yongdou was suddenly too frightened to say anything.

It turns out that Azig has suffered setbacks along the way, and was always taken advantage of by "successful thieves". After thinking about it, it only makes sense if a traitor has tipped him off.

However, only he and Yangu Li knew about the military decision to go south this time.

Of course it is impossible for you to be the mole, so when you eliminate all possibilities, no matter how incredible the result is, there is only one truth.

That is "Fu Yanguli is a traitor"!

Of course, this sounds a bit unbelievable, but there are many unbelievable things in the world.

Do you believe that Liu Aita, the brother-in-law who took the initiative to join the old slave and made many military exploits, would turn over the money and betray him?

Can you believe that Ilgunjuro Ahsan, one of the sixteen ministers, actually surrendered on the battlefield?

These things kept stimulating Azig's nerves, making him unable to help but think of more details.

Yang Guli is far away in Liaodong, so how can he have the opportunity to contact the "shun thieves"?

After much thought, it must have been the unscrupulous businessman Fan Yongdou who acted as a double agent.

Of course, all this is just Azig's own imagination. He has no evidence in his hand now, and he doesn't dare to fall out with Yanguli on the spot.

Otherwise, not only will there be a large number of coated slaves who "do not know the truth" to help him fight against himself, but "Your Majesty" will not be able to spare himself if he turns around.

With no other choice, Azig could only use Yangu Li's "division of troops" strategy to "kick him away" to prevent the "successful thieves" from grasping his movements again.

"Master, shall we go to pacify it?" After Yang Guli and Fan Yongdou left, they couldn't help but ask.

"Go to pacify. What are you going to do in pacification? Are you going to throw yourself into a trap?" Azig heard this and sneered, "Let's go to Taiyuan and look for Rao Yubeile Abatai!"

Due to information transmission problems, Azig did not know that Abate had already been defeated and died.

"Ah? Master Baylor should have left long ago, right?" Zuo Zuo couldn't help but hesitate after hearing this.

Who said in the first place that they could retreat on their own after letting people guard the camp for three days?

Three hundred miles from Taiyuan to Jiexiu, another two hundred miles from Jiexiu to Taigu, and two days of delay in Jiexiu City. A total of six or seven days passed before and after, and now the day lilies are cold.

"..." Azige couldn't help but feel regretful after hearing this, and thought to himself: If I had known this, I should have let Abatai and Wanyan Yechen stay for a few more days.

In desperation, Azig had no choice but to order: "Never mind, go to Yuci first, and then we'll make further calculations!"

Following Azig's order, the Hou Jin soldiers divided into two groups, marching all the way south across Malingguan into Yushe County, and all the way east into Yuci County.

Not to mention how Yangu Li and Fan Yongdou acted, but not long after Na Azig and others entered Yuci County, they found rebel scouts wandering nearby.

Azige couldn't help being surprised and quickly ordered: "Hurry, rush to Shouyang to avoid being taken advantage of by thieves."

It is about a hundred miles from the Taigu border to Yuci County.

Azige and others traveled all night and did not arrive until late at night.

Everyone wanted to go into the city to rest. Azig looked at the Xiaohe River outside Yuci City and finally shook his head and refused:

"Now the thieves are in a hurry to pursue us, and this city is on the other side of the river. If we can't attack it for a while, it will delay our journey."

"Why don't we just go east and wait until we cross the Tu River before we worry about it!"

The Xiaohe River is a tributary of the Fenhe River, and the Tuhe River is a tributary of the Xiaohe River.

The Xiaohe River once ran east-west, just covering the Yuci County town to the north of the Xiaohe River.

The Tuhe River once ran north-south, blocking the eastward advance of the Jin soldiers.

The Tu River does not have as much water as the Xiao River. Azig sent his soldiers to search for a long time and found a ford where they could cross the river on horseback.

"Ajige, where are we going!" Everyone had just crossed halfway when they heard a cannon fire and a group of men and horses suddenly came out from behind.

Azige, the king of Yingwu County, turned around and saw a group of cavalry charging towards him.

He couldn't help being frightened, and while commanding his soldiers to resist, he quickly rode his horse across the river in a panic.

It turns out that Yuci County is located in the middle of the Taiyuan Basin and has always been known as the South Gate of Taiyuan.

Since Sun Chuanting was entrusted with the important task by Zhang Shun, he has abided by his duties and fought cautiously. He sent Zhang Dasheng's cavalry to patrol everywhere to avoid mistakes.

Fortunately, the Azige tribe returned here, and the scouts of Zhang Damou's tribe figured it out, and then they came over to kill them.

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