Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1351 Soul-breaking Kill Xiong Ling

"Let's go, go quickly!"

How did Azige know that the person coming was Zhang Damou under Sun Chuanting's command, or that it was Guan Fumin, Zhang Rukui and others who came to kill him again.

His liver and gallbladder were already broken, and he was as panic-stricken as a lost dog. He ignored the soldiers who stayed on the other side of the Tu River and fled eastward on horseback.

When Zhang Damou saw that the Jin soldiers were exhausted and defeated, he immediately rushed forward and beat the drowned dog.

"Zhi Niang, fight with them!" There were brave men who saw that they could not walk. They couldn't help but become angry and turned their horses to face the rebel cavalry.

The distance between the two sides reached more than ten steps, and then the Jin soldiers took their cavalry bows, nocked heavy arrows, and shot at the rebel cavalry's front door.

Then, at this critical moment, the golden cavalryman had just pulled the bow halfway, and felt his arm soften, and the heavy arrow flew out with a "pop", and he didn't know where it went.

Some Houjin cavalrymen held long spears and charged towards the rebel cavalry as if they were dead.

However, the cavalryman had just sprinted halfway when he felt the horse's hoofs soften, and he was thrown out with a "pop", and then he was submerged under the rolling horseshoes of the rebels.

It's pitiful how many of Hou Jin's good horses and warriors had no ability, but they couldn't move with their horses, and they couldn't use their strength. They were hacked to death with swords and guns in vain.

Zhang Da was slashed left and right, and he didn't know how many people he killed for a while. It wasn't until he was weak that he stood on his horse and took a look.

I saw that on the south bank of the Tu River, there were corpses all over the field, and blood flowed into the river, but the Tu River stopped flowing.

"General Zhang, do you want to chase after me?" While the soldiers under Zhang Dasheng were busy cutting off their heads, some people had already looked at Azige and others who were running away in embarrassment, and they couldn't help but be greedy.

"No need, I'm afraid the road ahead will be even more difficult!" Zhang Damou looked at the tired men and horses, shook his head and sneered.

It is said that Azig managed to escape with his life. When dawn came, he saw that there were a lot fewer soldiers under his command. He quickly asked Mandarhan to count the number of people, and it turned out that there were only four to five thousand people.

When Azige heard this, he felt a burst of sadness in his heart.

When he broke through the pass and went south, he had 30,000 elite soldiers under his command, but only the Ming army was able to retreat into the city and fortress. How high-spirited it was.

As a result, in the battle of Taiyuan, 10,000 people were left in the camp outside Taiyuan City. Two to three thousand people were lost in the fierce battle and the breakout. The remaining 16,700 people were taken to Jiexiu by him.

Unexpectedly, they were defeated in one battle. In addition to the 4,000 men and horses that Yangguli took away, seven or eight thousand men were lost and fled along the way. Isn't it sad!

"It hurts me, it hurts me!" Azige couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh, with tears streaming down his face.

"Who is making such a noise here? Do you think that a certain family's sword is not good for you?" I never thought that Azig's long sigh was nothing, but it alarmed one person.

This person is none other than Cao Wenzhao, "the best general of the Ming Dynasty".

It is said that Cao Wenzhao was ordered to lead three battalions of Cao Dingjiao and Wang Chengen to Lu'an Mansion to help Li Xin.

After capturing Lu'an Prefecture, beheading Yang Wenyue, the governor of Shanxi, and Wang Zhaosheng, the deputy military envoy of southern Hebei Province, he was transferred to Pingding Prefecture by Zhang Shun.

At first, two battalions of Cao Wenzhao and his nephew Cao Dingjiao were stationed in Pingding Prefecture. On the one hand, they were to defeat the Ming army guarding Yu County, and on the other hand, they were to assist the Guguan in Pingding Prefecture.

Who would have thought that while people were sitting at home, bread would come from heaven!

Cao Wenzhao, who was still quite resentful at first, suddenly discovered that there were Tatars coming from the west to the east. He personally led his troops and saw that they were a group of defeated Houjin soldiers, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

It's a pity that Azig didn't hear Zhang Damou's words, "The road ahead is even more difficult." Otherwise, he would have understood why Zhang Damou said that.

"You... don't come over!" Azig was a little confused. How come there were "submissive" people everywhere he went?

Could it be that the thief Yang Guli, his brother-in-law, betrayed him?

It's no wonder that Azig was suspicious. In order to prevent being ambushed, he originally planned to leave the east and go north after entering Shouyang, avoiding the dangerous Pingding Prefecture to avoid being ambushed by thieves.

But he never expected that before Pingding Prefecture arrived, two groups of people would come out.

"Let's go north!" Azig turned his head and looked at the beggar-like, tired and hungry Houjin elite behind him. He didn't have the courage to fight, so he couldn't help but pat his horse and leave.

"Let's go? Where to go!" As soon as Cao Wenzhao saw Azige's movement, he didn't know that he was trying to escape, so he quickly rode up to kill him.

When it comes to fighting in battle, although Cao Wenzhao is known as a good general, he may not be as good as other Ming army generals.

But when it comes to chasing down and exterminating enemies, Cao Wenzhao dared to be ranked second. In the late Ming Dynasty, there were really not many generals who dared to be ranked first.

When the Shaanxi rebels rose up, he was killed by him from Shaanxi to Shanxi. He killed the rebels so hard that they had no way to go to the sky or the ground. If Zhang Shun hadn't come out of nowhere, he doesn't know how much they would have suffered.

Now after following the rebels for these years, Zhang Shun did not dare to use it because of his own status and prestige, which was much bleak compared to other generals.

I finally got this opportunity, how could I hold it back?

He only killed the generals all the way, and the latter's Jin soldiers were so angry that their livers and gallbladders were split apart, and they cried like ghosts and howled like wolves.

"Master, this barbarian is so cruel, where should we go?" The man next to Azig was so frightened that he was shouting to leave.

"Go... to the west!" Azig had been fleeing north for a long time. When he saw the sky turning dark, he couldn't help but hatch a plan.

The "shun thief" is so ferocious and cannot be resisted. Now he is sure that I will go east to Yuxian County and out of the Taihang Mountains.

Today I went against the grain and headed west to avoid this thief before I made any further calculations.

Thinking of this, Azig sent a group of suspected soldiers to make the illusion of fleeing eastward, and generally led the main force westward.

Let's say that it took less than half an hour for Azige to divide his troops, and Cao Wenzhao arrived with his soldiers.

He carefully observed the traces for a long time and couldn't help but sneered: "What a Tatar, he still has some skills."

"If I hadn't been good at chasing, I would have been blinded by him!"

"Even though the footprints on the east side are messy, the west side actually has the most horse hoof prints."

"The Tartars have been raising armies all the year round, and their horses are their lifeblood. How can they abandon their horses and retreat?"

"We just need to chase west, and we will definitely be able to capture them in a fight."

Then Cao Wenzhao led his men and horses to pursue them westward.

As he went westward, there were more and more footprints and horse hoof prints, and Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but feel reassured.

After chasing like this for another hour, Cao Wenzhao looked up and saw a huge mountain lying in front of him, blocking the sky and the sun and making it impossible to climb over.

Why, could it be that I made a mistake?

Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but be stunned. When he was in doubt, unexpectedly, a soldier with sharp eyes could not help but stretched out his hand and said: "General, look!"

Cao Wenzhao looked in the direction of the soldier's finger and saw a group of Tatars who had been noisy and had already formed a neat formation and were standing at the foot of the mountain.

It turned out that Azig didn't know geography and had no guide, so he fled westward and reached a dead end. In desperation, he had no choice but to form an formation on his back and fight to the death.

"Okay, what a military formation. It is my duty today, Cao Wenzhao, to make a meritorious service. It seems that I have hit a big fish!" Cao Wenzhao took a closer look and couldn't help but said with great joy.


It turns out that although the Azig tribe lost their armor and fled for hundreds of miles, they were still elites of Houjin.

Although these people are now weak in arms and legs and their horses are prone to death, they can still be captured easily by forming a military formation.

When Cao Wenzhao saw the posture on the other side, he naturally knew that the post-Jin general would have a high official position.

"General, are you coming in?" Seeing this, Zuo Zuo couldn't help but ask.

"Up? Don't be in a hurry!" Cao Wenzhao sneered, "There are still a few more artillery pieces to follow, let me pull them all over!"

"And... there is also a 'golden cannon'!" Although the "Flying Iron Cannon" of the rebels was very maneuverable, Cao Wenzhao was able to pull down the cannon by a lot as he climbed over mountains and ridges.

"Okay, yes... just one of them will do it. Give me a hard blast first!" Cao Wenzhao sneered and ordered while setting up the formation.

"Boom!" Only a cannon shot was heard, and the originally uniform Houjin Army Formation began to waver.

Artillery, artillery again! Azig felt like he was going crazy.

How come the "Shun Bandits" are still able to drag the Hongyi Cannon over in this rugged ravine?

Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, when the artillery was fired here, the mentality of Azige, the king of Yingwu County, suddenly collapsed, and the mentality of the elite Hou Jin also collapsed.

It only took Cao Wenzhao half an hour to defeat Hou Jin's army and charge towards Azige.

"King, let's go, king, let's go!" Mandarhan saw Cao Wenzhao's personal servants rushing towards him. He quickly patted Azig's mount and sent him away, while facing Cao Wenzhao.

It's just that this Mandarhan is a vigorous and vigorous opponent of Cao Wenzhao. The two sides fought hard, and he was picked down by Cao Wenzhao with one shot. Then he rode away and continued to chase Azig.

This Azige white horse and golden helmet is so conspicuous. How can you escape?

The two sides chased each other and ran for several miles. Suddenly, their horse stumbled and fell to the ground with a somersault. He could not get up after falling for a long time.

Azig finally got up and took a look, only to see that the white horse he was sitting on had already been frothing at the mouth and fell dead by the roadside.

Azig looked to his left and right again, but there was no one around.

It turned out that because the mounts on his left and right were not as handsome as him, they were unable to follow him in time.

Azig was about to leave when the sound of horse hooves chasing him from behind sounded again.

He couldn't help but abandon the dead horse and ran towards the woods.

But he had just run halfway, but there was a stone blocking him.

Azig looked up and saw that the stone turned out to be a tombstone, which read: General Wanyan Huonu of the Jin Kingdom killed Song General Zhongshi and was caught here!

"Hahaha!" Azig was stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing wildly.

"The former Jin Dynasty killed Song generals here, and the later Jin Dynasty was killed by thieves here. Is it true time? Fate?"

After saying this, he actually took off the golden helmet on his head and bumped it against the stone monument. His brains burst out and he died!

Who would have thought that Prince Azige of the Later Jin Dynasty, who had killed the famous general Zhao Lijiao and conquered Pidao, and had made many military exploits in history, conquered Datong, and caused the massacre of Datong, would just be lost in front of the tomb of General Zhong Shizhong of the Song Dynasty. .

Note: Historically, Zhong Shizhong died in the battle at Shaxiong Ridge, but the author did not find the location of his tombstone, so this is a fabrication by the author!

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